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Comprehensive financial news periodicals founded in 1987
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business 》Founded in 1987, it is affiliated to Shandong Provincial Economic and Information Commission Of Shandong Enterprise Confederation Shandong Entrepreneur Association is the only comprehensive financial news journal in the province. National uniform serial number , issued nationwide.
Chinese name
Comprehensive financial news
Start date

brief introduction

business 》Adhere to the purpose of "facing and serving enterprises", report and comment on major events and key figures that affect economic and social development in a timely manner based on the principles of authoritative, fair and professional journalism, integrate guidance, practicality and knowledge, advocate entrepreneurship, and strive to make the entrepreneur class the most respected mainstream group in Chinese society.
business 》With the media mission of "interpreting the business world and focusing on entrepreneurs", it is committed to building a media bridge for Shandong enterprises to move towards the whole country; Adhere to the strategic positioning of "quality, taste and brand"; Adhere to the style of "authoritative, practical and easy to read", focus on delivering unique views, analyzing the macro trend, reporting major events, analyzing brand enterprises, comparing regional economies, and strive to create a powerful media Brand influence


It is issued to the public at home and abroad, mainly by subscription. Each issue is distributed nearly 50000 copies nationwide, 75% of which are precisely launched in Shandong. Readers in the province cover all members of economic competent departments of governments at all levels, Shandong Enterprise Confederation, Shandong Entrepreneur Association, Shandong Industrial Economy Federation, Shandong Quality Management Association, Shandong Equipment Management Association, top 100 enterprises in Shandong Province, enterprise federations and entrepreneurs associations in various cities, etc. At the same time, it also radiates the star rated hotels, airports, cafes, shopping malls, business schools of colleges and universities, bank outlets, etc. Audience groups are mainly entrepreneurs, government officials, professional managers, experts and scholars, college MBA students, heads of multinational companies, managers in the field of investment and financing, and aspiring elites. "Enterprise" is a monthly magazine in 16 format, printed in four colors, with a total of 100 pages, published on the 25th of each month.
ISSN ISSN1002-3577 National uniform serial number CN37-1455/F mailing code 24-56