business management

Management concept
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enterprise Administration It is for enterprises Production and operation Activity plan organization command coordinate and control A series of activities.
Enterprise management is Socialized mass production The objective requirements and inevitable products of development are the products of people engaged in Exchange process Caused by joint labor in the. stay Social production At a certain stage, all large-scale joint labor needs to be carried out more or less command To coordinate individual activities; By comparing the Labor process Of supervise And adjustment, so that single labor is subject to the overall requirements of production, to ensure that the entire labor process is as scheduled objective Normal operation. Especially in Science and technology Highly developed, products changing with each passing day, market vary from minute to minute In modern society, enterprise management becomes more and more important.
from Manage Objects The management can be divided into business Management and Behavior management Business management focuses more on the management of various resources of the organization, such as finance, materials, products, and other related management. However, behavior management focuses more on the management of the behavior of the members of the organization, which leads to the change of the organization's design, mechanism excitation Work plan , individual and team collaboration, culture management, etc.
Chinese name
business management


The development of enterprise management has generally gone through three stages:
① From the end of the 18th century to the end of the 19th century Traditional management Phase.
This stage appears management functions with physical labor The management work is separated by capitalist Individual execution is characterized by doing everything according to personal experience.
② In the 1920s and 1940s scientific management Phase.
At this stage, the separation of capitalists and managers emerged. Managers summarized management experience and systematization And to develop, and gradually formed a set of scientific management theory.
③ After the 1950s Modern management Phase.
The characteristics of this stage are: qualitative Concept developed into quantitative analysis , using mathematical decision-making methods, and widely used in various management electronic computer Control.


The evolution of enterprise management refers to the management The process of change of means usually consists of three stages, Experience management Stage scientific management Stage cultural management Phase.
Experience management stage
The scale of the enterprise is relatively small, and the employees are within the vision of the enterprise managers, so enterprise management can be achieved by talents. Therefore, in the experience management stage, the premise of staff management is the assumption of economic man, who believes that human nature is inherently evil, lazy, unwilling to take responsibility, and passive controller The incentive mode adopted is mainly external incentive, and the incentive mode is Carrot and stick The control of employees is also external control, mainly controlling people's behavior.
Scientific management stage
The scale of the enterprise is relatively large, and the rule of people is the rule be beyond one 's grasp Therefore, the rule of man should be changed into the rule of law, but the understanding of human nature is still based on the assumption of economic man, and the enterprise is managed by rules and regulations. Its incentive and control over employees is external. Employees work through punishment and reward. Employees work because they expect to be rewarded or are afraid of punishment Rules and regulations To act, act under the direction of the manager. The content of management is to manage the behavior of employees.
The boundary of the enterprise is vague, and the premise of management is the assumption of social people Human nature is inherently good People have feelings, like to accept challenges, and are willing to play a positive role. At this time, enterprises should establish an effective people-oriented culture by Humanistic management To achieve the goals of the enterprise.
At the stage of cultural management, there is no lack of experience and scientific management, scientific management It is the basis for realizing cultural management, and experience is still necessary. Culture is like software, and system is like hardware. The two are complementary. Just because it's here knowledge economy During this period, people paid more attention to the realization of individual values Therefore, respect for human nature is particularly important, so enterprise management should be people-oriented.


Enterprise management mainly refers to the scientific management of people, machines, raw materials, methods, assets, information, brands, sales channels, etc. in the enterprise by using various strategies and methods, so as to achieve Organizational objectives The corresponding activities of are derived into various management branches: human resource management, administrative management, financial management, research and development management, production management, procurement management, marketing management, etc. These branches can also be collectively referred to as Enterprise resource management ERP )。 Usually, companies will set these special business branches Functional departments
On the management of enterprise system, it can also be divided into the management of enterprise strategy, business model, business process, enterprise structure, enterprise system, enterprise culture and other systems. On the basis of learning from the operating experience of Japanese enterprises, the American management community finally McKinsey&Company It has developed seven elements of enterprise organization, also known as Mckinsey 7S Model Among the seven elements, strategy, systems and structure are regarded as "hardware", style, staff, skills Common values (Shared Values) is regarded as "software" and centered on common values.

Sub items

Through forecasting, planning, budgeting, decision-making and other means, the economic activities of enterprises can be effectively organized around the requirements of the overall goal. Plan management reflects Management by Objectives
That is to manage the setup and operation of the production system through production organization, production planning, production control and other means.
Organize the planned purchase, supply, storage, economical use and comprehensive utilization of various means of production required by the enterprise.
④ Quality management
Supervise, examine and test the production achievements of the enterprise.
Cost forecasting, cost planning, cost control, cost accounting cost analysis , cost assessment, etc.
⑥ Financial management
Manage the formation, distribution and use of the enterprise's financial activities, including fixed funds, working capital, special funds, profits, etc.
Make overall planning, unified organization, systematic control and flexible adjustment of labor and personnel in all links and aspects of enterprise economic activities.

Management culture

enterprise Management culture , or organizational culture (Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture) organization By sense of worth , belief, ceremony, symbol Dealing with affairs Unique Cultural image
In a broad sense, culture is human society Created in the process of historical practice Material wealth And Spiritual wealth The sum of; In a narrow sense, culture is the ideology of society and the corresponding organization and system. and corporate culture The enterprise Production and operation In practice, the mission with the characteristics of the organization vision , purpose, spirit, values and business philosophy, as well as the sum of these concepts in production and operation practice, management system, employee behavior and the external image of the enterprise. It is different from culture and education, scientific research, military and other organizations in cultural nature.
The enterprise management culture is the soul of the enterprise and the inexhaustible power to promote the development of the enterprise. It contains very rich content, and its core is the spirit and values of the enterprise. The values here do not generally refer to various cultural phenomena in enterprise management, but the values held by enterprises or their employees in commodity production and operation.
It is generally believed that management culture is based on Corporate culture system A sub culture derived from.
1. Management is also a culture. Regarding management activities as cultural phenomena; To investigate and study management from the perspective of culture; Conduct cultural research on management; Culture is also a kind of Management means Management efficiency Depends on cultural variables such as value system and management philosophy.
2. Management culture mainly refers to management ideology, management philosophy and management style, which includes value standards, business philosophy, management systems, codes of conduct, ethics, customs, etc.
3. The enterprise management culture is a cultural tradition and a set of constantly changing behavior patterns advocated by the enterprise leadership and abided by by both the top and bottom. It embodies the enterprise values, business philosophy and behavior norms, reveals the impact of culture on management, penetrates the whole process of enterprise management, such as decision-making, organization, encouragement and leadership, and provides the best model for matching culture and management. Enterprise management culture is the cultural connotation in enterprise management and the embodiment of cultural characteristics in enterprise management.
4. Management is rooted in culture. The theory of enterprise culture developed on the basis of management theory is called management culture. To raise enterprise management from the technical and economic level to the cultural level Management thought Initiatives in the history of development management theory Developed on the basis of Corporate Culture Theory It is a summary and innovation of the original management theory. It considers and analyzes the enterprise from a new perspective economic organization And regard the relationship between enterprise management and culture as Enterprise development Its core is to make employees care about the enterprise management philosophy And practice bring vitality and vigor.

performance management

Generally, the practice process of enterprise management performance mainly includes the following aspects:
1、 Acquire Senior managers Support for
Performance management is an important reform measure of enterprise management, and HR department alone is not enough to promote the implementation of performance management in the whole enterprise. Therefore, it is particularly important to obtain the recognition and support of senior managers.
2、 Develop a sound implementation plan
After obtaining the recognition and support of the senior managers, the HR Department carefully formulated the implementation plan of the enterprise's performance management, including the policies and guidelines of performance management, implementation processes, role allocation, management responsibilities, etc.
3、 Extensive publicity
The implementation of any new management means can not be separated from extensive publicity and implementation Bulletin board , LAN and other media means promote the theory, method, significance and role of performance management to create momentum. Cultivate managers and employees' perceptual knowledge of performance management, and establish an enterprise's performance view. This will lay a solid mass foundation for future performance management practice, and the resistance to implementation will be smaller.
4、 Training line manager
Good management means should be organized and implemented by high-quality managers, so the training of managers is essential. To make controller Deeply grasp the concept of performance management, change the old management concept, master the process, methods and skills of performance management, so that every manager likes performance management, masters performance management, can use performance management, and is willing to use performance management to manage their own departments and subordinates.
5、 Job analysis
On the basis of the above work, we began to implement enterprise performance management. Before that, an essential job is to analyze and formulate job description In many enterprises, this work is a blank, at most there is only one general Job description
6、 Issue enterprise performance policy
The implementation of performance management must be guaranteed by policies. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce necessary policies and measures on the basis of the above work.

management model



such management model Use the cohesion function, which is a very important function of family kinship, to manage the enterprise through the cohesion function of family kinship.
Historically, although an enterprise was in the period of entrepreneurship, this kindred enterprise management model did play a good role. However, when the enterprise develops to a certain extent, especially when it becomes a large enterprise, this kindred enterprise management model will soon have problems. Because the cohesive function in the family blood relationship used in this management model will change from its cohesive function to the internal friction function, this management model should be replaced by other management models. This management mode exists only because of our country's credit system and Legal system It is still very imperfect, which makes people dare not give their assets to people who have no blood relationship with them, so they have to adopt this kind of family friendly management model.


such management model It is also of positive significance in the initial stage of the enterprise, and is very cohesive. But when the enterprise develops to a certain scale, especially after the profit of the enterprise increases to a certain extent, the friendship of the brothers will be weakened. Therefore, if the enterprise does not adjust this management mode as soon as possible with the development, it will inevitably lead to the rapid decline and even bankruptcy of the enterprise.


such management model It is emphasized that management should be more to mobilize the internal role of human nature. Only in this way can enterprises develop rapidly. It is right to emphasize human kindness in enterprises, but it cannot be regarded as the main principle of enterprise management system. The principle of human touch is different from the principle of enterprise management. Therefore, overemphasizing human touch is not only detrimental to the development of enterprises, but also tends to cause enterprises to lose control and even go bankrupt. In fact, the warm management mode is to use the principle of conscience in friendship to deal with the management relationship in the enterprise. In the relationship of economic interests, it is difficult to talk clearly about the so-called conscience. In terms of economic theory, conscience is actually a standardized way of return of economic interests in the form of ethics and human feelings. Therefore, if we talk about conscience and humanity in a general way, without touching the relationship of interests and mutual benefit of interests, it is actually difficult for the managed to do a good job, and ultimately the enterprise will fail. Management is not just about warmth, but first of all, the definition of interest relationship. Only those who are "unswerving" in the face of various interest relationships, especially those who can "make a face" in the definition of interest relationships, can become professional managers.


In reality, it is embodied in two forms: one is the autocratic management in private enterprises. The reason why autocratic management is regarded as a kind of randomized management is that some entrepreneurs of private enterprises are autocratic. He has the final say. He can change any rules and regulations at any time. His words are principles and rules, so this kind of management belongs to random management. Another form is administrative intervention in state-owned enterprises, that is, government agencies can intervene in the business activities of a state-owned enterprise at will, leading to very arbitrary management of enterprises. It can be seen that this management mode is either the autocratic management in private enterprises or the excessive administrative intervention of the government on enterprises in the state-owned enterprise system. The collapse of many private enterprises is the inevitable result of the implementation of this randomized management model. Because the entrepreneur's words are wrong, others can't speak and correct them. Even if the entrepreneur's decision is wrong, others can't change it. Finally, the enterprise is doomed.

be institutionalized

so-called be institutionalized management model It refers to promoting enterprise management according to certain established rules. Of course, this rule must be a contractual rule recognized by everyone, and this rule is also Responsibility and rights Symmetrical. Therefore, the goal model of future enterprise management is to Institutionalized management On the basis of the model, some useful factors of other management models should be appropriately absorbed and utilized. Because the institutionalized management is "cruel", it is really beneficial to introduce a little kinship, friendship and warmth. Sometimes, we can even properly deal with the contradictions and interest relationships in management in a random way, "downplaying" the rules, because be institutionalized It's too stiff. If it is not properly softened, it is not easy. After all, the main object to be managed is still people, but people are not ordinary goods. People have all kinds of thinking and are dynamic, so it is not enough to completely talk about institutionalized management. Appropriately absorb some others management model The advantages of the enterprise management model are integrated into a mixed enterprise management model. This might be better.

Project oriented

Project management It refers to the process of orderly and effective management of all projects and optimization of managed projects through a series of methods and means under certain conditions and resources. Specifically, it refers to the detailed and orderly management of the whole process of an activity from the beginning to the end of the decision. The application of project-based management in enterprise management has changed the traditional management concept in the past, and has the following advantages:
(1) Project based management focuses on all-round supervision and management during the implementation of the whole project, effectively complementing the omission of some departments in the traditional management mode.
(2) Integrate the employees who participate in the whole project into one process, effectively increase the team awareness of employees inside the enterprise, and form the internal culture of the enterprise. Both the management and ordinary employees have the awareness of participating in the project, think they are part of a project, and unknowingly organize the employees together, effectively improving the enterprise management level.
(3) Through the integration and meticulous management of the whole project, the internal management ability of the enterprise has been strengthened, the conflicts and contradictions between relevant departments have been reduced, and optimization has been made in the same work project Workflow , effectively reducing the cost of the enterprise and realizing Enterprise resources Optimized configuration of.

Management reorganization



Management reorganization means that when the external environment Enterprise resources When its structure changes, re select and determine a scientific and reasonable improvement Enterprise competitiveness And ability development management model or management system Process.

a key

one Enterprise strategic restructuring : Mainly by Enterprise objectives , enterprise mission Corporate Values , corporate culture, etc.
2. Organizational restructuring: refers to the innovation and reengineering of organizational theories and forms.
three Business Process Reengineering : Starting points include Enterprise objectives Understand customers technical conditions Three aspects.
four Enterprise resource reorganization : Includes Industrial resources , human resources Technical resources , market resources, etc.


1. New changes in the business philosophy of the enterprise;
2. Remodel the operation mechanism of the enterprise;
3. Enterprise management style Innovation of methods.


First, "essence injection";
The second is "drip injection";
The third is "continuous injection".

organizational structure

Four structures that need to be solved for change
There is no fixed pattern in the design of enterprise organizational structure Production technology Characteristics and internal and external conditions. However, the ideas and rules of organizational structure reform can be used for reference.
The organizational structure change should address the following four structures:
Functional structure: the successful operation of a business requires multiple functions to play a role together. Therefore, when designing the organizational structure, we should first determine which functions are needed for the operation of the enterprise, and then determine the proportion and relationship between each function.
Hierarchical structure, namely the composition of each management level, means that organizations need to set up several management levels vertically.
The department structure is the composition of each management department, that is, how many departments the organization needs to set up horizontally.
The authority structure refers to the division of labor and mutual relationship among all levels and departments in terms of power and responsibility.
Relevant factors affecting the design of organizational structure
To survive and develop, enterprises must constantly adapt to changes in the environment and meet various requirements of the environment for organizations. Therefore, the environment determines what type of management organizational structure Is a key factor.
The external environment refers to the industry characteristics, market characteristics, economic situation, government relations and natural environment of the enterprise. Environmental factors can affect the design of organizational structure from two aspects, namely, the complexity and stability of the environment. The external environment will have an impact on the functional structure, hierarchical structure, departmental structure and authority structure of the organization.
Enterprise scale is an important factor affecting enterprise organization design. Different enterprises have different internal structures. With the continuous expansion of enterprise scale, Enterprise activities The content of the is becoming more and more complex, the number of people is gradually increasing, the division of professional work is constantly refined, and the number of departments and posts is gradually increasing. These will directly lead to organizational structure Increased complexity.
The larger the enterprise, the more things that need coordination and decision-making will continue to increase, and the greater the scope of management will be. However, the time and energy of managers are limited. This contradiction will urge enterprises to increase Management level And more decentralization. Therefore, the expansion of enterprise scale will change the hierarchical structure, departmental structure and functional structure of the organization accordingly.
Business characteristics
If an enterprise has a large number of business types, it requires the organization to have corresponding resources and management methods to meet the business needs. Therefore, there will be more departments or positions, more personnel, and more complex organizations. In general, the more business types there are, the more departments or positions within the organization will be set. The closer the business ties of an enterprise are, the more the interaction between departments and their internal businesses needs to be considered in the organization design, and the more decentralized organizations cannot be used. In this case, it is more appropriate to adopt a linear functional system or a matrix organization. Generally speaking, the greater the degree of business relevance, the more comprehensive management is required.
technical level
The activities of the organization need to be carried out by using certain technologies and special means that reflect a certain level of technology. The level of technology and technical equipment not only affects the effect and efficiency of organizational activities, but also affects the content division and job setting of organizational activities.
Some enterprises have strong technical strength technological innovation And development as Enterprise development At this time, the key of the organization is to consider the technical development, organization design It also focuses on technology and its development and innovation. When technology can bring high profits, technical management Technology management has become the core issue and the main line of enterprise organization setting. The more complex the production technology, organizational structure Vertical division of labor The more complex it is, the more the organization's department structure will increase, which will also increase the workload of enterprise horizontal coordination.
In traditional enterprises, the technology of each enterprise is the same Profit point If it is not about technology, then technology will not affect the setting of enterprise organization too much, and the setting of organization will take more consideration such as channel management , cost reduction, and take these factors as the main line of organization design. Therefore, this kind of work with high inertia can consider adopting a standardized coordination and control structure, and the organizational structure is highly formal and centralized.
human resources
human resources It is the basis for the smooth implementation of the organizational structure. In the organizational structure design quality of personnel Inadequate consideration of the impact of may cause serious problems. Employee quality includes values, intelligence, understanding, self-control and working ability When the quality of employees improves, their own work ability and needs will change. For high-quality employees, the management system should be large flexibility For example, elastic working hours , flexible Workplace (such as home office), more decision-making rights and attractive salary and benefit plans.
The human resources situation will have an impact on the department structure of the enterprise, such as the implementation of Division system , a candidate with relatively comprehensive leadership ability is required to serve as the manager of the Division; If implemented Matrix structure project manager Candidates require high prestige and good interpersonal relationships to adapt to the characteristics of more responsibilities and less power.
The status of human resources will also have an impact on the authority structure of the enterprise. The enterprise managers have high management level, comprehensive management knowledge, rich experience and good professional ethics More management power can be delegated.
information construction
network technique The popularization and development of the enterprise has made great changes in the existing foundation of the enterprise organization, E-commerce technology The development of information processing The efficiency is greatly improved. Every terminal in the enterprise network can obtain comprehensive data and information at the same time. The application of various computer-aided means makes middle manager The role of top management Personnel pass Network system While reducing costs, filter the original information formed by each grass-roots organization. Therefore, when the enterprise builds a high-level information system After that, it shall be adjusted in time organizational structure , using delayering To adapt to the emerging Electronic Commerce Operation mode to reduce middle management Personnel, improve efficiency and reduce internal cost administration cost
information technology Make enterprise's operation flow Fundamental changes have taken place and reforms have been made enterprise operation The required resource structure and the relationship between people Labor combination The importance of information resources has greatly increased. organizational structure Our design should be free from the original huge, complex and rigid state. Such an organization is more conducive to the flow of information and tends to be simplified.

Humanistic principle

So called managed Humanistic principle That is to say, in all management work, human factors are always put first, and human enthusiasm, initiative and creativity are the core and driving force of management. Because the main body of management is controller It is human, and the object of management is controller It is also human. Therefore, the humanistic management thought believes that doing good work is the foundation of management, and it is necessary to put the views of respecting, relying on, developing and serving people throughout the management work.
The human-oriented principle mainly embodies the following two principles in the management application:
1. Energy level principle of humanistic principle
Humanistic Energy level principle It means that in the management work, people should be scientifically assigned to corresponding positions according to their abilities, so as to maximize their talents and responsibilities, and maintain coordination within the organization to improve Management efficiency To achieve organizational goals.
The energy level principle of management is mainly embodied in the following three aspects:
(1) The management level must be hierarchical and have a stable organizational form. Management is not randomly graded. Grading is to establish a certain order, certain norms and certain standards; All levels can not be combined randomly. A stable management structure should be an equilateral triangle or a equilateral pagoda, with sharp edges above and a broad foundation below. Management without energy levels is difficult to survive.
(2) Different management levels should have corresponding rights, responsibilities and interests. Rights, responsibilities and interests are the external manifestations of specific management levels. Different management levels have different rights, responsibilities and interests, which is an inevitable requirement for management effectiveness.
(3) Energy levels must correspond dynamically. different Management position There are different levels, and different employees have different talents. The so-called dynamic correspondence of energy levels means that one of the purposes of management is to put people with corresponding talents in positions with corresponding energy levels; The corresponding posts shall be held by employees with corresponding abilities. When the level of the post and the talent of the person change, the management system can adjust in time, always maintain the corresponding relationship between the level of the post and the corresponding talent of the employee, dynamically realize the level correspondence, and play the best management efficiency.
2. The dynamic principle of humanistic principle
so-called Power principle It means that management must have continuous and sufficient motivation. Managers must use power correctly to ensure the efficient operation of management. Management motivation can be divided into three types:
(1) Material power. Material power is the fundamental power of management, and reasonable material stimulation can directly affect and mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. However, material stimulation must be appropriate, and improper use will also produce certain side effects.
(2) Spiritual impetus Spiritual motivation includes stimulation of personal belief, reputation and status. The effect of spiritual power is a higher level pursuit of people when their material needs are basically met. Spiritual motivation can not only compensate for the lack of material stimulation in some aspects, but also has great power itself. Under certain conditions, spiritual power can even become the decisive power. The spiritual power is the driving force for religious extremists to act beyond the imagination of ordinary people.
(3) Information power Information power is the power generated through the exchange of information, which is relatively independent beyond material and spirit. In modern economic society, good and effective information power can generate incentive force. No organization can have the power to move forward without information exchange with the outside world. Only by constantly absorbing a large amount of information about scientific and technological development from the outside world, can enterprise scientific and technological personnel stimulate their huge creative potential; By comparing their work with that of other employees, enterprise employees can know their own shortcomings in work and work hard to catch up.
In management, we should correctly use the above three motivations, reasonably grasp the amount of stimulus, and make employees work actively under the three motivations to make contributions to the development of the enterprise. When using the principle of motivation for management, great attention should also be paid to the size of incentives that should be commensurate with the job mission undertaken by employees. The stimulation is too small to work; Too much stimulation often backfires, which has been proved by many management practices.

Basic work

Basic work of enterprise management The main contents of are as follows:
(1) Standardization work Standardization work includes technical standard Management standards and Working standards The working process of formulation, implementation and management of. Standardization work requires the characteristics of "new (standard new), complete (standard sound), high (standard level high)".
(2) quota Work. Quota refers to the quantity penalty limit for the consumption, utilization and occupation of human, material and financial resources under certain production technology conditions. Quota work requires practicality. Quota comes from practice, which is an abstraction of practice rather than subjective fabrication; Quota work is required to be authoritative, and quota is issued through certain approval procedures; Quota work requires generality, and quota is an abstraction of practice; The quota work is required to be phased. With the development of practice, the quota should be adjusted periodically and timely.
(3) Measurement The core of measurement work is to obtain data and evaluate data. There is no measured, accurate and reliable data Operation management It loses its scientific basis.
(4) Information work. information work It refers to enterprises Production and operation Modern enterprises must improve the management of data collection, processing, transmission, storage, etc information system So as to gradually bring the production and operation process of enterprises into the track of computer management.
(5) Perfect Rules and regulations Work. Through the establishment and improvement of a set of vertical and horizontal interlocking and mutually coordinated system of the economic responsibilities within an enterprise System.
(6) Basic education work. Vigorously improve the political, cultural and technical quality of employees.