University of Illinois

American public universities
zero Useful+1
synonym University of Illinois (University of Illinois) generally refers to the University of Illinois
University of Illinois Illinois ), referred to as UI or U of I, founded in 1867, is one of the most influential public university systems in the United States, with“ Public Ivy ”It is famous all over the world. [1] Its three branches are located in Illinois Urbana Champagne Chicago as well as Springfield
The University of Illinois has a special relationship with China. As early as 1906, Edmund James, the then president, sent a letter to the President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt , it is recommended that Boxer Indemnity For developing China education , later developed into Gengzi Indemnity Scholarship Many Chinese students have been able to study in the United States. During 1911-1920, the University of Illinois accepted and trained as many as 30% of Chinese students studying in the United States, which is the most friendly to Chinese students American University one of.
Chinese name
University of Illinois
Foreign name
University of Illinois System
UI、U of I、Fighting Illini
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University system
School characteristics
American Association of Universities Member (UIUC)
Ten alliances Member (UIUC)
NCAA Division I Horizon League Member
Current leaders
Timothy L. Killeen President
School setting
School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Business, School of Education, School of Architecture, School of Public Affairs, etc
School motto
Learning and Labor
Its three campuses are located in Urbana Champagne, the university city of Illinois, Chicago, the largest city, and Springfield, the state capital.
major awards
Nobel Prize
Number of branch schools
3 (Urbana Champagne, Chicago, Springfield)
Representative color
Orange and Blue
Alumni donation
US $1.11 billion

University History

stateside Illinois Chicago 140 miles south of the city, there are two quiet towns with beautiful scenery. The two cities live next to each other, and there is only a Wright Street in the middle Ebana (Urbana), west of the street champagne (Champaign)。 The University of Illinois was founded here and is now University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Location.
In the middle of the 19th century, with American economy With the rapid development of, people began to call for the establishment of practical industries and Agricultural education In 1857, Illinois College Professor Jonathan Turner of Vermont Rep. Justin Morris of federal government The proposal to grant land to establish an agricultural and machinery college was passed by the Congress, but was vetoed by then President Buchanan. In 1861, from Illinois Abraham Lincoln As President of the United States, in December, Morrill again proposed a bill with the same content. After the Congress passed, the bill was signed by President Lincoln in 1862, and the bill came into force. This is what has had a profound impact on American higher education“ Morrill Act ”(also known as the Land Grant College Act).

Origin of scientific name

According to this bill, in February 1863, Illinois We got 480000 acres of land. 1865, USA Civil War At the end, the twin city of Urbana Champagne gradually became an important railway junction in the state. In 1867, in response to U.S. government Promulgated Land-grant College The Illinois Institute of Technology was established in Urbana Champagne by the state legislature. The school officially opened on March 11, 1868. The first president was John Milton Gregory. At that time, there were only 50 students and two professors. In 1885, the school was renamed "University of Illinois". Thanks to the tranquil environment and convenient transportation in the region, by the early 20th century, after more than 30 years of development, the school had quickly become a major public university and Research University , whose reputation spread all over the country. By 1900, the school had 2300 students. The 20th century was a period of great development in the United States.
In 1946, the University of Illinois Chicago Old of Navy Wharf Set up one institute Junior college The school has been further expanded. By 1947, the number of registered students had reached 15500. In consideration of the development of the university, the University of Illinois successively incorporated the independent School of Pharmacy and the Academy of Internal and External Sciences in Chicago in 1896 and 1897; In 1901, Columbia Dental College in Chicago was merged. In 1913, these three colleges officially became the health centers of the University of Illinois in Chicago Science Center By doing so, the department setting of the school tends to be complete. Later, the school established the Nursing College and Joint health care College. These two colleges, together with the Center for Health Sciences, became the University of Illinois Medical Center in 1965. In 1961, the junior college of the old Navy Wharf added a four-year undergraduate course. In 1965, it moved to downtown Chicago and became the Chicago Ring Campus of the University of Illinois. In 1982, the branch school merged with the medical center to become University of Illinois at Chicago
July 1, 1995, at Springfield Sangamon State University has become the third branch of the University of Illinois Springfield. So far, the University of Illinois has formed today.

School size

In June 1915, the University of Illinois held a graduation ceremony in Quad
After nearly 150 years of development, the University of Illinois has become one of the best universities in the United States, ranking among the top public universities in the country. The three campuses of the University provide more than 100 undergraduate, graduate and professional courses and nearly 5000 courses, many of which are world leading; The university has more than 23000 faculty members, including more than 5800 teachers, many of whom are respected professors in the United States and internationally, including Nobel Prize Winner Pulitzer Prize Winners, MacArthur researchers and National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Humanities and Sciences academician; There are more than 78000 college students, and more than 20000 degrees are awarded every year. Thousands of off campus students participate in online education to obtain degrees; There are more than 1600 student organizations in the university; University 2013-2014 annual budget 5.64 billion dollars, including 747 million yuan of research funds, with hundreds of research centers, laboratories and research institutes; The total area of the three campuses is 2433 acres, including 10520 acres of reserved land. There are more than 800 buildings worth $9.5 billion. The library of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign has more than 24 million books and materials, ranking first in the collection of American public university libraries, second in all American universities, second only to Harvard University Library The campus also has the National Supercomputer Application Center of the United States, Willard Airport, museums, art galleries, cultural and art centers, large Stadium And 1765 acres of Arleton Park. [1]
On April 2, 2020, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign And Nanjing University And other colleges and universities officially announced their establishment International University Climate Alliance [2]

School running purpose

The University of Illinois has always adhered to the spirit of "serving the public" and has always been committed to "outstanding education, research and public service". The University of Illinois claims that "the University of Illinois belongs to all Illinois people", "one university, three branch schools, one historical goal, serving the public". The school has been used since its establishment school badge The school motto of "learning and working" and the plow and Strike iron Hammer and Anvil
University of Illinois State Farm Center
The spirit of "serving the public" of the University of Illinois comes from the original intention of land grant college to serve the working class. At the beginning of its establishment, President Gregory Land-grant College The advocator of Turner's opinion on running schools. He believed that the University of Illinois should provide free Higher Education To train the talents they need. He also proposed that schools should undertake three tasks: teaching, scientific research and serving the public.
According to this school running idea, Gregory is raising funds to purchase books and Teaching equipment At the same time, set up farms and factories for students to practice; It is also opened on holidays Short training courses And teach farmers throughout the prefecture agricultural, horticultural and fruit tree cultivation techniques. In 1870, the school established the first engineering seminar and experimental station in the United States; In 1876, the earliest agricultural experimental station in the United States was established, which made contributions to American agriculture, especially the planting of corn and soybeans. After Gregory left school, the school still kept the tradition of serving the public, and with the gradual expansion of the scale of the school, the form and scope of its service activities have also been further expanded. In 1888, with the support of the Congress, the University of Illinois set up agricultural experimental stations all over the state; In 1914, the Agricultural College launched agricultural cooperative extension services. The school still has 3000 acres of farms and 2382 acres belonging to the Agricultural College Experimental field To experiment and promote new agricultural technologies and new crop varieties. At the end of the 19th century, the University of Illinois vigorously promoted education, trained middle school teachers, taught pedagogy courses, and organized a school promotion meeting dominated by professors. By the 1960s, the content of continuing education had expanded to computers Emerging disciplines Today, thousands of continuing education students get Advanced degree The above activities promoted community education Today, it is still an important part of the public service and continuing education of the University of Illinois.

Public service

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Illinois University libraries also use their collections to serve the public in need. The library actively participated in the information network of the Illinois Library and realized information sharing. It goes to the surrounding Urban residents Lending books, magazines and other materials makes it Illinois The largest lender of library materials.
In order to better and more effectively serve the public, the university Institutional setup And the construction of disciplines also conforms to the requirements of society and the public. In 1973, the University Headquarters set up the Public Service Office (now renamed the Continuing Education and Public Service Office). In 1974 Chicago The Ring Campus established Jane Adams School of Social Work , established in 1978 Gerontology Research Center. Today, online education at the University of Illinois“ UI Online ”(UI Online). On the one hand, it strengthens the connection between the three campuses through the Internet, and on the other hand, it provides online courses to thousands of people every year for distance education.
In terms of serving the public, successive presidents of the University of Illinois are all examples in this regard, and the first president Gregory advocated the spirit of serving the public. At the end of the 20th century, James Stucker, the then president, traveled tens of thousands of miles in two years to visit alumni, companies, communities and news media And ask for opinions on the school.

Traditional school spirit

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
The President's personal visit to the alumni shows that the University attaches great importance to the alumni, which is a consistent tradition of the University of Illinois. Alumni are a special public and an important link between the school, community and society. The University of Illinois not only allows alumni to enter the highest decision-making body The first alumni "Homecoming Day" was held on October 18, 1910. This created a new tradition, which later developed into an annual grand festival of American universities. On Homecoming Day, alumni gather from all directions to express their loyalty to their alma mater. There will be various performances and Sports competition Students' organizations also actively participate in entertaining their predecessors. The homecoming festival has promoted the unity among alumni and strengthened the relationship between the school, alumni and society; At the same time, it also enhanced the alumni's Sense of belonging and sense of pride So that alumni can care about the rise and fall of the school and make their own contributions to the development of the school.
The services provided by the University of Illinois and its concern for its alumni have also brought great rewards to the University. Not only alumni have generously contributed to the development of their alma mater, but also some social figures have actively donated to the University. In 1946, Robert Allerton will build a manor about 26 miles southwest of Urbana, together with 1500 acres virgin forest The park was presented to the University of Illinois. In 1989, the alumni Arnold Beckman and his wife donated 50 million dollars to build the Beckman High tech Research Center. A few years ago, the University of Illinois Foundation held a fund-raising campaign. The original plan was to raise $100 million, but due to enthusiastic donations, it actually raised $200 million. These donations have greatly promoted the development of the university, enabled many poor children to enter the university to study, and also made the wishes of the founding sages of the University of Illinois come true. Today's University Year endowment fund It has grown from 195 million dollars in 1991 to 435 million dollars in 2013, accounting for 7.7% of the total budget of the school.

Spiritual culture

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois Service spirit Not only for the public and Social services It is also reflected in the school's service for students. The school also cultivates students' spirit of serving the public through teachers' service to students and a series of other activities.
The University of Illinois not only provides dormitories and student clubs for students, but also helps students handle medical insurance , provide Internet Services And other services. Great depression During this period, it was difficult for students to find jobs. In 1932, the school set up Career Introduction Bureau, this service has continued to this day. Teachers at the University of Illinois also help students with their enthusiasm. At the beginning of the 20th century, the school took the lead in setting up the position of male department director in the United States. Clark, the director of the boys' department at that time, encouraged students to be aggressive with great enthusiasm and patience, and won the students' love. Students affectionately called him "our father". Today, teachers at the University of Illinois still have this spirit. In ordinary working hours If students have any problems, they can find the Student Supervision Office to solve them; At other times, students can also call the person on duty“ Emergency Student supervision ". What is an "emergency" is not clearly defined, and teachers should answer various questions raised by students. The teachers who take charge of this matter are volunteers. When students fail the exam or fail to earn enough credits required for graduation, these teachers will listen to the students carefully and talk with them to ease their pain.
stay School tradition Under the influence of and the enthusiasm of the teachers, the students of the University of Illinois, on the one hand, actively participate in the service activities of the school, and on the other hand, organize some activities by themselves to do something within their power for the society. the First World War During this period, students of the University of Illinois organized a volunteer ambulance team to go to the front, and some students dropped out of school to join the army. the Second World War During this period, the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor , forcing the United States to fully participate in the war, and the students of the University of Illinois devoted almost all their efforts Anti-Fascist War As a large number of students joined the army, the ratio of boys and girls in the school changed from 3:1 to 1:4 overnight, while the number of girls staying in school was Red Cross Society Make bandages. When the Vietnam War came, because the United States was engaged in a war aggressive war Students of the University of Illinois also held large-scale anti war demonstrations like other colleges and universities.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
In the university campus, students also set up many volunteer organizations, which spontaneously Community public Among them, the most famous is the "Volunteer Illinois Projects". The organization was founded in the 1960s by Student obligations Guiding poor black people Children learn By the time it was officially established in 1965, the number of participants had reached 350. Today's activities of the group include Mental disorders Make friends with young people Detention facility For adults Pen pals Contact and public nursery More than ten fields such as service and helping the homeless. In view of the outstanding contribution of this group Reagan The President awarded him the "Volunteer Action Award".
At the same time, the active involvement in community activities has also given students Integrating theory with practice Opportunities. One example is the course "Sociology 199", which started in the autumn of 1997. This course requires students to participate in the activities of community grassroots organizations for at least 15 hours a week, so as to combine the experience gained with Sociological theory Connect. Similar projects Social work School projects. Ebana Champagne Branch schools The Institute of Technology has established a "cooperative education project", in which the students must be first-year undergraduate students who have studied in school for one semester. Unlike ordinary engineering college students who graduate in four years, they graduate in five years. The school has contacted about 100 companies all over the country, and students must work in one of them for one year. Through work, students have learned to flexibly use the book knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems, and will work harder in their studies. About 2 3 project participants were retained by the company they worked for, which shows that the project is successful and beneficial to the company, schools and students themselves.
On June 9, 1908, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Wu Tingfang visited the University of Iraq
The purpose of serving the public advocated by the University of Illinois also cultivates the spirit of equality and freedom, which makes the University Right to education The equality between men and women, racial equality also took the lead in American higher education. In 1870, the university began to enroll female students. It was the first university in the United States to enroll both male and female students. The school enrolled foreign students in 1883. Later, many famous Chinese scholars and scientists also studied here. The university is also the first to provide Comprehensive services University. The college students here civil rights movement They also hold a supportive attitude. As early as 1873, John Boulder, a black man, was nominated by the governor of Illinois as a member of the Senate and became a member of the University Council The first black man of. After the rise of the black civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the students of the university were even more firm supporters. In 1947, a barber shop refused to cut black people's hair, leading to a protest against racial discrimination. University in“ Back to School Festival ”During the homecoming festival, the "queen" and "princess" will be elected. On the homecoming festival in 1950, a black female student of the school was elected as the "queen", which is the first time in the history of the university and one of the symbols of the students' rising anti racial prejudice and support for black civil rights movement.

Teaching and scientific research

To promote undergraduate education teaching level , famous Carnegie foundation Also set up in the school“ Illinois Annual Award for Teaching Progress ". The University of Urbana Champaign has set up "Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award" and "Teaching Progress Committee" to strengthen the internal teaching activities To ensure that all freshmen can take classes in small classes; The "Invention Plan" was also established to allow some students to receive direct guidance from famous professors. There are 11 alumni graduated from the school, and 3 people in the affiliated middle school have won the Nobel Prize (one person has studied here from middle school to university). The establishment of an affiliated middle school shows that the school attaches great importance to teaching, and the fact that several alumni have won the Nobel Prize shows the teaching quality of the University of Illinois.
National Supercomputing Application Center
In scientific research, the University of Illinois has also achieved great success. In the 12 years before 1996, the University of Illinois US Federal Government The research fund of the company is 3 billion US dollars, and the private research fund is 1 billion US dollars. The university has not only hundreds of research centers, laboratories and research institutes, but also faculty members who are outstanding members of national academic institutions, including the National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Humanities and Sciences, etc. In 1996, the "Fiske College Guide" gave the University of Illinois the highest academic grade of "Five Stars".
In the past 150 years since its establishment, the University of Illinois has made remarkable scientific achievements and created numerous national pillars and Social elite At the end of the 19th century, the University of Illinois was famous for its research in botany, microorganisms and fungi. In the 20th century, the University of Illinois established the world's first electron induction accelerator, developed the world's first digital computer Iliek I, developed the first web browser Mosaic, invented the transistor, and put forward the theory of low-temperature superconductivity. By 2014, 24 professors and alumni of the University of Illinois had won Nobel Prize , second only to the University of California, Berkeley among American public universities; 18 professors and alumni have won Pulitzer Prize Two alumni have won Turing Award One professor has won Fields Medal , 11 professors have won National Medal of Science

Admission requirements



IELTS : Springfield Campus 6.0, champagne Campus 6.5, no band below 6.0

graduate student

IELTS: Springfield Campus 6.5, Champagne Campus 6.5, no band below 6.0

law school

IELTS: Champagne Campus 6.5 (except LLM, no sub-scores below 6.0)

Champaign Campus

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, abbreviated as UIUC )It is the flagship (main campus) of the University of Illinois system. Founded in 1867, it is located in the quiet twin city of Illinois, Urbana Champagne Research University The school《 American News and World Report 》In 2015, the American comprehensive university ranked 41st, American public universities Ranked 11th, World University Ranking 35th; On《 Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2014 29th; On《 Shanghai Jiaotong University Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2014 The 28th. The school is American Association of Universities (AAU) Member, USA“ Ten alliances (Big Ten)“ Public Ivy ”, and University of California Berkeley and University of Michigan It is also called "the three giants of American public universities". The university is also one of the most diversified and international universities. Its number of international students ranks the third in American universities and the first in American public universities. The school has been committed to outstanding research, teaching and Public participation , many disciplines Well known Its engineering schools are ranked as the top five in the United States and even in the world. Almost all engineering majors are ranked in the top ten in the United States, and electrical, computer, civil engineering, materials, agriculture, environment, machinery and other majors are ranked in the top five in the United States. The business school of the university also has strong strength. Its accounting, finance and other majors are among the top in the United States, accounting profession It ranks second in the United States. [3]

academic research

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Champaign attaches great importance to academic research. In 2012, the research funds in science and engineering alone reached 584 million dollars. The university started from National Science Foundation (NSF) ranks first in the United States in terms of research funding every year, SCI Thesis The total number ranks among the top five in the United States. Located in the university National Supercomputing Application Center NCSA )On High performance computing The research and deployment of network and information technology has always been in the leading position in the world. The university not only has more than 150 research centers, laboratories and research institutes, but also faculty members are outstanding members of national academic institutions, including National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Humanities and Sciences Etc.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Since its establishment, Champaign has achieved fruitful academic research, and has made a large number of scientific giants social development Has made great contributions. Especially after entering the 20th century, Donald Kirst established the world's first Induction accelerator Later, Champaign University developed the world's first digital computer Iliek I; professor John Badin invention transistor . Propose low temperature superconductivity Theory( BCS theory )For the first time in history, it was obtained twice in the same field (solid state theory) Nobel Prize professor Hacken And Apel The cooperation is completed on the computer Four color theorem Certification of; Internet prodigy Marc Andreessen The first Web browser The software Mosaic and Netscape make the Internet truly popular; alumnus Jack Kilby The first integrated circuit is the most important invention in the information age; alumnus Yao Jizhi Is the first Turing Award Chinese winners; Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician He was once a professor of the university; Dare to tell the truth Department of Water Resources, Tsinghua University professor Huang Wanli Is a doctor of the university; Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Peking University who participated in the development of synthetic bovine insulin Xing Qiyi He is also a doctor of the university; Zhu Kezhen studied agronomy in the school in his early years; Former President of the Philippines Ramos Master of Civil Engineering of the university; Once more than Bill Gates Become the richest person in the world Oracle Larry Ellison, chairman and chief executive officer, once studied in the school; Founder and CEO of AMD Jerry Sanders It's the school Electronic Engineering Bachelor's degree; GE Chairman and CEO Jack Welch Doctor of Chemical Engineering of the university; Two wins Academy Awards Best Director Ang Lee He is a bachelor of drama department of the university.
By 2014, 24 professors and alumni of Champaign had won Nobel Prize (11 of them graduated from the university), which is second only to the University of California Berkeley among American public universities; 18 professors and alumni have won Pulitzer Prize Two alumni have won Turing Award (deemed to be computer science Nobel Prize in the World); One professor has won Fields Medal (Considered as the Nobel Prize in mathematics), 11 professors have won National Medal of Science There are 2 Pulitzer Prize winners and 22 current professors National Academy of Sciences , 28 bits Academician of the National Academy of Engineering

School setting

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign School of Engineering
Champaign Campus agricultural environment , application health, aviation Business , education, engineering, art, labor and Employment relationship Research, law, arts and sciences, library information, media General subjects , medicine Social work , veterinary medicine, graduate school and other 17 colleges. The College of Engineering is the core of scientific research of Champaign University John Badin The transistor technology invented by the professor is the starting point, and under the vigorous development of the physics department, new engineering disciplines and research institutes are constantly separated. There are 26 research centers, 10 main laboratories and 9 ancillary projects National Supercomputing Center And the US Energy Agency's Advanced Rocket Simulation Center. The schools of business, agriculture and veterinary medicine are also the traditional strengths of the school, Library College Because of the huge collection of books It ranks first in the United States.

Professional courses

Discipline of Champaign Professional settings There are nearly 200 professional disciplines, and the best disciplines are Engineering And business. In addition to providing highly diversified education, its outstanding educational quality is deeply praised. The school's academic level Not only won the highest level evaluation of five stars in the Fiske Guide to Colleges and Universities, but also was rated as one of the best universities in the United States to provide diversified courses. Engineering, physics, chemistry, psychology, accounting and Mass Communication And other majors are the strongest, while schools of education, business, humanities and arts, and law schools are also excellent.
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
In US NEWS 2014, American University Discipline ranking The school ranks among the top 10 in the United States Postgraduate major Physics, chemistry, computer science, psychology, education, accounting, human resources and industrial relations Mass Communication, Library Science, Music, Number Theory, Algebra, Logic, Microbiology. The engineering school of the university is well-known in the United States, ranking the fifth. Its electrical engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, agricultural engineering, environmental engineering and other departments and disciplines rank the top five in the United States, and chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, industrial engineering rank the top 10 in the United States. according to Shanghai Jiaotong University In the academic ranking of world universities in 2014, the performance of Champaign in the field of engineering ranked fourth in the world, second only to Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University And the University of California, Berkeley Ivy League
Champaign awarded the first accounting major in 1922 baccalaureate In 1939, the world's first doctorate in accounting was awarded.
stay social sciences In terms of psychology department Harvard University Princeton University University of California Similar departments of Los Angeles and other universities rank fifth in the United States. Human resources and industrial relations majors are recognized as the top three in the United States, while library science has been ranked first in the United States. In addition, Champaign has the largest alumni relationship in the United States and the most comprehensive actuarial department, and is the first group of members of the Centers of Actuarial Excellence.

School ranking

1. Ranking of American Universities
① Undergraduate ranking
2015 U.S. News
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Comprehensive ranking of American universities 41st
Ranked 11th in American public universities
Engineering ranked 6th
7th in aviation/aerospace
No. 1 in Biology/Agriculture
No. 1 in civil engineering
Computer Ranked 5th
Electrical/Electronic/ Communication Ranked 4th
Ranked 5th in environment/environmental health
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Ranked 2nd in material discipline
Accounting ranked 2nd
Insurance Ranked 8th
Real Estate Ranked 10th
② Graduate School Ranking
2015 U.S. News
Business School ranked 35th
School of Education ranked 26th
Engineering College ranked 6th
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
The law school ranked 40th (due to Data fraud Punitive ranking reduction due to influence)
2. World University Ranking
① Comprehensive ranking
2014 Shanghai Jiaotong University World University Academic Ranking 28th bit
2013-14 Thames Higher Education World University Ranked 29th
② Discipline ranking
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Academic Ranking of World Universities of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2014 (Disciplines):
Engineering (engineering, technology and computer science) ranked 4th in the world
Life Science (Life Science) ranked 21st in the world
38th in the world in science (mathematics and natural science)
38th in the world in social sciences

Campus buildings

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Champaign Campus is located in lake michigan The plain to the south is flat, which is a tradition of Illinois an agricultural region This belongs to temperate continental climate The four seasons are distinct, the summer and autumn are dry, and the spring and winter are affected by the lake area. The school has convenient transportation, 140 miles north of Chicago expressway Connect with Chicago Indianapolis And St. Louis. In addition to the railway running through the town, the school also has its own airport (William) and aviation flight college, which can open to Chicago Detroit And Dallas.
University of Illinois Rugby Team
The architecture of Champaign University Orange Is the reference color. Surrounded by buildings Core area Along the north and south Central axis Three small squares. The central part is the main square. The lawn of the main square is the most eye-catching place for students' rest and extracurricular activities, and is the core landmark of the school. School literature is around the main square Art and Science The building complex of the college is the most traditional professional base of the school. To the north of the square is the Illinois Union, which is the landmark building of the school and the gathering place for various activities. There is an entertainment hall in the building Conference hall , reading room, hotel, restaurant bowling Room, small shop, Internet cafe, etc. The south of the square is Flinger Concert Hall The east side of the square is the building of chemistry, language and history, and the west side is the building of mathematics, English and administration. In the north is Badin Square, near which there are buildings of engineering college. The College of Engineering, the Library of Electronics, Computer, Civil Engineering and Engineering College, as well as the surrounding Physics Department, Materials Department and Mechanics Department are all located in the engineering college area on the north side of Green Street. To the north of Springfield Road, there are Beckman Institute and several experimental centers. The South Square is surrounded by agriculture, zoology and related professional buildings. These majors are the most distinctive ones in the university, such as agronomy and veterinary medicine, which are also outstanding in the United States. At the junction of the main square and the south square, there are two more distinctive landmarks. One is a small experimental field in the campus, where agricultural crops are planted; One is the underground library on the west side of the experimental field, namely the undergraduate library. The library is connected with the main library underground and is a place for undergraduate learning.
The school has several stadiums and a large stadium, Memorial Stadium (Memorial Stadium) was completed in 1923, with more than 70000 seats. It can hold American football matches and is one of the top ten in the United States University Alliance (Big Ten) The main venue of the friendly competition. The school has an apple orchard Loading Area (Orchard Down) and several other accommodation areas. There is a high school attached to the university.
Campus planting North America Red Oak The red leaves are like fire, and the autumn scenery is charming. There is a Japanese House and nursery in the south of the campus, and the flowers are blooming in spring. There are also parks, libraries and museums operated by several small towns near the campus. The whole school is quiet and beautiful, which is a good garden for learning and research.


University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago (University of Illinois at Chicago, abbreviation UIC )At Illinois Chicago, the largest city and the third largest city in the United States, was merged by the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago (established in 1965) and the Chicago Circle Branch (established in 1965) in 1982. It is the second member of the University of Illinois system, a famous public research university, and one of the first level national universities in the United States. The school is committed to creating and disseminating new knowledge in urban affairs, medicine and Health Science The field is at the leading level, with the largest medical school in the United States. The school has three campuses in the east, west and south, with a total area of 311 acres (about 1.25 acres square kilometre )It is the largest university in Chicago, with nearly 10000 faculty members and about 28000 students in 15 colleges, cultivating 82 bachelor's degrees, 93 master's degrees and 66 doctoral students. The University of Illinois at Chicago is a young university Times Higher Education It ranks 11th among 50 young universities in the world. In 2016, US News ranked 129th among American universities, American public universities Ranked 78th. [4]

academic research

The teaching and scientific research strength of Chicago Campus is recognized by the United States Carnegie foundation It is one of the 88 first class research universities in the United States. The school has always been one of the top 50 research funding institutions in the United States, 2014 annual budget USD 2.08 billion, including research funds It has reached 390 million US dollars and has many professional research centers and institutions. The school's education, engineering, business and other disciplines as well as social science, health science, psychology, architecture and other disciplines are very famous.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago has the largest medical school in the United States Medical system It has the leading role in Medical Center As the main training base for doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and other medical personnel in the whole state, its outstanding performance has won a variety of national appraisal and good reputation or awards, such as the American Association for the Development of Science and the American Humanistic Foundation. The medical school is located in the west campus of the university Stomatology clinical medicine Public Health, Pharmacy Nursing All of them are at the top level in the United States. They have trained many medical professionals for Illinois, and have also undertaken medical work in the United States and even around the world Health Multiple Large projects And engineering. June 24, 2014 Talent Exchange of Ministry of Health of China Service Centre A memorandum of cooperation on health and medical personnel training was signed with the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Liautaud Business School, located in the east campus of the university, relies on the advantages of Chicago as a financial center, and has very close communication with various industries. Students have many opportunities to exchange internships with enterprises in the world's cutting-edge industries, especially in accounting, finance business management And other industries have strong relationships.
Well known alumni of Chicago include former CNN Anchor Bernard Shaw, blues musician Billy Branch and famous lobbyist Tony Podesta.

School ranking

University of Illinois at Chicago
The ranking of the Chicago campus in 2016 US News American universities is as follows:
① Undergraduate comprehensive ranking
American public universities ranked 78th
② Graduate School Ranking
Business School ranked 92nd
The School of Education ranked 42nd
Engineering College ranked 63rd
Medical school (primary health care) ranked 82nd
Medical school (research) ranked 52nd

University of Illinois Springfield

University of Illinois Springfield
Springfield Branch schools (University of Illinois at Springfield, abbreviated as UIS), located in Springfield, Illinois, is a university of arts and sciences in the system of Illinois University. Founded in 1969, the university was formerly the State Sangamon University of Illinois. It joined the University of Illinois on July 1, 1995 and became one of the three branches of the University of Illinois system. Although the school has a short history Development plan With distinctive training objectives, it has developed into a well-known public university in US News 2015 Midwest America Regional universities Ranked 36th in the ranking, and rose to the top of the public regional universities in the region.
Application conditions: IELTS Undergraduate 6 points, IELTS graduate 6.5 points.

Discipline advantages

Springfield Campus covers an area of 746 acres, with more than 5000 students on campus. It has 44 degree programs in many disciplines from undergraduate to doctoral students, including 23 bachelor's degrees, 20 masters degrees and one doctor's degree in public management. The school also has Network teaching Degree and certificate programs. The university is famous for its engineering and business subjects. The majors of computer, information management, business administration, accounting, public health, public affairs and biology are favored by students. The subjects of politics, biology, economics and education also rank among the best. Accounting is often rated as the best subject in the United States.
University of Illinois Springfield
The school takes into account both public universities and private school The advantages of learning environment And humanistic care. The school has digital Teaching resource database , scientific and standardized management and first-class teachers Small class teaching So that students and teachers can fully interact and communicate. The school also provides students with Tailored Learning programs and content of courses , improve Teaching quality So that the students can learn something and apply the knowledge to practice. The school is English Second language Of International students Provide intensive English courses to enable students to successfully enroll and degree course make preparation. The school also provides network teaching to save valuable time for students and meet various teaching needs.
School Springfield It is the capital of Illinois and the most livable place in America Small and medium-sized cities One, beautiful campus environment, complete facilities Public officials Aspect has its special advantages, which can be achieved through participation Local communities And the state government to improve students' internship opportunities in the government and public service Extensive knowledge and Leadership
Well known alumni of Springfield Campus include Gordon Heddell, Inspector General of the US Department of Defense, and George, former US President· Bush Of White House Press Secretary Dana Perino。

School ranking

University of Illinois Springfield
Springfield Campus in 2015 US NEW Ranking of American Universities As follows:
① Undergraduate comprehensive ranking
The University of the Midwest Region of the United States ranked 36th
Ranked 8th among public regional universities in the Midwest of the United States
② Graduate School Ranking
87th in public affairs
Business School Part time MBA The 190th

Successive presidents

John Milton Gregory, First President of the University of Illinois
1. John Milton Gregory (1867-1880)
2. Selim Hobart Peabody (1880-1891)
3. Thomas Jonathan Burrill (term 1891-1894)
4. Andrew Sloan Draper (1894-1904)
5. Edmund James (1904-1920)
6. David Kinley (1920-1930)
7. Harry Woodburn Chase (1930-1933)
8. Arthur Hill Daniels (1933-1934)
9. Arthur Cutts Willard (1934-1946)
10. George Dinsmore Stoddard (1946-1953)
11. Lloyd Morey (1954-1955)
University of Illinois students
12. David Dodds Henry (1955-1971)
13. John E. Corbally (1971-1979)
14. Stanley O. Ikenberry (1979-1995)
15. James J. Stukel (1995-2005)
16、B. Joseph White (Term 2005-2009)
17. Stanley O. Ikenberry (term 2010)
18. Michael J. Hogan (term 2010-2012)
19. Robert A. Easter (term 2012-2015)
20. Timothy L. Killeen (term 2015 present)

famous alumni


Nobel Prize Winner

  • John Badin (John Bardeen), professor of the Department of Physics, shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics with W. H. Brattain and W. Shockley for inventing the transistor; He founded the Low Temperature Superconductivity Theory (BCS) with Leon Cooper and John Schrieffer, and jointly won the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics; John Badin became the first scientist ever to win the Nobel Prize in Physics twice in the same field (solid state physics); He taught at the University of Illinois from 1951 until his death in 1991.
  • Jack Kilby (Jack Kilby), one of the two inventors of integrated circuit (IC), shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000, and the integrated circuit is known as one of the most important inventions in the information age; In 1947, he received a bachelor's degree in science from the University of Illinois.
  • Anthony James Leggett (Anthony J. Leggett), professor of the Department of Physics, won the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics with Alexei A. Abrikosov and Vitaly L. Ginzburg for their pioneering contributions to superconductor and superfluid theory; In 1983, he became a faculty member of the University of Illinois.
  • Paul Lauterbur (Paul C. Lauterbur), professor of the Department of Chemistry, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2003 together with Peter Mansfield for the pioneering discovery of different structures of magnetic resonance visualization; In 1985, he became a faculty member of the University of Illinois.
  • Rosalyn Sasman Yello (Rosalyn Sussman Yalow), a medical physicist, shared the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for developing radioimmunoassay of polypeptide hormones, and was the second female scientist to win the Nobel Prize; He was awarded Master of Science in 1942 and Doctor of Science in 1945 by the University of Illinois.
  • Edward Adelbert Doise (Edward Adelbert Doisy), a biochemist, shared the 1943 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Henrik Dam for discovering vitamin K and its structure and physiological functions; He was awarded Bachelor of Arts in 1914 and Master of Science in 1916 by the University of Illinois.
  • Vincent du Vigneaud Vincent du Vigneaud, a biochemist, synthesized polypeptide hormone for the first time and won the 1955 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He was a Bachelor of Science in 1823 and a Master of Science in 1924 at the University of Illinois, and taught at the university from 1929 to 1932.
  • Robert W. Holley (Dr Robert W. Holley), a biochemist, won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his clarification of the precise structure linking alanine and DNA; He received his bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1942.
  • Edwin Krebs (Edwin Gerhard Krebs), biochemist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with his collaborator Edmund Fisher in 1992 to commend their research on reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulation mechanism; He was a Bachelor of Arts in 1940 at the University of Illinois.
  • Polykarp Kusch (Polykarp Kusch), a physicist, shared the 1955 Nobel Prize in Physics for the accurate measurement of the electronic magnetic moment; He was a Master of Science in 1933 and a Doctor of Science in 1936 at the University of Illinois.
  • Leon N Cooper, one of the founders of the Low Temperature Superconductivity Theory (BCS), together with Professor John Bardeen and alumnus John Schrieffer, won the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics; He served as a researcher at the University of Illinois from 1955 to 1957.
  • John Shriver (John Schrieffer), a physicist, one of the founders of the Low Temperature Superconductivity Theory (BCS), won the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics together with John Bardeen and researcher Leon Cooper; He was a Master of Science in 1954 and a Doctor of Science in 1957 at the University of Illinois, and taught in the Department of Physics of the University from 1959 to 1962
  • Philip Sharp (Phillip Allen Sharp), a geneticist and molecular biologist, shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering broken genes; He was a doctor of chemistry at the University of Illinois in 1969.
  • Hamilton Smith, a biochemist, shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of restriction enzymes and their application in molecular genetics; He graduated from the University of Illinois High School in 1948 and studied at the university from 1948 to 1950.
  • Wendell Meredith Stanley (Wendell Meredith Stanley), a chemist, shared the 1946 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions to enzyme preparation and viral protein purification; He was a Master of Science in 1927 and a Doctor of Science in 1929 at the University of Illinois.
  • Elias Corey won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of organic synthesis theory and methods; From 1951 to 1959, he taught in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois.
  • Murray Gell Mann won the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the discovery of basic particles and their interaction categories; He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois in 1951, and served as a visiting research professor at the University from 1952-1953.
  • Leonid Hurwicz shared the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics with Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson for laying the foundation of mechanism design theory; From 1949 to 1951, he taught in the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois.
  • Sir Peter Mansfield won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2003 with Professor Paul C. Lauterbur for his pioneering discovery of different structures of magnetic resonance visualization; He served as a researcher at the University of Illinois from 1962 to 1964.
  • Salvador Luria won the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine with Max Delbruck and Alfred Hershey for discovering the mechanism of viral genetic replication; 1950-1959 Professor of bacteriology, University of Illinois.
  • Rudolph Marcus won the 1992 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his theoretical contribution to explaining the intermolecular electron transfer in plant photosynthesis; From 1964 to 1978, he served as a teacher in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois, and completed most of his award-winning research during this period.
  • Franco Modigliani won the 1985 Nobel Prize in Economics for his two main theories of personal finance and corporate finance; He served as a faculty member at the University of Illinois from 1948 to 1952.
  • Philip Anderson shared the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physics with John Van Vleck and Nevill Mott for his basic theoretical research on magnetism and the electronic structure of disordered systems; Graduated from Illinois University High School in 1940.
  • James Tobin won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Economics for his portfolio selection theory; He graduated from the University of Illinois High School in 1935.
  • 2007 Team of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was jointly awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their efforts in establishing and vigorously disseminating knowledge of man-made climate change and taking basic measures to offset such change. Eight faculty members and research scientists from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign participated in the work of the IPCC and were recognized by the organization as having made important contributions to winning the Nobel Prize. Among them, professors Donald Wuebbles and Michael Schlesinger were awarded special certificates by the IPCC for their leadership roles in their work.

Political circles

  • Rafael Correa (Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado), the current president of Ecuador, is the master and doctor of economics of the university.
  • Fidel Ramos (Fidel Ramos), former president of the Philippines, is the master of civil engineering of the school.
  • Atef Mohammed Obeid (Atef Mohammed Obeid), former Prime Minister of Egypt, is a doctor of philosophy of the university.
  • educational theorist and reformer , educator, thinker, one of the main leaders of the Chinese People's Salvation Association and the China Democratic Alliance, studied in the school in 1914.
  • Cheng Tianfang , a well-known leader of the May 4th Movement, and a former Minister of Education of the Republic of China, is a master of political science in the school.
  • Lu Xiulian , a political figure in Taiwan, once served as the vice leader of Taiwan, and is the master of law of the university.
  • Chen Ying , a political figure and legislator in Taiwan, is a master of the university.
  • Lin Quan He is also a professor in the Department of Economics of Taiwan University. He once served as the Minister of Finance of Taiwan and is a doctor of economics of the university.
  • Zhao Shoubo , former president of Taiwan Province, is the master of comparative law and doctor of law of the university.
  • Guan Zhongmin , an economist, a political figure in Taiwan, is currently the chairman of the Economic Construction Committee of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan, and was once an associate professor of the Department of Economics of the University.
  • Sophie Leung He is currently a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and a representative of the 10th, 11th and 12th National People's Congress of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
  • Yi Gang He is currently the President of the People's Bank of China and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and is a doctor of economics of the university.
  • Jon Koshin Jon Corzine ), the 54th governor of New Jersey, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs Group, is a bachelor of this university.
  • Nancy Brinker Nancy Brinker ), the current Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control of the World Health Organization, the former Director of the Protocol Department of the United States, and the bachelor of arts of the university.

business community

  • Jack Welch Jack Welch, chairman and chief executive officer of GE, is a doctor of chemistry in the university.
  • Hugh Hefner Hugh M. Hefner ), the founder of Playboy magazine, is a bachelor of psychology in the school.
  • Lawrence Allison Lawrence Joseph "Larry" Ellison ), currently in the United States Oracle Chairman and CEO, once studied in the school, and dropped out of college in his sophomore year.
  • John Zegris John D. Zeglis ), Chairman and CEO of AT&T Corporation, an American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, is a bachelor of economics of the university.
  • Max Levchin (Max Rafael Levchin), one of the co founders of PayPal in the United States, is a bachelor of computer science of the university.
  • Chen Shijun (Steve Chen), one of the co founders of YouTube, once studied computer science in the school, but dropped out of school to join Paypal in the last semester.
  • Jawed Karim Jawed Karim ), one of the co founders of YouTube, is a bachelor of computer science of the university.
  • Marc Andreessen Mark Anderson ), a network prodigy, designed the web browser software Mosaic and Netscape in the school, and later founded Netscape Company. He is a bachelor of computer science in the school.
  • Jerry Sanders Jerry Sanders ), founder and first CEO of AMD Ultramicro Semiconductor, is a bachelor of electronic engineering of the university.
  • Jim Cantalupo (Jim Cantalupo), former chairman and CEO of McDonald's, is a bachelor of accounting in the school.
  • Brandon Ike (Brendan Eich), the inventor of JavaScript, and the former CEO of Mozilla, is the master of computer science of the university.
  • Ray Ozzie (Ray Ozzie), the current vice president of Microsoft and one of the creators of IBM Lotus Notes, is a bachelor of computer science of the university.
  • Bob Dudley( Bob Dudley ), CEO of British Petroleum (BP), is a bachelor of chemistry of the university.
  • George Fisher( George M. C. Fisher ), former CEO of Motorola and Eastman Kodak, is a bachelor of engineering.
  • Robert Johnson( Robert L. Johnson ), the founder of Black Entertainment Television, is a bachelor of history department of the school.
  • Klaette Woolman( C. E. Woolman ), one of the founders of Delta Airlines, is a bachelor of agriculture department of the university.
  • John Joffey( John Cioffi ), the father of Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL), is a bachelor of electronic engineering of the university.
  • Thomlinson Holman( Tomlinson Holman ), the creator of THX audio system standards, is a bachelor of science of the university.
  • Donald L. Bitzer, one of the creators of plasma display, is a bachelor, master and doctor of electrical engineering in the university.
  • H. Gene Slottow, one of the creators of plasma display, is a doctor of electronic engineering of the university.
  • Zuo Xiaolei , a senior economist of Galaxy Securities, is a doctor of economics of the university.
  • Liu Zhaokai , Chairman of Taiwan Dongyuan Electric Machinery Co., Ltd., is a doctor of electrical engineering of the university; His wife Shenbao Island , is the master of history of the university, once served as the director of the computer center of Taiwan Science and Industry Park; His eldest brother Liu Zhaoning , Doctor and Professor of Computer Engineering; His second brother, Liu Zhaohua, is a doctor of economics of the university; His third brother Liu Zhaohan , IEEE Fellow, former professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, president of Taiwan Central University and vice president of the Central Research Institute; His fourth brother Liu Zhaocheng , doctor and professor of geology of the university; His Five Brothers Liu Zhaoxuan , former President of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan.

educational circles

  • Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician , a world famous mathematician, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, the founder and pioneer of China's analytic number theory, matrix geometry, typical groups, automorphic function theory and multivariate complex function theory, and one of the most influential Chinese mathematicians in the world; He served as a professor at the University of Illinois from 1948 to 1950.
  • Zhu Kezhen Meteorologist, geographer and educator; He graduated from the Agricultural College of the University of Illinois with a bachelor's degree in science.
  • Qian Chongshu , botanist, educator, one of the founders and pioneers of modern Chinese botany, and one of the founders of Chinese plant taxonomy, plant physiology, geobotany, and flora; Studied at the University of Illinois School of Natural Sciences.
  • Zou Shuwen (1884-1980), an entomologist, is one of the founders and pioneers of modern entomology in China; Master of Science, University of Illinois.
  • Zhuoyihe (Alfred Y. Cho), Chinese American physicist, electrical engineer, the originator of molecular beam epitaxy technology, and co inventor of quantum cascade laser; Academicians of the American Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Sciences and Arts, and foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; He holds a master's degree and a doctor's degree from the University of Illinois.
  • Fu Jingsun (Kingsun Fu), an American Chinese scientist, the father of pattern recognition, the founder of the international intelligent control discipline, an academician of the National Academy of Engineering, the first chairman of the International Pattern Recognition Society (IAPR), and the first chairman of the machine intelligence and pattern recognition committee of the IEEE Computer Society; Doctor of Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois.
  • Yao Jizhi (Andrew ChiChih Yao), a famous computer scientist, an academician of the American Academy of Sciences, an academician of the American Academy of Science and Arts, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor of Tsinghua University, and a chair professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; The winner of the Turing Award in 2000 is the only Chinese who won this award; He is a doctor of computer science at the University of Illinois.
  • Huang Xitao (Thomas S Huang), Chinese American scientist, informatics scientist, academician of the American Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Science, University of Illinois.
  • Sazhitang (ChihTang Sah), a professor of the University of Florida in the United States, an academician of the American Academy of Engineering, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an academician of the Central Academy of Research in Taiwan, is one of the pioneers of the semiconductor industry, a major inventor of CMOS, a bachelor of physics at the University of Illinois at Champaign, and has taught in the university for 26 years.
  • Liu Jionglang President of Tsinghua University, Taiwan; He was vice president of the University of Illinois at Champaign and professor of the Department of Computer Engineering.
  • Tao Weiguo , Senior Scientist of the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA, Head of the Mesoscale Simulation and Dynamics Laboratory, Chairman of the American Geophysical Union Rainfall and Cloud Committee; He is a doctor of atmospheric science at the University of Illinois.
  • Huang Wanli , a famous hydraulic scientist, professor of the Department of Water Resources of Tsinghua University; He is a doctor at the University of Illinois.
  • Xing Qiyi Professor, Department of Chemistry, Peking University, once participated in the research of synthetic bovine insulin; He is a doctor at the University of Illinois.
  • Wallace Carothers Wallace Hume Carothers, who invented neoprene in 1930 and nylon in 1934, is known as one of the four chemists in world history; Doctor of Chemistry, University of Illinois.
  • Kenneth Apel (Kenneth Appel), a mathematician, cooperated with Wolfgang Hacken to prove the four-color theorem on the computer in 1976; He is a professor of mathematics at the University of Illinois.
  • Wofgang Haken (Wolfgang Haken), a mathematician, cooperated with Kenneth Apel to prove the four color theorem on the computer in 1976; Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois.
  • Stephen Sampler( Steven Sample ), the tenth president of the University of Southern California; He is a bachelor, master and doctor of electrical engineering at the University of Illinois.
  • David Johnston (David Alexander Johnston), volcanologist of the United States Geological Survey; Bachelor of Geology, University of Illinois.
  • David Gottlieb (David Gottlieb), a plant pathologist, a pioneer in fungal physiology and plant antibiotics, is famous for isolating Streptomyces species and developing chloramphenicol; From 1946 to 1982, he served as professor of plant pathology at the University of Illinois. The University of Illinois at Champaign has established the "David Gottlieb Memorial Award", which is awarded to scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the biochemistry of plant diseases or pathogens.
  • Lee Klumbach Lee J. Cronbach )American educational psychologist, who has made outstanding contributions to psychological testing and measurement; He was a professor of educational psychology at the University of Illinois.
  • Richard Wesley Hamming Richard Wesley Hamming ), mathematician, one of the founders of the American Computer Society (ACM), and former chairman of the organization; Doctor of Mathematics, University of Illinois.
  • Tang Min , Deputy Secretary General of China Development Research Foundation, adjunct professor of China Economic Research Center of Peking University, Wuhan University, NanUniversity, researcher of Great Wall Institute of Finance, 50 members of China's economy, and former chief economist of the Asian Development Bank's representative office in China; Doctor of Economics, University of Illinois.
  • Hua Yunsheng Executive Vice President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Professor of Computer Science Wei Lun; He used to be a chair professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Champaign, and served as the director of the Advanced Digital Science Center set up by the University of Illinois in Singapore and funded by the Singapore Government's Science and Technology Research Bureau.
  • Cheng Haidong Vice President of Student Affairs, University of Macau, former President of Tokai University, Taiwan; Former Vice President of the University of Illinois at Champaign.
  • Zhu Youhua , Professor and Head of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Illinois at Champaign, whose main research fields are interplanetary media and interplanetary interactions, as well as the observation of exoplanets. His husband is a professor in the Department of Physics of the University.
  • Xiao Zhengping (Michael J. Shaw), Professor of Lecture at the University of Illinois at Champaign School of Business.
  • Ximing Cai, professor of the University of Illinois at Champaign, hydrology and water resources expert, co editor of Water Resources Research, a journal of the American Geophysical Society, chairman of the EWRI System Analysis Professional Committee, and director of the International Water Resources Association.
  • Zang Qifang , former president of Northeastern University of the Republic of China, former acting mayor of Tianjin, former dean of economics department of Donghai University in Taiwan; He studied economics at the University of Illinois.
  • He Wenshou , Professor of Chemical Engineering Department of Ohio State University, Professor of Chemical Engineering Department of Taiwan University, academician of National Academy of Sciences; Doctor of Chemistry, University of Illinois.
  • You Benzhong (PenChung Yew), professor and dean of the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Shuangcheng Branch, USA, distinguished researcher and director of the Institute of Information Science, Taiwan Central Research Institute, and member of the IEEE Society of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; He is a doctor of computer engineering at the University of Illinois.
  • Qian Siliang , former President of Taiwan Central Research Institute (1970 1983) and President of Taiwan University (1951 1970); Doctor of Chemistry, University of Illinois.
  • Wang Huijun (Andrew H.J. Wang), Academician and Vice President of the Taiwan Central Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Developing World Academy of Sciences, and Distinguished Research Lecture of the Institute of Biochemical Sciences of Taiwan University; He is a doctor of chemistry and a professor in the Department of Cell and Structural Biology at the University of Illinois.
  • Yang Guoshu He is currently the vice president of the Taiwan Central Research Institute and a well-known scholar of personality psychology and social psychology; Doctor of Psychology, University of Illinois.
  • Tang Mingzhe (MingJe Tang), Professor and Vice President of Finance of Taiwan University, the first executive director of EMBA of School of Management of Taiwan University; He once taught at the University of Illinois at Champaign, and was granted tenure.
  • Zheng Keyong (KehYung Cheng), currently the dean of the School of Electrical Resources, Tsinghua University, Taiwan, and a member of the IEEE International Society of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; He is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Champaign, where he once presided over the integrated circuit laboratory.
  • Peng Zuokui , former chairman of Taiwan's Agriculture Committee, now president of Zhongzhou University of Technology; Doctor of Agriculture, University of Illinois.
  • Zhuang Shaoxun (Steve S. Chung), professor and international president of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Taiwan Jiaotong University, executive member of the Institute of Electronic Components of the IEEE American Association, IEEE Fellow, is a doctor of electrical engineering of the University of Illinois.
  • Li Decai President of Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; He holds a master's degree and a doctor's degree in computer engineering from the University of Illinois at Champaign.
  • Zhou Jingyang , President of Central University of Taiwan, Master and Doctor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Champaign.
  • Peng Zongping Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Taiwan, former President of Yuanzhi University, Taiwan; Doctor of Materials Science, University of Illinois.
  • Shi Guangxun (Steve Kuang Hsun Shih), professor, director and dean of the Department of Finance and Economics, Taiwan University of Chinese Culture, and president of Taiwan Daojiang Institute of Science and Technology and Management; He holds a master's degree and a doctor's degree from the Institute of Finance of the University of Illinois.
  • Tong Meisong , Director of Department of Electronic Science and Technology of Tongji University, and a candidate of Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan; He is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Illinois at Champaign.

Cultural circles

  • Ang Lee , a Taiwanese director, has twice won the Oscar Award for Best Director (the film Brokeback Mountain and the Children's Fantasy Drift), and graduated from the Department of Drama of the University of Illinois at Champaign with a bachelor's degree; A wife of the same Taiwanese nationality Lin Huijia He is also a doctor of microbiology of the university, and is now a professor of pathology at New York Medical College.
  • Zhang Chunru , graduated from the journalism department of the University of Illinois at Champaign, a Chinese American female writer, historian and freelance writer, and was famous for publishing the English historical work Nanjing Atrocity: The Forgotten Massacre.
  • Zhuang Jun The first Chinese architect to study in the United States and learn architectural engineering initiated and organized the first Chinese architect organization, the Chinese Institute of Architects, which was elected as the president for many times. In his later years, he compiled the book English and Chinese Engineering and Architectural Terms; Bachelor of Architecture, University of Illinois.
  • Shen Zuhai , a well-known architect, the founder of Senhai International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. and Shen Zuhai United Architects, and once served as the first president of Taipei Architects Association; Master of Architecture, University of Illinois.
  • Deron Williams (Deron Michael Williams), an American professional basketball player, is currently working for the Brooklyn Nets as a point guard; He was a basketball player at the University of Illinois at Champaign in college.
  • Mayes Leonard (Meyers Leonard), an American professional basketball player, works as a center and is currently playing for Portland Trailblazers; The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign has its time effect.