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He Zaoxiang

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Compiled by Guangdong General Annals Museum in the Republic of China
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He Zaoxiang (1865-1930) was named Guoyan at the beginning, Mei Xia at the beginning, Pu Ting at the beginning, and Zou Yabu at the end. Guangzhoufu, Guangdong Shunde County People. Early dropout Yingyuan Academy
Chinese name
He Zaoxiang
date of birth
Date of death
one's native heath
Guangzhoufu, Guangdong Shunde County
In 1892, he signed the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of Military Division as the chief executive. In 1895, the minister of military aircraft was impeached Sun Yuwen Six major crimes of corruption and arrogance; In the same year, he participated in the establishment of a strong society, Yu Jingshi, to study new learning. In the following year, he was admitted to Zhang Jing, the prime minister's office in charge of international affairs. In 1904, he was the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1906, along with Zhang Yintang Let Tibet negotiate a treaty with Britain. Zeng Zuoshan, the minister stationed in Tibet, Youtai, etc., drafted terms on the improvement of Tibetan customs and the aftermath of Tibet. After the founding of the Republic of China, he served as the chief editor of Guangdong General Annals Museum, director of the Security Corps, curator of Guangdong Medical Internship Museum, and head of Xuehaitang. In 1920, he went to Hong Kong to teach. In 1922, he compiled the Annals of Shunde County. In his later years, he proofread the "Remaining Manuscript of Dongshu". He died in Hong Kong in 1930. His works include Sixty Self Readings, Zou Ya Poetry Manuscript, Lingnan Poetry Preservation, etc. [1]