
[é yǔ]
Indo European Slavic East Slavic Branch Language
open 7 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
Russian (Russian: Русский язык Transliteration of Latin letters: Russky yazyk; English Russian language )Full name Russian, is the United Nations Six kinds of Working language One of, for Russia Of official language [4] , and Belarus [6] Kazakhstan [5] Kyrgyzstan [7] It is one of the official languages of China, with 285 million people using it. Russian belongs to Indo European Slavic languages East Slavic languages , Yes Slavic languages The most widely used language in.
Russian is mainly in Russia and Former Soviet Union Used in other Member States of Warsaw Treaty It has been widely used as the first foreign language teaching by schools in its member countries. stay Soviet Union During this period, the Russian language aligned republic Is greatly emphasized. Although many years ago Soviet Union The importance of the local language has been emphasized in the contemporary era in the countries of 20%, but Russian is still the most widely used language in these areas, and also the language used by these countries for communication.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Русский язык (Russian)
Russian (English)
Region of use
Russia Belarus Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan [5]
Number of users
285 million people (mother tongue and second language)
Three dialect areas in the north, south and central China
As an official language
4 countries
Management organization
Russian Academy of Sciences

Region of use

Russian is mainly in Russia and Former Soviet Union Used in other Member States. stay Russia Until 1917, Russian was Tsarist Russia Unique of official language , but on Union of Soviet Socialist Republics During the period, each of the joined republics had its own official language, and Russian became the language of Russia's integrated role. In 1989 Eastern European upheaval 1991 The disintegration of the Soviet Union Later, independent countries encouraged their own mother tongue Thus reversing the dominance of Russian. But its role as the communication between most Eastern European and Central Asian countries remains unchanged.
stay Ukraine In fact, since January 2020, Ukraine has stipulated that the service industry should completely change to Ukrainian and Russian is prohibited. The latest law stipulates that from July 16, 2022, those who communicate with customers in Russian in the service industry will be fined up to 11900 hryvnas (about 2760 yuan). Wu Constitutional Court In February 2021, a law was approved prohibiting the broadcasting of Russian films and television programmes on State television. [8]

Number of users

Global Russian mother tongue More than 140 million people use it as Second language Nearly 45 million people used it. Russian is Russian and not internationally recognized“ Republic of Moldavia along the Dniester River ”、“ south ossetia ”、“ Abkhazia ”The official language of.


Russian alphabet yes Cyrillic alphabet There are 33 variants of, including 10 vowels, 21 consonants, and 2 silent letters Printed and Handwriting Differences.
Russian alphabet

Letter Name

Here is a Russian alphabet Table that lists the case of all letters and their letter names.
Letter Lower Case
Letter Name
Pronunciation( IPA
и краткое
твжрдый бнак (hard symbol)
The letters are silent and separate
мжгкижнак (soft tone symbol)
The letter itself is not pronounced, but is pronounced after some consonants [- ʲ]

Other letter combinations

  • дз [dzː]
  • дс/тс [ts]
  • дж/чж [ɖʐː]
  • сч/зч [ɕː]
  • тш/чш [ʈʂː]
  • зж [ʑː]

Alphabet spelling

Use of Russian Writing System Cyrillic alphabet Revision of. 33 in total letter yes Printed and Handwriting Differences. Divided into vowel and consonant Two. Consonants are divided into Clear consonant (vocal cords do not vibrate) and Voiced consonant vocal cords Vibration). In addition, Russian consonants can also be divided into lax consonant and Hard consonant , both pronunciation The movements are basically the same, but the main difference is that the middle part of the tongue needs to be oriented Maxilla Lift.

Generation and impact

Early use by Slavs Hieroglyphics During the formation of Slavic characters Greek alphabet and latin alphabet The direct impact of Кирилл (Cyril in English, Cyril in Chinese“ Cyril ”Or "Kirill", 826-869) and Мефодий (820-885) simplified the Greek alphabet and created the Cyrillic alphabet (Кириллиф ифа, Cyrillic in English, also known as "Kirill alphabet" or "Cyrillic alphabet" in Chinese), After several evolutions, the contemporary Cyrillic alphabet finally came into being.
Today's Slavic nationality The text used falls into two categories: latin alphabet and Cyrillic alphabet The most representative is“ Serbian Croatian ”, originally the same language, Serbs use Cyrillic alphabet, and Croats use Latin alphabet. Due to traditional and emotional factors, today's Slavic ethnic groups use Cyrillic alphabet for pro Russian and Latin alphabet for pro Western. When Russians cannot use Cyrillic alphabet for input, they have to use Latin alphabet, such as telex and communication software that does not support Cyrillic alphabet. The Russian language on telex is Latin alphabet.
Used in Mongolia Cyrillic alphabet , made Cyrillic Mongolian (33 Russian letters, Mongolia 2, 35 in total).
present Kazakhstan And Kyrgyzstan Junctional Dungan It's China Shaanxi Ningxia Gansu area Hui nationality Muslim They use Cyrillic alphabet to spell Chinese dialect, which is called Дунган( Dungan )。



phonetic system

The voice system of Russian originated from Indo European In Slavic languages However, it changed a lot in the early history, and took shape roughly in 1400.
It has 10 vowels, which are written in different letters according to whether the preceding consonant pronounces the jaw sound (hard jaw pronunciation). Typical consonants appear in pairs: common and jaw. Traditionally called Hard consonant and lax consonant (Hard consonants are usually soft voiced, especially in front of post vowels, although in some dialects the palatalization is limited to hard sounds/l/). Standard Russian based on St.Petersburg Dialect, with strong stress And moderate tonal variation. Stressed vowels tend to be slightly elongated, while non stressed vowels tend to be reduced to closed vowels or blurred vowels/?/. In Russian, the initials and finals of a syllable can contain up to four consonants, so the syllable structure will be very complex. The formula is as follows (V represents vowel, C represents consonant): (C) (C) (C) V (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C)). Russian is a close relative language Ukrainian and Belarusian

Russian dialect

In 1915, there were still a large number of dialects in the areas where Russian was used
There are mainly two kinds of modern Russian Regional dialect : Southern and Northern Russian dialects.
The main phonetic features of the South Russian dialect are: а phonolization, that is, the vowel о in Africa Accented syllable The middle is pronounced as а; Consonant г pronounced as Fricative (i.e. voiced sound opposite to х); verb The third person suffix of the present tense, "tan", is soft. China Russian The Russian language used belongs to the southern dialect.
The main phonetic features of the Northern Russian dialect are: о pronunciation, that is vowel о Still pronounce о in unstressed syllables; Consonant г pronounced turbid Stope The verb in the present tense ends in the third person with a hard sound - tan.
Between the northern and southern dialect regions, there is a transitional region from the northwest to the southeast, commonly known as the Sino Russian dialect region. Its phonetic features are mixed: а phonetization; г read the writ; The verb in the present tense has a hard tone at the end of the third person.
Later, the greatest Russian poet Romantic Literature An outstanding representative of, Realistic Literature The founder of, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Standardized modern standard Russian.
table of consonants
Alveolar sound
Rear alveolar sound
Palatal sound
front palatal sound
Soft tone
front palatal sound
/p/ /b/
/t/ /d/
/k/ /g/
Soft tone
/pʲ/ /bʲ/
/tʲ/ /dʲ/
/kʲ/* /gʲ/
front palatal sound
Soft tone
front palatal sound
/f/ /v/
/s/ /z/
/ʂ/ /ʐ/
Soft tone
/fʲ/ /vʲ/
/sʲ/ /zʲ/
/ɕː/* /ʑː/*
/xʲ/ /h/
front palatal sound
Soft tone
Proximity sound
front palatal sound
Soft tone
Because most consonants are palatalized, Russian is very unique. Although/k/,/g/,/x/do have palatalized phonemic variants [k ʲ, g ʲ, x ʲ], only/k ʲ/can be regarded as phoneme, but it is very vague and is not usually regarded as independent (the only counterexample is the minimum combination "тоткоткетет"/"тоткоткотот"). Jawlization means raising the middle of the tongue before and during consonants. In the case of/t ʲ/and/d ʲ/, raise the tongue until it can produce slight friction (fricative plug). These sounds:/t, d, ʦ, s, z, n and r ʲ/are dental sounds. When you pronounce them, use the tip of your tongue to hold the teeth rather than the alveolar part.


The characteristics of Russian grammatical structure are that the grammatical relationship between words and the grammatical function of words in sentences are mainly expressed through morphological changes. Russian is Indo European It is one of the languages with more changes in ancient word forms. Most nouns have 12 forms, and the singular and plural have 6 cases respectively; There are more than 20 or even more than 30 forms of adjectives. The singular masculine, neuter, feminine and plural have 6 cases each, with short tails and comparative degrees; There are one or two hundred verb forms, including aspect, tense, tense, form, adverb, adverb, etc. Content words can generally be divided into stem and suffix. Stem expresses the lexical meaning of a word; The end of a word indicates grammatical meaning, and usually one end of a word contains several grammatical meanings.
Have a word form
  • noun (сугествителяное): комната (room), стол (table), стул (chair), солне (sun), ветер (wind), вода (water)
  • adjective (прилагателяное)
  • numeral (zzислителжное): один (I), первы (I)
  • pronoun (местоимение): он (he), modified то (this)
  • verb (глагол): слу ш атж (listening)


Nouns have six singular and plural spaces: nominative (one), genial (two) dative (Three grids) Binge (four grids) instrumental case (Five grid) and front grid (six grid, also called locative case )。 The noun case is mainly used for subject The two grids can indicate the ownership of things, as well as the characteristics and properties of things; Three grid main works Indirect object (the indirect object of action); Four grid main works Direct object (the direct receiver of action behavior); The five bars mainly refer to the methods and means of action, and can also refer to the usage of taking a certain means of transportation, etc; The six spaces must be preceded by a preposition (equivalent to a preposition).
Sex is divided into yang, yin and middle, complex Regardless of sex.
Nouns denoting male and male animals are basically masculine; Nouns denoting women and female animals are basically feminine; Foreign nouns are basically neutral.
There are single and complex numbers, each of which has the rule of changing lattice. But some special nouns do not change the case, such as: кино (cinema), кофе (coffee), шоссе (road), etc. Some nouns have only the plural form, such as:.
The types of nouns are as follows:
  • abstract noun : Nouns representing abstract concepts, properties, actions and states. For example: доброта, свежесте, терпение, рабвитие, красота, спокойствие, etc.
  • Material noun : indicates the name of a thing or material. For example: сахар, уголж, статж, пшениа, мед, чай, мука, шоколад, etc.
  • Collective noun : indicates the sum of similar things. For example: мебелже, беднота, белелже, молодеже, студенчество, товариество, ство, etc.
  • Gerund : indicates behavior and state. This kind of noun is composed of verbs, so it has some characteristics of verbs, such as requiring the object to be used in the form of a case, and can be used with adverbs. For example: окабаниепомовлениеоо, исправлениео шибки, возвра гениедомой, служениенароду, etc. [1]
Nouns are also divided into animal nouns and non animal nouns. Animal nouns refer to the nouns that refer to living things such as people and animals, while non animal nouns are the opposite.
Some nouns change to Proper noun For example:( earth ); родина (hometown) - Родина( motherland )。


  • In Russian, numeral 1 has the change of sex, number and case, numeral 2 has the change of number and case, and numeral after 3 has no sex and number category.
  • Like English, Russian numerals are also divided into Cardinal number word and Ordinal word The usage and variation of ordinal numerals are the same as adjectives.
  • There are also indefinite numerals in Russian. Indefinite numerals represent uncertain and unspecified quantities, including: много, немного, мало, немало, немало, столеко, сколеко, несколеко, несколжко, etc.
  • The numerals оба (обе) are also generally regarded as collective numerals, but they do not mean quantity, but indicate that both of the said two things perform a certain action or have a certain feature.


It has the same changes as nouns in gender, number and case. When modifying nouns, it should be consistent with the gender number case of nouns. In dictionaries, adjectives usually appear in the masculine form.
  • Adjectives are divided into nature adjectives, relation adjectives and owner adjectives.
  • Property adjectives indicate the size, length, color, taste, weight and other characteristics of things. The adjectives of nature are divided into long tailed and short tailed forms comparative and highest 3 grades. For example: болж ш ой, маленжекий, хоро ш ий, добрый, лороткий, короткий, тя й лы, вкусны, интерересны etc.
  • Relational adjectives describe the characteristics of things through the relationship between one thing and another. For example: руский, китайский, городской, деревенский, железны, баскетболены, детболены, детски ски, детский, желелезно дорожный, etc.
  • The owner adjective indicates that something belongs to a person or animal. The owner adjective has its special suffix. For example: отфовжурнал, маминасестра, Васинопалжто, сестрина сесинопалжто, сестриныласы, etc. [2]


The verb has such categories as form, tense, person and aspect.
  • The formula is divided into declarative, imperative and conditional. time Present tense , past tense Future tense singular The verb form of the past tense can be divided into yang, yin, zhong and plural forms.
  • The body is divided into perfect body and incomplete body. The perfector indicates the action that has been completed or will be completed; Incomplete body indicates continuous action. The two bodies have different infinitive
  • Verbs can also be divided into directional motion verbs and non directional motion verbs. Directional movement means movement in a certain direction, while non directional movement is the opposite.
  • Verbs can be formed by changing their endings coverb The form of adverb.


Pronouns can be divided into:
  • Personal pronouns:, ты, он, она, оно, мы, вы, они
  • Reflexive pronoun: себя
  • Possessive pronoun: мой, твой, его, её, их, наш, ваш, свой
  • Demonstrative pronoun:, тот, такой, таков, столько
  • Definitive pronoun: сам, самый, весь, всякий, любой, каждый
  • Interrogative relative pronoun: кто, что, какой, чей, который, сколько
  • Indefinite pronoun : кто - то, кто - ниб уде, что - то, что - ниб уде, какой - то, какой - ниб удж, чей - то, чей кое - что, кое - какой, etc
  • Negative pronouns:


There are many uses of prepositions, which can express reasons, time, direction, place, ownership, purpose, etc., and can be followed by nouns with two, three, four, five, and six cases. For example, в (in......, four or six grids), на (in......, four or six grids, plus six grids means taking transportation), у (next to......, two grids; The second case of the continuous pronoun indicates who has what), иб (from..., to two), с (and..., to five), вокруг (around..., to two), около (beside..., to two), о (about..., to six), про (about..., to four) беб (no......, followed by two grids) от (leaving, following, followed by two grids), etc.

Lexical comparison


Examples of nouns

авторское право
Beike School
Ballet observation
балетные смотрины
барьер в беге
generation gap
барьер между поколениями
Harmful food
белый враг
Winter Olympics
белая олимпиада
Bikini swimwear
Video Club
Incentive fund
Dedelon, Dacron
Ticket checker
Art Decoration Design


works and expressions for everyday use

How are you doing?
Как ты?
Long time no see.
давно не виделись.
What's your name?
My name is
Как тебя зовут?
Меня зовут...
Where are you from?
I come from......
Откуда ты?
Я из...
До свидания!
have fun!
Приятного вечера.
Good luck!
Sorry, I don't quite understand.
Простите, я не понимаю.
Please write it down.
Запишите, пожалуйста.
can you speak Chinese?
Вы говорите по - китайски?
I'm sorry!
Прошу простить меня.
thank you!
you're welcome!
Благодарю вас!
Ни капельки
Excuse me, where is the toilet?
Простите, где туалет?
I miss you so much.
Я скучаю по тебе.
I love you!
Я люблю тебя .
Call the police!
It's on fire!
We need help!
Нам нужна помощь!
Someone is injured/ I'm hurt!
Кто - то ранен!/Я ранен!
Happy New Year/ Happy birthday!
Сновым годом!/С днем рождения!


one hundred
Десять тысяч
Сто миллионов

Professional examination


learning method

The beginner learning of Russian needs to follow the learning rules step by step.
Don't be greedy for memorizing words. There are 8-10 words a day, increasing gradually. Especially if you learn Russian soon, remember quickly and forget quickly, remember phrases in practice or in the text. You can make your own cards and notes and put them in common places at home. If you get up in the morning, go to the bathroom to wash your face, brush your teeth, brush your teeth, and look into the mirror. In addition, scholars can take small dictionaries and cards with them to memorize at any time. The good habit of repeated forced memory and seeing and interpreting will give scholars the best help. It's better to pass the word test first when learning new lessons. The whole time and occasional leisure are the prime time for scholars to remember words.
The skeleton of the building is customized. Any change will lead to a "tofu dregs" project. Please respect the form and habit of foreign languages. In each lesson, we should grasp the fixed sentence patterns and sentence patterns, keep them in mind, form the exact expression, and replace them with different words and phrases.
Grammar plays an important role in the correct use of words and sentence patterns. Although it is boring and hard to remember, especially when changing patterns, there are a lot of internal rules to follow. For example, when learning to change the case, you can remember it in stages. The masculine nouns are one stage, the feminine nouns are another stage, and the neuter nouns are one stage. At the same time, when doing exercises, you should think carefully, complete them independently, and practice makes perfect.
Words, sentence patterns and grammar have passed the test. In order to make the language more accurate, we need rich connotations. The extensive collection and accumulation of materials, as well as practical special topics after class, have decorated the scholar's building, making it resplendent. Scholars are invited to start the train of time and space belonging to scholars, so as to hunt more, the more the better. Only by speaking more, reading more and practicing more can scholars' knowledge change with each passing day. If you blush for saying something wrong, it is not the style of modern people. You should know that failure is the mother of success.
1. The pronunciation of letters is very important. If you can't pronounce them correctly, people who understand Russian will sound strange. It is suggested that you should listen to the standard pronunciation first, and then practice it yourself. The most difficult pronunciation in Russian is apical trill Р This needs more practice.
2. Words. The pronunciation of words is not very difficult. As long as you can pronounce the letters and pay attention to the inflection of special letters in the words, you can read them without using phonetic symbols, which will be more troublesome.
The change of the word is the key.
3. For sentences, the word order in Russian is not rigid and can be changed generally.
4. Read something about Russian grammar carefully to consolidate it.
5. Say. Try to find people who can speak Russian and communicate with them in Russian to be familiar with spoken English.
Learn Russian words. After mastering this method, ordinary people can remember 100 Russian words every hour. Some people even remember 150 Russian words. The average speed of Russian teachers can remember 225 Russian words per hour. The specific steps are as follows:
First, divide the Russian words to be memorized into several groups (A, B, C, D,... for the convenience of narration), with an average of 4-6 Russian words in each group. Of course, it depends on the difficulty of the words. If the words are longer or have more meanings, each group of words should be less; On the contrary, more. Then follow the steps below:
(1) Study Group A, and review Group A once after learning. (See the following notes for how to remember)
(2) Study Group B and review Group B again.
(3) Join groups A and B and review once.
(4) Study Group C and review Group C.
(5) Study Group D and review Group D.
(6) Join groups C and D and review once.
(7) Review groups A, B, C and D once.
(8) Follow the previous seven steps to learn and review groups E, F, G and H.
(9) Put together groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and review again.
(10) Then imitate the first nine steps, learn and review groups I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P.
(11) Join groups A, B, C, M, N, O and P to review.
(12) In this way, study and review the following Group 17 - Group 32.
(13) Then review the 32 groups of words together.
(It is better to draw the above memory program on the paper to promote understanding)
In this way, if you memorize 6 words in each group, you learn 32 groups of 192 words. During the whole process, each word stimulated the brain 7 times. So as to remember better.
Teaching status
A total of 121 universities (including secondary colleges) in China have Russian majors, and Russian has become the European foreign language with the largest number of universities in China. In terms of geographical distribution, these colleges and universities are obviously biased towards the northeast region. Among the 121 colleges and universities, 43 are in the three eastern provinces; From the perspective of college classification, language universities have shown outstanding performance, such as Beijing Foreign Studies University Shanghai International Studies University Heilongjiang University Sichuan International Studies University Xi'an International Studies University Russian teaching level is in the forefront of the country.
Ranking List

Learning points

  1. one
    The energy must be concentrated, otherwise the efficiency is very low;
  2. two
    For the letter combination and Chinese meaning of each Russian word, it is not necessary to remember them once (it is impossible for ordinary scholars to do so), but they should be familiar with them. In this circular memory method, all words are "seen" rather than "remembered" - no need to remember, just browse the words easily. Each time you "see" the word, the time is about 2-5 seconds.
  3. three
    The whole memory process is usually within an hour, otherwise, the efficiency will decline.
  4. four
    About review: relevant scientific experiments show that when the human brain first touches a certain information, the information only lasts for 1 millisecond in the brain; After the second contact with the information, the memory will last about 1 second; The third contact lasts for about one minute; The fourth contact lasted for half an hour; The fifth time lasts for one or two hours; The sixth time, seven or eight hours; The seventh time can last more than ten hours. If you review once the next day, your memory will last longer. If it takes 5 seconds to memorize every time you "see" a word, you can familiarize 192 words 7 times in 1 and a half hours with the above method. And the memory effect is good. In memorizing words, memory accounts for three points, method accounts for one point, and review accounts for six points. Learning and memorizing without reviewing will lead to failure or even failure. It is recommended to review again after the day and before going to bed at night; Review again the next morning and three days later (or one week later). Only in this way can we remember the words.
How to Improve the Level of Russian Listening Practice
  1. one
    Listening practice is really difficult among the four abilities of "listening, speaking, reading and writing" in Russian. It is impossible to expect that listening practice can make rapid progress in a short time. Generally speaking, it can only rely on long-term accumulation.
  2. two
    You should exercise your sensitivity to listening exercises from the beginning of your freshman year. Russian, as a foreign language, is basically a skill like driving. Since it is a skill, it needs a long time of non-stop practice. To be specific, we should often listen to the dialogue and magnetic tape , simulating the voice, intonation and speed of the tape. It is also important to recite a lot of dialogues and texts during the first and second year of college, which is the process of accumulating some language materials.
  3. three
    In the basic stage (freshman and sophomore year), there is another way to practice listening practice and oral English, that is, two people in a group (you can usually organize it after class). First, one person recites the dialogue or text, one person listens carefully, and then immediately interprets. Then, change roles and practice. In this way, not only listening practice, but also oral and reading ability.
  4. four
    To do well in listening practice, there are three necessary conditions: psychology (confidence, concentration), language (basic grammar knowledge, vocabulary, etc.), and cultural and national knowledge (history, geography, politics, economy, customs, culture, etc.).
  5. five
    Russian is a relatively troublesome (not difficult to learn) language, which is quite different from Chinese and English, and it is easy to make mistakes (transposition, case change, long and difficult sentences, etc.) with one mouth. Therefore, Russian beginners are easily frustrated and afraid to speak. As far as listening practice is concerned, you will feel nervous when you listen to something, and you will not understand what you can do. Therefore, at the beginning of listening, you must concentrate, be confident and calm.
  6. six
    Improvement stage. First, choose language materials with appropriate speed and difficulty. Secondly, in the process of listening, don't worry about not understanding a word, get stuck, and don't hear what is said below. Skip the word if you don't understand it. Pay attention to the following content. Maybe scholars can guess the meaning of that word after listening to the full text. Or sometimes, a word will not hinder the learners from understanding the main idea of the listening practice materials. Third, in the process of listening, we should pay attention to finding the backbone of the sentence, such as the subject (or subject), predicate (complement, predicative). When it comes to news, the most important thing for the scholar is to hear the content of the central words such as time, place, person, number and year. If the listening practice material is relatively long, the scholar should first pay attention to the theme, main content, narrative order, etc. of the material. In this way, scholars can grasp the essence of materials [3]
  7. seven
    Look at some websites on the Internet for listening exercises.

Russian Idioms

Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает
The early bird catches the worm
The early bird catches the worm
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
East or West - home is best
A nest of gold and silver is better than one's own
Цель оправдывает средства
The end justifies the means
You can do anything to achieve your goal
На вкус и цвет товарищей нет
Every man to his taste
Each has his own love
Все хорошо в свое время
Everything is good in its season
Everything is beautiful at the right time
Исключение подтверждает правило
The exception proves the rule
No exception, no rule
Противоположности сходятся
Extremes meet
things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme
Запретный плод сладок
Forbidden fruit is sweetest
Forbidden fruit is particularly sweet
Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree = like father, like son
Like father, like son
Нет дыма без огня
There is no smoke without fire
There is no fire without wind
Клин клином вышибается
One fire drives out another
disasters pile up on one another
От судьбы не уйти
No flying from fate
There's no escape on the hit
The King of Hell asked you to leave at the third watch. He dared not keep you until the fifth watch
Расставить точки над і
Dot your i's and cross your t's
be strict in one 's demands
Не все то золото, что блестит
All that glitters is not gold
It's not necessarily gold that shines
Внешность обманчива
Appearances are deceitful
No one can judge by appearances
Как посеешь, так и пожнешь
As you sow, so shall you reap
No pains, no gains
Каждый сам строитель своего счастья
Every man is the architect of his own fortune
Own destiny
Лучшая защита - нападение
Best defence is offence
Defense is the best attack
Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A bird in the hand is better than two in the forest
Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't quibble over gifts
И скать иголку в стоге сена
Look for a needle in a bottom of hay
look for a needle in a bottle of hay