
An ancient city-state in central modern Italy
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It is also translated as Itrascan, Etrulia, Etruria, Etruria, which is in the modern era Italy Ancient times in central China city-state country. Etruscan's position includes Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria Area of. Etruscan was considered the Etruscan country, which was later annexed by the Romans. Etruria was Italian Peninsula The last important city, Ancient Rome The Etruscan period is its heyday.
Chinese name
Now? Tuscany Lazio Umbria
Modern Italy

brief introduction

ancient Greek Known as Etruscans( Etruscans )It is called "Dinoi" or "Etrussi", while the Etruscans call themselves "Lasena".
Etruscan Does not belong to Indo European However, we know little about this language and have not yet been able to decipher it. Latin The text of the is from Etruscan.
Among all the ancient inhabitants of Italy, the Etruscans may be the most curious one, full of mystery. Admittedly, any ancient culture has a mysterious side, but this culture can no longer be regarded as the "mysterious Etruscan". On the contrary, she may be the most thoroughly understood former Rome Italian culture of the period.


overview archaeologist There was no consensus on the origin of the Etruscans. According to the ancient saying, the Etruscans came from Asia Minor , a descendant of Pelasgi people, whose ancestors came down to the Tyrrhenian coast under the leadership of Dino, son of Attis, king of Lydia, in order to escape a devastating famine. This theory has been popular for a long time. At the beginning of the 19th century, the second hypothesis emerged, but it evolved from the first one. It believed that Etruscans were the mainstream immigrants from the north The Alps Come to Italy Both of the above are immigration theories. The third is the authentic indigenous theory, which believes that Etruscan must be the descendants of the ancient local residents. In today's view, these theories have become outdated. This should be attributed to one of the most outstanding Italian archaeologists in the 20th century, Mr. Massimo Palotino. He stressed that all the above theories have their own insurmountable limitations due to the deviation of their research premise. He believes that it is a mistake to take the origin of nations as the main research direction. To study the history of a nation, we should focus on its development process, rather than its simple origin. The characteristics of any nation are formed under the joint action of various factors. From this premise, the only way to explore the formation of a nation is to study its development and integration into a new culture under the interaction of various folk customs and cultural factors.
Like the origin of the Etruscans, their language has always been a mystery. In fact, Etruscan language is not difficult to read, because its letters are the first Greek Colonist It was brought to Italy and only slightly adjusted. It is worth noting that the text is written from right to left, and there is no sentence break in the early text. Later, begin to read the phrase with dots or spaces. However, there are still many problems in interpreting Etruscan language. The main difficulty is that this language is different from the one still used today Greek It has been dead for more than 2000 years. In addition, there are few words available for research, which are fragmentary and shabby. And a large number of written materials are very short, mostly about the funeral content, and what you see is often the name of the memorial named after the dead or the name of the objects contained in the inscription.
The Etruscan region is located in the Yano River and Tiber River It includes parts of today's Umbria, Tuscany and Rasim leading to Rome, and the area on the right bank of the Tiber River. With the commercial and political expansion, the Etruscan power extended to Campania. Padania The valley also began to build monuments with Etruscan style.
The term "Etruscan art", in fact, does not have any national color, but only represents that from the ninth century BC to the beginning of the first century BC Italian Peninsula The prevailing "Etruscan" culture. What is important is that the city of Etruscan was quite independent, so that Rome could break down one by one, and by the first century BC it was completely incorporated into the Roman territory.
Although there are few relevant information about Etruscans in Greek and Latin literature, today's rich and diverse archaeological discoveries and in-depth research have clarified the historical development of Etruscans from the ninth century BC to the first century BC.
In 900 BC, during the Viranova culture“ equalitarianism ”The society is newly built, and villages are distributed in nature Trade routes On.
In 800 BC, the Etruscans came into contact with the Phoenician Punic civilization to produce handicrafts and trade.
In 725 BC, Oriental Culture During the period, when entering the "lord society", powerful families appeared, and Greek culture strongly entered the region. Bucheiro black pottery, bronze ware Gold and silver ware Start production.
In 580 BC, archaic period , the formation of urban society, the rise of cities, large-scale buildings and Memorial sculpture It developed and was influenced by Greek Ionian and Athenian styles, and large-scale bronze workshops were produced.
In 480 BC, Classical period In 474 BC, the Etruscans were Syracuse People defeated, and the economy began to decline.
In 90 BC, in the Roman period, because the city of Etruscan "heard of each other, old age and death do not communicate" Roman army Such as a bag of probes, each of them was broken down and incorporated into the territory of Rome one by one.
At this time, Gaius Julius Caesar was just born. In the next few decades, he will lead the Roman legion to sweep Continental Europe , the horse trampled Central Asia Siya sum North Africa , expanding the empire again and again.
Thus the history of Etruscan ended.