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Heat transfer process

Complex phenomenon
Heat transfer is a complex phenomenon. In essence, as long as there is a temperature difference in one medium or between two mediums, heat transfer will occur. We put different types of Heat transfer process It is called heat transfer mode. The heat transfer process of objects can be divided into three basic heat transfer modes, namely: heat conduction Thermal convection and thermal radiation The transfer of heat from high temperature to low temperature is called heat transfer process. [1]
Chinese name
Heat transfer process
Important and basic process in chemical production
Strengthen heat transfer and weaken heat transfer
Heat conduction, heat convection, heat radiation

Heat transfer formation

In chemical production, whether chemical process Or physical process, almost all of them need quantity of heat The import and export of. For example, in most Chemical reaction process And physical processes are carried out at a certain temperature. In order to make the system reach and maintain the specified temperature, it is necessary to heat or cool the materials in advance, and when many processes are carried out, it is also necessary to take away the heat released from the process or supplement the heat absorbed by the process in time
Heat transfer is an important and basic process in chemical production
Therefore, heat transfer operation is also an important unit operation in chemical production, and heat transfer equipment accounts for a large proportion of equipment investment in chemical plants, about 1/4 - 1/3
Heat transfer and thermodynamics are two subjects, which are related and different
Thermodynamics - the study of matter Equilibrium state Determine the total energy required for the system to change from one state to another equilibrium state
Heat transfer law of energy (heat) transfer
Heat transfer problem should be solved by combining energy conservation and heat transfer rate


1. Intensify heat transfer to speed up heat transfer rate
2. Reduce heat transfer and avoid heat transfer to reduce heat loss
Whatever the purpose, it is required to master quantity of heat Basic principles of transmission
Reason and law

Delivery mode

1. There are two types of heat transfer in chemical production:
Intermittent heat transfer Unstable heat transfer process with energy accumulation
Continuous heat transfer Stable heat transfer process, no energy Accumulation, also
It is called steady state heat transfer process
2. There are three ways of heat transfer:
heat conduction Conduction heating
There is no relative displacement of particles in the system, only the vibration of microscopic particles such as particles (microparticles, molecules, atoms and free electrons), free electron A typical example is solid Heat transfer of
Convection heating
Relative displacement (particle motion) of particles in the system Heat transfer There are two cases of convection:
Natural convection causes relative motion of particles due to different density caused by different internal temperature of the system (Natural convection)
Forced convection makes particles move relatively by external mechanical agitation or mechanical action (Forced convection)
Heat radiation The process of heat transfer in the form of field due to different temperatures

Contact mode

1. Cold and heat sources (P210)
Heat source:
Electric heating has a wide range of applications, temperature Wide range
Saturated steam is most commonly used, not exceeding 180 ℃ (1MPa)
The flue gas is above 700 ℃, with slow heat transfer and difficult to control
High temperature heat carrier mineral oil, molten salt, etc., 180 ℃ - 540 ℃
Cold source:
Water, air, frozen brine, etc
2. Contact mode of three heat transfer media (P206)
In direct contact heat transfer, two mediums contact and mix
Gas gas, gas liquid, gas solid
Regenerative heat exchange alternates, partially mixed
Gas gas, gas solid
The two mediums do not contact and do not mix during the interwall heat transfer
(Most commonly used) gas gas, gas liquid, gas solid

Typical heat exchange equipment

The basic equipment used in industrial heat transfer process is called heat exchanger. In chemical production, the most common is the heat exchange between two fluids
And most of them are wall to wall heat exchange, two fluids do not contact and do not mix
The cold and hot fluids are separated by the solid wall (heat transfer surface) in heat transfer, and the two fluids flow respectively on both sides of the mural
Typical heat exchangers are Sleeve type heat exchanger And tubular heat exchanger The simplest casing heat exchange consists of two concentric tubes with different diameters
During the heat transfer of two fluids, there may be phase change or no phase change. The heat transferred without phase change is mainly sensible heat, and when there is phase change, it is mainly latent heat, and there may also be sensible heat
according to The second law of thermodynamics Where there is a temperature difference, the heat transfer process must occur. The driving force of the heat transfer process is the temperature difference, and the heat transfer and heat balance are the basis of the heat transfer calculation