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Ni Yuefeng

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Member of the 20th Central Committee, Secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress
Ni Yuefeng, male, Han nationality, born in September 1964, Anhui Yuexi He started working in June 1987 and joined the Communist Party of China in March 1985. He graduated from the Department of Automation of Tsinghua University with a master's degree and a doctor's degree in engineering. [7] [19]
He is currently a member of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress. [4] [6]
Chinese name
Ni Yuefeng
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Native place
Yuexi, Anhui
date of birth
September 1964
University one is graduated from
Tsinghua University
Political outlook
CPC member



In September 1980 Hefei Polytechnic University I majored in industrial automation in the Department of Electrical Engineering and obtained bachelor's and master's degrees;
June 1987, teacher of Hefei University of Technology;
In September 1990 Tsinghua University He majored in system engineering in the Department of Automation and obtained a doctor's degree;
In July 1993, he served as the assistant director of Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the deputy director of Qingdao Municipal Planning Commission; [7]
In December 1997, he served as Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department of the SOA; [7]
In July 1998, he served as Director of the Science and Technology Department and Director of the Marine Environment Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration; [1]
In August 2000, he served as Deputy Director of the State Oceanic Administration and a member of the Party Leadership Group;
In March 2003, he served as a member of the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee of the National People's Congress;
In August 2003, he served as a member and assistant to the chairman of the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee of the National People's Congress;
In February 2008, he served as the vice chairman (vice minister level) of the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee of the National People's Congress;
February 2011, Vice Governor and member of the Party Leadership Group of Fujian Provincial People's Government;
June 2013, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Fujian Province;
August 2016, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Fujian Province, and secretary of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee;
In October 2016, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee; [5]
In November 2016, he served as Deputy Secretary of Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee;
In May 2017, he served as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the General Administration of Customs (at the ministerial level);
June 2017, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs;
March 2018, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the General Administration of Customs;
In October 2018, served as Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of Customs; [9-11]
April 2022, Secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee; [1-2] [6]
January 2023, Secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress [16]


Representatives to the 19th and 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China [13] , alternate member of the 18th Central Committee [3] Member of the 19th and 20th Central Committee [4] [14] Member of the Standing Committee of the Tenth and Eleventh National People's Congress [8] , a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, [17-18] Delegates to the 13th and 14th People's Congress of Hebei Province [12] [15]