Dominant hemisphere

Terminology of mental science and psychology
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The functions of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain are basically the same, but each has its own specific aspects. Usually, it is related to the language Text symbols The specialized function of aspect is called dominant hemisphere; And engaged in Sense of space The non dominant hemisphere is related to the specialized functions of art, music, etc. The dominant hemisphere is mostly the left hemisphere. The dominant hemisphere has speak be good , writing and reading Language area Motor language center (speaking center), Auditory language center (listening center), Writing center Visual language center (Reading center)
Chinese name
Dominant hemisphere
Foreign name
dominant hemisphere
Related functions
Language character conversion function
Corresponding parts
Mostly Left brain

brief introduction

The right hemisphere of the brain has a dominant perception of local geometric properties
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences The latest research found that the left hemisphere of the human brain is dominant in the perception of large-scale topological properties, and the right hemisphere is dominant in the perception of local geometric properties. The findings were published in the December 26, 2007《 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 》, and was introduced by the column "This Guide" of the magazine.
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chen Lin Academician led cognitive science and Brain imaging Team, created the topological property of "large scale first" Perceptual theory , challenge the theory of "local first" which has dominated for half a century, and emphasize Perceptual process It starts from the large-scale topological invariance, which provides a new idea for the study of the differences between left and right brains.
Wang Bo and other young scholars of the institute put "large scale first" topology Application of property perception theory to Cerebral hemisphere no Symmetry Research. After more than six years of experiments, they systematically studied various topological properties (such as the number of holes, internal and external relations, etc.) and other geometric properties (such as orientation, distance, size, symmetry, parallelism, straightness, etc.) Comparative test , consistently revealing that right-handed people's perception of topological properties of the left brain is dominant; Also used functional magnetic resonance imaging It is found that topological property discrimination produces the left hemisphere of the brain Temporal lobe excitement. Some experts believe that the conclusion of this study that "the perception of topological properties of the left hemisphere is dominant, and the perception of local geometric properties of the right hemisphere is dominant" provides a unified theoretical framework for solving various controversial issues about the relationship between left and right brains in vision, and also provides a basic scientific basis for understanding and developing the brain.


The left and right hemispheres of the human brain have basically the same function, but each has its own specialization. The dominant hemisphere is usually related to the specialization of language and characters; And engaged in Sense of space The non dominant hemisphere is related to the specialized functions of art, music, etc. The dominant hemisphere is mostly the left hemisphere. The dominant hemisphere includes speaking, listening, writing and reading Language area : sportiness Language center (Speaking the central administration ), Auditory language center (listening center), Writing center vision Sexual language center (reading center)
The center of language activity is often concentrated on one side Cerebral hemisphere , called Language center The dominant hemisphere. clinical Practical proof For right-handed people, the dominant hemisphere is on the left. Although this is related to heredity, it is mainly formed in the acquired life practice, which is closely related to human right-handed labor relevant The dominant hemisphere is formed before adulthood, and the left hemisphere dominance is not fully established before the age of 12. In this case, the left hemisphere is damaged, and the language center may be re established in the right hemisphere. After adulthood, the dominance of the left hemisphere has been fully formed. If the left hemisphere is damaged, it is difficult to establish the language center in the right hemisphere. In the use of left-handed labor Among people Both left and right hemispheres may become the center of language activities.
Although the left hemisphere is dominant in language activities, the right hemisphere is dominant in nonverbal cognitive functions, such as space recognition, music appreciation and discrimination. However, this advantage is relative. The left hemisphere has a certain non-verbal cognitive function, while the right hemisphere also has a simple verbal activity function.