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The nymph in charge of mountains and caves in Greek mythology
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Oriades Ancient Greek : 8008 Ὀ ρε ≤δε ∨, literally means "the girl of the mountain") MYTHOS In charge mountain range and Cavern Of Nymph fairy (i.e Mountain Goddess )。
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ningfu Fairy, Mountain Goddess
Mythological system
Father: Hermes , or yes Dactyly The spirits, or the forest gods of Satyrus.
Olympus Protoss
According to the myth, the nymphs of Oriades are the goddess of hunting Artemis She accompanied the goddess around the world. About their father, or the great god Hermes , or yes Dactyly The spirits, or rather Satyros Forest gods.
Oriades is usually named after the mountains they are in charge of. As in charge Mount Yide (Today turkey Katz Mountain )Idaeus, in charge Katayrong Mountain (Today Greece Mount Kiselon )Katayronidis, in charge Mount Pelion (Today Greece Mount Pilion )Of Peliades Etc. The most famous Oriades is Echoes goddess Erco (in charge of Mount Helicon, which is now Greece Mount Erikon )。