Isabella Marie Swan Karen

The heroine in the novel Twilight and its derivative works
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synonym Isabella (The heroine in Twilight) Generally refers to Isabella Marie Swan Karen
Isabella Marie Swan Karen, Series of Novels《 Twilight 》The heroine in her derivative works. Isabella Swan, 17, is an intelligent, temperament and popular girl. Because of her mother's remarriage, she exiled herself to Fox, a remote and rainy town, and met a mysterious male classmate Edward cullen This male classmate comes from a "vegetarian" vampire family, but Bella's special fragrance attracts him - he wants to suck her blood as soon as he smells it, but he desperately suppresses his desire for love and protects her at all costs. In the later part of the book, he fights with her family to kill her vampire. She never thought that it was this choice that made her meet him at the crossroads of fate.
Chinese name
Isabella Marie Swan Karen
Foreign name
Isabella Marie Swan Cullen
Bella Bells Vampire girl human girl Bella
Debut works
September 13, 1987
5 feet 4 inches
Transition Date
September 11, 2006, 18 years old
Reasons for transformation
Edward cullen

Character setting

Edward and Bella
Home: Washington State Fox Town
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown (human period); Red (newborn vampire)
Description: Bella has straight and thick dark brown long hair; Broad forehead, V-shaped hair tip, narrow and pointed chin; The eyes are round and large, the cheekbones are prominent, and the bridge of nose is high; The lips are out of proportion, too plump for the emaciated mandibular contour, and the upper lip is thicker than the lower lip. Eyebrows are darker than hair and straighter when frowned. She has a slender body but no sense of muscle. Bella's skin in the human period was very white, with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. When human blood left her body system, her skin became golden or white. Bella's shape features become more prominent and perfect after transformation.
Special ability: her mind is impenetrable; No one can read her mind unless she permits. She can defend against various types of psychological attacks and has learned to protect people around her from such attacks.
Education/occupation: She graduated from Fox High School. During human time, he worked part-time in Newton's Olympic outdoor goods store.
Hobbies: Bella likes reading, especially reading classics, and listening to music.
vehicle: Chevrolet 1953 Red Pickup, 1960s Honda motorcycle , a 2006 version mercedes Guardian and a red car Ferrari F430
Family/ethnic relations: she married Edward cullen Renesme Karen Is his daughter. Her father is Charlie Swan Her mother Rene married Phil Dwyer, Bella's stepfather. Bella handle carlisle cullen and Esme Cullen As their parents in law, alice cullen rosalie hale and Emmett Cullen as well as Jasper Hale He is his brother and sister. [1]

Character experience

Isabella Swan, "Bella", was born in Washington State Of Fox Town Her parents Charlie and Renee divorced when she was a baby. Bella lives with her mother, mainly in California Riverside and Arizona Phoenix Grow up. Before 2002, Bella visited her father in Fox every summer vacation and lived with him for a month. But Bella didn't like the weather in Fox. When she was old enough, she insisted that Charlie stay in California for a few weeks in summer.
Bella can't get along with her peers in California and Arizona. She always feels out of step with everyone, even her closest mother. Renee is very extroverted and impractical, and often absentmindedly dabbles in a large number of hobbies; Due to the necessity of life, Bella's character turns out to be completely opposite to her. Bella took on a lot of housework when she was very young. As a teenager, she preferred quiet entertainment such as reading, partly because she was particularly clumsy. She is born with a strong sense of responsibility, which is also reflected in her studies. Bella usually gets an A in her schoolwork. Her future plan is to get a degree in education and become a teacher like her mother. Renee's career is one aspect of Bella's sincere respect for her mother. However, she plans to teach high school.
When Renee fell in love with and married the unknown baseball player Phil Dwell, Bella chose to move to Fox to live with her father, so that Renee could go out with her new husband in the baseball season. Bella came to Fox Town, her birthplace, to complete her high school studies in January 2005. On her first day at Fox High School, she met Edward Cullen. [1]
The first Twilight
Bella exiles herself to Fox, a remote and rainy town. She never thought that it was this choice that made her meet him at the crossroads of fate. At the moment of eye contact, they already knew that in addition to the temptation of happiness, there was also a dangerous abyss waiting for them. The two lovers, swinging between love and danger, spend every fresh and exciting day together, just like the sunshine that has been lost for a long time, falling on the romantic Twilight City.
Since he has a charming appearance, a superman's body, and the ability to see through people's hearts, who is he? But she is just an ordinary girl born with motor neuroticism and pale skin like illness. They were both seventeen years old when they met. The wheel of time is frozen for him, but it is rotating rapidly for her. His youth will last forever, and her youth will decay. Is there really a intersection between their two worlds? from Adam Eve At the beginning of eating the forbidden fruit, human beings are always at a loss in the face of the intertwined desire vortex of love and hate.
The second "New Moon"
new moon
Edward I am deeply fascinated by Bella and her unique fragrance. But the happy time is always short. At her 18th birthday party, Bella accidentally cut her arm. The flowing blood reminded the Edwards' bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved, Edward and his family left Fox Town. After Edward left, Bella's world collapsed completely, and she began to try all kinds of risky behaviors, because she found that whenever she did dangerous things, Edward's voice would appear in her mind. Bella's masochistic madness did not change Edward's mind. At this time Jacob Appearing in her pale world, he accompanied and protected Bella affectionately, although he knew there was someone else in her heart. One is a rock hard cold alien, the other is a fiery werewolf. How will Bella decide... Edward mistakenly believes that Bella has jumped into the sea and died, unable to withstand such a sudden huge blow, so he decides to end everything. The dusk is fading away, and what awaits them is a bend in the sky that shows the darkest night new moon Will Bella and Edward fall into this dark world? Can they get back the other person who is more precious than themselves before the end of life, and save the most exciting love in the world together?
The third "Eclipse"
lunar eclipse
Bella, who is about to graduate from middle school, is in a dilemma: she wants to choose a lover between Edward and Jacob, and this choice is likely to cause The Cullens A bloody war with the werewolf group... Bella would rather die than fight Edward stay married forever But Edward would not allow her to do so before they got married. On the other hand, Jacob's intervention made their feelings red. When Bella visited the injured Jacob, Jacob took her to his home, expressed his love to her, and kissed her against her will. This forced kiss is deeply imprinted on Bella's heart. Bella has no idea about Jacob's feelings.
When Bella is suffering from the agony of choosing a lover, she finds that someone stole something from her room in order to smell her place according to the smell above. Bella connects the past accidents, and finally understands that victoria It is the mastermind behind everything. In order to avenge the death of James, Victoria is gathering a gang of accomplices to rush to Fox, which poses a great threat to the lives of Edward and Bella. The Karen family decides to unite the wolf tribe to deal with the common enemy. The contradiction between ice and fire is irreconcilable. On the balance of love and sacrifice, Bella finds that what she wants to offer is not only her soul
Part IV Breaking Dawn
When life is all you can give to the person you love, how can you not give your life to him? For Bella, after falling in love with Edward hopelessly, life is not only full of sweet fantasies, but also profound and terrible nightmare No matter what choice she makes, it will affect the fate of the two ethnic groups. From the moment they held hands for the first time, Bella and Edward knew that each other was the one they were looking for. Love was like the sunshine after rain, warming their souls. Happiness makes people feel warm, but it also makes people walk on thin ice. The forbidden love of two people from different worlds, like a manic storm, torments two fragile hearts. Since Bella has made a brave decision, a series of unprecedented amazing events will follow. In this turbulent year, temptation and conflict will lead her to the final critical moment. Where will Bella's dancing mood go? What will be her final fate with Edward and Jacob? Like the dawn after a long night Romance Finally, we have a surprising and breathless ending.
Part V Under the Dawn
Isabella Marie Swan Karen
Alice foresaw Volturi It is coming soon. We guess that the first reason is that Walturi is dissatisfied with the growth of the Karen family, and they want to maintain their authority and reputation. The leader of Volturi Arrow Always wanted to Alice Arro is dissatisfied with the rebellion of Alice and Edward when they are taken back by Edward. Bella is upset and the Karen family is nervous. For the first time, Bella saw Carlisle, who was always calm and elegant, look worried. She was more worried about the terrible memory of Volturi when Bella was a human being Renee Smee Accidents happen. But no one can estimate when Volturi will come. Edward and Carlisle discussed the countermeasures, while Bella and Jacob took Rennie Smee to hunt, but they went with one of the Tanya three sisters Irina accidentaly across. Irina is one of the three Tanya sisters. Although she does not directly serve Volturi, she is always loyal to the V family, which has a history of thousands of years. Without waiting for Bella to explain, Irina believes that the Karen family created a vampire child (immortal child. It means that when a child or baby becomes a vampire), Hurry to Italy to report to the Volturi family. At this moment, Bella knew that a devastating disaster was coming

Debut works

Kristen Stewart
Show:《 Twilight City: Twilight 》(2008)、《 Twilight City: New Moon 》(2009)、《 Twilight City: Eclipse 》(2010)、《 Twilight City: Breaking Dawn 》(2011)、《 Twilight City: Breaking Dawn (Part 2) 》(2012/11/16)

Character evaluation

What I was really conquered was the character Bella in the movie, who was born with a lack of balance and who would fall unexpectedly when walking on the flat ground, Edward This is her lovely side. I said her vulnerability is really very cute.
Mel, the author of the novel, did not deliberately portray Bella, so Bella is not a perfect model. I think it is more real and closer to our life. Some people who haven't even seen the works will rely on the appearance of the film to give directions. I think that is irresponsible. Others say that Bella is eccentric, and she hangs her imperfection high and high, just doesn't like Bella. I am different, because she is not perfect, I prefer. In fact, Bella's "imperfection" in others' eyes is just a cover of "dislike", because they can't understand her at all. In my opinion, imperfection is beauty, and truth is invaluable.
"New Moon" makes me unable to extricate myself from tears. It is not Edward and Bella's soul stirring reunion in Italy, but Bella's lonely every detail. She cries at night, and she risks to find hallucinations to numb herself
Bella sits alone in the room with her knees folded, watching the ups and downs outside the window, October, November, December... time ticking Lykke Li Of《 Possibility 》, the tone is so cold, relieving loneliness and sadness, the soundtrack of the acoustic instrument is simple and clean, and the single tone emitted by a single piano key is a bit like a drum, Lykke Li's hoarse childlike voice, like the melancholy sigh of a child, like the cry of a soul in the wilderness, like the mournful prayer of a choir, hovering at the boundary point between hell and heaven, has a feeling that things have changed over time, the more lonely the more sad the more eager to hear, the so-called numbness, as Bella said, pain is good, pain can make her feel Edward's existence... Look, listen, A hundred years of lonely desolation hit every nerve, making people can't help but stretch out their hands to comfort and protect the injured girl. I cried, more than once, for several days, unable to extricate myself. Tears dried into Bella love, more and more love, strong and mellow... There is only soul but never lived, powerless, better than "heroes are useless, caress the sword and look around" A sad song and a low roar shook the valley. Where is the life going? If you want to die in your lover's arms, where is the lovely person's heart?
I admire Isabella Swan. Her personality is too bright, she is too flesh and blood, she is too real and moving.
She cherishes her inner feelings. She keeps a true woman's heart. She is a woman's masterpiece created by chance. She makes life pure.
Vampires, werewolves, humans, her world is so wonderful, her inner is so charming, walking into her is like a shuttle through time and space Fantastic Journey
Belinsky Said: A typical person is not only a person, but also many people... He includes many people, including the people who embody the whole category of the same concept. Bella is such a typical person. She covers all the personalities of several types of people. I have seen too many faces of me from her. She can find herself more than I can, like my art confidant.
Appreciate Bella, her loneliness, the comfortable quiet in solitude. I like quiet, but my appearance is not quiet, but quiet is not written on my face, but engraved in my heart. I pursue the purity of my heart and treat myself well. Bella has achieved this. No matter how busy the outside world is, no matter how dangerous the people are, she can always keep quiet loneliness, enjoy loneliness, keep herself and live her own life.
Appreciate Bella and her strange, unique and cautious way of thinking. She has an insight into everything around her, and keeps track of what she has identified until the answer is completely revealed. She took the question mark to carefully verify, verify Edward's identity, verify Edward's true feelings, confirm her own guess, development results, and fall in love with him, regardless of whether it is worth it. Her unique and distinguished thought has left many people scratching their left brains. How can you easily break into my world? No, my world can let you in, but please be quiet, and please do not enter unless you are the one. Originally mysterious, originally strange, originally distinguished, but also exuded the illusion of "ordinary girl", captured Edward's cold heart who had been alone for a century, aroused the aggressive Emmett's strong curiosity and interest, and occupied me
Appreciate Bella. Appreciate her vulnerability, which is cute. Her inborn poor motor nerve is her vulnerability - she was at a loss in PE class, fell down unintentionally on the flat ground, scraped in the jungle... I think this "clumsy" action is so cute and has an impulse to protect.
Appreciate Bella, appreciate her strength, and allow you to regard this as imperfect stubbornness. She always stands in the crowd with a strong posture, unwilling to be regarded as a weak person. She is willing to bear the heavy burden, moaning and sweating under the pressure of tired life. She likes the sunny Phoenix, but she exiles herself to Fox, who never sees the sun all the year round. However, she survived, and she overcame the torture of the tomb like cold on her skin. How did she suppress her hatred and tell Charlie the cruel words that Renee said when she left him? On the one hand, she should respect Charlie and ensure Charlie's safety, on the other hand, she should take care of the Karen family and Renee. She lives under multiple pressures, which are already great enough to exceed the limit of her shoulders. As a result, pressure made her strong. Edward left her and her world was out of balance, but she didn't commit suicide. She used Don Quixote Of Chivalry It may be risky and foolish to imprison herself in illusion and anesthetize herself, but she is already 120 thousand strong that she did not die, because according to the weight of her love for Edward, Edward's departure is enough to kill her thousands of times. Someone else would have died. In her strength, I can still see a glimmer of dazzling calm and reason. She did not make a big fuss about Edward's leaving, but went to find Edward. She quietly accepted the facts, respected Edward's choice, and continued her study and life, even though there was no reason for everything.
Appreciate Bella and her selflessness. Selflessness includes too much, tolerance for classmates, loyalty to friends, and all love for relatives. She knew that Jessica liked Mike, so she always politely refused Mike's attentions and encouraged Jessica to take the initiative to become a beautiful person. Although she was caught between them, she still gave in silence. When she and The Cullens When encountering powerful enemy James, she said that what James wanted was only her own. She wanted to go alone, so that her father would not be watched. The Karen family would not leave Fox overnight for her, and her father would not let the FBI investigate them because of the disappearance of the Karen family. She said that anyone because of her accident is a meaningless sacrifice. When she heard her mother's eager voice on the phone, she ran to the tiger's mouth at all costs James's hands to save her mother's life. She wants to bear all the happening. She exiled herself to Fox not only because of Renee's remarriage, but also because she wanted to fill Charlie's lonely heart for his mother for many years. When she saw Charlie's empty refrigerator, she understood that it was incumbent on her to stay with her father and be a father's favorite food. When she threw herself into Edward's arms and regarded Jacob, Edward's rival in love, as a close friend, she firmly chose to hurt Jacob. She was deeply remorseful, although we all thought she had chosen the right way... Why did her eyes often contain tears? Because she is deeply selfless to this group.
Appreciate Bella and her selfishness. She loves deeply enough, great enough, glorious enough, adventurous enough, single-minded enough, this is a beautiful selfishness, except Edward, there is nothing else. Some netizens said that Bella loved too selfishly and did not consider the feelings of her family and friends, except Edward and Jacob. Really? Then why did she hysterically scold Edward to let her go back to see Charlie and not leave Charlie alone when James chased her? Why did she rush to the ballet room when she heard Renee's voice? Why didn't she leave her father behind when Edward left her? However, Bella was in love at that time. Bella was a human being, not a god. She had the right to release her feelings. Besides, can't love be selfish? Is it wrong to be selfish in your love? Selfishness in love does not cross the boundary to offend the family. Bella's love, family and friendship are in good condition and do not invade each other: there is no selfishness among the three, but they are selfish themselves. Bella selfishly loves her family, relatives and friends. In the low ebb of life, the most sincere soul under the appearance of being down and out is sincere but not understood. How can I not shed tears and love? She selflessly considers others and selfishly loves others. Bella herself is a contradiction of unity of opposites.
Appreciate Bella and her bravery. Only Bella knows how much courage it takes to fall in love with a vampire who is hungry for his own blood and jump into the love trap that is always in danger. When the lamb falls in love with the lion, the only thing the lamb is afraid of is losing the lion. What a great lamb. Edward invited Bella to Karen's house and said, "Bella, you are not afraid of facing a family of vampires, but afraid that these vampires will not welcome you!" How brave you are, Bella? When you are chased to the corner by bad people, you are still calm and prepared to fight, rather than screaming or yielding; You know that there is danger with vampires, and you know that werewolves are unstable... But you did it without hesitation. Brave heart told me, Bella, your name is Brave.
Appreciate Bella, appreciate Bella's low-key, gorgeous low-key. She never likes to be noticed. It's better to be like a tiny dust. The earth can know my existence. Ah, I really like her Tao Yuanming An idyllic spirit Utopia The taste of. On the contrary, it is her quiet low-key attitude that doesn't want to be noticed that has covered her with charm, just like in reality Kristen Stewart The simple dress that disregards fashion has become the sacred thing that American teenagers are trying to imitate“ A watched flower never blooms, but an untended willow grows ”Bella's charm is overwhelming. When she stepped into the school on her left foot, her unique charm attracted people's attention like a magnet, and she became a worthy new favorite of the new school like a shackle. However, she hated being surrounded like this and having no freedom. She didn't want Eric, a jack of all trades, to publicize her on the school's home page. She didn't want Angela to take photos and report everywhere. The headlines on the blackboard were totally out of her taste. One boy after another invited Bella to be a dance partner, but she was still in her heart. She did not ripple and smiled, never immersed in the sweetness of being invited. It is necessary to know how girls generally feel superior when being pursued by boys. It is also necessary to know that a girl who loves vanity and is pursued by boys has long been attracted to her heart the pacific ocean It's the center! She never cares about her birthday. She doesn't want her birthday to be "popular". She is also so indifferent to birthday gifts, and even hates the meaningless of this form: no matter what it is, my birthday doesn't need gifts, or even other people's attention. When I found this little-known commonness between myself and Bella - I didn't care about birthday. I liked Bella better. I couldn't find such a like-minded image again, at least on this point. Bella is like this. Her role is high profile and I am low profile. Her reaction to the outside world was strangely calm, and her emotions were controlled to the most accurate value, not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses
Appreciate Bella, appreciate Bella's Zhen Chun Nature. In the world of material desires, she is the only primitive continent that has not been carved with human footprints. She does not drift with the tide, become secular, or be swayed by power and money. Edward's money, I can't see; I can't see Lorissa's M3; Alice's wardrobe, I can't see... The only thing I can see is the people's heart, which is the Jianghu.
Appreciate Bella and her simple dress style. Bella always wears T-shirt, shirt+jeans+ Converse Canvas shoes, jeans and Converse shoes are my favorite. Her mysterious and charming temperament is reflected in her plain clothes.
Appreciate Bella and her beauty. The book says that Bella is not outstanding, but the film tells a lie: her face with clear outline, exquisite facial features and perfect combination looks like Ancient Greek mythology Goddess of Michelangelo The exquisite statue without decoration stands erect in Olympus Top“ Golden apple ”The light only blooms around her.
Appreciate Bella and her honesty. Distinguish right from wrong, love and hate clearly, choose clean, not sloppy, give the pursuer the clearest rejection, leaving no room. To vampires, werewolves and humans, she is as transparent as a piece of flawless Emerald , but always know what to show and what to hide. Her every move of hand and every move of foot is natural, natural reflection, no affectation, real can be touched, no distance.
Bella, you are the goddess of ancient Greek mythology on the top of Olympus: your courage and wisdom are comparable to the female god of war Athena Your persistence and true feelings are better than Eros Aphrodite Your holiness and beauty can be called the moon god Artemis
Lonely, quiet, cautious, fragile, strong, selfish, selfless, brave, low-key, simple, beautiful, honest, natural, true, calm... is it not unique enough? She's also mysterious The Volturi family Leader Arrow Can't read her mind; She is still strong, so strong that Jane can't make her suffer from the erosion of painful illusion
Simple appearance, complex inner, like a cactus, just thorns, simple thorns, but each is a different shape; Although the body is covered with thorns, it can be touched. Each piece boasts a different feeling and complex connotation.
This is all I want to say to Isabella Swan, my art friend.
Bella, my artistic confidant is better than my confidant. May this artistic image remain brilliant.
Bella seems to be no different from ordinary girls, and even has better abilities than ordinary girls, such as the coordination and balance ability of the body. For example, ordinary girls know that they should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and dress up Philosophy of life It doesn't seem to suit Bella. In this so-called competitive society, how untimely and outdated Bella's simple external image seems. No wonder many film critics frown when talking about Bella's image and exclaim that it is sad to have a mother like Bella. But in terms of her inner world, Bella can be called the role model of the world's girls.
First of all, Bella has a strong ability to take care of herself. It has been mentioned many times in the book that Bella's mother has a childlike character, which is manifested in playing dangerous games regardless of her age and physique. Her mind always bursts with unrealistic fantasies, carelessness and so on. At this time, Bella will kindly remind her and take care of her from time to time. Later, Bella came to Fox Town, He is also responsible for the food and sanitation work at home, and takes care of his single father. In fact, if Bella does not have a strong ability to take care of herself, she will not take the initiative to leave her mother temporarily. Bella is only 17 years old, but she can take care of her parents when she arranges her life in an orderly way. How many of us who think we are smarter than Bella can do that? Under the pressure of exam taking, we are all busy with our studies. It is needless to say that our daily chores are too bad, let alone taking care of our parents. Of course, some people will say that our ability to take care of ourselves is not as good as Bella's because of the different education systems between China and the United States, but this is not the problem I am discussing here. It may be said that many children grow up without their mothers and live well, but the question is how many children will leave their mothers out of consideration of their mothers' happiness“ keep oneself to oneself ”。
Secondly, of course, this is also the most important reason why I was deeply moved by Bella. Bella is very kind and always thinks from the perspective of others. She always hopes that she can help others. After her delicate and sensitive heart felt that her mother could not take care of Phil and her dilemma, she decided to leave her mother temporarily and live with her father. Let's ask where we would go when we met similar situations? Like Bella, she will leave her hometown where she grew up and loved so much, leave the prosperous city with beautiful and gentle sunshine, and enter the desolate town where it rains all the year round. She will watch the sweetness of her mother and stepfather, but she will taste lonely bitter tea alone? Maybe someone will say that Bella is not so decisive, and she has many wavers and hesitations in her heart. But it is the original book's meticulous portrayal of Bella's inner conflicts and struggles that makes us see a real Bella. She is not a god, she is a human. If you are a person, you will have seven emotions and six desires; People will feel sad and lost when they leave their mother and home. Bella, who is desirable, is more authentic, more human, and more sympathetic to readers. Bella's kindness is also shown in all aspects of her communication with local students after she came to Fox Town, which will not be detailed here. Bella's kindness is more vividly reflected in her association with the vampire family: look at her words when she is with Edward. After she knows how much temptation his blood has caused to Edward, and understands Edward's fear that his steel like body will hurt her unintentionally, she always pays attention to her every move, I'm afraid it will bring more trouble to Edward. Some people may disdain that it is normal for people in love to always consider the feelings of their loved ones like Bella, but imagine that when you face the person you love for years, you are not close to, nor far away from, and when lust is in full bloom, you have to stop for safety reasons, forcing yourself to restore calm. Who can stand such love? It is easy to create love, but it is difficult to maintain love. Love itself will gradually become indifferent due to time and other reasons. In other words, love itself will go wrong, so what maintains love is not love itself, but a responsibility, a kind of kindness. Bella's love faces more problems, but she is unswerving. Without strong kindness, she can never do this; Look at the following scene. At the end of Twilight, Bella is watched by James, and the Karen family decides to go out to fight to protect her. Reading the description of Bella's psychological activities, speech and behavior in the book, we can know that she is on the verge of collapse at this time, although she is not a member of the Karen family, But in her heart, she felt extremely frightened and distressed that members of the family might die and be injured to protect her. She even decided to fight against the powerful vampire James with a weak mortal body. Finally, she left the protection of the Karen family to face James alone, regardless of her own safety? She is hoping to protect the peace of Karen's family with her own death! In Edward's words in the book, Bella is just a fragile little girl. She doesn't even realize how fragile she is. However, such a fragile girl would rather give up her life in order to turn the tide and save the Karen family from danger. What a generous and fraternal heart is needed! Just ask, will we sacrifice everything and even life to protect others? Middle school teachers often sneer at Western individualism when they mention it, and use the words selfishness, indifference and ruthlessness. But I firmly believe that when teachers watch Twilight, they will have a new view of individualism, at least from the heart rather than following the herd.
At the same time, Bella also brought me an independent, brave and persistent female image to pursue her own ideals and goals. She clearly knows that Edward is a vampire. She clearly knows that being with Edward indicates endless danger. She clearly knows what is waiting for her, hunters, venom, death... But she is not afraid. She bravely faces the torrent ahead with her fragile body and weak power. She wants to master her own destiny, She wants to control her own life, she wants to choose her own path, for the sake of the light in her heart, she is fearless! This has brought tremendous shock to my heart. I just finished reading Ba Jin Of《 Torrent Trilogy 》All the women in the story are undoubtedly victims of the patriarchal system. No matter whether they are high status ladies or low servant girls, they can't escape their fate. They are forced to marry their husband's family when they grow up from their father to the age of 16 or 17. The character of the husband's son-in-law naturally doesn't matter what the father's owner cares about, but what they care about is the "reputation" of the other family, These women were either forced to death or tortured to death in their husband's home, and if they were lucky, they would die of childbirth. This is the fate of most traditional Chinese women: amazing consistency, full of wails, tears and despair. Later, the women of the Republic of China are nothing but Zhang Ailing The bird embroidered on the purple satin screen in my pen is old and dead. Introduced into China during the May 4th Movement Nora The story of running away has finally brought hope to our Chinese women, but hope is always hope, and there is still a distance from specific practice, otherwise Lu Xun There will be no sigh after Nora leaves. In modern society, with the improvement of social civilization, women's status is gradually improving, and women also have the freedom to choose partners. However, women's attachment to men's money and other aspects, women's inequality with men's status in family life, and many other phenomena still exist, which shows that we women, at least Chinese women, are still not very free. I often think that although there are so many female vampire fans in China, one day when Edward like characters really stand in front of everyone, everyone will not leave with him. The parents' obstruction, the neighbors' doubts, and the intolerance of traditional ideas make Edward only appear in our imagination, only become a consciousness, and always be metaphysical. Of course, some people will say that vampires do not exist, so the similar assumption is not true. Well, to say the least, for example, as a woman with lofty ambitions who wants to continue to study after graduation with a view to making academic achievements, suddenly one day her parents told you that because of the limited economic conditions of your family, they hope you will come out to find a job after graduation, How do you feel after listening? Can you bear to brush off your parents? How hard it is for your parents to bear hardships to raise you. It's not easy for you to grow up and earn money. Just waiting for you to show filial piety, you will be bound by your ideal, so you will say out loud, regardless of your parents' wishes, "No, I will continue to study and pursue my ideal." Then you will slam the door and leave without going back for several years? I think it is very unlikely, unless you are a lunatic in Lu Xun's writing, and your way of thinking is quite different from that of ordinary people. Therefore, women are not free in pursuit of their ideals: the obstacles of family and traditional ideas make it difficult for women to move on their independent path. If we look back at Bella, we will see how she acted against the current Of course, I'm afraid this has something to do with the different cultural traditions between China and the West. Ancient Greece was a country that advocated freedom, unrestrained, independent and enterprising. But even so, the fate of Western women is not much better than that of our Chinese women. The criterion for judging an excellent woman is whether she can help her husband's career. Women are still the attachment of men, Medea His behavior is shocking.
Bella also has many excellent qualities, which are worth tasting and exploring.