Credit loan

Loan type
zero Useful+1
Credit loan refers to the loan issued with the borrower's reputation, and the borrower does not need to provide guarantee. Its characteristic is that the debtor does not need to provide Collateral Or the third party guarantees that the loan can be obtained only by its own reputation, and the borrower's credit degree is taken as the repayment guarantee. This kind of credit loan is Bank of China The main way of lending for a long time. [1]
Chinese name
Credit loan
Credit lending, unsecured
Correlation rule
General rules for loans

weather phenomenon

Due to the high risk of credit loans, it is generally necessary to economic performance , business management level, development prospects, etc., to reduce risks.
Credit loan business is mainly handled through banks, loan companies and electronic financial institutions.
Domestic banks with credit loan products include China Merchants Bank , Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank Ping An Bank Bank of Ningbo Etc.
Credit loan( Credit borrowings )It is booming in China. Although it is not a long time, all parties actively launched products to compete for the market. The credit loan of the loan company is about RMB 20000-300000, and the interest rate is 1.5% - 3%. Some of the loan companies are commonly known as Usury Such products are characterized by high speed and flexible quota, but the cost is hidden in Service Charge In terms of charging items, the actual Loan cost Much higher than External publicity Interest rate.
Guarantee company The credit loan of is guaranteed by the guarantee company Bank loans The mode of providing credit loans to customers. Generally, the maximum amount can reach 300000 yuan, and the expense mode is the interest of bank loans plus the guarantee fee of the guarantee company. Formal guarantee companies only charge a certain proportion of guarantee fees without interest, which is also a standard to distinguish whether a guarantee company is formal. P2P lending and wealth management platform, the amount is not too high, the speed is between the loan company and the bank, and the feature is that the loan procedures can be completed through the network Online banking or Alipay But the rate is uncertain.

General rules for loans

As per《 General rules for loans 》The credit loan refers to the loan that is not guaranteed and only issued according to the borrower's credit status. When granting credit loans, the lender must strictly review and evaluate the borrower to confirm that its credit is capable of repayment.
The original General Principles of Loans even stipulated that "strictly control credit loans and actively promote Secured loans ”。 Due to the high risk of credit loans, most financial institutions generally economic performance Operation management Level, development prospect, etc., to reduce risks. [2]

Loan application conditions

Credit loan
First, enterprise customers credit rating At least AA - (inclusive) or above, the provincial branches of state-owned commercial banks can issue credit loans after approval;
Second, operation Revenue accounting Total profit Continuous growth in the past three years, Asset liability ratio Control within 60% of the good value range, cash flow Sufficient and stable;
Third, the enterprise commitment is not effective Operating assets Set mortgage (pledge) to others or provide external guarantee, or obtain the consent of the lending bank before handling mortgage (pledge) and providing external guarantee;
Fourth, enterprises Operation management Specification, none Evading debts Bad credit records such as interest arrears.

Scope of application

through Administration for Industry and Commerce Approved and registered enterprise (public) legal person Other economic organizations Individual businesses , and comply with《 General rules for loans 》And bank regulations.

Loan project

China Development Bank is owned by the government Development financial institutions , belonging to the country Policy banks Its loans are mainly invested in infrastructure basic industry pillar industry and High tech industry And other major projects. As early as 2000 China Development Bank A loan of 175 million yuan was granted to our city for Jingsha Avenue And the ancient city drainage system Construction. In 2003, the National Development Bank accelerated its efforts to support the city's industrial development Industrial New Area and Urban infrastructure construction And agreed to provide another 1.5 billion yuan loan to our city. The nature of the loan is government credit loan.
Government Credit Loans and Traditional Commercial loans There are essential differences. Government credit loans do not need to Project Bank by bank Business review Instead of providing specific material guarantees, local governments are regarded as a special class of customers for credit evaluation, which includes credit rating and credit Development degree Evaluation Risk limit And the government Credit line development bank Loans and Commercial bank loans In contrast, the loan term is long, the government can arrange funds in a long time, the repayment pressure is low, and the debt review and enterprise guarantee are exempted, Loan procedures than commercial bank Simplify loan procedures.

Handling process

Step 1: Submit the application
Step 2: Bank approval
Step 3: withdrawal consumption

Credit currency

RMB And foreign currency. Loan Term Mainly based on the borrower's production cycle , repayment capacity Project evaluation Situation and Lender's Financial strength And so on, which shall be determined by both parties through negotiation.
lending rate according to People's Bank of China The specified interest rate and its floating range shall be determined, and Loan contract As stated in.

Application materials

Basic information and qualification certificates of the borrower L/C (Card) certificate of authorization Etc;
Audited or approved by competent authorities in recent three years and the latest financial statements And reporting;
Resolution of the Board of Directors Relevant approval documents of the borrower's superior unit;
Project Proposal Feasibility study report And approval documents of competent departments;
Description of fund utilization plan and repayment source;
Business contracts related to the purpose of borrowing;
Other information required by the bank.

Loan information

1. Provide individuals ID Such as ID card.
2. Provide stable proof of address, house rental agreement , water, electricity, gas payment form, property management and other relevant certificates.
3. Provide stable proof of income source, bank statement, Labor contract Etc.
4、 Personal credit report , mainly used for various bank consumption Credit business along with Social credit system The continuous improvement of, Credit report Will be more widely used in various commercial credit sales Credit transaction And recruitment and job hunting. In addition, the personal credit report also provides the inquirer with a way to review and standardize his own credit history behavior, and forms Personal credit information Verification mechanism of.
5. Attachments can be property ownership certificate copy perhaps Driving license The approval limit can be increased by copies of.

Material Science

1. First of all, you must have a valid ID card, provide a household register and have a complete Capacity for civil conduct
2. He has a stable career and good income. If he receives his salary by bank transfer, he should also provide a running certificate of his salary card within half a year of the loan date;
3. The unmarried person shall submit the unmarried certificate, and the married person shall submit the relevant information of spouse and family members;
4. Own application Loan bank Fixed account,
The above four items are the most basic information. Because each person applies for different institutions, each financial institution will appeal several basic conditions, and also have some relatively specific terms that meet their own institutions. Depending on the different conditions of the institutions, friends with loan needs are also invited to learn about the specific institutions you choose, If the above conditions are met, fill in the required form and submit it to the lender you choose. The next time is waiting.
The fundamental difference between credit loan and mortgage loan is that the former is a lending behavior determined by your social credit and financial situation. The latter is a lending behavior that uses your inherent assets as collateral. The risk faced by credit loan banks is the greatest. Generally, credit loans can be passed by those who have a certain position and income in well-known companies.

Personal credit loan

1、 Applicant conditions
Having fixed residence and local place in China Urban permanent residence (or valid certificate), with Full capacity for civil conduct , and Chinese citizens who meet the following conditions can apply Personal credit loan
1. Have a legitimate occupation and a stable source of income (monthly wage income must be more than 1000 yuan), and have the ability to repay on schedule Loan principal and interest Ability;
2. The borrower's unit must be an administrative, enterprise or public institution recognized by the bank and with good cooperative relationship with the bank, and must be approved by the bank Pay on behalf
3. Abide by the law, no illegal activities And bad records;
4. On ICBC open Individual settlement account And agree the bank to deduct from its designated personal settlement account Loan principal and interest
5. Other conditions stipulated by the bank.
2、 Loan amount
Personal credit loan The starting point of the line is 2000 yuan, and the loan amount does not exceed the borrower's monthly average Wage income 6 times.
3、 Loan Term
The loan term of personal credit loan is less than 1 year (inclusive), and extension is generally not handled Force majeure If the loan cannot be repaid on schedule due to reasons, it can be extended once with the consent of the lender, and the cumulative loan term shall not exceed 1 year.
4、 Loan interest rate
The loan interest rate shall be calculated according to the loan interest rate for the same period stipulated by the People's Bank of China. In case of interest rate adjustment during the loan period, it shall be calculated according to the contract interest rate Segmental interest accrual If the loan term is less than 6 months, the interest shall be calculated at the six-month interest rate.
5、 Loan process
1. The borrower submits the following materials to the bank:
(1) Loan application approval form;
(2) I Valid ID And copies;
(3) Residence Proof of address Residence booklet Or receipts for rent, water, electricity, gas, etc. for the past three months);
(4) Occupation and Income certificate (Original and copy of work certificate; bank Pay on behalf passbook Etc.);
(6) Issued in ICBC Individual settlement account Voucher;
(7) Other information required by the bank.
2. After the application materials submitted by the borrower are approved by the bank, both parties sign Loan contract
3. The bank grants loans to the borrower by means of transfer.

Institutional arrangements

1. Credit Determination of loan objects.
Commercial Bank Law 》It is clearly stipulated that credit loans shall not be granted to related parties. Only when the enterprise meets certain conditions can it obtain the bank's loan on credit The issuance of credit loans must meet six conditions at the same time: (1) The total amount of loans must not exceed Owner's equity (2) Asset liability ratio Less than 50%; (3) The amount of goods paid to the bank reaches Loan turnover times More than 5 times, Average daily deposit Maintain more than 10% of the loan amount; (4) Net cash flow And operating cash flow are greater than zero; (5) No bad credit record; (6) Tax risk It is small.
two Determination of credit loan elements
(1) Determination of credit line. One is from Cash inflow To determine: the maximum balance shall not be greater than 20% of the annual loan amount. Second, it is determined from the value of the mortgaged real estate rights: the maximum balance is not more than 30% - 40% of the value of the mortgaged real estate rights. Third, from the enterprise Own funds The maximum balance ≤ Owner's equity 1. Liabilities.
(2) Credit Loan Term Determination of. Credit loans cannot be used Medium and long-term loans , only for Enterprise working capital The short-term supplement is generally within 6 months. In principle, no credit loans will be granted to customers who have newly established credit relationships.
(3) Determination of credit loan interest rate. According to the principle of matching risk and income, the interest rate of credit loan should be higher than that of mortgage or guarantee Guarantee mode The loan interest rate of. Generally Benchmark interest rate floating upward 20% - 30% master.
three Supporting arrangements for credit loans
(1) Grasp the purpose of credit loan. The main purpose of issuing credit loans is to consolidate existing excellent customers and develop potential excellent customers, so it is necessary to Credit environment , loan management level, degree of competition adaptive capacity of an enterprise Select a group of excellent customers to issue credit loans and strengthen the relationship between excellent customers and banks Adhesive force , promote Credit structure Adjustment and optimization.
(2) Strengthening Loan risk Early warning mechanism Credit loan pair Post loan management It puts forward higher requirements that a post loan management mode suitable for credit lending should be innovated on the basis of traditional loan management. Adhere to quarterly inspection and investigation and pay close attention to Risk point , such as Industry risk Managing risk business risk At the same time, grasp the cash flow To control risks.
(3) Strictly authorize credit loans. To grant credit loans, we should treat them differently, adjust measures to local conditions, have a good regional credit environment, strict credit management Account Manager High quality, strong business ability Credit asset quality Excellent branch offices and customer managers are granted certain authority. Establish risk at the same time Accountability system And strengthen constraints.
(4) Obtain support from government departments. It is suggested that the relevant government departments should further strengthen the construction of social credit, continue to resolutely crack down on evading bank debts and maliciously defaulting on bank principal and interest, and at the same time give certain credit loans to key key enterprises designated by the local government Risk compensation To mobilize the enthusiasm of banks to issue credit loans and effectively solve the problem of SMEs' access to bank loans A difficult question.
4、 Related
Credit loan becomes a new type financing channel It is expanding rapidly.

personal credit

As the name implies, credit loan is a loan granted based on the personal reputation of the loan applicant, and reputation is its best guarantee. This form of loan is favored by many young people because they do not need mortgage and guarantee. Because they often do not have much savings, credit loans have become their first choice.
Personal credit loan In addition to the need for good personal reputation, what are the characteristics?
1、 Credit impact lending rate
As people talk to individuals credit With the improvement of cognition, banks are more and more willing to handle credit loans for customers, because the better the quality of personal reputation, the less the risk of bank lending. Therefore, many commercial banks follow closely Standard Chartered Bank Citibank Later, it also launched its own credit loan products. Cumulative data display , no matter how the other conditions for applying to different banks change. personal credit It is also the main factor affecting the loan interest rate, that is, banks are more willing to lend to customers with good personal reputation at a lower interest rate.
2、 Credit affects loan limit
In addition to the loan interest rate, the borrower is most concerned about the loan amount applied for. The maximum amount of credit loans is generally 500000 yuan, and the minimum amount is about 8000 yuan. Generally speaking, the maximum loan amount of credit loan products with low total interest is also relatively low. And good individuals Credit rating It will also allow banks to relax certain loan lines.
III loan term Length varies
In terms of loan duration, personal credit loans are basically Short term borrowings The loan applicant can apply for repayment terms ranging from 6 months to 60 months, which can meet the consumption and repayment needs of different people, Loan Term The length of time will affect the monthly repayment amount of the borrower. The longer the time, the Monthly payment The less, the less pressure. The loan applicant can choose the repayment period suitable for himself according to his actual situation.

Loan mode

Some banks have payroll card loans. That is, your salary is paid to the salary card through the bank, and you can apply for an individual in the bank Unsecured loan
The bank statement loan does not require the bank statement of the designated bank, which can be provided by any bank. It is mainly required that the bank flow meet a certain period and the monthly income meet a certain amount.
You have a house loan, and you pay it on time every month. You can also provide the flow of the house loan contract and the house loan repayment account in some banks and Loan company apply Unsecured loan
Some unsecured loans require not only bank statement, but also insurance guarantee.
Group Lending
joint guarantee Loans are not required Collateral However, members of the joint guarantee team are required to guarantee each other's loans. This kind of loan credit cooperative Postal Bank Etc.

Application channel

apply Unsecured credit loan Channels of:
1. In terms of loan term, loan applicants can choose their own repayment term according to their actual conditions. In terms of loan term, loan applicants can choose their own repayment term according to their actual conditions.
2. On Small loan company apply Unsecured loan : For a few non compliant banks Loan conditions You can also try to find a regular borrower Credit company Or small amount Loan company Make loans. But the borrower must determine the regularity of the loan company to prevent being cheated and causing economic losses to himself.

influence factor

apply Unsecured credit loan Limit factors of:
1. Personal work and income: When reviewing the qualification of loan applicants, banks will prefer groups with stable income. Therefore, if the borrower can provide more than half a year's bank payroll, it will be more helpful for the smooth handling of credit loans.
2. Individual fixed assets : Owning personal fixed assets such as real estate or cars indicates that the individual has certain economic base And a certain repayment ability, which will generally be higher credit rating
three Personal credit record : Personal credit record is an important factor for the bank to rate the borrower's credit. The bank will consider the borrower's loan record and the use of credit cards, including whether the loan is repaid in time and in full.