
A family under Umbellifera
zero Useful+1
Apiaceae Umbellifera Lower family, usually hollow in stem aromatic plant Most of them are annual or perennial herbs. The leaves are alternate, and the leaves are usually divided or multi divided. The compound leaves are divided into one palmate division or 1-4 pinnate divisions. Flowers small, bisexual or polygamous, terminal or axillary Compound umbel Or single Umbel [3]
There are about 90 genera and more than 500 species in China, which are distributed all over the country. [3]
Umbelliferae includes many edible Vegetables And spices. Umbelliferae is named because its inflorescence is umbelliform. [2]
Chinese name
Latin name
Apiaceae Lindl.
Distribution area
Widely distributed in the global temperate zone

History of botany

In 1672, R. Morrison divided Umbelliferae plants into 9 genera and 165 species for the first time according to the characteristics of fruits. C. von Linnai recorded 45 genera in his Flora (1753), especially the existence of involucre and bracteole. In 1898, O. Drude summarized the research achievements of predecessors and divided Umbelliferae into Cilanteridae (Hydrocotyloideae)、 Alternariaceae (Saniculoideae) and Apioideae (Apioideae) 3 families. This system is widely used by scholars all over the world. [1]

morphological character

Annual to perennial herbaceous , rarely dwarf shrubs (in tropical and subtropical regions). The roots are usually straight, fleshy and thick, sometimes conical or with branches inclined from the root neck, and few roots are in bundles, cylindrical or stick shaped. Stems erect or creeping, usually round, slightly ribbed and grooved, or obtuse ribbed, hollow or pitted. [3]
Leaves alternate, usually divided or multi split, compound leaves with one palmate split or 1-4 pinnate split, or compound leaves with 1-2 triplicate pinnate split, rarely single leaves; The base of petiole has leaf sheath, usually without Stipule , thin is membrane. [3]
Flowers small, bisexual or polygamous, terminal or axillary Compound umbel Or single Umbel , rarely capitate; The base of the umbel has an involucre, which is entire, toothed, rarely pinnately divided; The base of umbellule has small involucral bracts, entire or rarely pinnately divided; Calyx adnate to ovary, calyx teeth 5 or absent; Petals 5, arranged in the shape of tiles or tweezers in the bud, narrow at the base, sometimes clawed or rolled into a small capsule, blunt round at the top or with inward folded small tongue or extended as thin lines at the top; Stamens 5, alternate with petals. ovary inferior , 2-locular, each locule has an pendulous ovule, with a discoid or short conic styloplastum at the top; Styles 2, erect or decurved, stigma capitate. [3]
In most cases, the fruit is dry, usually split into two mericarps, rarely unbroken, ovoid, central, oblong to oval. The fruit is composed of two compressed carpels on the back or side. At maturity, the two carpels are separated from the commissure, and each carpel has a slender carpel handle connected with the fruit handle and hanging upside down. Therefore, the two mericarps are also called Double fruit The top of the carpel stalk splits or splits to the base. There are 5 main ribs (1 dorsal, 2 middle, and 2 lateral) on the outside of the carpel. The surface of the exocarp is smooth or has hairs, prickles, and tumor like projections. There are grooves between the ribs. Sometimes the grooves develop into secondary ribs, but the main ribs are not developed. Very few of the main and secondary ribs (9 in total) are also developed; There are usually 1 to many longitudinal oil tubes in the furrows and commissure in the mesocarp layer. [3]
endosperm Cartilaginous, the ventral surface of endosperm is straight, protruding or concave, and the embryo is small. [3]

Distribution range

There are about 270 genera and 2800 species of Umbelliferae (Apiaceae, Umbelliferae). It is widely distributed in northern temperate zone to tropical and subtropical mountain areas. [2]
There are about 95 genera and more than 580 species in China, which are produced all over the country, with the most in the west, less in the southeast, and 56 genera in the northwest, of which 24 genera are only produced in Xinjiang in China, such as Diplocanthus (Schrenkia)、 Apium (Hymenolyma)、 Celery tuber (Krasnovia)、 Parsley (Stenocoelium)、 Apium (Schultzia)、 cenolophium koch (Cenolophium)、 Apium (Scaligeria) and so on. Most of them are from Central Asia to Siberia. [2]

Subordinate classification

1. Hydrocotyloideae Drude
include Cilantro (Hydrocotyle Linn.)、 Centella (Centella Linn.)、 Horseshoe (Dickinsia Franch.), etc.
2. Saniculoideae Drude
include Alternaria (Sanicula Linn.)、 Eryngium (Eryngium Linn.), etc.
3. Apioideae Drude
Cynanchum family (Scandicineae DC.): include Apium (Chaerophyllum Linn.)、 Echinacea (Sphallerocarpus Bess. ex DC.)、 anthriscus (Anthriscus (Pers.) Hoffm.)、 Parsley (Osmorhiza Rafin.)、 Celery tuber (Krasnovia M. Pop. ex Schischk.)、 Celastrus (Torilis Adans.)、 Cynanchum (Turgenia Hoffm.)、 Yunnan Tibet Apium (Chaerophyllopsis H. de Boiss.)、 Coniferous (Scandix Linn.), etc.
Coriander family (Coriandreae Koch): include Coriandrum (Coriandrum Linn.)、 Diplocanthus (Schrenkia Fisch. et Meyer), etc.
Delicious Celery Family (Smyrnieae Koch): include Jasminum (Oreomyrrhis Endl.)、 physospermopsis (Physospermopsis Wolff)、 sinodielsia (Sinodielsia Wolff)、 Osmanthus (Tongoloa Wolff)、 Changium Wolff (Changium Wolff)、 Dwarf celery (Chamaesium Wolff)、 Priscillium (Pleurospermum Hoffm.)、 Ophiopogon (Vicatia DC.)、 Notopterygium (Notopterygium H. de Boiss.)、 Cynanchum (Sinolimprichtia Wolff)、 Amaryllis (Melanosciadium H. de Boiss.)、 Oncidium (Trachydium Lindl.)、 Poisonous ginseng (Conium Linn.)、 Cynanchum (Cachrys Linn.)、 Apium (Cryptodiscus Schrenk)、 Apium (Scaligeria DC.)、 Cynanchum (Cyclorhiza Sheh et Shan)、 Hymenopterum (Prangos Lindl.), etc.
Amiqin nationality (Ammineae Koch):
Carinae Drude (Carinae Drude): include Bupleurum (Bupleurum Linn.)、 Cryptolepis (Aphanopleura Boiss.)、 Cuminum L (Cuminum Linn.)、 Celery (Apium Linn.)、 Parsley (Petroselinum Hill)、 Hemlock (Cicuta Linn.)、 Parsley (Trachyspermum Link)、 Phyllostachys (Eriocycla Lindl.)、 Apium (Cryptotaenia DC.)、 Amicele (Ammi Linn.)、 Caraway (Carum Linn.)、 Sinocarum (Sinocarum Wolff ex Shan et Pu)、 Cynanchum (Pternopetalum Franch.)、 Apium (Chamaesciadium C. A. Mey.)、 Anemone (Pimpinella Linn.)、 Apium (Acronema Edgew.)、 Lepidopteris (Harrysmithia Wolff)、 Parsley (Aegopodium Linn.)、 Celery (Seselopsis Schischk.)、 Apium (Hyalolaena Bunge)、 Celery (Nothosmyrnium Miq.)、 Carlesia Dunn (Carlesia Dunn)、 Celery (Berula Hoffm.)、 Sium (Sium Linn.)、 Ciclospermum La Gasca (Ciclospermum La Gasca), etc.
Seselinae Drude (Seselinae Drude): include Celery (Seseli Linn.)、 Lithospermum (Libanotis Hill)、 Water cress (Oenanthe Linn.)、 Apium (Schultzia Spreng.)、 foeniculum (Foeniculum Mill.)、 Dill (Anethum Linn.)、 Lepidopteris (Silaum Mill.)、 Eupatorium (Pterygopleurum Kitagawa)、 Ophiopogon (Cnidium Cuss.)、 Ophiopogon (Selinum Linn.)、 Parsley (Stenocoelium Ledeb.)、 cenolophium koch (Cenolophium Koch)、 Ligusticum (Ligusticum Linn.)、 Phyllostachys (Pachypleurum Ledeb.)、 Monocorium (Haplosphaera Hand. Mazz.)、 Hypsium (Cortiella C. Norman)、 Apium (Cortia DC.), etc.
Qianhu nationality (Peucedaneae Drude):
Angelica (Angelicinae Drude): include Conioselinum (Conioselinum Fisch. ex Hoffm.)、 Ownership of Gudang (Archangelica Hoffm.)、 Parsley (Coelopleurum Ledeb.)、 Parsley (Czernaevia Turcz.)、 When Belonging (Angelica Linn.)、 Parsley (Ostericum Hoffm.)、 Oudang Belongs (Levisticum Hill)、 Corolla (Glehnia Fr. Schmidt ex Miq.), etc.
Ferulinae Drude (Ferulinae Drude): include Arcopteris (Arcuatopterus Sheh et Shan)、 Ferula (Ferula Linn.)、 Schumannia Kuntze (Schumannia Kuntze)、 Apium (Soranthus Ledeb.)、 Cynanchum (Phlojodicarpus Turcz. ex Bess.)、 Peucedanum (Peucedanum Linn.)、 Chuanmingshen (Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan)、 Ilium (Talassia Korov.), etc.
Tordyliinae Drude (Tordyliinae Drude): include Saposhnikovia (Pastinaca Linn.)、 Angelica (Heracleum Linn.)、 Celery (Semenovia Regel et Herd.)、 Tetrazona (Tetrataenium (DC.) Manden.) Etc.
Fat gum celery family (Laserpiteae Drude):
① Silerinae Drude: include Saposhnikovia (Saposhnikovia Schischk.), etc.
(7) Dauceae Dream: include Carrot (Daucus Linn.), etc. [2]

Key values

Undergraduate plants play a certain role in the national economy, many of which can be used as medicinal materials, vegetables, spices, pesticides, etc. In medicine, such as famous Chinese medicinal materials Chinses angelica rhizome of chuanxiong Angelica dahurica Peucedanum Windbreak Bupleurum chinense Angelica pubescens Ligusticum sinense Changium smyrnioides Notopterygium incisum Codonopsis lanceolata These categories enjoy high reputation in the domestic and foreign markets. In recent years, great attention has been paid to the research of Umbelliferae plants at home and abroad, and some chemical components have been found to have various physiological activities, such as the treatment of coronary heart disease, tumor, leukoplakia, etc., and preliminary curative effects and achievements have been obtained; Various umbelliferae plants are widely used by local people to prevent and cure diseases. In terms of vegetable consumption, coriander, celery, cress, carrots, etc. are commonly cultivated. In addition, herbs, dill, etc. are used as spices; Poisonous celery, prickly celery and poisonous ginseng are used for agricultural medicine. [2]