
Basic organizational form of physical education teaching
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Gym class is physical education Of Basic Organization Form, mainly to enable students to master the basic knowledge of sports and health care, Basic technology , skills, realize students' ideological and moral education, and improve Sports technology Horizontal.
Schools shall organize and implement physical education classes in accordance with the provisions of the administrative department of education teaching activities Ordinary primary and secondary schools Agricultural Middle School vocational high school Secondary professional school Physical education must be offered in all grades and in the first and second grades of ordinary colleges and universities. Ordinary colleges and universities offer physical education to students above grade three Elective Courses [2]
According to the document issued by the Ministry of Education in 2001《 compulsory education Curriculum experiment scheme, Chinese, mathematics, physical education and health and other courses are offered at the stage of compulsory education National curriculum [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Gym class
physical education Basic organization of form
increase Sports technology level


From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century Denmark , Germany and other European countries first regard physical education as a primary and secondary school Compulsory courses Since then, most countries have had PE classes in primary and secondary schools. U.S.A education act There is no specific provision for setting up primary and secondary schools Physical education courses However, in about half of the states in the country, physical education is compulsory, and most other schools also choose physical education. In China, physical education is one of the compulsory courses in primary and secondary schools. It is issued by physical education teachers according to the Ministry of Education Physical Education Syllabus according to class-based teaching system The way of teaching is mainly practice class, and teaching is organized and planned. It is the basic organizational form of primary and secondary school sports.


Course structure It refers to several parts of a class, the order of teaching materials, organizational teaching methods and time allocation of each part. In physical education class, mainly engaged in various physical activities. Organism Must bear certain physiological load, also has certain Intellectual activity Therefore, the structure of physical education should not only follow the cognitive activities of people general rule And also follow the law of physiological function activities. The law of physiological function activities is generally divided into three stages: rising, stabilizing and falling, which reflects the general trend of changes in human working ability.
According to the above two laws, the structure of physical education is generally divided into: preparation part, basic part and end part. From the table below, we can see the relationship between each part of the class and the three stages of human working ability (see the attached table). The three parts of the above class are physical education Basic structure As for the specific structure of each part, it is different due to the differences in the specific tasks of the class, the content of the textbook, the situation and number of students, and the operating conditions (site, equipment, seasonal climate, etc.). The unity of the consistency of the basic structure and the diversity of the specific structure of a class constitutes the complete structure of a PE class. To strengthen Organize teaching In primary school physical education, the preparation part can also be divided into two parts: "beginning" and "preparation", and it becomes a four part structure class, which has no essential difference from a three part structure class. Currently, three part structure is generally adopted. However, in some countries, the structure of physical education is not strictly divided.


To strengthen PEclass And extracurricular exercise to promote youth Physical and mental health and strong physique are the important requirements based on the overall national situation and the well-being of hundreds of millions of families. Relevant research also shows that schools and the society in some areas attach great importance to Intellectual education Light sports The tendency of Schoolwork burden Overweight, lack of rest and exercise time, between urban and rural areas and regions Sports facilities equipment out-off-balance , student PEclass And exercise activities are difficult to guarantee. These problems are increasingly affecting the healthy growth of hundreds of millions of young people, and will also restrict the future process of national prosperity and national rejuvenation. They are attracting more attention from the whole party and society, and gradually gathering a strong impetus for education reform. [7]
The student group is National fitness An important part of. The Ministry of Education is promoting physical education Reform, make students like sports, let each student master one or two lifelong sports skills, strengthen the rigid requirements of physical education courses, strictly prohibit Reduce and occupy PE class time, encourage At the stage of basic education, schools offer one physical education class every day, and encourage colleges and research institutes to incorporate physical education into the curriculum Postgraduate education Public courses System. [6]

traditional sports



bamboo dance [4]
In "Health First", "People First" and "Happy Learning"“ Under the guidance of the guiding ideology of lifelong sports, the physical education curriculum reform is also in full swing ethnic minority tradition Sports introduce PEclass Class teaching is not just a kind of content of courses And the change of teaching form New Curriculum Reform The concrete embodiment of the guiding ideology. [4]

a martial art

School is on PEclass At the same time, it can be integrated into the tradition Wushu can not only improve Teacher student interaction It can also cultivate students' more extensive interests. Traditional Wushu enters the campus to explore its potential, reflect its unique advantages, stimulate students' interests and hobbies, contribute to the physical and mental health of young people, and promote the Comprehensive development We should correctly guide young people to take physical exercise, consciously resist the harm caused by electronic products, and develop good habits of life and rest. [5]


Issued by the Ministry of Education《 Curriculum Standards for Physical Education and Health in Compulsory Education (2022 Edition) 》(hereinafter referred to as the "New Curriculum Standard"). The new curriculum standard will be officially implemented in the autumn semester of 2022. According to the new curriculum standard Compulsory education school All grades should offer Physical Education and Health It accounts for 10% - 11% of the total class hours, second only to Chinese (20% - 22%) and Mathematics (13% - 15%). It can be seen from the data that, compared with the 2001 and 2011 curriculum standards, the proportion of PE and health class hours in the new curriculum standards is 10% - 11%, but the number of class hours has not increased - for 20 years, it has been four PE classes per week from grade 1 to grade 2, and three PE classes per week from grade 3 to grade 3 PEclass Sports is still the third Main subject [3]

course arrangement

It is divided into comprehensive density and special density. The comprehensive density refers to the proportion between the time for reasonable use of various activities in a class and the total time of the class. class teaching activities Generally, the time includes: teacher guidance, students doing exercises, mutual observation and help, rest after exercises, and organizational measures. These five activities are teaching process But the core is that students do exercises. Only repeated exercises can master the skills and techniques of sports and strengthen the physique. Other activities should focus on and help students do exercises. The comprehensive density of research courses lies in the most effective and reasonable use of class time to improve Teaching quality However, due to the complexity of physical education, it is difficult to judge and master what is an unreasonable use of time in various activities. In practice, it is generally not necessary to strictly distinguish the unreasonable use of time, but to objectively record the time used in the five activities and calculate their proportion for teachers to improve teaching. Specific density refers to the proportion between the time of one or two activities of the class and the total time of the class. The proportion between the time students spend doing exercises and the total time in class is called the exercise density of the class (exercise density), which is expressed by the formula Exercise load It is closely related. The density of physical education usually refers to the sports density of the class. The sports density of physical education in primary and secondary schools is generally 20~30%. Under appropriate conditions, it is better to be higher than this standard, but do not simply pursue sports density.

Exercise load

It refers to the physiological load that students bear when doing exercises in a physical education class. It reflects the physiological changes of students. The exercise load is determined by the amount and intensity of exercise Basic factors Determined. The amount of exercise refers to the number of exercises and Duration , total distance and total weight of exercises, etc. The intensity of exercise refers to the strength used to complete the exercise in a unit time and the degree of tension of the body. It is generally expressed by the speed of the action, the density of the exercise, the weight of the load, the throwing distance, the height and distance of the jump, etc. Exercise load should be comprehensively evaluated according to the amount and intensity of exercise. At the same time, the quality of the action (that is, the specification requirements of the action) also has a certain relationship with the size of the exercise load. The exercise load of the class should be appropriate, too small can not achieve the effect of strengthening the physique, too large will cause excessive fatigue, affecting health. The following methods are generally used to check and evaluate the exercise load of the class:
① Education, observation, observation and analysis of students' performance, such as face color, sweat output, breathing and movement accuracy The ability to control the body and the degree of concentration.
② Students' self perception Understand students' appetite, sleep mentality , interest in the exercise, the degree of fatigue of the body after the exercise, whether the muscles are sore, and other uncomfortable reactions.
③ Physiological measurement is an objective method to check exercise load. Including measuring students' pulse, blood pressure, oxygen intake Respiratory rate vital capacity Etc. use Heart rate telemeter Measuring exercise load is a good method. In Chinese physical education classes, the average heart rate of students should be as follows: 120~130 times/minute in primary school; 130~140 times/minute in junior high school; High school (female) 130~140 times/minute, high school (male) 130~150 times/minute. Some people in Japan believe that the average heart rate of primary and secondary school students in physical education should be 130~170 times per minute. Less than 130 times per minute belongs to small exercise load. 170 times, students will feel very tired. If the heart rate is less than 1/3 of the exercises with more than 130 times, the students are not angry. If the heart rate is less than 1/2, the students are very excited and have a high learning mood.
There are generally two methods to calculate the average heart rate of exercise load:
Area method The average heart rate is calculated by calculating the number of heart rates included in the curve area. The following figure (Figures 1 and 2) is an example: Abscissa do vertical (with Dotted line The whole area is divided into several zones (represented by X1, X2, X3...), and the heart rate times of each zone are calculated first, represented by ∑ X1, ∑ X2, ∑ X3. Since each area is trapezoidal, the trapezoidal area is obtained. Calculation formula Yes:
ΣХ n Indicates the sum of heart rate in a certain area( n Indicates the area);
α represents the low frequency number of heart rate in each area (times/minute);
▄ represents the high frequency number of heart rate in each area (times/minute);
t Indicates the time of each zone (in minutes).
According to the formula, the heart rate of each area is:
Then calculate the total area heart rate. Add the heart rate times of each zone, and it is expressed as ∑ X. The calculation formula is:
According to the formula, the total heart rate of the whole class is:
Finally, ask for the average heart rate of the whole class. The calculation formula is:
According to the formula, the average heart rate of the whole class is:
Point algorithm is used to calculate the data of each point average value Add the measured heart rate and divide it by the number of measurements. The calculation formula is:
Х1,Х2,Х3……Х n Indicates the number of heart rates at each time; n Indicates the number of measurements.
According to the above example, the average heart rate is:!
(Quiet heart rate is not included in the calculation)
The average heart rate calculated by point algorithm is Approximate value In order to reduce the error, the method of adding correction points can be used for correction calculation.

Teaching assessment

physical education The purpose of the assessment is to examine and evaluate the students' achievements in physical education, understand their learning and teaching effects, and summarize their teaching experience. The assessment of teaching work includes the following three types: ① peacetime examination, that is, the examination carried out in the classroom during peacetime teaching, which generally focuses on checking the quality of students' mastery of movement, and paying due attention to the achievements achieved. ② Regular tests, i.e Teaching schedule The prescribed assessment items, time and standards, and the test organized for the whole class, generally give priority to the test results, and it is better to use competition to stimulate the enthusiasm of students. The items for periodic test should be 3-4 items per semester《 National Physical Training Standards 》At the beginning of the semester, the assessment items, standards and time will be announced to students to encourage them to study and exercise seriously. ③ Performance evaluation The results of physical education class are comprehensively evaluated according to the results of usual examinations and regular tests. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, those who miss more than 1/3 of the total physical education hours in the whole semester will not be assessed. Although the students' physical education achievements reflect the students' physique to a certain extent, they cannot fully represent the students' physique. Therefore, they can only be regarded as the academic achievements of physical education.