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Information institutions

An organization in a state administrative organ that collects, processes, transmits, stores, and processes administrative information needed for management
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Information institutions State administrative organs An organization that collects, processes, transmits, stores, and processes administrative information needed for management. Information institutions serve administrative activities and provide accurate and systematic administrative information to administrative leaders to ensure the normal operation of administration. The information organization has a series of information processing processes, such as information collection, processing, transmission, storage, provision and utilization, as well as means and methods of information processing, as well as necessary equipment and technology. And based on a certain administrative organization.
Chinese name
Information institutions
Collection of administrative information
Means and methods of information processing


The functional information organization is the medium between the publisher and receiver of administrative information. As an organization for managing information, its functions are: ① to determine information needs, that is, to understand the amount of information needed in the administrative process, the form and content of information, who needs information, the time needed for information, and the transmission channels. ② Collect and process information. Collection is to obtain information in original form directly from the source, or receive information transmitted from the outside. Processing is to verify, analyze, process, index, transfer and store the collected information. ③ The process of extracting and using information, that is, the use of information, is used to make orders and instructions, formulate methods or systems, so as to implement administrative activities. ④ System management of information, the process of designing, operating and evaluating the information system. ⑤ Clarify the source of information, open the channel, and clarify the destination, so that information can be quickly, timely, and correctly transmitted from the information publisher to the information receiver.

Institutional characteristics

Information institutions are often used by decision-making bodies or administrative leaders in administrative activities. According to the information provided by the information institutions, the administrative leaders analyze the performance of administrative activities, predict the impact of various factors on the administration in the future, and make administrative decisions. Information institutions are relatively independent in administrative organizations. They collect, process and store administrative information independently to prevent information distortion and dissemination of erroneous information.