Enterprise management mode

The enterprise has gradually formed a series of basically fixed management systems
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The enterprise management mode is a series of management systems, regulations, procedures, structures and methods that have been gradually formed and basically fixed in a certain period of time in the long process of practice, and is the embodiment of enterprise culture. In order to adapt to the development of economy, society and enterprises, the management mode of enterprises is also constantly adjusted and changed. In different countries, and among different enterprises in the same country, there are differences in enterprise management models due to different social backgrounds, enterprise scale, technical composition, product characteristics, production methods, organizational structure, staff composition, leadership style and enterprise traditions. [1]
Chinese name
Enterprise management mode
Mode 1
Familiarization management mode
Mode 2
Friendly management mode
Mode 3
Warm management mode
Five evolutions
Management, supervision, control, monitoring and governance

Mode method

The enterprise management mode refers to the basic framework and mode for enterprises to organize resources, business and production activities to achieve their business objectives. The basic framework and mode for an enterprise to organize its resources, business and production activities to achieve its business objectives. Typical modern enterprise management The modes and methods are: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)、 Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII)、 Just in time production (JIT), Lean Production Individual production by category (OKP)、 Optimize production technology (OPT)、 supply chain management (SCM)、 Enterprise process reengineering (BPR)、 Agile Virtual Enterprise (AVE) and so on. Advanced enterprise management mode is the theoretical basis for realizing integrated management and decision-making information system.

Six modes

There are six common enterprise control modes, among which three are most commonly used: customer oriented Organizational structure model , the front and back end organizational structure model and the product oriented organizational structure model. At the same time, it is also believed that different organizational structure models can be used in different stages of development of enterprises, and cannot be used from one end. The design of organizational structure models also needs to adapt to different stages of development and new goals of the organization to "keep pace with the times"!
Familiarization management mode
This management mode uses a very important function of family blood relationship, namely cohesion function, which is to try to achieve the management of enterprises through the cohesion function of family blood relationship. Historically, although an enterprise was in the period of entrepreneurship, this kindred enterprise management model did play a good role. However, when the enterprise develops to a certain extent, especially when it becomes a large enterprise, this kindred enterprise management model will soon have problems. Because the cohesive function in the family blood relationship used in this management model will change from its cohesive function to the internal friction function, this management model should be replaced by other management models. In China, the positive impact of the kindred enterprise management model on enterprises during the entrepreneurial period is almost 99%, but when enterprises leap over the entrepreneurial period, its negative impact on enterprises is almost 99%. This kind of management mode exists only because our country's credit system and legal system are still very imperfect, which makes people dare not give their assets to people who have no blood relationship with them, so they have to adopt this kindred management mode.
Friendly management mode
This management mode is also of positive significance in the start-up stage of enterprises. When money is low, that is, when friends can and are willing to do everything for friends, this model is very cohesive. But when the enterprise develops to a certain scale, especially after the profit of the enterprise increases to a certain extent, the friendship of the brothers will be weakened. Therefore, if the enterprise does not adjust this management mode as soon as possible with the development, it will inevitably lead to the rapid decline and even bankruptcy of the enterprise.
Warm management mode
This management mode emphasizes that management should be more to mobilize the internal role of human nature, Wang Junheng The teacher thinks that only in this way can the enterprise develop rapidly. It is right to emphasize human feelings in the enterprise, but the emphasis on human feelings cannot be regarded as Enterprise management system The most important principle of. The principle of human touch is different from the principle of enterprise management. Therefore, overemphasizing human touch is not only detrimental to the development of enterprises, but also tends to cause enterprises to lose control and even go bankrupt. Some people always like to talk about warmth and conscience in enterprise management, and think that a person as an enterprise controller If you think carefully for the managed, the managed will certainly have a good return, that is, work hard, so that the enterprise will develop better. It can be seen that the warmth management mode actually wants to use the principle of conscience in friendship to deal with the management relationship in the enterprise. In the relationship of economic interests, it is difficult to talk clearly about the so-called conscience. In terms of economic theory, conscience is actually a standardized way of return of economic interests in the form of ethics and human feelings. Therefore, if we talk about conscience and humanity in a general way, without touching the relationship of interests and mutual benefit of interests, it is actually difficult for the managed to do a good job, and ultimately the enterprise will fail. Management is not just about warmth, but first of all, the definition of interest relationship. Some people are naturally warm hearted and tend to be soft hearted in the definition of interest relations. However, in enterprise management, the definition of interest relations is "ruthless", and it is impossible to define interest relations with "no hot hand" and "no hard heart" at a certain time. Only those who are "unswerving" in the face of various interest relationships, especially those who can "make a face" in the definition of interest relationships, can become professional manager For example, if someone is crying when they are laid off, and a person, as a manager, is soft hearted and has no principle to pity the laid-off and let him go to work, then that person may not become a professional manager at all.
Randomized management mode
In reality, it is embodied in two forms: one is the autocratic management in private enterprises. The reason why autocratic management is regarded as a kind of randomized management is that some entrepreneurs of private enterprises are autocratic. He has the final say. He can change any rules and regulations at any time. His words are principles and rules, so this kind of management belongs to random management. Another form is administrative intervention in state-owned enterprises, that is, government agencies can intervene in the business activities of a state-owned enterprise at will, leading to very arbitrary management of enterprises. It can be seen that this management mode is either the autocratic management in private enterprises or the excessive administrative intervention of the government on enterprises in the state-owned enterprise system. The collapse of many private enterprises is the inevitable result of the implementation of this randomized management model. Because the entrepreneur's words are wrong, others can't speak and correct them. Even if the entrepreneur's decision is wrong, others can't change it. Finally, the enterprise is doomed.
Institutionalized management mode
The so-called institutionalized management mode refers to promoting enterprise management according to certain established rules. Of course, this rule must be a contractual rule recognized by everyone, and this rule is also symmetrical in responsibility and rights. Therefore, the goal model of future enterprise management is to properly absorb and utilize some useful factors of other management models based on the institutionalized management model. Why do you say that? Because institutionalized management is relatively "cruel", it is really beneficial to introduce a little kinship, friendship and warmth. Sometimes we can even properly deal with the contradictions and interest relationships in management in a random way, and "dilute" the rules, because institutionalization is too rigid. If it is not properly softened, it is not easy. After all, the main object to be managed is still people, but people are not ordinary goods. People have all kinds of thinking and are dynamic, so it is not enough to completely talk about institutionalized management. Appropriately absorb the advantages of other management modes to form a mixed enterprise management mode. This might be better. I'm afraid this is the consensus conclusion we have reached in the choice of enterprise management mode in China over the past decade.
During the start-up period, the business was relatively simple, the management level and Management range It is also not very broad, so direct management can be adopted. For example, some family businesses in the period of small scale and field, it is very effective to adopt direct management. But when the enterprise grows, management It needs to be innovated and optimized accordingly. Generally speaking, we can divide the "management" methods of enterprises into such types and apply them scientifically, singly or in combination in different stages of enterprise development, which can play a more effective role.
Systematic management mode
The systematic, standardized and integrated management of the enterprise is completed through the establishment of seven systems, namely, the strategic vision management of the enterprise organization, the division of work responsibilities, salary design, performance management, recruitment, training of all employees, and career planning of employees.
This benefit is conducive to the rapid expansion of enterprises, because when you use this system to create a standard template for enterprise management, its branches or agents can simply copy, which reduces the difficulty of expansion. This is the maximum availability of enterprise organization system.

people oriented

Connotation of humanistic management
No matter what kind of management school, it first judges the people in the enterprise as a basic value orientation, and then determines the management approach and means. The human factor is regarded as the primary and essential factor of the facts in management. Humanistic management, first of all, establishes the dominant position of people in the management process, and then focuses on all management activities of enterprises to mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of enterprise people. Through people-oriented enterprise management activities and the practice of obtaining as much output as possible with as little consumption as possible, we can exercise people's will, brain, intelligence and physical strength. Through competitive production and operation activities, we can improve people's will and character, improve people's intelligence, strengthen people's physical strength, and enable people to achieve more comprehensive free development beyond the needs of survival.
Human oriented management
Target coordination between subject and object( Organizational objectives And personal needs) | | Incentive | | Contingent leadership | | Management is training (staff function training in the management process) | | Create an environment conducive to the full play of people's initiative, enthusiasm, creativity and their own all-round development. || Integration of corporate culture on employees | | Beneficial combination of corporate interests, social interests and personal interests | | Corporate people fulfill their social roles
Individuals and organizations
Analyze and create enterprise people's Mental Models , creativity Behavior mode And self-management to play its role in the free and comprehensive development of individuals. In the process of human-oriented management, it is necessary to shape the environment in a targeted way, so as to guide the individual's thoughts, psychology and behavior. The mental model is that when relevant external things change, in order to seek survival and development, individuals use existing information and experience to make the first response, or take positive steps to further seize external information, grasp the changing laws of objective things, respond to the challenges of the external world, and actively transform the objective world and the subjective world, The way of thinking, psychology and behavior transformation is determined by the thinking set of grasping one's own destiny.
The training of creative ability is essentially the development of personal potential and functions. Behavior mode is the relationship between behavior motivation and behavior performance. Self management is the management of enterprise people on themselves, their thoughts, psychology and behavior. Through self-management, enterprise people can actively participate in all the work of the enterprise's human-oriented management and play their intelligence and creativity in the work, so that they can get comprehensive development.
Human centered management affects organizational structure Histomorphology The most essential requirement for the operation of the organization system is to give full play to the intelligence of all members of the organization to ensure the overall efficiency of the organization. Through decisive, sufficient and reasonable authorization, the organization tends to flatten, achieving the balance and suitability of centralization and decentralization, and helping to obtain the ideal power structure of the organization. An important part of organizational cultivation is to optimize the design and operation of organizational policies, which is an important part of organizational development and management. From the content of organizational development, organizations often build organizational culture and temper Work team Establish the balance and suitability of centralization and decentralization, and the operation mechanism of communication and interaction to achieve organizational development.
Human based management environment
The implementation of humanistic management is carried out in a realistic enterprise environment and even in a social environment. The shaping of cultural atmosphere, the improvement of working environment and the modification of living environment are the purposes of our research on humanistic management environment and the ways and means of implementing humanistic management.
Attaching importance to the shaping of cultural atmosphere to achieve the expected results of humanistic management is due to the unique functions, forces and functions of culture. Corporate culture atmosphere The purpose of shaping is to emphasize the central position of members in all activities of the enterprise organization. It is different from other management measures and methods in that it affects and manages enterprises and business people in a "soft" and invisible way. The shaping of cultural atmosphere reflects the pursuit of humanistic management ideal and realm.
The reason why Z culture has helped Japanese enterprises achieve great achievements lies in the fact that enterprise leaders fully understand and apply the "soft" and powerful corporate culture Management means In the process of considering and mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of members, the shaping of Chinese corporate cultural atmosphere should give full play to the role of culture in encouraging, standardizing, integrating, guiding and radiating.
Fiedler's contingent leadership model believes that Leadership style And can achieve good results in a moderately favorable working environment achievements House believes that the role of leaders is to remove obstacles on the way to subordinate goals, so as to help subordinates achieve goals and obtain a sense of satisfaction and achievement.
The principle of human-oriented management
The concept and management countermeasures of humanistic management will be infiltrated into various production, operation and management activities of the enterprise, so that all work of the enterprise will be carried out within the theoretical system and basic framework of humanistic management, that is, let humanistic management lead all work of the enterprise. In order to make all work of the enterprise achieve expectations achievements We believe that humanistic management must follow some basic principles.
First, adhere to the principle that the primary management of enterprise organizations is the management of people
From the content of management, humanistic management emphasizes understanding and meeting people's needs, focusing on interpersonal communication and interaction in work, focusing on the cultivation of corporate consciousness and participation in major decisions of the enterprise and the team, as well as motivating and implementing contingent leadership for corporate people according to their work performance and the internal and external environment of the enterprise.
From the perspective of management relationship, enterprise people play different roles in management, so enterprise people are divided into Management subject People and Management object People, however, take each other's activities as the premise of their own activities.
From the perspective of the essence of human-oriented management, human-oriented management is the management philosophy and management system based on people.
Second, pay attention to the needs of people, the principle of giving priority to incentives, and will focus on making enterprise members respected and self fulfilling, that is, ensuring that employees participate in decision-making on major issues of the enterprise, negotiate with leaders in the team to set team goals and personal goals, and implement goal management.
Third, adhere to creating better conditions and means for training and education, and optimize and improve enterprise personnel Mental Models Principle of. The establishment of this principle is based on the basic concept of "management is training". The training provided by enterprise organizations for employees is not only focused on the adaptability of employees to high positions, but also on the employees' External environment of the enterprise Adaptability.
Fourth, the design and structure of the humanistic management organization should follow the principles of unity and effectiveness, reasonable range, corresponding authority and knowledge, combination of line supervisors and staff, balance and appropriateness of centralization and decentralization, and flexibility of organization and status.
Fifth, the principle of common development of people and organizations. This principle is based on the fact that humanistic management is not an additional task of enterprise management, but let humanistic management lead all the work of the enterprise, so that the enterprise organization can achieve the expected development while promoting the free and comprehensive development of people achievements Considerations.
C Management Mode Theory
so-called C management mode Is to build a human centered, physical and mental, follow the universal laws of the universe and natural organizations, and be able to constantly revise, self adjust, and improvise Smart organization And integrate Chinese traditional culture of humanities (the way of doing things for people) and western modern management (the way of doing things efficiently and in high quantity) Humanized management A new type of Enterprise organization management Operation mode
"Taking people as the core" is the basis of building an intelligent organization C management mode The key to
The principle of C management mode is to operate intelligent organizations based on people
"Tao follows nature" and follows the general laws and basic rules of natural organization, which is the feature of C management mode
Means from Management thought management theory Management principles Organization structure (including Functional structure Departmental structure Responsibility and authority structure )、 operating mechanism and Operation mode , the general name of the whole management system from management techniques to management tools. Mode refers to the structural characteristics and existing forms of something. Although the word "mode" has been widely used in both the practical and theoretical circles, it still needs to keep pace with the times and explore constantly to take it as a new way of thinking and new method to study problems. The management mode refers to the basic ideas and methods adopted by management, and refers to a complete management system that is shaped and can be used for people's direct reference. Through this system, we can find and solve problems in the management process, standardize the management means, improve the management mechanism, and achieve the set goals.

Five evolutions



The management here is a function of direct command, coordination and inspection in a narrow sense. For example, in some companies, the relationship between the president and the department can be management. Management is also the most primitive, direct and simple form.


Supervision is an analysis and evaluation mechanism based on whether the managers' behaviors in the operation and management process are dutiful, self disciplined and law-abiding, and the operation and management results and effects. It is also frequently used in various enterprises.


Monitoring is a bit like a searchlight, always watching. It is a method of managing subsidiaries, but it is neither involved in the operation and management process nor only concerned with the results. In order to not only monitor the invested enterprise, but also comply with the Company Law and Supervision of listed companies According to the rules of the organization, many enterprises are now monitoring their business management activities by means of informatization, and the results are also very good.


Control is derived from the investment status of the parent company as a subsidiary management , reflected in some Key elements The majority shareholder implements the control behavior characterized by "control". For example, some groups strategic planning , investment advance and retreat, senior personnel, capital guarantee and other major elements implement the final approval mechanism. In specific implementation, the meaning is twofold: intention is the process of managing these core elements, but the method used is to control through the level by level intention transmission on the professional line. The parent company itself was not involved. Management intention achieves the process of controlling it through a method and means.


Governance here is defined as the legal "three meetings and four powers" of a company Corporate governance structure Now every company will set up Shareholders' Meeting Board of Directors Board of Supervisors Management. This operation mechanism includes how to allocate the board of directors and the board of supervisors, and how to let them play their roles and perform their duties; It also includes how the shareholders and the board of directors can effectively bind the interests of the management with the interests of the company and shareholders through scientific and reasonable incentive and constraint strategies, maximize the enthusiasm and creativity of managers, and make the enterprise's immediate achievement And sustainable development ability. This is the most important method and mechanism for large groups to achieve effective management in the face of numerous subsidiaries and sub subsidiaries, and it is also the subject that needs to be considered most.
Of course, this analysis of enterprise management methods is just a kind of artificial research and classification Business management In practice, the above five methods are often combined, and the effect depends on our Senior managers yes Enterprise development Situation, stage, laws, regulations and Policy environment The key to effectiveness is to understand how to match and integrate. In this regard, there are "secret codes".

Different cultures

The essence of western management mode
It is "system management" based on individual standard
Western culture believes that human nature is evil, and has formed a personal standard value of protecting individual rights by law. In human resource management, it is manifested as "job analysis" consistent with the personal orientation pay System hooked“ Post evaluation ”, clearly define the Post responsibilities And position value, which is the value basis of organizational division of labor scientific management In the West.
How to achieve cooperation based on individuals? The conditions for individuals to form cooperation in groups and organizations are embodied in the "heteronomy" formed under the explicit requirements of external rules and regulations. This is true even in morality. Although Kant said that "what he fears is the stars above his head and the moral laws in his heart", the meaning of western morality after the religious reform refers to the obligation that transcends individuals and is only responsible for God and law; Motivation power mainly comes from individual sense of achievement.
The Essence of Oriental Management Mode
It is "cultural management" under the group standard
Oriental culture believes that human nature is good, forming the group based values. The successful experience in enterprise management is the incentive system of collective rewards, the emphasis on teamwork, and the more likely occurrence of employee citizenship behavior.
The cooperation of individuals in the group and organizational life is a control mode based on the strong corporate culture that people believe in and "self-discipline" based on their position and identity. The moral self-discipline in Chinese culture is different from that in the West. It is responsible for others in the group, not for God (or rules and regulations); The incentive force mainly comes from the sense of fairness and honor marked by the individual's relative position in the group to which he belongs.
American management experts are keenly aware of the differences in management models cultural difference Is to create Japan's economic miracle and Japan Enterprise competitiveness The reason behind, put forward the "corporate culture" theory in management. Enterprise training instructor Wang Junheng According to the above analysis, the enterprise management model under the eastern culture is significantly different from the western enterprises in terms of the main constraints and incentives.
The Cultural Essence of Japan
Both cultures are influenced by Confucianism. Although there are differences in core cultural values between China and Japan, Chinese culture is based on benevolence, while Japanese culture is based on harmony, they are all group oriented Cultural model In the process of developing market economy, Japan has formed many practices that are different from those required by western business management principles. These practices deserve our careful analysis, thinking and reference.
In Japanese enterprise management, there are quality circle activities, working groups, total quality management, collective reward system, etc; In the market, there are alliances and mutual benefits between large enterprises and small enterprises, and between enterprises and banks. The above phenomena are all management activities and Histomorphology And form a competitive subject in the form of groups. In the most famous Japanese Toyota Production mode In China, whether it is the strong promotion of leaders from top to bottom or the pursuit of cultivating employees from bottom to top Lean production It is difficult to achieve the goal of continuously reducing costs and improving efficiency without the support of group based values condensed in a strong corporate culture. This is also the reason why Toyota's production model has not achieved good results in the process of learning from Chinese enterprises - learning only processes, without cultural support.
This kind of market competition subject and its corresponding enterprise production management mode based on groups and clusters are much stronger than the competitive strength of a single enterprise. The essence of the supply chain management theory that emerged later is to solve the external constraints faced by the Toyota production mode in the internal implementation of the enterprise Pull production , order production Flexible production As the core, expand the idea of just in time production and order production to the whole supply chain Enterprise Alliance The form of participation in market competition reflects a strong oriental culture. The successful experience in China is the industrial cluster formed by private enterprises in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, which is closely related to the importance and belief in geographical cooperation in Wenzhou's commercial culture, and also promotes the overall competitive strength of Wenzhou enterprises.
Adhere to the group standard
Chinese enterprise management mode belongs to cultural management under collectivism culture. The successful example of a single enterprise is Haier's management model, which has supported the rapid growth of Haier for more than 20 years. The specific analysis of Haier's successful management experience is summarized in the article Structure, Function Analysis and Enlightenment of Haier's Corporate Culture; The industrial clusters spontaneously formed among Wenzhou enterprises are Supply chain upper Enterprise Alliance Successful examples; These successful examples are all based on the cultural support of collectivist values.
Japanese enterprises combine industrial engineering theory with Japanese culture to create Toyota Production mode Chinese enterprises also need to combine their own cultural characteristics to innovate management systems and management models while learning from successful foreign enterprise management experience. In the process of learning from the business management experience of Europe, America and Japan, attention should be paid to Corporate culture construction Promote the absorption of Japanese management experience; Emphasize the importance of promoting scientific enterprise management with cultural management ideas, and combine group based values with existing western human resource management systems. (About the influence of group based values on learning western human resource management systems, there was a superficial analysis in the article "The crux of Chinese enterprise performance management from the perspective of broad cultural outlook").
During the 11th Five Year Plan period, the country promoted the process of internationalization of Chinese enterprises by implementing innovation strategies. In the process of Chinese enterprise management model innovation, whether it is to learn foreign management experience in internal management of enterprises for management system innovation, or to try to achieve technological innovation through horizontal or vertical joint R&D investment among enterprises in the fierce market competition, the system design idea of group oriented, It is the inevitable choice and innovation direction for Chinese enterprises to become bigger and stronger.
C management mode Theory. The so-called "C" management model is a new type of intelligent organization that takes people as the core, has both form and spirit, follows the universal laws of the universe and natural organizations, can constantly revise, self adjust, and adapt to circumstances, and integrates Chinese traditional culture of humanities (the way of doing things for people) and western modern management (the way of doing things with high efficiency and high quantity) to carry out humanized management of enterprises Enterprise organization management Operation mode.
This kind of enterprise organization, which focuses on human operation, has greater initiative and stronger adaptability, is called "intelligent organization" for short, because it is a mechanical organization following the pyramid( A management mode )Learning flat organization( B management mode )The third kind of organization model appeared later, which was based on the advanced modern management science in the West and incorporated the great wisdom of Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, the first letter "C" of "CHINA" was chosen to name this intelligent organization "Enterprise C Management Model".
"Human centered" is the basis of building intelligent organizations and the key to C management model
The principle of C management mode is to operate intelligent organizations based on people
"Tao follows nature" and follows the general laws and basic rules of natural organization, which is the feature of C management mode

market orientation

1. Not fully considered Market environment factors Great influence on the survival and development of enterprises;
Even if the influence of enterprise environmental factors is taken into account, the change of external environment is only viewed from the inside of the enterprise, which causes the enterprise to passively adapt to the market.
2. The importance of external market information was not fully emphasized, resulting in the lack of the ability of enterprises to respond sensitively to market changes.
3. The flexible management of the enterprise organization was ignored. The enterprise organization failed to overcome the pyramid type directive organization model, could not give play to the work potential of employees, and affected the sensitivity of the enterprise to the market reaction.
4. The previous management model failed to absorb the innovation and development results of management ideas, management methods and management means brought by the new scientific and technological development

basic feature

First, the soul of market-oriented enterprise management is information management, including the collection, processing and transmission of information. The basis for relevant functional departments to make timely market response is the information they have received.
information transfer The speed and effect of network information management are directly related to the ability of enterprises to respond to market changes. Networked information management includes the use of Internet and Intranet, the construction of communication platform, the use of information processing software, etc., so that information can be transmitted quickly and accurately within the enterprise.
Second, enterprises can respond quickly to market information, and rigid enterprise organizations are powerless, so they should establish flexibility Enterprise management organization , break the strict boundaries between departments, and encourage the self organization behavior
The organizational behavior of enterprise departments is a short-term or long-term functional combination unit composed of departments with market information as the link, specific tasks as the content, and rapid response to the market as the purpose. In order to ensure the normal and effective operation of the internal function combination units of the enterprise, each function combination unit must have a clear goal, an evaluable standard, and its operation process needs to be effectively monitored, that is, its process management is controllable.
Third, operation flow Rationality is directly related to the efficiency and effect of enterprise resource allocation Information flow It is closely related.
Market oriented enterprise management mode focuses on the efficiency of business processes. With the expansion of the market and the intensification of market competition, Enterprise resources The chain scope of the enterprise is constantly expanding, and the business process extends from the inside of the enterprise to the outside of the enterprise, forming the integration advantage of enterprise resources. The improvement of business process efficiency is inseparable from the application of modern enterprise resource management technology, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)、 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)、 supply chain management (SCM), etc.
Fourth, all business activities of the enterprise must be completed by people, and the improvement of enterprise technical conditions requires the participation of high-quality talents.
Therefore, the market-oriented enterprise management mode emphasizes the excavation of human potential and the full use of knowledge and talent, and establishes the people-oriented Corporate culture concept To guide, care for, understand, respect and rely on people, create a good working and learning environment, give play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of employees, and enable employees to grow and develop with the enterprise. Human based enterprise culture is the driving force of market-oriented enterprise management mode. Finally, the market-oriented enterprise management mode enhances the ability of self-organization and adaptability of enterprises in the face of changes in the market environment. However, the enterprise is composed of many departments, functional combination units operation flow The complex economic system composed of processes has its overall goal of pursuing the optimization of enterprise systems. The behavior results of each subsystem within the enterprise must conform to the overall economic or social goals of the enterprise. Therefore, the market-oriented enterprise management mode has strengthened the enterprise supervision and evaluation function, which will provide strong guarantee and support for the good operation of the enterprise system, the creativity of the enterprise staff, and the implementation of the enterprise strategy.


(1) The management mode of market-oriented enterprises is not the "leading" management of marketing departments
Although the marketing department is close to the market, it is the direct promoter of the enterprise's products or services. It can obtain the direct information of the market and feed back the information in a timely manner. However, the marketing department does not represent the market. It does not have a comprehensive grasp of the upstream and internal resources of the enterprise, and may have no time to take into account the future strategic development of the enterprise. Therefore, the marketing department cannot lead the future development of the enterprise. Market oriented enterprise management mode emphasizes Integrating marketing Every department and individual may be engaged in the process of responding to the market at any time due to the changes in the market environment.
(2) Change of enterprise management concept
Highlight of traditional management mode controller The role of individuals, Enterprise management thought The methods and means change due to different managers, which brings instability to the normal operation of the enterprise. The market-oriented enterprise management mode requires each enterprise employee to participate in the market competition in different positions from different angles and with different identities, so as to improve the enterprise's market adaptability. Therefore, under the market-oriented enterprise management mode, it is of great significance for enterprises to decentralize decision-making power, make collective decisions, and complete the transformation of enterprises from rule by man to rule by law, so as to establish innovation awareness for employees and give play to their enthusiasm and initiative.
(3) Enterprise Leadership function Transformation of
Market oriented enterprise management mode Enterprise operation mechanism The role of enterprise managers has also changed. Enterprise managers change from decision makers to final decision makers, and from direct commanders to makers and judges of enterprise operation rules. Brainstorming and full participation is an important symbol of the democratization of enterprise management, a concentrated reflection of the spirit of ownership of enterprise employees, and an important part of market-oriented enterprise management mode. The transformation of enterprise leadership functions avoids Individual decision And the disastrous consequences brought by management mistakes to enterprises, making modern enterprises take a critical step towards scientific management.
(4) Development and utilization of human resources
Establish an open, efficient and responsive market Enterprise management system With the development of economy and the intensification of market competition, the market environment is changing rapidly, and the information needed by enterprises to cope with emergencies is increasing significantly. The processing and judgment of information needs high-quality talents to complete. Especially today, the rapid development of network technology and the improvement of enterprise technology means are inseparable from the participation and interaction of high-tech talents. Knowledge and talents have become the key capital for the growth and development of enterprises in the 21st century. The development and utilization of human resources has become an indispensable part of the market-oriented enterprise management model. Moreover, the development and growth of talents should be consistent with the development of enterprises, so that talents can develop with the development of enterprises. Enterprises become a stage for talents to show their talents, and form a positive interaction between talents and enterprises.
(5) System innovation
Market oriented enterprise management mode requires separation of enterprise property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, and modern management management system At the same time, in order to enhance the enterprise's ability to adapt to market changes, it is necessary to consider the shareholding of internal managers and employees of the enterprise, as well as the appropriate participation of major external customers of the enterprise, change the ownership structure, and make the enterprise management system full of vitality and adapt to the market. Enterprise system innovation is conducive to strengthening Enterprise cohesion , conducive to the formation of Enterprise resources Advantages are conducive to improving the ability of enterprises to compete in the market.
The market is the environment for enterprises to survive, and also the standard to measure the quality of enterprise management. If the enterprise's products or services are favored by consumers, the enterprise's management results will be recognized by the market, and the enterprise will be able to obtain more value returns. Market oriented enterprise management mode, as a modern enterprise management method and means for enterprises to better adapt to market environment changes, will undoubtedly bring new management philosophy and management style So as to guide the innovation and development of enterprise management practice. The research on the management mode of market-oriented enterprises has just begun, and the deeper understanding of the operation mechanism of the mode, the information transmission model, the organizational response form and other issues still needs further exploration.

14 principles

[Category I] Long term concept
Principle 1: Management decisions are based on long-term ideas, even if short-term ideas are sacrificed Financial goals are also at stake.
An enterprise should have a priority over any Short term decision The purpose idea of the company is to make the operation and development of the whole enterprise cooperate with the common purpose that is more important than making money. Understand your company's historical position and try to move the company to the next stage. The mission of corporate philosophy is the cornerstone of all other principles.
The starting point should be to create value for customers, society and economy. Evaluate the ability of each department of the company to achieve this goal.
Be responsible. Try to decide your own destiny, rely on yourself, and believe in your own ability. Take responsibility for their own behavior, maintaining and improving the skills to create value.
[Category II] The right process can produce excellent results
Principle 2: Establish an uninterrupted operation process to make problems emerge.
Redesign Workflow And make it an uninterrupted process to create high added value. Try to reduce the time idle or waiting for others to work to zero in all work plans.
Establish a process to quickly transport materials and information, so that the process and personnel are closely linked together, so that problems can emerge immediately.
Making the whole enterprise culture attach importance to the process is the key to the real continuous improvement of the process and employee development.
Principle 3: Implementation Pull production System to avoid overproduction.
In you production process Downstream Customer needs To supply them with the right amount of the right things. The supplement of materials should be determined by the consumption, which is the basic principle of just in time production.
send WIP The inventory in the warehouse shall be reduced to the minimum, each product shall only maintain a small amount of inventory, and the inventory shall be replenished frequently according to the actual adjacent quantity of customers.
Change daily according to customer needs, rather than relying on computer schedules and systems to track wasted inventory.
Principle 4: Keep the workload level stable( Production equalization ), work should be like the tortoise in the race between the tortoise and the hare.
Eliminating waste is only one third of the work that must be done to achieve lean. It is equally important to avoid overloading of employees and equipment and uneven production arrangements, but most enterprises trying to implement the lean principle do not understand this.
Try to average the workload of all manufacturing and service processes to replace the volume production The method of starting, stopping, stopping and starting frequently.
Principle 5: Establish a culture of immediate pause to solve problems and focus on quality management from the beginning.
The quality you provide to customers determines your pricing.
Use all modern methods to ensure quality.
Make the production equipment have the ability to find problems and stop production as soon as they are found. Set up a visual system to alert the team or plan leader that a machine or a process needs assistance. "Automation" (machines with human intelligence) is the basis of "build quality".
Establish systems and countermeasures to support rapid problem solving in enterprises.
Incorporate the idea of stopping or slowing down the speed immediately when problems occur, and improving quality locally to improve long-term productivity into the corporate culture.
Principle 6: The standardization of work is Continuous improvement And authorized employees.
Stable and repeatable methods are used everywhere in the workplace to maintain the predictability of processes, regular operation time, and regular output, which is the basis of "one flow" and pull system.
At a certain time, we should learn from the accumulated learning experience of the process, standardize the current best practices, let employees put forward creative suggestions for improvement of the standard, and incorporate these ideas into the new standard. In this way, when employees change, they can transfer their learning experience to the employees who take over the job.
Principle 7: Use visual management to hide problems.
Use simple visual instructions to help employees immediately determine whether they are in a standard situation or whether the situation has changed.
Avoid using computer screens to distract employees from the workplace.
A simple visual system is designed and installed in the place where work is performed to support "one flow" and pull system.
Try to reduce the report to one page, even the most important financial decision report.
Principle 8: Use reliable and fully tested technology to assist employees and production process
Technology should be used to support employees, not replace them. In many cases, the best way is to manually verify that the process is feasible before the technical support process.
New technologies are often unreliable and difficult to standardize, thus endangering the process. It is more important to keep verified processes running than new technologies that are not fully tested.
stay business process , manufacturing systems or products must be tested before adopting new technologies.
Technologies that conflict with the corporate culture or may damage stability, reliability and predictability must be corrected or simply abandoned.
However, when seeking new working methods, employees must be encouraged to consider new technologies. If a suitable technology has been fully tested and can improve your process, it should be implemented quickly.
[Category III] Develop employees and create value for the organization
Principle 9: Cultivate employees who fully understand and support the company's philosophy into leader So that they can teach other employees.
We prefer to cultivate leaders from within the enterprise rather than hire them from outside the enterprise.
Don't view the responsibility of a leader as just getting the job done and having good interpersonal skills. A leader must be a model of the company's philosophy and way of doing things.
An excellent leader must have a thorough understanding of his daily work before he can become the best instructor of the company's philosophy.
Principle 10: Cultivate and develop outstanding talents and teams who believe in the company's philosophy.
Create a solid and stable culture to popularize and extend the company's values and beliefs for many years.
Train outstanding individuals and teams to realize the company's philosophy and achieve outstanding results. Very hard to continuously strengthen the company culture.
Use cross department teams to improve quality and productivity, solve difficult technical problems, and improve processes. The so-called authorization means that employees use the company's tools to improve the company's operations.
Keep working hard to teach employees how to achieve common goals in a team work manner. Teamwork is something that must be learned.
Principle 11: Attach importance to business partners and supplier Network, encourage and help them improve.
Value your business partners and suppliers as an extension of your business.
Encourage your external business partners to grow and develop. This attitude shows that you value them. Set challenging goals for them and help them achieve them.
[Category IV] Solving fundamental problems is the driving force of enterprise learning
Principle 12: Visit the site to thoroughly understand the situation (existing objects)
The problem solving and improvement process must trace back to the source, perform observation, and then verify the data obtained, rather than theorizing based on what others say and what is displayed on the computer screen.
Think and narrate according to personally verified data.
Even senior managers and supervisors should check the situation in person so as not to have only superficial understanding of the actual situation.
Principle 13: Don't rush to make decisions, take consensus as the basis, thoroughly consider all possible options, and quickly implement decisions.
Don't arbitrarily choose a direction and go all the way without fully considering all other options. Once a path has been chosen after thorough consideration, we should act quickly and carefully.
"Nemawashi" refers to discussing problems and possible solutions with all relevant people and affected people, collecting their opinions, and reaching consensus on solutions. Although this consensus process takes time, it helps to find a comprehensive solution. First, after making a decision, it should be implemented quickly.
Principle 14: Become a learning organization through continuous reflection (hansei in Japanese, meaning "reflection") and continuous improvement.
After establishing a stable process, use continuous improvement tools to find out the root causes of inefficiency and take effective countermeasures.
Design a process that requires almost no inventory, which will make it obvious to everyone that time and resources are wasted. Once waste occurs, employees are required to improve the process to eliminate waste.
Establish a system of stable personnel, slow promotion and very cautious successors to ensure the knowledge base of the enterprise.
Use "reflection" as an important milestone. After completing a plan, honestly find out all the shortcomings of the plan, and then formulate countermeasures to avoid the recurrence of the same error.
Standardize best practices to promote learning, not in every new plan and every new Manager After taking office, he invented new methods again.
It often happens that our company uses various tools of the Toyota production mode, but because we only follow a few principles of the Toyota mode, the result may be achievements The index has jumped in the short term, but it cannot last. On the contrary, if the enterprise truly implements the whole set of Toyota model principles, it will naturally follow the Toyota production mode, so that it can maintain its competitive advantage for a long time. [2]