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Select supplier

Supplier type
synonym Supplier selection (Supplier selection) generally refers to the selection of suppliers
In a narrow sense, selecting suppliers means that enterprises are studying all recommendation And quotation, the process of selecting one or more suppliers. In a broad sense, supplier selection includes the continuous cycle of enterprises from determining demand to finally determining suppliers and evaluating suppliers.
Chinese name
Select supplier
major factor
Business structure and production capacity
Avoid as much as possible price war
establish Supplier selection target

major factor

According to enterprise research, the impact Supplier selection The main factors of Enterprise environment

Characteristics of high-quality suppliers

In the process of globalization, made in China The advantage of low price is gradually lost, Chinese suppliers If you want to survive and develop in the competitive market, you must be good enough to become a high-quality supplier. that High quality supplier What elements should it have?
First of all, good suppliers not only focus on the factory, but also focus on the market and the content outside the factory. A good supplier will look at market trends, what products are popular, and what products need to be produced. A supplier who is not particularly good only knows how to produce products and wants to sell the products, but only wants to find someone to sell the products.
Secondly, good suppliers will stick to their own positioning and choices and make difficult decisions. For example, a company thinks that its good customers are medium-sized customers in western China Purchaser He will focus on this field and will promote and market to his target customers. Some suppliers will try different channels to see if it is feasible. The products have different prices. They want to try every opportunity. This is actually very dangerous.
Moreover, good suppliers will control the size of enterprises and pay more attention to cash flow and profits. Many enterprises in China just hope that they can grow, grow and grow. They may find a big customer, but the profit brought by the big customer is very small. On the contrary, small and medium-sized orders are more profitable, so we should take more small and medium-sized orders and reduce some large orders.
At the same time, suppliers cannot rely on a single large customer, which is very dangerous. If this major customer company is in poor operation or changes suppliers, your company will be very dangerous. We should reduce Operational risk You should be very careful when receiving large orders.
In addition, as a high-quality supplier, we should also pay more attention to automation, and we should not completely replace employees with machines. And try to avoid price war quite a lot Chinese suppliers Think your price is the lowest, so there will be more orders, but there will always be someone whose price is lower than yours.
However, in general, if you want to become a high-quality supplier, of course, there are more than the above things to do. There are many things worth doing, such as building a brand, improving product quality, and making products more diversified. There are many roads to success, depending on how you choose to go.


Supplier development The basic principle of "Q.C.D.S" is the principle of "quality, cost, delivery and service".
Among the four factors, the quality factor is the most important. First, confirm whether the supplier has established a stable and effective Quality assurance system And then confirm whether the supplier has the equipment and Process capability The second is the cost and price. The value engineering method should be used to carry out cost analysis , and through win-win Price negotiation Realize cost savings. In terms of delivery, it is necessary to determine whether the supplier has sufficient production capacity, whether human resources are sufficient, and whether there is potential to expand production capacity. Last but not least, the supplier's pre-sales and after-sales service records.


There are many problems in the evaluation and selection of suppliers by enterprises in China: when selecting suppliers, enterprises have too many subjective factors, and sometimes they choose suppliers according to the impression of suppliers, Supplier selection There are also some personal elements in; The selection criteria of suppliers are not comprehensive. The selection criteria of enterprises are mostly focused on the quality, price flexibility Delivery punctuality Lead time In terms of batch and other aspects, a comprehensive supplier integration has not been formed Evaluation index system And cannot make a comprehensive, specific and objective evaluation of suppliers. The generalized supplier selection process includes the following steps:
1. Analyze the market competition environment. The purpose of this step is to find out which product markets are targeted for development Supply chain partnership To be effective, it is necessary to know what the product requirements are and what the product types and characteristics are, so as to confirm the user's requirements and the necessity of supplier evaluation and selection. At the same time, it analyzes the current situation of existing suppliers, analyzes and summarizes the existing problems of enterprises.
2. Establishment Supplier selection Objectives. Enterprises must determine how to implement supplier evaluation procedures, Information flow How, who is responsible, and must establish substantive, practical goals. Among them, cost reduction is one of the main goals. Supplier evaluation and selection is not only a simple evaluation and selection process, but also a process between enterprises themselves and between enterprises operation flow If the reconstruction process is well implemented, it can bring a series of benefits.
3. Establish supplier evaluation standards. The indicator system for comprehensive evaluation of suppliers is the basis and standard for enterprises to conduct comprehensive evaluation of suppliers. It is a collection of indicators reflecting the different attributes of the complex system composed of the enterprise itself and the environment, which is orderly composed of subordinate relationships and hierarchical structures. According to the system's comprehensiveness, simplicity, scientificity and stability Comparability The principle of flexibility and operability Integrated supply chain management Integration of suppliers in the environment Evaluation index system The evaluation of suppliers in different industries, enterprises, product requirements and environments should be different. However, the supplier's achievement , equipment management, human resources development Quality Control cost control , technology development, users Satisfaction , delivery agreement, etc.
4. Establish an evaluation team. The enterprise must establish a team to control and implement supplier evaluation. The evaluation team must be supported by the top leadership of both manufacturers and suppliers.
5. Supplier participation. Once the enterprise decides to implement supplier evaluation, the evaluation team must contact the initially selected suppliers to confirm whether they are willing to establish cooperative relations with the enterprise and whether they have the desire to achieve higher performance levels. Enterprises should involve suppliers in the design process of evaluation as early as possible. However, because the power and resources of enterprises are limited, enterprises can only keep close cooperation with a few key suppliers, so it is not advisable to involve too many suppliers.
6. Evaluate suppliers. One of the main tasks of supplier evaluation is to investigate and collect all information about the production and operation of suppliers. On the basis of collecting supplier information, certain tools and technical methods can be used to evaluate suppliers. After the evaluation process, there is a decision point to select suppliers according to certain technical methods. If the selection is successful, the cooperation relationship can be implemented. If there is no suitable supplier to choose from, return to step 2 to start the evaluation and selection again.
7. Implementing partnerships. In the process of implementing the cooperation relationship, the market demand will change constantly, and the supplier evaluation criteria can be modified in time according to the actual needs, or the supplier evaluation and selection can be restarted. When re selecting suppliers, old suppliers should be given enough time to adapt to changes.