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Transmission accuracy

Relative motion accuracy between two ends of transmission chain in equipment
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Transmission precision refers to the relative motion precision between two ends of the transmission chain in the equipment. The accuracy error in this respect is called the transmission error of the transmission chain.
For example, when the lathe is turning threads, the movement of the tool holder should be equal to the lead of the thread every time the spindle rotates. However, in fact, there are errors in the transmission chain between the spindle and the tool rest, such as gears, lead screws and bearings, which makes the actual shift distance of the tool rest have errors with the required shift distance. This error will directly cause the error rate of the screw pitch of the workpiece. In order to ensure the machining accuracy of the workpiece, not only the necessary geometric accuracy of the machine tool is required, but also Internal link drive chain It has high transmission accuracy.
Chinese name
Transmission accuracy
English name
transmission accuracy
The degree to which the actual value of gear error elements related to transmission characteristics is close to the theoretical value.
Applied discipline
Mechanical Engineering (Level I Discipline), Transmission (Level II Discipline), Gear Transmission (Level III Discipline)
Chinese name
Transmission accuracy
It refers to the relative motion accuracy between the two ends of the transmission chain in the equipment