information resources

The collection of various information activity elements with information as the core accumulated in the information activities of human society
zero Useful+1
Information resources refer to human society Information activities Information centered elements of various information activities accumulated in( information technology equipment facilities , information producers, etc.).
Chinese name
information resources
Foreign name
Information Resources
Information Resources in Canada
General name of documents, data, chart data and other information

brief introduction


Specific definitions

Wiener, the founder of cybernetics, believes that information is information, not matter or energy. In other words, information is different from matter and energy. At the same time, information is closely related to material and energy. Material, energy and information are the three elements that constitute the real world.
As long as there is interrelation and interaction between things, there will be information. All activities of human society are inseparable from information. Information already exists in the objective world, but people first know the material, then the energy, and finally the information.
Information has use value, can meet people's special needs, and can be used to serve the society. However, it has been since the 1980s to realize that information is an independent resource.
Resource Triangle
Harvard University Our research team gave the famous resource triangle. They pointed out that without matter, nothing exists; Without energy, nothing will happen; Without information, nothing is meaningful.
As a resource, material provides people with a variety of materials; Energy provides all kinds of power; Information provides a wide range of knowledge.
Information is universal, but not all information is resources. Only information that meets certain conditions can constitute resources. Information resources can be divided into narrow sense and broad sense:
In the narrow sense, information resources refer to information itself or information content, that is, data processed and useful for decision-making. The purpose of developing and utilizing information resources is to give full play to the utility of information and realize the value of information.
In a broad sense, information resources refer to the general name of various elements in information activities. "Elements" include information, information technology and corresponding equipment, funds and personnel.
The narrow view highlights that information is the core element of information resources, but ignores "system". In fact, if there are only core elements, but no "support" part (technology, equipment, etc.), it cannot be configured organically, and cannot play the maximum role of information as a resource.
To sum up, we can think that information resources are composed of information producers, information and information technology.
(1) Information producers are workers who produce information for a certain purpose, including original information producers, information processors or information re producers.
(2) Information is both raw material and product of information production. It is the result of the labor of information producers, has direct effect on various social activities, and is the target element of information resources.
(3) Information technology is the general term of various technologies that can extend or expand people's information capabilities. It is a technology that collects, processes, stores, transmits and utilizes data such as sound, image, text, and various sensing signals. As a production tool, information technology provides support and guarantee for information collection, processing, storage and transmission. [1]

main features

Compared with natural resources and material resources, information resources have the following characteristics:
(1) It can be reused, and its value is reflected in use;
(2) The use of information resources has a strong goal orientation, and different information reflects different values in different users;
(3) It is integrated. People can search and use it without being restricted by time, space, language, region and industry;
(4) It is social wealth, and no one has the right to buy the right to use information completely or permanently; It is a commodity that can be sold, traded and exchanged;
(5) Liquidity.
General characteristics of information resources as economic resources:
(1) Human demand as a factor of production.
(2) Scarcity: Scarcity is the most basic economic feature of economic resources.
(3) Selectivity of use direction: the effective allocation of information resources is due to the strong permeability of information resources.
Compared with material resources and energy resources, the unique characteristics are:
(1) Sharing.
(2) Timeliness: Only when the time is appropriate, can the benefits be brought into play.
(3) Dynamic: information resources are dynamic resources, showing a trend of continuous enrichment and growth.
(4) Inseparability: The inseparability of information shows its inseparability in the production process.
(5) Difference: information as a resource must be completely different.
(6) Dominance: Dominance refers to the ability of information resources to develop and dominate other resources. [2]

developing process

(1) Traditional management stage: from 1950s to 1970s, the characters represented by libraries and information institutes information resources management
(2) information management Stage: from the late 1970s to the 1980s, taking computer application and data processing as typical representatives;
(3) Information resource management stage: from 1980s to 1990s information processing technology On behalf of, information switching information sharing . Information resource management with information application as the content and information resources as the main economic resources for management;
(4) Knowledge management stage: since 1990s. The formation and development of knowledge management is based on the defects of information resource management. It pays more attention to communication with people, learning, knowledge assets, competitive advantages and innovation. By connecting structured information with unstructured information and the rules for people to use information, we can make better use of knowledge. [3]

Development and utilization

Information resources are unlimited, renewable and shareable; Its development and utilization will greatly reduce the consumption of materials and energy and reduce pollution. The universe where human beings and the earth live generates a large amount of material, energy and information in its infinite time and space. Human beings consume a lot of materials and energy, and also generate a lot of information in the limited time and space of their existence. The earth on which our human beings depend for survival will eventually be destroyed. However, after the destruction of the earth, information resources, as human heritage, can exist in the universe for a long time.
To vigorously promote the development and utilization of information resources, we should be driven by demand, combined with information application, and pay special attention to actual results.
(1) Issue and implement laws and regulations related to the development and utilization of national information resources, formulate corresponding plans, strengthen the overall management of the development and utilization of information resources, and standardize information service Market behavior, promoting information resources sharing
(2) We will actively carry out pilot demonstration projects, make extensive use of information resources in various fields of the national economy and society, and promote the transformation of information resources into social productivity.
(3) Several national data exchange service centers and a number of national large-scale databases will be built to form basic resources supporting government decision-making and social services.
(4) Increase the development of Chinese information resources, encourage online application services, and encourage the sharing of information resources.
(5) Coordinate the formulation of standards for the development and utilization of information resources.


The term "information resources" first appeared in Vololco's "Information Resources in Canada".
Information resources are the general name of all documents, data, charts, data and other information involved in the production and management process of enterprises. It involves all information resources generated, acquired, processed, stored, transmitted and used in the process of enterprise production and business activities, and runs through the whole process of enterprise management. Information, together with energy and materials, is one of the three major resources in the world today. Information resources widely exist in various fields and sectors of economy and society. It is the reflection of various conditions and relationships such as various things' forms, internal laws, and connections with other things. With the continuous development of society, information resources are crucial to the development of the country and the nation, to people's work and life, and become important for national economic and social development Strategic resources Its development and utilization is the core content of the entire information system.

Management platform

The explosive development of information technology and the overheated demand of government, enterprise and social informatization applications have turned information resources from technology applications into ubiquitous important economic resources. Information resources affect economic growth, system reform, social change and development. Information resource management technology has also moved from single to comprehensive, forming a large platform integrating various software components. For distributed information resource management Information resource management platform (IRMP, Information Resource Management Platform) has become the key to the current and future informatization promotion.
The information resource system platform is based on information resources, and is supported by the National Innovation Fund project "Kesi Component ERP Platform", "Likang Information Resources Integrated Management System" and "Likang Information Resources" storage system It is an information resource system management platform architecture that uses computer networks and communication systems to show the value of resources to users through information resource processing methods and reuse methods that meet customer needs.

Management principles

1. It must be recognized that information is an organizational resource. One of the main objectives of information resource management is to ensure that an organization's investment in information resources can operate in the best way. This requires that relevant personnel must regard information as a valuable resource and regard information resource sharing as a rule rather than an exception.
2. When using information resources and technologies, it is necessary to ensure clear responsibilities, that is, clearly define who manages these resources, who uses them, what are their rights and obligations, and how to ensure cooperation and resource sharing.
3. Business planning and Information resource planning Many activity areas of information resource management that must be closely linked used to rely mainly on passive auxiliary departments required by users. With the evolution of information resource management, it is increasingly closely related to the strategic planning at the highest level. This trend has finally formed a rule.
4. It is necessary to implement integrated management on information technology. Integrated management of information technology is the premise of realizing internal integration of information resource management, the necessary condition to improve potential productivity under the new technology environment, and the management guarantee to maximize the use of information technology integration advantages.
5. It is a strategic goal of an organization to maximize information quality, improve information utilization and promote information value-added. The ultimate goal of information resource management is to make every member of the organization an effective information processor and decision maker, thus effectively improving the productivity of everyone and the entire organization. [4]