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Corporate ethics

Management Academic Language
Corporate ethics refers to enterprise This particular society economic organization Medium, depending on public opinion , traditional customs and Inner belief To maintain, based on the evaluation of good and evil Moral principles moral and Ethical activities Synthesis of.
Chinese name
Corporate ethics
Foreign name
Business ethics  
Moral principles based on the evaluation of good and evil

Explanation of words

The word "Tao" originally refers to the way people walk, which extends to the laws of things' movement and changes and the principles and norms that people must follow in their behavior. The meaning of "Tao" is similar to that of "gain", which means that people implement the principle of "Tao". It is called "Tao" because it gains from itself internally and cuts off from others externally. [Related Idioms] Ethics, morality



Definition of words

Enterprise morality refers to the fact that in the specific social and economic organization of an enterprise public opinion , traditional customs and Inner belief To maintain the moral principles, moral norms and Ethical activities Synthesis of. According to the different subjects of moral activities, it can be divided into organizational ethics of enterprises and professional ethics of employees. Enterprise morality is not only an important part of social morality system, but also a concrete embodiment of social morality principles in enterprises. It is a personified enterprise, seeking nature in its production and business activities social communication The sum of behavior norms that should be followed to regulate the relationship between enterprises and the country, enterprises and other enterprises, enterprises and other units, enterprises and competitors, enterprises and service objects, as well as all aspects of the internal relations of enterprises. The concept of "morality" we use mainly refers to the sum of moral norms used to adjust the relationship between people and between individuals and society in a certain society or stage. It depends on public opinion Traditional customs, especially through people's Inner belief It works.

Moral system

Enterprise morality is the unified recognition of common moral standards by enterprises and employees. It has five characteristics: utilitarianism, collectivity, practicality, inheritance and modernity. The utilitarian nature of enterprise morality is determined by the basic nature of the enterprise as the basic purpose of profit. The reason why moral factors become necessary and valued in the relationships between enterprises, markets and society is that the improvement of enterprise ethics can directly or indirectly bring benefits and development to enterprises. Enterprise ethics is not only the responsibility of enterprises, but also one of the weapons for enterprises to enhance competitiveness. Group is also an important feature of corporate ethics. Enterprise morality is a kind of group morality. The more perfect the group's self-discipline is, the more perfect its moral image will be. From the perspective of professional ethics, the object of corporate ethics constraints is all employees of the enterprise, which is a group. Only when the overall moral level of this group is improved, can we say that the corporate ethics level is improving. Morality, as a special way for human beings to grasp the world, is essentially a practical spirit. The practical spirit nature of morality determines that enterprise morality must also have practical characteristics. Enterprise morality is contained in all production and operation activities of the enterprise, and any production and operation activities of the enterprise are concrete behaviors with the characteristics of emphasizing practice. In addition, enterprise morality is not a tree without roots. It is generated on the basis of inheriting the moral factors related to economic activities in history. Of course, after the emergence of enterprise morality, it is not static, but will change with the passage of time, that is, the characteristics of the times of enterprise morality. Corporate ethics capitalism The product of the times, under the historical development and evolution, the current corporate ethics requirements are not completely the same as the original standards.
As the cell of the market, the direct purpose of an enterprise is to pursue the maximization of profits. As a member of the society, while pursuing profits, the enterprise must also make its own profit making process become a process conducive to social progress and promoting the all-round development of people, that is, it must pay attention to corporate ethics.


Relationship between the Company and its shareholders
The ethics between the owners (shareholders) of the company and the representatives (managers) employed by them to manage the company's assets include Deontology The written (and unwritten) responsibilities and obligations, the rights of shareholders, and the private interests and Shareholders' equity Trade off between.
Most business people and scholars agree that shareholders, the legitimate owners of the company, are the most important stakeholders of the company. They invest their scarce capital in enterprises, take risks and get returns for it. This assumption is recognized in economics and finance and is the basis of most financial theories. However, it is only a hypothesis and is questioned in the corporate ethics literature.
Finance and Economics
It is assumed that the goal of the enterprise is to maximize profits, and on this basis, it has developed into a rigorous and huge theoretical system. Milton Friedman (1970) clearly explained this view in his famous and controversial article. In this article, he believes that the only responsibility of managers is to maximize the return of shareholders. As long as it complies with the law, any action can be taken - for example, a charity activity - which may become a difference in credit responsibilities between shareholders and managers, unless this activity can be consistent with the purpose of increasing shareholders' profits. This view has started an active and unresolved debate among other important stakeholders - basically, some arguments show that Friedman is right, while other scholars believe that the company is not only owned by shareholders, but also, in a sense, a social entity with different responsibilities for different stakeholders. The latter view, especially when compared with the financial economics theory, was criticized because of the ambiguity and lack of rigor of the theoretical basis.
When the company decides to downsize, Shareholders' equity With other stakeholders Conflict of Interest Start to intensify. The interests of shareholders are higher than those of employees who have lost their jobs. Collective agreement Detailed rules to understand the employment procedures, including the rights of senior employees. However, this is just a shift in the time of the ethical decision-making process from dismissing employees to Collective bargaining only. When products are transferred from one factory to another (e.g developing country )At that time, the cost of losing jobs for former employees is not only higher than the profit of employers from low production costs, but also higher than the cost of employing workers in developing countries, which may not have employment opportunities.

Enterprise morality construction

Corporate moral culture is an important part of corporate culture and one of the core contents of contemporary corporate culture management. Corporate ethics through ethics moral education moral evaluation , moral behavior, etc. to adjust various relationships inside and outside the enterprise and create a good environment and conditions for the development of the enterprise. Enterprise morality as a group of enterprise members Organizational ethics It has the function of cohesion and self restriction, balanced adjustment, and guidance and incentive, which has an important impact on the moral quality and social justice of enterprise members [1]
The establishment of enterprise ethics should correctly handle the relationship between enterprises and the state and individuals, between enterprises and society, between enterprises and enterprises, and between enterprises and consumers. Adhere to the national interests as the highest interests, the interests of the enterprise are subordinate to the national interests, and the interests of employees are subordinate to the interests of the enterprise. An enterprise shall give consideration to both social benefits and enterprise benefits. In case of conflict between the two, social benefits shall prevail. Especially in cleaning Three wastes In terms of noise reduction and environmental protection, enterprises should abide by national laws and regulations and consciously protect our living environment.
The construction of corporate ethics is a complex systematic project, which requires long-term and hard efforts from all aspects to achieve results. Internally,
First, we should vigorously strengthen enterprise moral education. Through reports, training, broadcasting, factory reports, symposiums and other forms, propaganda and education on the basic principles, basic norms and basic contents of corporate ethics are carried out for cadres and workers, so as to guide and educate cadres and workers to fully understand the inevitability of the emergence of corporate ethics, fully understand the importance of corporate ethics for the establishment of a modern enterprise system and enhance Enterprise competitiveness So that cadres and workers can consciously devote themselves to Enterprise morality construction Medium.
Secondly, we should seriously pay attention to the evaluation of enterprise ethics. For the internal moral evaluation of the enterprise, we should be good at using the forms of commendation conference, radio, factory newspaper, etc. to praise and publicize the exemplary behaviors and deeds of those employees with excellent moral quality, and criticize and punish those bad behaviors that violate the enterprise ethics and norms. For external evaluation of the enterprise, the enterprise should actively collect external praise and criticism, and timely supervise and adjust the behavior of the enterprise and its employees.
Finally, we should combine enterprise morality with ideological and political education and social morality education. We should pay attention to the main role of the majority of workers. The construction of enterprise morality is the enterprise staff self-education In the process of self transformation, only by giving full play to the role of workers as masters and mobilizing their enthusiasm, Enterprise morality construction Only then has the solid foundation and the reliable guarantee.
The significance of enterprise moral construction:
① Strengthening moral construction is conducive to improving enterprise level
Enterprise morality implies that enterprises are moral entities of various rights and obligations. The behavior of enterprises must be responsible, that is, the behavior of enterprises should take into account the rights of consumers and other social members. With the consumption level and Consumption concept With the change of, people have higher and higher requirements for enterprises. They are not only satisfied with providing excellent products and services, but also hope that enterprises can assume certain social responsibilities, such as environmental protection, being responsible for employees, competitors, communities, etc. All these require enterprises to strengthen moral construction and improve their own level, so as to adapt to environmental changes and grasp the initiative of market competition. stay World Top 500 Enterprises In addition to advanced technology, strict management, strong sense of innovation, new Talent concept Without exception, all enterprises have their own moral behavior Norms, and both Enterprise morality construction And implementation. For example, Sony has put forward that "improving the enterprise value of Sony Group is the foundation of operation, and the moral standards of consciousness and self-discipline are an important part of the enterprise." These successful enterprises have shown us that moral construction is an important part of enterprise development. Strengthening moral construction is not only Enterprise environment The requirement of change is also the internal requirement of modern enterprise system.
② Strengthening moral construction is conducive to improving the effectiveness of enterprise control
As the market subject and social economic entity, enterprises must take production and operation as the central task, that is, they must pursue the maximization of economy and profits. In order to achieve enterprise goals, it is necessary to restrict the behavior of employees in production and operation activities. The enterprise system, with its compulsion and strictness, has a deterrent effect on people's psychology and affects employees' behavior. However, if only restricted by the system, it is bound to cause distortion and rigidity in production and management and resource allocation, and lead enterprises to embark on a lopsided development path. However, corporate ethics is flexible, which can play a role in places beyond the reach of the enterprise system, and adjust the role of different members in Enterprise activities The informal relationship in affects the behavior of employees. Therefore, moral construction can make up for System control Improve the effectiveness of control. In fact, moral construction is also a means of prior control. Due to the change of the environment, the relationship between the levels of the enterprise and the work teams will change accordingly. It is impossible for the enterprise to fully control each work unit at every moment. In this case, the behavior of employees depends to a certain extent on the level of personal moral quality. Strengthening moral construction is conducive to improving the personal quality of employees Moral quality , can play a role in advance control.
③ Strengthening moral construction is conducive to improving the competitiveness of enterprises
For the competitiveness of enterprises, we often mention the core technology, internal management, marketing ability, corporate culture, etc. These are the external competitiveness of enterprises. What supports these external competitiveness is enterprise morality. The larger the size of the enterprise, the greater the impact of ethics on external competitiveness. An enterprise without morality will not have lasting external competitiveness. This is because: on the one hand, enterprise competition is ultimately competition for consumers. Consumers not only pay attention to product quality and applicability, but also are more willing to buy products and services produced by honest and socially responsible enterprises. Strengthening moral construction can win more consumers for enterprises. On the other hand, employees of enterprises can achieve the most creative results in an environment full of trust, responsibility and ambition. Such an environment can only be built on the basis of honesty, trust, fairness and respect for values. Strengthening moral construction is conducive to developing the potential of enterprises and enhancing the supply capacity of enterprises to society. Therefore, to some extent, enterprise competition is moral competition.