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Traditional consumption

Economic terminology
Traditional consumption refers to post natal consumption, and production determines consumption. In the consumer society, consumption guides production, and consumption precedes production.
Chinese name
Traditional consumption
Economic terminology

basic feature

In the feudal hierarchical society with agriculture as the leading industrial sector, the basic characteristics of the traditional consumption mode of Chinese residents can be summarized as follows:
1、 Implementing the hierarchical consumption system;
2、 Advocate frugality and reject extravagance in consumption concept;
3、 Self sufficiency consumption is the main form of consumption.

Main differences

1. Different centers
Traditional consumption is centered on meeting people's needs, no matter whether such needs are reasonable and moderate, or whether such needs cause damage to the ecological environment.
Green consumption focuses on meeting people's basic needs and aims at protecting the ecological environment. stay Green consumption concept Next, human beings regard animals and plants living on the earth as their neighbors and friends. When developing and utilizing natural resources, they consciously restrict and restrict human behavior, and reduce the destruction of human consumption behavior on nature to the lowest point, until it disappears. While protecting the balance of the natural ecological environment, it also protects the balance of the human body's own ecological environment to meet the basic needs of the human body. For example, when meeting the desire to eat, people should pay attention to nutrition and moderation, and the food they eat should be pollution-free and green food, which will not bring additional burdens to the human body, such as obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension.
2. Different focus
The focus of traditional consumption is the current intra generational consumption fairness, which is based on the country or even the group. For example, it is fair for consumers with consumption ability to determine a certain product at a certain price; Under a certain level of production technology, the consumption of a certain group is relatively fair. Under the traditional form of consumption, due to the differences in economic development levels and people's living standards, consumption between people and between countries is often unfair. This kind of unfairness is manifested in the unfair consumption between the poor and the rich, between developed countries and underdeveloped countries, and between contemporary people and future generations. According to data, the rich account for a quarter of the world's population, but consume half of the world's grain, 75% of meat and milk, 78% of forest products, 60% of industrial products, and 80% of energy. This is very unfair. Moreover, in order to meet the immediate needs, the contemporary people exploit a large number of limited natural resources, especially the exploitation of non renewable resources. With the progress of mining technology, the amount of exploitation is increasing. Due to the neglect of the development and utilization of environmental technology, this behavior has caused great damage to natural resources and the ecological environment. In order to meet their consumption needs, our contemporary people have deprived the resources that should belong to future generations, resulting in the inequity of consumption between generations. Green consumption focuses on fair consumption, which includes both interpersonal consumption fairness and international consumption fairness; It includes both intra generational consumption fairness and inter generational consumption fairness. Although these fairness cannot be achieved in a short time, consumption fairness is the basic principle of green consumption.
3. Pursue difference
Traditional consumption pursues luxury and advocates high consumption, multi consumption and advanced consumption, which causes a lot of waste. Under the influence of traditional consumption concepts and modes, the level of consumption, such as eating well, wearing famous brands, living in villas and western-style houses, and driving high-end cars, has become the standard to measure people's identity and status. Therefore, people often consume not to meet people's needs, but to show their identity and status, and to earn face, which results in great waste. According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, reported by USA Today on July 1, 1997, Americans throw away 365 pounds of food every year, and the country wastes 96 billion pounds of food every year, of which only 5% can feed 400000 people for a year. Green consumption advocates nature, simplicity, frugality and moderation, and advocates meeting people's basic needs. However, it does not advocate abstinence and ascetic life, but advocates that people's needs should be met to the maximum extent on the basis of reasonable and full use of existing resources under the current level of social productivity development.
4. Different preconditions
Traditional consumption is carried out on the premise of excessive consumption of resources and low utilization rate. Due to the limitation of the current scientific and technological level, the consumption of resources in the production of consumer goods is too large and the utilization rate is low. As far as China is concerned, the utilization rate of ferrous metal resources is 36%, the utilization rate of nonferrous metal resources is 25%, the comprehensive recovery rate of non-metallic minerals is 20%~26%, and the total utilization rate of mineral resources is less than 50%, which is about 20% lower than the level of developed countries. Green consumption is carried out under the condition of making full use of resources and making rational use of resources. As one of the basic conditions for sustainable economic development, the best way to exploit and consume resources is not to exceed the supply limit of natural ecology. For non renewable resources, while mining and consuming, actively develop and find alternative resources, leaving the limited non renewable resources for future generations.
5. Different results
Traditional consumption has brought about the negative consequences of resource shortage, ecological destruction and environmental pollution. Due to excessive human behavior, the land resources and forest resources on the earth have disappeared on a large scale. The global forest has been reduced by more than half in the past 100 years. Soil erosion and land desertification are quite serious. The land desertification in the world has reached 36 million square kilometers. a large number of Extinction of species Biological diversity has been seriously damaged. Similarly, due to human activities, human living environment has been seriously polluted, such as ozone hole , greenhouse effect, acid rain, light pollution, chemical pollution, white garbage, etc. Green consumption puts environmental protection and ecological balance first. Under the guidance of green concept, cleaner production technology will be implemented in the production and consumption process. Life consumption is first to consume green products. Second, in the process of consumption, it will not bring environmental pollution, such as classified packaging of domestic waste, no use of non biodegradable plastic products, and reasonable recycling and reuse of waste household appliances.
To sum up, compared with traditional consumption, the outstanding advantage of green consumption lies in the harmony between human consumption behavior and the natural environment, the unity with the sustainable development of human society, and the adaptation to the sustainable development of the economy. At present, China is in the period of industrialization. If we cannot learn the lesson of "pollution first, treatment later" from western developed countries, we will repeat the same mistakes, pay a heavy price, increase development costs, not only set obstacles to sustainable development, but also damage the survival and development rights of future generations. Therefore, we must implement green consumption both from the immediate and long-term perspective. [1]