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Corporate culture atmosphere

Terminology in the field of literature
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The corporate culture atmosphere refers to the spiritual style that is shrouded in the overall environment of the enterprise and reflects the specific traditions, habits and behavior patterns that the enterprise praises. The corporate cultural atmosphere is invisible, which infects all members of the enterprise with its potential form of movement, experiences the overall spiritual pursuit of the enterprise, and thus generates ideological sublimation and conscious will. Therefore, the corporate cultural atmosphere plays a very important role in shaping the spiritual realm, temperament and style of enterprise members.
Chinese name
Corporate culture atmosphere
Foreign name
Enterprise Cultural Atmosphere
Intangible and infectious
Formative factors
Enterprise environment spirit system atmosphere

Basic overview

Enterprise Cultural Atmosphere so-called atmosphere Generally, it refers to the atmosphere and mood in a specific environment. If an atmosphere can be formed, it will definitely make people have a strong feeling, which comes from the spirit of what they see in a specific environment.

cultural atmosphere

Dreams - Perseverance, real struggle for the realization of the dream of the Internet cause, not trapped by selfishness
Goal - unremittingly help customers improve productivity and improve their social quality
Planning - reasonable planning, rigorous and orderly, priority first, prime time
Quality - careful design, attention to details, and doing things right at one time
Ethics - integrity, abide by, supervise and crack down on behaviors that damage the interests of the company
Principle - down-to-earth, realistic, bit by bit innovation, speaking with data
Execution - dare to take responsibility, complete the predetermined results with high quality according to the specified time
Learning - always keep a learning attitude and constantly improve yourself
Team - Unity of ideas, forming joint forces, using talents according to their abilities, and pursuing team success
Management - enhance the overall view, win-win thinking, and focus on communicate Research and form methodology
Quality - pursuit of excellence, sincere service, not missing every loophole

essential factor

The specific corporate cultural atmosphere is the special cultural atmosphere and sentiment in an enterprise, which is the specific embodiment of a certain culture. Although the corporate cultural atmosphere is invisible, it can be felt. It influences the daily management of the enterprise, the values of employees and the production and operation efficiency of the enterprise by strengthening the enterprise culture.
The formation of enterprise culture atmosphere is the enterprise environment atmosphere Enterprise spirit Atmosphere Enterprise system The result of the three factors of atmosphere.
The enterprise environment atmosphere refers to the style and mood reflected by the enterprise through the intuitive (here seems to be tangible) and explicit environment. It is shown by the environmental layout, decoration effect, bulletin boards, slogans, clothing, living facilities and cultural facilities of the enterprise's factory, workshops and offices.
Spiritual factors are an important part of corporate culture, which refers to the overall spiritual outlook, ideal pursuit value orientation Including employees' basic attitude towards daily work, ways of communication between employees Satisfaction , employee to enterprise loyalty Etc. Enterprise spirit The atmosphere is an important component of the corporate culture atmosphere.
Enterprise system The atmosphere is the centralized embodiment of the mandatory corporate culture. It refers to the various policies, rules and regulations of the enterprise and the way of implementation. Although it reflects a certain degree of mandatory, in the management process of corporate culture, the degree of mandatory changes with Employee value The idea is gradually strengthened and weakened.
Enterprise environment atmosphere, enterprise spirit atmosphere and enterprise system atmosphere are the three elements of enterprise culture atmosphere. Among these three elements, spirit atmosphere plays a leading role. The other two indirectly strengthen the value concept of employees by influencing people's spirit. They assist the spirit atmosphere. The organic combination and mutual unity of the three elements constitute the cultural atmosphere of the enterprise.


On the basis of actively creating material atmosphere and institutional atmosphere, we should focus on creating a good corporate emotional atmosphere. The enterprise creates a good emotional atmosphere,
First, we should pay attention to employees in terms of ideology and career, such as their political and ideological progress, improvement of their cultural and technical level, and support and help in their work, so that employees can feel the importance and respect of the enterprise, feel that there is a future in their career, and thus promote the emotional integration between superiors and subordinates.
Second, we should make good use of various cultural activities, communicate staff individual The feelings between individuals, between individuals and groups, and between groups, coordinate mutual relations and enhance friendship.
Third, we should care about employees in life, try our best to do practical things for them, solve practical difficulties, and enhance their Sense of belonging
Fourth, emotional investment should be made on various occasions to establish enterprises leader A new relationship of mutual trust and support with employees.
Fifth, through ideological and political work and propaganda Enterprise objectives , democratic management, material and Spiritual encouragement And other measures to strengthen the internal Informal organizations And make it consistent with the enterprise in ideology and emotion.
Sixth, we should create a good learning environment, encourage enterprise members to seek knowledge and make progress, so as to form a strong learning atmosphere within the enterprise.

Functional principles

1. The corporate culture atmosphere has Communication function , producing irrigation effect. No matter what way to create the corporate culture atmosphere, its main content is an important element of corporate culture, which not only has "what", but also interprets a large number of "why", which has produced a good publicity effect.
2. The corporate culture atmosphere has the function of infection and penetration. In the corporate culture atmosphere, there are many emotional factors that can compensate for rational education. For example, fresh typical examples can make people happy to listen after the rendering of cultural atmosphere and humanistic publicity; A variety of artistic performances can make people have emotional resonance. The infiltration effect of atmosphere infection is fresh and vivid, which gives people a happy acceptance of education and fun, and avoids the indifference or rejection caused by many rigid preaching.
3. The corporate culture atmosphere has the leading function and enlightening effect. The orientation of the corporate culture atmosphere is very distinctive. In the corporate culture atmosphere, people can accurately understand what should be advocated and promoted, what should be opposed and avoided, how to do it is right, and what awareness and behavior are wrong. The guidance of the corporate culture atmosphere to the staff is not rigid command, but various inspirations, and can be understood and recognized actively.
4. The corporate cultural atmosphere has a cohesive function and incentive effect. The corporate culture atmosphere is deliberately created by an enterprise as a team. From this team atmosphere, employees can easily develop a sense of responsibility and mission as team members, integrate their life goals with the team vision, and collect their actions under the team banner. The cohesive effect of the team's joint efforts encourages team members to make every effort to achieve the team's goal and vision.
5. The corporate culture atmosphere has the function of dredging and releasing. Effective persuasion, including traditional ways of ideological and political work such as heart to heart talk, talk, narration and explanation, also in the specific corporate culture atmosphere, has freed many accumulated complaints, deep doubts and intertwined knots communicate
6. The corporate culture atmosphere has the function of molding and shaping. The continuous construction of the corporate culture atmosphere makes every employee accept continuous cultivation. Little by little, little by little, gradual and gradual, unknowingly thick, intentionally or unintentionally open-minded. The penetration of publicity and education and the cultivation of cultural atmosphere are perseverance, slow maturing, meticulous creation and tempering over time. In a strong atmosphere, the cultural character of the staff has been perfected due to the "near Zhu".
7. The corporate culture atmosphere has Knowledge dissemination Function, producing training effect. Although the corporate culture atmosphere is not the main channel for knowledge dissemination, it involves all aspects of theoretical knowledge after all. Although it may be a supplement, it is beneficial to master knowledge and can objectively produce training effects.
8. The corporate cultural atmosphere has an aesthetic function and produces a pleasant effect. Any means of pursuing the corporate cultural atmosphere should be pursued Formal beauty And the beauty of content. The process of employees' appreciation of cultural atmosphere is also a multi-dimensional aesthetic process. The beauty of the form and the beauty of the content make the staff happy.
9. The corporate cultural atmosphere has the function of literature and art, and produces entertainment effect. All kinds of artistic performances and exhibitions of works to create atmosphere constitute a beautiful landscape of corporate culture, providing workers with an artistic feast. While receiving the edification of corporate culture, employees are also enjoying literature and art, entertainment and recreation.
With these inherent functions and effects, why is there any doubt about building the corporate culture atmosphere? In addition to the inadequate understanding, publicity and learning of its essential role, to some extent, some units did not really use the carrier of corporate culture atmosphere. Creating a corporate culture atmosphere is a work that involves a wide range of areas, lasts for a long time and has a large business volume. In practice, the following basic principles need to be carefully followed:
First, the theme is clear and concentrated. long-term The construction of corporate culture atmosphere should focus on such elements as flag raising, soul building, shaping and guiding. The theme can be multifaceted, but in a specific activity or in a region, the theme should be concentrated rather than scattered. In order to create the corporate culture atmosphere in each period, we should consider the situation and design a distinctive theme Appeal points More focused.
Second, it is practical. Each coal mine has the common characteristics of the industry, and the strategies, ways and means of creating the corporate culture atmosphere can and should learn from each other. However, each coal mine has its own actual situation, and must proceed from the actual situation of the mine to make the corporate culture atmosphere fully fit its own reality. First, it should be in line with the actual needs of the central work and key work of the enterprise; second, it should be in line with the actual capacity of the enterprise; third, it should be in line with the cultural tradition of the enterprise. Any atmosphere created against the trend is difficult to achieve the desired effect.
Third, clarify the functions of departments. Creating the corporate culture atmosphere is a work of joint management. It is difficult to rely solely on any one department, which requires the concerted efforts of multiple relevant functional departments. The department functions shall be determined according to the actual conditions and practices, and standards, assessments, rewards and punishments shall be provided to ensure the implementation of atmosphere building work.
Fourth, the content is rich and colorful. The cultural atmosphere is a grand view of culture gathered by rich content on the basis of the main tone. The so-called rich, must avoid narrow thin; The so-called colorful, to avoid a single pale. The corporate culture atmosphere has both profound humanistic connotation and management connotation. Only rich and colorful can meet various needs at all levels, enhance attraction and continue vitality.
Fifth, the form is lively. The content of corporate culture atmosphere is rich and colorful, which requires a lively form; The characteristics of the audience of cultural atmosphere determine that its form must be loved by the family members of employees. The form is The carrier of corporate culture And means of appeal. The rigid form is boring, and the boring carrier is boring. As for the evaluation of forms, different people have different opinions, and each has his own preference. The combination of elegance and popularity, and the integration of tradition and modernity are the corporate culture styles that meet the tastes of the staff and family members.
Sixth, broad participation of the masses. The corporate cultural atmosphere is not only an activity with the majority of staff and workers' families as the object audience, but also relies on the broad participation of the staff and workers as the main body self-education Activities. Therefore, the staff and workers are both creators and receivers. Without the broad participation of the masses, they will lose their mass base, power sources and actors. The process of workers' participation is the process of building the corporate cultural atmosphere, and also the process of atmosphere education playing a role and producing effects.
Seventh, focus on practical results. The direction of building an enterprise culture atmosphere is very clear, that is, to serve the promotion of enterprise culture, so we must take practical work and practical results as the basic starting point and foothold, and take the practical effect as the test standard. We are firmly opposed to show off in the form of formality and graphics, and to the bustle regardless of the effect. The practice of ignoring or belittling the effect often wastes people's money and seriously damages the image and reputation of corporate culture.
Eighth, innovate and improve constantly. Keep pace with the times and change with the times. The content and form of atmosphere creation need continuous innovation and improvement. The innovation of form is the decisive factor for the success of atmosphere creation. The old form weakens the enthusiasm of acceptance due to the lack of freshness. As time goes by, the demand for updating the content of corporate culture is generally faster than the speed of form change, and content innovation is also a hard task that must be completed. In a sense, innovation is the vitality of the cultural atmosphere.