Iberian Peninsula

Europe's second largest peninsula
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synonym Iberian Peninsula (Iberian Peninsula) generally refers to the Iberian Peninsula
Iberia peninsula (Ib é rian Peninsula), also known as Pyrenees Peninsula , located in the southwest corner of Europe, adjacent to the east and southeast mediterranean sea To the west Atlantic , adjacent to the north Bay of Biscay Pyrenees In the northeast of the peninsula France connect. Across the south Gibraltar The Straits and Africa Look at each other.
The area is about 584000 square kilometre With a population of more than 52 million. include Spain Portugal Andorra And British Gibraltar
The Iberian Peninsula is Europe The second largest peninsula, Three peninsulas in southern Europe One (vs Italy And other countries Apennine Peninsula Greece And other countries Balkan Peninsula And called the three peninsulas of southern Europe).
Most of the peninsula is Spain Territory, a small part of the southwest corner is Portugal Territory, Northeast Pyrenees To the north is France. The coast is flat and straight, with many plateaus and mountains; There are lowlands in the west and southwest. Midland Meseta Plateau Average altitude 610 meters, accounting for 60% of the peninsula area.
Mount Murason 3478m above sea level, the highest peak on the peninsula. There are about 1800 rivers on the peninsula, and the longest river is Tahoe River The nonferrous metal mineral resources are rich, while the energy mineral resources are poor. Spain on the peninsula is one of the countries with developed tourism in the world. Portugal The central coast is rich in grapes.
Chinese name
Iberian Peninsula
Foreign name
Ibérian Peninsula
Pyrenees Peninsula Spanish Peninsula
Southwestern Europe
584000 km²
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
population size
52 million




The coast is flat and straight, with many plateaus and mountains; There are lowlands in the west and southwest. Midland Meseta Plateau Average altitude 610 meters, accounting for 60% of the peninsula area. Fault block mountainous area It crosses the plateau from east to west and divides the north and south into two major basins. The plateau is high in the east and low in the west, in the south Mount Murason 3478 meters above sea level, it is the highest point of the peninsula.
The geological basis is Hercynian fold block. Due to the blocking of mountains, it is difficult for the ocean influence to penetrate inland. However, the value of solar radiation in summer is large, and it is one of the sunny areas in Europe.
There are about 1800 rivers on the peninsula, Longest river by Tahoe River yes Duluo River Teju River Guadiana River and Ebro River Etc.
The nonferrous metal mineral resources are rich, while the energy mineral resources are poor. Rich in central Portugal coast Grape
And Italy And other countries Apennine Peninsula Greece And other countries Balkan Peninsula And called Europe Three peninsulas
Topography of Iberian Peninsula


The middle part is temperate continental climate In the south Mediterranean climate , warm and humid in winter, dry and hot in summer. In the north Temperate marine climate , mild and rainy throughout the year.

Historical evolution

The Celts from the 9th century BC Central Europe Move in. The early history of the Iberian Peninsula can be traced back to ancient times Greek city-state A colony established along the southwest coast of the peninsula.
stay Punic wars During the period, this was the territory of Carthage, and it was also The Second Punic War The forward base of the expedition led by Hannibal Central. Carthage was defeated in the Second Punic War, and this territory was incorporated into the Roman Republic as Roman Province one of.
For most of the Middle Ages, most of the Iberian Peninsula came from North Africa It is occupied by Muslim Moors, and the Christian nation, as a local aborigine, is in a state of oppression, only in the northwest of the peninsula coastal areas It is possessed by Christians.
In the late Middle Ages, the influence of the Moors gradually declined, and the Christians in the northern part of the peninsula gradually recovered their lost land. In 1385, Kingdom of Portugal The territory of.
In 1480, Spain The kingdom was officially established.
In 1492, the "Restoration Movement" won, and the Muslim forces were completely expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. It established the earliest unified central monarchy in Europe.
The recovery movement and national reunification of the Iberian Peninsula.
National distribution of Iberia Peninsula
At the beginning of the 8th century arab It took people about 4 years to conquer the entire Iberian Peninsula( Portugal And Spain). In the following centuries, the Arabs built a great Spanish civilization with their unique wisdom. So that Spain will be Western Europe The cultural center of.
After the Arabs occupied Spain, the Spaniards, who were unwilling to accept the Islamic rule, retreated to the northern mountains, where some resistance centers appeared, thus starting the recovery movement that lasted more than seven centuries, but the most intense period of struggle was the 11th – 13th century. In the view of Spaniards, this struggle is part of Christianity's fight against Islamic aggression. Therefore, the armed forces against Arabs are also regarded as Rome the pontiff Part of a crusade called for organization.
In the 10th and 11th centuries, two resistance centers, Leon and Castile (Castile), appeared in the northwest of Iberia. In view of the Spanish Restoration War in full swing, about 20000 Berbers from North Africa are in Ibn· Yusuf He came to Spain in 1086 to support the Arabs here. In a decisive battle, King Castile Alfonso VI The army led by him was defeated. It is said that he only took 300 people to survive, and these Berber troops took more than 40000 heads back to North Africa as trophies. But the Castilians were not discouraged.
1212 King Castile Alfonso VIII With the support of the resistance centers and the crusaders of other European countries, he led the coalition forces and the Berbers in a decisive battle in Tolosa, winning a resounding victory. More than 160000 Berbers were killed.
In 1230, Castile and Kingdom of Leon The merger, collectively known as the Castile Kingdom, is the center of resistance against Arab rule and has the most powerful armed resistance.
In 1236, they conquered Cordoba, the capital of the Arabs, and the recovery movement won a decisive victory.
In the northeast of Iberia, another center of resistance against Arabs has been formed Aragon Kingdom The official formation of the kingdom was in 1137, when several local resistance centers merged. In the southwest of the peninsula, the Kingdom of Portugal was formed. It first attached itself to Castile and became an independent kingdom in 1143.
In the whole Recovery War, there were some sobering stories in Spain, the most famous of which was the national hero Rodrigo Diaz (about 1043 – 1099), who became a legendary figure known as“ Xide ”(Leader of the fighter). His main credit is the capture in 1094 Valencia And firmly hold the city.
Later, his deeds were compiled into long poems《 Song of Xide 》It is one of the most important long epics in medieval Western Europe. Since modern times, this long poem has also become the source of other literary works, such as the 17th century French Classicism The writer Gao Naiyi wrote the tragedy Xide, extolling the significance of reason to lust and obligation to emotion.
After the fierce battles in the 11th and 13th centuries, the victory of the Spaniards has been decided, but it still takes time to recover all the territory. After the fall of Cordoba, the Arabs fled to the southeast of the peninsula Granada And stayed there for more than 250 years. They have once again created a brilliant culture in this small area surrounded by mountains, rivers and rural areas.
The Spaniards and Portuguese who are on the verge of victory have no time to care about the creation of this kind of culture. They are building a strong nation-state In the process of. Without this process, they will not be able to launch large-scale exploration and colonization activities in the future, and they will not be able to build a huge empire. The formation of a nation-state is not only a process of expelling foreign enemies, but also a process of resolving internal ethnic conflicts and making various internal political forces relatively centralized and unified. To achieve this, we often have to go through intense ideological conflict and bloody struggle.
In the formation period of modern western European nation-state, the main manifestations are king Conflict with the great nobles. Portuguese Independence Shortly afterwards, at the beginning of the 13th century, there was a civil war, mainly because the king wanted to strengthen central government Power and the great nobility High Priest Conflict of. Since then, Portugal has not only fought many wars and new civil wars with Casti, but also broke out two "revolutions", namely the so-called revolutions of 1245 – 1247 and 1383 – 1385.
Portuguese historians believe that these revolutions were characterized by the cooperation between the king and the people in combating the separatist dignitaries, which resulted in more gains for the middle and lower classes Activity space , which is particularly beneficial to businessmen.
The revolution of 1383 – 1385 was carried out together with the war in Castile. In this war, the hereditary nobles stood on Castile's side, and the citizens and some masters roman law Castile's interventionist army failed. So the rich“ bourgeois class ”(The "bourgeoisie" here is a relatively simple and convenient term used to refer to the big businessmen at that time. Generally speaking, there is no bourgeoisie in the strict sense at this time, and at most there are some tendencies capitalism Developed merchants) and jurists occupied an important position in the newly established dynasty. The "bourgeoisie" is concerned with peace and expanding trade, while jurists are concerned with strengthening the authority of the king.
A centralized central government has finally been established. Without such a government and the efforts of these businessmen and jurists, it is impossible for Portugal to develop into an empire. Of course, it is not enough to rely on these businessmen and jurists alone. The future expansion and strengthening of the empire will still depend on the support and leadership of those nobles whose rights are somewhat suppressed. But here we must see that in the late medieval Western Europe Chinese feudal society The difference is that their businessmen and their related intellectuals have achieved something that can be compared with the traditional ruling class A competing right.
The other two main centers of light recovery movement Aragon Kingdom The Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Castile are also not calm. They also face the problem of strengthening the central power, the independence of great nobles, and the uprising of peasants against feudal taxes. In order to strengthen the central power and centralized rule, the two kingdoms embarked on the road of unity, which was achieved through marriage.
Prince of Aragon in 1469 Ferdinand And Castile's heiress Isabella Marriage. Ten years later, they successively inherited the throne of their respective kingdoms. Thus, in 1469, the two countries officially merged, realizing the unification of Spain.
Soon, the unified Spain began to launch a general attack on the Arabs in a corner. In January 1492, the Moors of Granada gave up their city and surrendered, thus ending the recovery movement.
Isabella is a queen who plays politics. It is said that she is a typical beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes, but she is not a gentle person, but a sports loving, strong and powerful person. In theory, she helped her husband to govern the country, but she was extremely arrogant, opinionated, and good at covering up, often pretending to be naive and judging big and small affairs. Especially her religious fanaticism made Spain pay a high price. That's how she used it Inquisition To suppress "heresy" and create a large number of unjust cases. Only 1498 years ago, in 17 years Cremation There are 8800 people, and more than 100000 people have been convicted.
Heresy here refers to those residents who believe in other religions, such as Judaism The Moors who stayed in Spain and were forced to convert to Catholicism (called "Moriscans") Christian faith Someone who explains something different from the official rules of the roman catholic church. However, the latter was a minority. At that time, there were mainly those who were inconsistent with the church's regulations in religious practice. Most of them were rural women who were possessed by evil spirits. Of course, many "heresies" were falsely accused.
Although this indiscriminate suppression policy temporarily helps to consolidate the political power, its negative side is extremely obvious. For example, the government ordered Jews to leave Spain within three months, and many doctors, scientists, philosophers, businessmen, and senior craftsmen left the country under the leadership of Jewish priests. Today, there are 2 million descendants of these Jews who left Spain, distributed in many countries around the world.
Of course, for the Spanish monarchs in this period, these negative phenomena were not as serious as they seemed later. In their eyes, the most significant thing is the unification and consolidation of the nation state, which is to expand outward and build an empire precondition The two countries on the Iberian Peninsula took the lead in the expansion of modern Western Europe. One important reason is that they established a relatively strong centralization Government.
In October of the same year, Columbus find West Indies Since then, Spain has gradually become a maritime power with colonies in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia.
1588“ Armada ”It was defeated by Britain and began to decline.
In 1873, the outbreak bourgeois revolution And establish the First Republic.
In December 1874, the dynasty was restored.
In the Spanish American War in 1898 America and Asia-Pacific The last few colonies of—— Cuba Puerto Rico Guam and the Philippines
stay the First World War Neutral.
In April 1931, the dynasty was overthrown and the Second Republic was established.
In February 1936, a coalition government with the participation of the Socialist Party and the Communist Party was established. July of the same year Francisco Franco After three years of civil war, he seized power in April 1939 and exercised dictatorship for 36 years. [1]
Concluded with Germany in February 1943 Military alliance , participated in the war against the Soviet Union. [1]
In July 1947, Franco declared that Spain Monarchy , serving as the head of state for life. [1]
In July 1966, the last king was established Alfonso XIII Grandchild Juan Carlos Is the successor. [1]
Franco died of illness in November 1975, Juan Carlos I Ascension, recovery Monarchy. [1]
In July 1976, the king appointed the former National movement Secretary General A Suarez, as Prime Minister, began the transition to parliamentary democracy in the West. [1]


The Iberian Peninsula has the following residents official language
1. Andorra:
2. Gibraltar (British):
3. Portugal:
Asturian (Officially recognized)
4. Spain:
Catalan (also known as Valencia in Valencia)
Asturian (officially recognized)
Aranese( Occitan Variants of; Officially recognized)


Including Spain, Portugal Andorra And British Gibraltar , most of which is Spanish territory, and a small part of which is Portuguese territory in the southwest corner. Northeast Pyrenees The north is France.
In the hundreds of years after 1492, the Spanish Portuguese border and the Spanish French border have undergone several small-scale changes. Today's border is basically from 1815 congress of vienna Confirmed.
Spain: occupying most of the peninsula
Portugal: West
Andorra: Pyrenees Between Spain and France inland country Home.


Iron, tungsten, tin Pyrite , mercury and uranium. The industry includes mining, metallurgy, shipbuilding, textile and other sectors. Agricultural products include wheat, corn olive Grape Mainly waiting, mostly focusing on irrigation system Of Coastal plain And valley lowlands. The central plateau is rich in dry crops and sheep Animal Husbandry


Iberian Peninsula [2] In the southwest of Europe, mainly Portugal and Spain Two countries. Spain is mediterranean sea The focus of regional coastal tourism is one of the world's major tourist destinations on the Iberian Peninsula.
from the Second World War Since then, the number of tourists to Spain has increased rapidly, from less than 3 million in 1950 to 39.64 million in 1992. The tourist destinations are highly concentrated on the Mediterranean coast of Spain and Mediterranean islands , the latter such as Balearic islands
Iberian Atlantic Coastal tourism is relatively underdeveloped. Portugal has received more than 8 million foreign tourists every year in recent years. The Atlantic coast tourist destination of the peninsula is concentrated in southern Portugal Algarve The inland plateau on the peninsula, despite its many histories and cultures tourist resources However, the climate can only attract a small number of tourists. Both Spain and Portugal have islands in the Atlantic Ocean far away from the mainland. These islands are located in the south, so it is warm in winter and can attract tourists for winter vacations. Madeira Islands and Azores genus Portugal , and Canary Islands It belongs to Spain.
Although Spain and Portugal differ in the size of their tourism industry Similarity Their tourism development is largely concentrated in small areas, and most of the tourism resources in the two countries have hardly been developed. Both countries have open Atlantic coast and rich inland historical and cultural tourism resources, and the tourism potential has not been fully realized. Bilateral Domestic tourism market It is still developing towards maturity and making rapid progress. Exit of the two countries Number of tourists Starting to increase.

Cultural relics

Eastern Iberian Mediterranean basin There are a lot of Prehistoric culture ruins. Since 1879, Santander, Spain Altamira Cave Paleolithic Age Since the mural was found Catalonia Valencia , Murcia Andalusia and Castilla – Many rock paintings and frescoes of the prehistoric Stone Age have been found in the Raman Que area, which are almost distributed in half of the Iberian Peninsula. In 1998, they were the United Nations UNESCO named it Human Heritage. [3]
Some of these wall (rock) paintings are painted on the rocks in the open air, and more often on the rock walls of caves. The murals are rich in content, varied in form, diverse in color and vivid in representation Prehistoric man (from collecting and hunting to planting and domesticating). archaeologist After a lot of research, these murals are divided into three categories according to the artistic style and time: Paleolithic Age Murals mediterranean sea Coastal murals and sketch murals. [3]
The Paleolithic frescoes refer to those hidden in the depths of caves and dark without light. They are about 40000 BC to 10000 BC works. These murals use different colors, mainly black, red and ochre; There is no human image in the picture, and the themes are natural animals, such as cattle buffalo wild boar wild horse , deer, bear, etc., there are individuals and groups; These images not only have obvious outlines, but the whole picture is filled There are colors. [3]
In addition, there are some abstract symbols and images of human hands, but we still do not know what they represent. Altamira Cavern It is a famous representative of the Paleolithic frescoes. In addition, it can be seen in Elcastillo and Vontede Gomer in France. [3]
As for the murals along the Mediterranean coast, their textual research dates from about 6000 BC to 4000 BC. They were all in caves that were not very deep, and the light was easier to reach. The pictures are mostly single or group animals, such as Deer Family Animals, ruminants, etc., with their sides, horns and hooves facing forward. Human images often appear in paintings, as well as hunting, dancing, fighting, domestication gather honey And planting. These murals can be seen in the Mediterranean coastal area of Spain, Representativeness There are caves in Kakul and Bartota. [3]
The sketched murals were about 4000 to 1000 BC Bronze Age Late ruins. Part of the mural seems to be mediterranean sea The natural development and simplification of coastal murals, and the other part is a branch developed independently. Their common feature is that the picture form is often simple, and some are difficult to recognize. [3]
The picture has Quadruped and human activity (There are even people with bows and arrows), but the typical ones are those abstract symbols: dot shaped, branch shaped, toe shaped images, and so on. These murals are simple but full of vitality. Some experts believe that this is an important step in the abstraction of early human art. [3]