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Credit subject

Economic terminology
credit subject Means credit Relational party It is the carrier of credit relationship and the actor of credit activities.
Chinese name
Credit subject
Host Object
Parties of credit relationship
Body type
Government, enterprise and individual

Functional positioning

According to different actors, modern economic credit forms can be divided into government credit, enterprise credit (including bank credit) and personal credit. They play different roles in the credit system and have different socio-economic functions. [1]
(1) The credit guarantee function of government credit in the credit system. The credit relationship generated by taking the government as the lender or trustee is called "public credit". It is backed by the national machinery and power, and has a certain degree of compulsion. It directly and indirectly displays government credit through policy formulation, power operation, social responsibility and other aspects. Government credit has the function of guiding and macro-control for the whole social credit system, including the formulation of credit rules and ensuring that credit rules can be implemented fairly.
(2) The basic position and core of personal credit in the credit system. In the credit economy, the subject status of individual credit is more important than other credit subjects, and it is the basis of the whole social credit system. Under the condition of socialist market economy, on the one hand, fundamentally speaking, the government, enterprises and individuals are all relatively independent subjects of economic and legal relations, that is, they are all "economic people", and all bear their respective corresponding rights and obligations; On the other hand, as a member of the market subject, the public ownership economy also has the general attributes and basic characteristics of other market subjects' pursuit of interests. Compared with other credit subjects, although personal credit is different from government credit and enterprise credit, and their credit functions have different priorities, government credit and enterprise credit are all closely related to personal credit. Therefore, personal credit is the core of credit economy and plays a fundamental role in the credit system.
(3) The enterprise is the most basic and important behavior of the credit system. The credit system is formed by the interaction of many actors, which reflects the internal contradictions and basic attributes of the credit economy in a certain period of time. Government, individuals and social intermediary organizations are all important actors in the credit system, but enterprises are the most basic actors in the credit system. The reason why enterprises can act as the most basic behavior subject in the credit system is that, first of all, enterprises are the subject of market economy competition. As the basic unit of commodity production and management, enterprises are undoubtedly the main body of credit economy, and enterprise credit plays the most important and active role in the credit system. Secondly, commercial credit behavior mainly occurs between enterprises. The commercial credit of enterprises constitutes the basic content of the credit system. The credit relationship of social economy is largely completed and established through enterprises. Third, enterprise credit has the most complete attributes and characteristics of credit economy.
As the entity of commodity production with the most complete organizational form, the enterprise is the carrier of realizing the interests of commodity producers, reflecting the production relationship between commodity producers and revealing the credit relationship between them.

Disorder dislocation

At present, there is a serious credit crisis in China. The main manifestation of China's credit crisis is the disorder and dislocation among credit subjects. The main reasons for the disorder and dislocation among the actors are: [1]
1. Under the planned economy system, government credit replaces enterprise credit.
In the period of planned economy, government credit replaced and assumed all other forms of credit. Personal credit and enterprise credit are just the embodiment of the government's credit will. Government credit shows the characteristics of uniqueness, super strength and super stability. Under the condition of market economy, all actors in the credit system are "economic people". Due to the coexistence of various economic elements in China, the credit behavior subject is diversified, and the credit behavior of each behavior subject has different priorities. However, the coexistence of dual systems in China's gradual reform has made the moral foundation of credit in the market economy not only fail to be recognized and supported by ideology in the early stage of reform, but also lack correct guidance from the government. On the contrary, facing the huge government power rent left by the planned economy system, the government intentionally and unintentionally chose the role of the interest distribution center, and still dominated other market interest subjects by the old system and administrative intervention. This kind of intervention in the market operation of enterprises by administrative power through the channel of the old system can only result in the distortion of the credit behavior of both sides of the market transaction.
2. The development of credit economy is seriously lagging behind, and personal credit is lacking.
In the market economy, whether it is the social credit of the government or the commercial credit of enterprises, all their credit behaviors are related to personal credit. Personal credit is the foundation and core of modern credit economy. However, due to the immature development of China's market economy, the theoretical understanding of individual rights and roles is still unclear, and there is a lack of institutional norms and essential determination of individual credit; In addition, the property rights of state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises are unclear, which leads to the phenomenon that personal credit is grafted onto enterprise credit, and personal credit and enterprise credit are confused. Especially when the state-owned and collective economies are dominant, due to the lack of personal credit and unclear property rights, the individual rights and obligations of enterprise operators and workers have no institutional provisions and internal constraints. Some people do what they want under the shelter of public ownership, and enterprise credit is used to serve personal interests, But the selfish person does not pay for his dishonest behavior.
3. The internal drive of the interest of the credit subject and the lag of the credit system construction.
(1) The contradiction between old and new credit morality and the transformation of "righteousness and benefit". In the period of social system transformation, the traditional reputation morality has been denied and abandoned, while the new reputation morality based on personal freedom and respect for private property rights has not yet formed. In the "desperation" of the traditional credibility moral fracture, people are striving for their rights and interests with an unprecedented enthusiasm and creativity, while people who lack the traditional moral constraints regard freedom as free to do whatever they want, and the full perception of things makes people's credit behavior only present, not future; The greatest pursuit of things leads to people's "immoral behavior" and "adverse selection".
(2) The evolution of the behavior of each credit subject and the lack of credit system. In the traditional economic society, the behavior of various actors in the credit system is always dominated by the "presence" of inter regional activities. After entering the market economy society, the activities of various actors are "lifted" from the local scene and placed in the environmental paradigm of "delocalization" through the cultivation of "absence" of activity elements. In this "absence" background, all credit subjects conduct "on the spot" economic credit transactions through the information-based media signal marking system. The change from face-to-face "presence" commitment to non face-to-face "absence" commitment is essentially a change from individual commitment to institutional commitment. However, in real life, there are a lot of temptations to deviate from the institutional commitment, and the construction of the market economy system in China is still not perfect, and the institutional interaction of the social credit operation mechanism supervised by the institutional commitment is very ineffective, thus making all credit subjects out of their internal credit behavior trajectory.
(3) The interest choice of credit behavior of each credit subject. In the market economy society, the principle of cost and benefit comparison fundamentally determines the credit behavior of each credit subject and the variability of existing credit commitment. As long as breach of trust or trustworthiness can achieve a long-term net income greater than the net income of short-term strategy of temporary breach of trust or trustworthiness, people will comply with or abandon the agreement guidelines and make commitments and credit behaviors that are beneficial to themselves. China is in the period of widening income gap. Due to the regional, industrial and individual imbalance of income gap, people's psychological balance has been broken, resulting in the internal motivation and pressure of all credit subjects to pursue wealth regardless of credit. However, the lack of modern credit system in our country has resulted in the lack of new institutional norms for the credit behavior of each credit subject, which has led to the uncertainty of the long-term income expectations of each credit subject, thus making the credit behavior of each credit subject more based on short-term income.


1. Rebuild government credit, clarify government functions, and give play to the positive role of government credit. [1]
At present, the disorder and dislocation of China's credit subject is related to the excessive involvement of government power in the operation of credit market in the process of innovation and establishment of modern credit system. Therefore, in the process of rectifying the credit market environment and promoting the construction of China's modern credit system, the first step is to standardize government credit behavior and rebuild government credit, which is an important part of giving full play to the role of government credit in regulating and guiding the system of various credit subjects and ensuring the normal operation of the modern credit system. It includes:
(1) Vigorously promote the "spirit of contract" and respect private property rights. Zhang Weiying, a famous economist in China, once said: "Property rights are the basis of morality. People without constant property have no perseverance, and people without perseverance love to cheat." He believed that "to have a good economic order, there must be a clear property rights system, and property rights are the basis for people to pursue moral integrity. ... Clear property rights are the driving force for people to pursue long-term interests. Only those who pursue long-term interests will speak of credibility ". The foundation of contract spirit is the respect for private property rights, and credit behavior is the concrete expression and embodiment of contract spirit. The purpose of publicizing and advocating the spirit of contract is to break the traditional moral and ethical order of "officials are superior to people" and treat the country, the collective and the individual as equal contractual relationships, so that the behavior of each credit subject is based on respect for the rights of others, and thus establish a contractual relationship of organic interaction between government credit and other credit subjects.
(2) We will strengthen the institutionalization and legalization of credit and vigorously guide the development of social intermediary organizations. It is an important function of government credit to regulate the credit behavior of various credit subjects with systems and laws, and to establish a punishment mechanism for dishonesty. At the same time, the credit order of a country largely depends on the marketization of its credit management system. Therefore, the government should overcome the current situation of official credit intermediary organizations, open, guide and standardize credit intermediary organizations, and fully mobilize and play the role of private credit intermediary organizations while building credit institutionalization and legalization.
(3) Standardize the government's credit behavior and create a clean and honest government image. The quality of government credit and the standardization of credit behavior guide the behavior of other credit subjects. Therefore, breaking the concept of government credit over other credit subjects, making government behavior based on systems and laws, improving the democratization and transparency of its behavior, preventing the individualization and short-term of government behavior, and strengthening the social supervision of government credit behavior are the key to ensure the effective play of government credit functions.
2. Actively cultivate market demand for credit products based on personal credit and dominated by enterprise credit.
At present, China's credit market presents a unitary structure and a deformed development status quo. Government credit is dominant, personal credit is basically blank, and enterprise credit development is seriously lagging behind. This situation, on the one hand, has caused a serious imbalance in the credit subject structure. Government credit is beyond personal credit and enterprise credit, and personal credit and enterprise credit are dependent on and subordinate to government credit. On the other hand, because the government credit still basically follows the old credit management system, its operation mode is difficult to adapt to the requirements of the development of modern credit economy, which makes the government credit in an awkward situation that can neither be nor be managed well. At the same time, a large number of personal credit and enterprise credit are expressed through government credit, which is bound to cover up and kill the normal development of personal credit and enterprise credit and the effective demand for credit products, leading to the malignant expansion and false prosperity of government credit, thus further intensifying the credit "rent-seeking" of government power and the disorder of credit product trading order. Therefore, we should learn from the experience of western countries in the development of credit economy and take measures from various aspects and channels to change the dominance of government credit, actively develop personal credit and enterprise credit, and vigorously foster the market development of credit products to meet the different needs of credit subjects for credit products, and finally build up individuals, enterprises The organic balance mechanism among the three credit subjects of the government.
3. Standardize the credit behavior of each credit subject, and establish and improve the credit management system.
At present, the credit concept and credit awareness of all credit subjects in China are weak, and the management of their credit behavior lacks effective measures. Since the 1960s, western countries have developed a legal system related to credit management. So far, a relatively complete credit management system has been formed. Its credit management objectives and contents are mainly to standardize credit granting, equal credit opportunities, and protect personal privacy. Since the 1980s, China has successively formulated a series of regulations and administrative regulations such as the General Principles of the Civil Law, the Criminal Law, and the Company Law. However, the purpose and management content of these regulations and regulations, as well as the means of restraint, lack pertinence and effectiveness for the credit behavior of each subject, Some legal provisions and administrative provisions do not even conform to the objective law of the development of credit economy. Therefore, it is urgent to speed up the pace of credit legislation and institutional construction in China, formulate special laws and regulations on credit subjects, and strengthen the management and regulation of credit behavior of each credit subject.