Polygonum multiflorum

[hé shǒu wū]
Polygonaceae Polygonum multiflorum
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Polygonum multiflorum Thunb( Pleuropterus multiflorus (Thunb.) Nakai), also known as Nightingale, Ziwuteng, Polygonum multiflorum, and Jiushenteng, is a perennial herb of Polygonaceae and Polygonum multiflorum. Its tuberous root is oblong and dark brown; Stem twining; Leaves ovate or long ovate, apex acuminate, base cordate or subcordial; Inflorescence paniculate, terminal or axillary, perianth white or light green, perianth elliptic; Achenes ovate, 3-angled, dark brown. Flowering from August to September, fruiting from September to October. [1]
Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. is often found in valley thickets, hillside forests, and crevices at the edge of ditches at an altitude of 200-3000m; It likes warm and humid climate, bears shade, avoids drought, and is afraid of waterlogging. It has strong adaptability to the environment and is suitable for growing in sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, rich humus, and good drainage. [1] [3 ] Polygonum multiflorum is native to China, Thailand, Vietnam and other regions, and later introduced to Japan, South Korea and other countries as well as Transcaucasia; [4] In China, it is mainly distributed in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, eastern China, central China, southern China and other regions. [1] [3 ]
The roots and leaves of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb can be used as traditional Chinese medicine. Its roots can nourish blood and yin, moisten intestines and relieve constipation. It is mainly used to treat dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, aching waist and knees, white hair, tinnitus, spermatorrhea and other diseases; The leaves have the effects of detoxification, disinfestation and antipruritic, mainly treating sores, scabies and other diseases. [10 ] Polygonum multiflorum has long branches and luxuriant growth. Its roots can be appreciated. It can be planted beside walls and stacked stones, or it can be cultivated as a green ornamental plant with good greening and ornamental effect. [9] [11 ] Polygonum multiflorum Thunb can be made into a variety of medicated meals and health care products in dietotherapy, and is often used in hair care, hair care, hair growth and other cosmetics; The root tuber can be used to make starch or wine, and the filtrate can be developed as a natural insecticide. [13 ]
Chinese name
Polygonum multiflorum
Latin name
Pleuropterus multiflorus (Thunb.) Nakai [1]
Nightingale, Ziwuteng, Polygonum multiflorum, Willow peach, Jiuzhen vine [1]
Plantae [5]
Tracheophyta [5]
Magnoliopsida [5]
Caryophyllales [5]
Polygonaceae [5]
Polygonum multiflorum( Pleuropterus [5]
Polygonum multiflorum Thunb( Pleuropterus multiflorus [5]
Distribution area
Originated in China, Thailand, Vietnam and other regions, it was later introduced to Japan, South Korea and other countries as well as Transcaucasia; In China, it is mainly distributed in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, eastern China, central China, southern China and other regions [1] [4]
Fallopia multiflora var. hypoleuca Polygonum multiforum var. angulatum, etc [5]
Habitat environment
It often grows in the valley thickets, hillside forests, and crevices at the edge of ditches at an altitude of 200-3000m [1] [3 ]
Morphological recognition
The root tuber is long oval; Leaves ovate or long ovate; Inflorescence paniculate, perianth white or light green; Achenes ovoid, 3-ribbed, dark brown [1]

History of botany


Origin of name

"Polygonum multiflorum" was first seen in Tang · Li Ao's "Record of Polygonum multiflorum". Tian Er, the hero in the article, was born castrated and weak. By chance, after taking the root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb, he "gave birth to several men in ten years" and later changed his name to "Nengsi". Tian Er died at the age of one hundred and sixty. His grandson was named Polygonum multiflorum. After taking the root of Polygonum multiflorum, he was "one hundred and thirty years old and gave birth to 21 men and women". Later generations called this medicine "Polygonum multiflorum". [2]

Textual research on materia medica

In the Biography of Polygonum Multiflorum written by Li Ao of the Tang Dynasty of China, it is recorded that the Polygonum Multiflorum "The seedlings are as shiny as Ligusticum Ligusticum, and as shaped as peach and willow leaves. Their backs are slanted, and they are single. Both are born opposite. There are male and female, whose seedlings are yellow and white, and male are yellow and red. Their birth is far away, and the seedlings and vines are crossed or hidden at night." The day of "Kai Bao Ben Cao": "Originally from Nanhe County, Shunzhou, today, all the states in the south of the Yangtze River outside the mountain range have them. The vine is purple, the flower is yellow and white, the leaf is like a yam, but not light, the birth must be opposite, and the root is as big as a fist. There are two kinds of red and white, the male of the red and the female of the white. "It is also recorded in the Book of Materia Medica that" it exists everywhere today, with Xiluo, Song Mountain and Zhecheng County in Nanjing as the winners. The leaves of spring seedlings are relatively taro like but not shiny. Their stems spread between bamboo and wood walls. In summer and autumn, they have yellow and white flowers, similar to the bougainvillea, and their seeds are as small as buckwheat, which is as big as millet. In autumn and winter, those who take big roots are like fists, each with five edged petals like a small melon. "From the above records, it can be seen that the original plants of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb in ancient China are confused. The characteristics of" seeds with edges like buckwheat and small, just like large millet "described in the" Herbal Atlas "are consistent with this product. The attached drawings of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb recorded in the" Plant Name and Fact Map "can be confirmed as this product. [12 ] In addition, the picture of Polygonum multiflorum in the Collection of Materia Medica of the Qing Dynasty is known as the most accurate picture of Polygonum multiflorum in ancient times. [2]

morphological character

Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial herb. The root tuber is plump, oblong, dark brown. The stem is twining, 2-4 meters long, multi branched, longitudinally ribbed, glabrous, slightly rough, and the lower part is lignified. [1]
Polygonum multiflorum


Leaves ovate or long ovate, 3-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cordate or subcordate, both surfaces rough, margin entire; Petiole 1.5-3 cm long; Stipule sheath membranous, oblique, glabrous, 3-5 mm long. [1]
The leaves of Polygonum multiflorum

Flowers and fruits

Inflorescence paniculate, terminal or axillary, 10-20 cm long, branched, with fine longitudinal ribs, densely covered with small protuberances along the ribs; Bracts triangular ovate, with small protuberances, apex pointed, 2-4 flowers in each bract; Pedicel slender, 2-3 mm long, lower articulating, prolonged in fruit; The perianth is 5-parted, white or light green, and the perianth segments are oval and unequal in size. The outer 3 segments are larger and have wings on the back, which increase when the fruit is in fruit, and the perianth shape is nearly round when the fruit is in fruit, with a diameter of 6-7 mm; Stamens 8, lower part of filament wider; Styles 3, very short, stigma capitate. Achenes ovoid, 3-angled, 2.5-3 mm long, dark brown, shiny, enclosed in the persistent perianth. [1]
The flower of Polygonum multiflorum

Distribution range

Polygonum multiflorum is native to China, Thailand, Vietnam and other regions, and later introduced to Japan, South Korea and other countries and Transcaucasia; [4] In China, it is mainly distributed in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, eastern China, central China, southern China, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. [1]

Growth environment

Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. is wild in bushes, hills, slopes, forest edges or roadside ridges, and often grows in valley bushes, hillside forests, and gully crevices at an altitude of 200-3000m. [1] [3 ]

Growth habit

Polygonum multiflorum likes warm and humid climate, bears overcast weather, avoids drought and fears waterlogging; The suitable temperature for seed germination is 20-25 ℃; It has strong adaptability to the environment and is suitable for growing in sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile, rich humus, moist and good drainage; If there is too much rain and water in the field, it will not grow well, or even cause root rot and death. [3 ] [12 ] Flowering from August to September, fruiting from September to October. [1]

Reproductive mode

The artificial propagation methods of Polygonum multiflorum mainly include sowing propagation, cutting propagation, root tuber propagation, tissue culture, etc., but in production, the main cutting propagation method is fast rooting, high survival rate, short planting years, more root tubers and high yield. [3 ] [6] [8]

Seeding propagation

Remove impurities from the harvested Polygonum multiflorum seeds, put them into cloth bags or cartons, and store them in a dry place; In March and March of next year, when the temperature rises, sow seeds; On the prepared seedling land border, open a shallow ditch according to a certain line spacing, and evenly sprinkle the seeds into the ditch; After sowing, it is necessary to cover the soil layer with a certain thickness immediately. After the seedlings emerge, the grass covering and watering shall be timely scattered to keep the border soil moist. [3 ]

cuttage propagation

In early spring, the old stems are usually raised by cutting in the first half of March, before their stems germinate. The time for selecting cutting to breed Polygonum multiflorum varies with the climate. Generally, 1 year old thick and mature vines with vigorous growth and no disease are selected, preferably the thick and old vines cut from the root head in October and November; In summer, it is advisable to select thicker twigs and stems as cuttings in the hot and rainy season from July to August. Cut the cuttings to a certain length, dip the lower end in yellow mud, and place them in a cool place for insertion. After cutting, the border soil should always be kept moist, and in case of drought, it should be drenched to facilitate rooting and germination of cuttings. In rainy season, attention should be paid to drainage to prevent cuttings from rotting due to ponding in the seedbed. [3 ]

Tuberous propagation

The tuber propagation of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. has a large amount of consumption and high cost, but it can maintain the excellent characteristics of the original variety. Usually, small roots with bud holes are selected around April, and planted in loose and fertile plots at a certain row spacing. One small root is planted in each hole, covering a certain thickness of soil layer, watering moderately to keep moisture, and timely drainage in rainy season to prevent root tubers from rotting. [7]

tissue culture

The leaves, stem tips, stem segments, tubers, petioles and seeds of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb can be used as explants for tissue culture, but usually the stem tips, stem segments and other parts with vigorous division are used as explants. First, they are sterilized, and then washed with sterile water. On the basis of the basic MS medium, different hormones are added according to the proportion of different stages to promote the formation, subculture Induced rooting, etc. [6]

cultivation techniques


Land selection and preparation

The nursery land of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. is usually sandy loam with gentle hills, convenient irrigation and loose and fertile soil layer. Deep ploughing in winter. After weathering in winter, ploughing and harrowing will be carried out for many times in the spring of the next year. Grass roots, branches and stones will be picked up, leveled and raked fine. Mixed fertilizers such as decayed manure and plant ash will be applied every mu, evenly spread on the border, and then shallow ploughing will be carried out. [3 ]
The planting land is usually the hillside forest edge with half shade and half sun, and the land with deep soil layer, fertile, loose and good drainage. In the spring of the second year, plough for 1-2 times to loosen the soil layer, and apply a certain amount of stable manure and mixed fertilizer of plant ash as base fertilizer per mu; After application, the fertilizer shall be shallowly turned into the soil, mixed with the topsoil, raked and leveled for border planting, or dug in the front and back of the house for planting. [3 ]

maintenance management

Weeding shall be carried out in time after emergence of intertillage weeding. Weeding shall be carried out 3-4 times a year, the first time around the "Qingming Festival", the second time around the "beginning of summer", the third time around the "light summer", and the fourth time around the "beginning of autumn"; The intertillage should be shallow to prevent deep tillage from damaging root tubers. Polygonum multiflorum Thunb is a fertilizer loving plant. In addition to sufficient base fertilizer, it needs topdressing 2-3 times; The principle of applying organic fertilizer in the early stage, applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the middle stage and not applying fertilizer in the later stage is adopted for top dressing; When the plant survives and grows new roots, apply manure and urine from decayed acquaintances, and then topdressing according to the plant growth; When the seedlings grow to more than 1 m, nitrogen fertilizer is generally not applied; After September, when the root tuber began to form and grow, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, manure and mixed fertilizer of plant ash were applied again; In the future, fertilizer will be applied once every spring and autumn, mainly organic fertilizer, combined with appropriate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. [3 ] After the planting of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb, the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened. Water should be sprayed frequently. In the first 10 days, water should be sprayed once in the morning and once in the evening. After survival, water should be sprayed properly according to the weather conditions. Generally, no water should be sprayed after the seedlings are 1 meter high. After the rain, the accumulated water in the field should be drained in time to prevent poor rooting, or even rotting roots causing plant death. [3 ]
Field management of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb
There are many and long vines in Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. When the vines grow to a certain length, it is necessary to insert bamboo strips or small wooden strips on the border and cross them to form a fence or a tripod. The vines are wound clockwise and grow upward. The loose parts are tied with ropes, leaving one vine per plant. In addition, it is also necessary to prune and pick the flowers of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. If there is too much fertilizer and water and the growth is too prosperous, it can be properly topped to reduce nutrient consumption. Generally, it is pruned 5-6 times a year and 7 times in high-yield fields; The flower buds of plants not used for seed retention shall be removed from May to June to avoid loss of nutrients and promote root tuber growth. [3 ]

Disease and insect control

Leaf spot, ring spot, rust and root rot are the main diseases on Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Leaf spot disease and ring streak disease mainly damage the leaves of plants. Field management should be strengthened, and attention should be paid to ventilation and light transmission. The diseased leaves should be removed in time and burned collectively. A certain concentration of carbendazim can be sprayed at the beginning of the disease to prevent the occurrence of the disease; Root rot mainly harms the roots of plants, so it is necessary to pay attention to less watering, pull out the diseased plants in time, sprinkle lime on the diseased holes, and stamp solid, or spray a certain concentration of carbendazim wettable powder to prevent and control the disease; Rust mainly harms the leaves of plants. It is necessary to timely prune and remove the diseased leaves, diseased plants and residual leaves on the ground. It can also be controlled by spraying chlorothalonil or thiophanate methyl at a certain concentration. [8]
Insect pest
Adults, nymphs and scarabs of aphids are the main pests on Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Adults, nymphs and scarabs of aphids mainly damage young stems and leaves of plants, so they can be controlled by spraying Rogor emulsifiable concentrates of certain concentration. [3 ]

Harvesting and processing

Polygonum multiflorum can be harvested after 2-3 years of planting or cutting, usually after the leaves fall off in autumn and winter each year or before sprouting in late spring. During excavation, the support shall be pulled out first, and then the root shall be dug after the vines are cut off and the nightglades are harvested; The root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb is deep, and each hole covers a large area. It needs to be carefully dug to prevent damage to the root block. After digging out the root tuber, wash away the sediment, cut off the sharp end and wooden part, and grade according to the size; Dry in the sun or slowly with a gentle fire, not with a strong fire to avoid scorching. Cut the roots of different sizes and divide them into three categories according to the size of large, medium and small roots. Spread them in the oven and bake them at a certain temperature. Turn them over once every certain time for 4-5 times. When it is 70% dry, take it out, stack it indoors and moisten it for 24 hours to make the internal moisture permeate outward, and then bake it in the furnace until it is fully dry. [3 ]

Protection status

In December 2016, at the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Guangdong Province, Polygonum multiflorum Thunb was listed as one of the first protected Chinese medicinal materials in the Regulations of Guangdong Province on the Protection of Lingnan Chinese Medicinal Materials, and was implemented on March 1, 2017. [14]

Key values


Garden appreciation

Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. has long branches and luxuriant growth. Its roots can be appreciated. It can be planted beside walls and stacked stones, and it can also be cultivated as a green ornamental plant. It not only has a good green ornamental effect, but also has a good ornamental effect on the white cone catkins every autumn. [9] [11 ]
Potted Polygonum multiflorum

Edible nutrition

In dietotherapy, Polygonum multiflorum can be made into a variety of medicinal meals and health products, such as medicinal porridge, such as Shouwu Yiyan Wufa porridge, Shouwu egg yolk porridge, and intelligence enriching blood anti wrinkle porridge; Medicinal liquor includes Yiwu tonic wine, Shouwu Sanxian Yishou wine, Shouwu black bean hair care wine, etc; The teas to drink include Polygonum multiflorum tea, Polygonum multiflorum beauty tea, blood nourishing and yin nourishing white skin tea, Polygonum multiflorum essence fixing and color pleasing tea, and Polygonum multiflorum carp soup. [13 ]

Industrial raw materials

Polygonum multiflorum Thunb contains lecithin and other nutrients, which can regulate nerves and endocrine, nourish hair roots, and promote the generation of melanin in hair. It is an excellent hair conditioner, commonly used in hair care, hair care, hair growth and other cosmetics. The root tuber of Polygonum multiflorum also contains rich starch (up to 45%), which can be used to make starch or wine; After the root tubers are cooked, they can be fed to sows to promote lactation. The filtrate can prevent and control aphids, red spiders, rice borers and other pests, and can be developed as a natural insecticide. [13 ]

Medical medicine

The roots and leaves of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb can be used as traditional Chinese medicine. Its roots are bitter, sweet, astringent, and slightly warm. It has the effects of nourishing blood and yin, moistening the intestines and catharsis, dispelling wind, and detoxification. It is mainly used to treat dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, weakness of the waist and knees, early whiteness of the hair, tinnitus, spermatorrhea, intestinal dryness and constipation, chronic malaria and body deficiency, rubella and pruritus, sores, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, and other diseases; The leaves are slightly bitter and flat. It has the effect of detoxification, disinfestation and antipruritic. It is mainly used to treat sores, scabies and other diseases. [10 ]
Chinese herbal medicine -- Polygonum multiflorum Thunb

the way to distinguish


Character identification

The tuberous root is massive or irregular spindle shaped, 6-15 cm long and 4-12 cm in diameter; The surface is reddish brown or reddish brown, wrinkled, with shallow grooves, and transverse long lenticels and fine root marks; Weight, solid quality, not easy to break, light yellow brown or light reddish brown cross section, powdery, 4-11 round shaped vascular bundles ring on the skin, forming a brocade like pattern, the central wood is large, and some are wood cores. The flavor is slightly bitter and sweet. [10 ]
The shape of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb

Microscopic identification

The cork layer on the cross section of the root tuber of Polygonum multiflorum is a series of cells, full of brown matter; The phloem is wide, and there are 4-11 round shaped vascular bundles scattered, which are external tough, with few vessels; The central cambium of the root forms a ring; There are fewer xylem vessels, tracheids and a few wood fibers around; The parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate clusters and starch granules. [10 ]

Powder characteristics

Brown; Starch grains are single and round, with a diameter of 4-50 microns, and the umbilicus is herringbone, star shaped or trigeminal, and the laminae can be seen faintly in large grains; Compound grain is composed of 2-9 fractions; The diameter of calcium oxalate clusters is 10-80 (160) μ m, and clusters are occasionally combined with larger square crystals; The brown cells are round or oval, with slightly thick walls, and the lumens are filled with yellowish brown, brown or reddish brown substances, and contain starch granules. The diameter of bordered pit conduit is 17-178 microns. Brown blocks are scattered in different shapes, sizes and colors. [10 ]