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Enterprise essence

Terms in Business Administration
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Coase pointed out that the essence of an enterprise is Resource allocation Enterprise and market are two alternative ways of resource allocation.
Chinese name
Enterprise essence
It is a mechanism for resource allocation
1937 Ronald Coase
Original contributions
Nature of Enterprise

Introduction to Enterprise Theory

Enterprise theory yes New Institutional Economics One of the important theories of. Coase was the first to establish the enterprise theory of new institutional economics. He believes that enterprises are price mechanism A substitute for. Alchian and Demsetz disagreed with Coase's view that enterprises are a kind of Team production Along Coase's thinking, Zhang Wuchang It is proposed that the enterprise is a form of contract selection; Williamson believes that enterprises are a kind of Bureaucratic organization After the 1970s and 1980s, economists further analyzed the impact transaction cost They believe that enterprises are the product of incomplete contracts. These studies have gradually improved the enterprise theory.

Proposition of enterprise theory

1937 Ronald Coase (R.H. Coase) Published groundbreaking works《 Nature of the enterprise 》, creatively use transactions cost analysis This paper expounds the relationship between the enterprise and the market, and expounds the reasons for the existence of the enterprise.
Transaction cost, in short, is the cost of exchange activities, that is, to reach an agreement or complete exchange Consumable economic resources
Under the condition of incomplete information and subject to subjective and objective factors, if the transaction is to meet the interests of both parties, Transaction contract It becomes very complicated. In order to pursue a complete contract, it is bound to increase the corresponding costs. As a result, due to the high cost of market contracts, some transactions are carried out within the enterprise transaction mode Market and enterprise are two alternative means of resource allocation. The differences between them are as follows: in the market, the allocation of resources is regulated by the price mechanism; In the enterprise, resources are allocated through Enterprise management authority Management coordination of is completed. Starting from the efficiency of resource allocation, in order to save transaction costs, some transactions are completed through the market, some transactions are completed within the enterprise, and the choice of where to complete depends on the cost of market pricing and the enterprise's Organizational costs The balance between them.
To sum up, the remarkable symbol of an enterprise is that it is a substitute for the price mechanism and an organization that replaces the market for resource allocation.