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The last king of the Antioch Dynasty of Macedonia
open 8 entries with the same name
synonym Perseus (Perseus) Generally refers to Perseus
Perseus is Macedonia Antioch Dynasty The last king. He ruled the successor country created after the death of Alexander the Great Macedonia On June 22, 168 years ago Battle of Pydna (Battle of Pydna) After his defeat, his royal family ended; Macedonia was then ruled by the Romans.
Chinese name
Foreign name
The last king of the Antioch Dynasty of Macedonia
Mausoleum location
Valyria Avenue near L'Aquila
Engage in war
Third Macedonian War


Perseus (Greek: Περσεύς , Ancient Greek: Περσέως )He was the last king of the Antioch Dynasty. He ruled Macedonia, the successor country of Alexander the Great after his death. After the defeat of the Battle of Pydna on June 22, 168, his royal family also ended; Macedonia was then ruled by the Romans.

Character's Life

179 years ago Philip V Death. In the previous year, Philip V executed Demetrius, the son of his fellow Romans. Perseus has always been jealous of Dmitri's success as ambassador to Rome, so he instigated his father to poison the "potential usurper". As the Romans preferred Demetrius, when Perseus ascended the throne, Rome did not have much favor with the man who was involved in poisoning Demetrius.
One of the first things Perseus did when he became king was to revise the treaty with Rome. However, his other actions upset Rome. He intervened in the affairs of neighboring countries Abrupriz (Abrupolis) Deportation and armed inspection Delphi , evading Rome by sending ambassadors to Macedonia, royal intermarriage, etc., all caused Roman Attention. Rome soon started with Perseus Third Macedonian War (171-168 BC). At the beginning of the war, Perseus still had the upper hand, but after the crucial defeat in the Battle of Petra, King Perseus gave command to Rome because of the war Paulus He surrendered and ended up in Rome. The kingdom of Antioch was dissolved and replaced by four republics. Andrescus The Roman government was interrupted for about a year, but he First 148 years Was defeated by the Romans. First 146 years , four republics were dissolved, and Macedonia officially became the Roman Empire Macedonian Province
In June 2005, Perseus' emperor's mausoleum At Valyria Avenue( en:Via Valeria )Near L'Aquila cover Italian Ministry of Culture and Macedonia The archaeological delegation rediscovered it.