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Enterprise resources

Economic terminology
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Enterprise resources (Enterprise Resource)。 In different socio-economic stages, the understanding of enterprise resources is different. Some modern scholars believe that enterprise resources refer to enterprise It is owned, controlled or available in the process of providing products or services to the society and can help realize Business objectives Of production factors Collection of. We should understand enterprise resources from a broader perspective everything that can be transformed into support, help and advantages material and Immaterial All are enterprise resources.
Chinese name
Enterprise resources
Foreign name
Enterprise Resource
External and internal resources

Enterprise resources

Enterprise resources can be divided into external resources and internal resources. The internal resources of an enterprise can be divided into: human resources , financial resources information resources Technical resources , management resources, controllable market resources, internal environment resources; The external resources of enterprises can be divided into: industrial resources, industrial resources Market resources External environmental resources.

Resource classification


Tangible Resources

Mainly refers to Financial resources And physical resources, which are enterprises Operation management Generally, the value of the activity basis can be calculated through the current accounting method.

Financial resources

It is the monetary embodiment of the enterprise's material and non-material elements, which is specifically reflected in the fact that what has occurred can be recorded in the accounts by accounting methods Monetary measurement Of economic resources , including capital Creditor's rights And other rights. It includes not only the size of static scale, but also the dynamic turnover status. To a certain extent, it also includes the ability and level of enterprises to acquire and control these resource elements. The tools that reflect the financial resources of an enterprise are a series of financial statements In the enterprise financial resource system, the most important resource is capital. Financial resources are business capabilities of enterprises economic base It is also the basic condition for the formation and development of other resources.

Physical resources

It mainly refers to the material form fixed assets , including factory workshops, machinery and equipment, tools and appliances Means of production , land, housing and other enterprise properties. Because most fixed assets have large unit value, long service life, strong material form and poor liquidity, their value mostly shows Law of diminishing marginal returns Of course, some fixed assets still have use value And value, and even increase in value, such as commercial stores in prosperous areas). In traditional industries, fixed assets are an important part of the enterprise resource system Enterprise strength Important sign of size.

Intangible resources

It mainly includes space-time resources information resources Technical resources Brand resources , cultural resources and Manage Resources Etc. be relative to Tangible Resources For example, intangible resources seem invisible without obvious material carriers, but they have become the basis for supporting the development of enterprises and can bring incomparable advantages to enterprises.

Spatiotemporal resources

It refers to the economic time and economic space that enterprises can use as public resources in the market. Time resources (economic time) refer to natural time or calendar time directly or indirectly developed and utilized by human labor. Spatial resources (economic space) refer to the natural space directly transformed and utilized by human labor and undertaken the operation of realistic economic factors. The maxims such as "time is money" and "time is not as good as place" respectively illustrate the importance of time resources and space resources.

Technical resources

Broadly speaking, technical resources include direct and indirect technologies that form products, as well as production process technologies, equipment maintenance technologies, financial management technologies, and production and operation technologies managerial skills In addition, technical resources should also include skills information gathering And analytical technology, marketing methods, planning skills, negotiation and sales promotion skills and other market development technologies. Technical resources are important factors that determine the business achievements of enterprises, and their effectiveness depends on a certain level of financial and Material resources

information resources

Information resources refer to the movement state and change mode of all things in the objective world and the subjective world, as well as their internal meaning and utility value. The information resources of an enterprise are composed of various internal and external information materials related to enterprise operation. Information resources play a supporting and reference role in the resource structure of enterprises, and are characterized by universality, sharing, value-added, processability, and multi utility. "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be safe in every battle" is the best interpretation of using information resources to add value to the overall resources.

Brand resources

It is a resource composed of a series of intangible factors that indicate the identity of an enterprise or its products. Brand resources can be subdivided into Product brand Service brand and Corporate brand Three types. Brand resources, especially well-known trademark Our brand (also known as famous brand) is crucial to the success or failure of enterprise operation, and famous brand is crucial to the maintenance of enterprise Customer loyalty It has incomparable advantages in developing new markets and promoting new products.

Cultural resources

Is created by Corporate image Corporate reputation Enterprise cohesion , organizational morale managerial style And a series of intangible factors with cultural characteristics. Compared with tangible resources, they lack direct quantitative characteristics and an objective data base. They exist in the minds of evaluators in the form of a series of social images or cultural images, and are inseparable from their carriers. The formation and development of cultural resources are the cumulative results of the effectiveness of other resources, which can be transferred to the merged or controlled companies and newly established enterprises, Corporate image Brand reputation It can also be transferred from the original product to new product Medium.

Manage Resources

Management is a dynamic creative activity that effectively integrates enterprise resources to achieve the established goals and responsibilities of the enterprise. It directly affects and even determines the overall effectiveness of enterprise resources. Management resources should include Enterprise management system Organization Enterprise management strategy.

human resources

It refers to the total number of external personnel existing in the enterprise organization system and available, including their physical strength, intelligence interpersonal relationship Psychological characteristics and a summary of their knowledge and experience. On the one hand, human resources represent a certain material existence - the number of personnel, and more importantly, intangible materials such as the internal physical strength, intelligence, interpersonal relationships, knowledge and experience, and psychological characteristics of these employees. Therefore, human resources are tangible and intangible unified resources. It is the most important key resource in the enterprise resource structure, the carrier of enterprise technology resources and information resources, the operator of other resources, and determines the level of effectiveness of all resources.

Market resources

It refers to those that are not owned or controlled by the enterprise, but exist in the market, and are unique because of the strong competitive strength of the enterprise business strategy Skills and a wide network of relationships can be used for their own resources. In modern economy economic performance And functional market transactions. Generally speaking, market resources mainly include the following:

Relationship Resources

It refers to the reason why the enterprise financial institution Such as the good relationship between individuals or organizations to obtain resources that can be used outside the enterprise, which should be paid special attention to is customer relationship resources. The long-term good cooperation between the enterprise and the customer establishes customer loyalty, so that the customer becomes powerful in the enterprise operation competitive edge Is an important resource.

Leveraged resources

It means that although not owned by the enterprise, the enterprise can OEM Production franchise Franchise chain Virtual operation And other means for our use. OEM production, franchising, franchise chain and other methods can often leverage more resources with less investment for their own business services. The use of such resources is very similar to the leverage principle in physics.

social resources

It mainly refers to the events or characters that can be used by the society and can bring advantages or business help to the enterprise itself, especially the celebrities, objects and various influential events in the real society. In real business, many enterprises hire various celebrities to inscribe for themselves or do publicity activities at great expense, which is a typical example of using social resources.

Historical and cultural resources

It refers to cultural resources widely existing in society, such as various historical celebrities, historical stories and cultural legends. The key is to explore and apply it first. Sometimes, the historical and cultural resources are some myths and literary stories with certain positive influence fabricated by the enterprise itself.

Other market resources

In addition to the above mentioned material or spiritual forms that can be used by enterprises and form a certain competitive advantage or bring support, help and benefits to enterprises. The so-called opportunity is omnipresent, the key is to see the broad horizon of operators and the level of strategy. The same is true for enterprise management. As long as we are good at using our brains, we can also use many seemingly worthless things, such as garbage, and turn waste into treasure in waste purchase companies.