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Sports Humanities and Sociology

A comprehensive discipline that studies the nature of sports, such as the relationship between sports and people, sports and society, and basic laws
Sports humanistic sociology is a comprehensive discipline that uses the theories and methods of humanities and social sciences to study the relationship between sports and people, sports and society, basic laws and other sports essence issues.
Chinese name
Sports Humanities and Sociology
Sports and People, Sports and Society
China's sports guidelines and policies

Related disciplines


Research direction

B: Sports Sociology
C: Sports administration
D: Research on Sports Humanities and Sociology
E: Sports Economy and Industry
F: Sports News and Communication

Training objectives

culture Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles , insist reform and opening-up , develop morally, intellectually and physically, adapt to China's modernization Sports Development needs, has a solid foundation in humanities and sociology, and can be competent in sports institutions technical position Work and business management work, and can undertake sports theory research and teaching in colleges and universities of high-level talents.

Formative history

The rapid development of sports and physical education disciplines in the 1990s contributed to Sports Learn at a relatively independent level subject The creation of. conventional physical education The secondary discipline of theory and method can no longer fully summarize and reflect the rapidly developing characteristics of sports humanistic sociology. Following the trend of national discipline adjustment (1998), sports Humanistic society Learning emerges as a new secondary discipline, which is closely related to physical education, sports training Sports Human Science The secondary discipline system of sports science in China is composed of national traditional sports science and other disciplines. The three-level discipline of sports humanistic sociology breaks through the general category of traditional sports theory and sports history and goes deep into all levels of sports social phenomenon.
Sports humanistic sociology has always been Hunan Normal University Key supported and developed disciplines. In 1990, Hunan Normal University started to cultivate postgraduates in related majors on the master's degree program of discipline teaching theory. After obtaining the master's degree authorization program of sports teaching theory and methods in 1993, it has been cultivating postgraduates in related majors. After the discipline adjustment, it soon obtained the new right to grant the master's degree of sports humanities and sociology in 2000. The new master's specialty is not only Hunan Province The only one is also one of the only three master degree programs of the same kind in the national normal university.
At present, the discipline has a teaching and research team with reasonable structure, capable and efficient, dynamic and great development potential. Seven of the 12 teachers are professors, associate professor 3, 1 lecturer and 1 teaching assistant. Among them, 1 has a doctor's degree, 2 are studying for a doctor's degree, and young teachers all have master's degrees Jin Yuqiang and Jing Guanghui Professors lead sports sociology sports management And evaluation and School Physical Education Teaching three stable research directions. Its basic characteristics are that it not only pays attention to macro research, closely links with the reality of China's sports reform and development, directly introduces and regulates the national sports macro policy, and implements the Olympic strategy and National fitness program Provide high-level theoretical research results, and combine the school sports practice of social sports to solve important problems such as talent training, community service, grass-roots management and physical education. For example, Hunan Province competitive sports The resplendence in the 27th Olympic Games largely benefited from the scientific strategic layout of sports events. The scientific nature of the strategic layout of sports events has condensed the theoretical research achievements of Professor Li Yanling, Professor Jin Yuqiang, etc. In particular, Professor Jin Yuqiang participated in the research of the "2010 China Sports Reform and Development Strategy Outline", which has made important contributions to the development of China's sports. It can be seen that the combination of theory and practice of this discipline not only has distinctive characteristics, but also reflects the internal power and potential of sustainable development.

Development prospect

At present, this discipline has reached the advanced level of similar disciplines in China as a whole, and has reached the national advanced level discipline standards in some parts. During the Ninth Five Year Plan period, the discipline participated in and completed 6 projects funded by the National Education or Social Science Fund, and presided over and completed more than 10 projects Provincial and ministerial projects , completed more than 20 other topics; Published more than 30 monographs and textbooks; In Sports Science《 Journal of Beijing Sport University 》He has published 230 academic papers in more than 10 authoritative journals, and has won teaching and research awards above provincial and ministerial levels for many times. In 2001, Professor Li Yanling and Professor Jin Yuqiang each had a project supported by the National Social Science Fund. In 2002, Professor Li Yanling Gong Zhengwei There is also a national "Tenth Five Year" education planning project.
The development of this discipline focuses on both domestic exchanges and international exchanges and cooperation. Take the way of "going out and inviting in", actively strive to participate in national and international academic conferences, hold various academic seminars in due time, and cooperate with Japan Shimane University chukyo university It has established academic contacts and constantly expanded the vision and space of discipline development.
In a word, compared with the domestic advanced disciplines, this discipline has a high starting point and rapid progress, although it was founded late, and there were many young professors but low popularity, research directions need to be expanded, and research funds need to be increased. In the face of social change and with the support of society, government and schools, the discipline will be able to narrow the gap as soon as possible, and even achieve the strategic goal of sustainable development.
Sports humanistic sociology of Xinjiang Normal University (key discipline of the autonomous region) The sports humanistic sociology of Xinjiang Normal University originated from the Department of Physical Education of Xinjiang Teacher Training Department in 1972. With the construction and development of the school for more than 30 years and academic accumulation, the discipline construction has gradually developed and expanded. In 2003, Sports Humanities and Sociology was granted the right to grant master's degree, and in 2004, it began to recruit graduate students of Sports Humanities and Sociology nationwide; In 2008, it was identified as a school level priority discipline, and in 2010, it was approved as a key discipline in the autonomous region.
At present, the discipline has formed three stable and distinctive research directions, namely, minority physique and health, minority sports culture, and Xinjiang competitive sports theory and practice. It has a teaching and research team with reasonable structure, strong teachers, and great potential. With fruitful scientific research results and diverse disciplinary platforms, it takes the lead in the autonomous region with its distinctive characteristics and advantages.
1、 Discipline Overview
According to the general requirements of the discipline construction and development of autonomous regions and schools, sports humanistic sociology continues to expand the field of discipline research, condense the research direction in combination with regional characteristics, establish and improve the long-term operating mechanism of discipline development, and actively create a disciplinary reputation of "leading in the region, leading in the west, and influential in China", ranking "the only" and "the first" in the construction of similar disciplines in the region It has become an important talent pool, intelligence source and demonstration site for sports scientific research, policy consultation and sports cultural development in the autonomous region.
Based on Xinjiang's unique multi-cultural research, extensive investigation and research work on Xinjiang's sports humanities and social phenomena has been carried out, forming the disciplinary characteristics of "nationality and regionalism"; Conform to the trend of international development, constantly expand research fields, make full use of ethnic cultural research resources that cannot be enjoyed outside the region, actively carry out cross-cultural research on cross-border ethnic groups in Xinjiang and Central Asia, fill the gaps in research in this field, and form an "international" disciplinary feature; In line with the principle of "theory guiding practice", fully excavate, utilize and inherit the national traditional sports culture, pay attention to the extensive application and active promotion of sports culture research achievements in the school sports and national fitness activities in the autonomous region, and form a "practical" disciplinary feature of trinity of teaching, scientific research and training.
2、 Discipline advantages
(1) Strong academic force
The academic team of this discipline has 23 people in total, including 9 professors, 7 associate professors, 1 doctoral supervisor, 5 doctors, 4 doctoral candidates, and 10 masters. Among the academic backbones, there is one expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council, one expert with outstanding contributions from the autonomous region, two advanced individuals in national mass sports research, one advanced individual in the development and construction of Xinjiang, one famous teacher in the autonomous region, and 11 international and national judges.
(2) Diversified disciplinary platforms
The discipline has a provincial and ministerial key laboratory (Xinjiang Multi ethnic Physical Health and Evaluation Laboratory), a Xinjiang minority sports culture exhibition room, a national characteristic specialty (physical education), an autonomous region level excellent teaching team (theoretical and practical teaching team of physical education specialty), autonomous region level quality courses Two bases (Sports Culture Research Base of General Administration of Sport of China, National Social Sports Instructor Training Base), three school level quality courses, and four centers (Xinjiang Traditional Sports Culture Center for Ethnic Minorities, Cross border Sports Culture Research Center for Central Asia, Xinjiang Student Fitness Monitoring Center, and Xinjiang Physical Education Teachers Continuing Education Training Center).
(3) Rich scientific research achievements
The discipline has completed 8 national level projects and more than 60 provincial and ministerial level projects; Published more than 20 textbooks and monographs; More than 380 papers have been published, including 78 core papers and 26 papers included in EI and ISTP; Won more than 120 teaching and research awards. The discipline has also invited well-known international and domestic scholars to give lectures and guidance for a long time, hosted many national academic conferences, established good disciplinary cooperation relations with many mainland universities, and had a positive and important impact in the domestic academic field.
(4) Significant practical effect
The research achievements of this discipline have been widely promoted in the autonomous region, and have been awarded the titles of "Advanced Collective of Autonomous Region Education System", "Advanced Unit of National Fitness for All", "Advanced Unit of the Third National Mass Sports Survey", "Demonstration Site of Women's Fitness Activities in Autonomous Region", etc.
In the process of discipline construction and development in the future, sports humanistic sociology will continue to adhere to the purpose of "based in Xinjiang, serving the whole country, and radiating to Central Asia", continue to refine the discipline direction, further tap the potential of the discipline resources, give play to talent advantages, expand research platforms, improve innovation level, and continue to build a discipline characteristic brand of "national, regional, international, and practical", Efforts should be made to build the discipline into a "vanguard" for sports academic exchanges between the autonomous region and Central Asia, a "bridgehead" for sports research in Central Asian countries in the mainland, and a "pacesetter" for sports culture research of national minorities.