Corporate culture construction

The shaping process of corporate culture concept
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corporate culture Construction refers to the process of forming, shaping and spreading the concepts related to corporate culture, which should be highlighted in the word "construction". It is forbidden to attach importance to slogans rather than implementation; Pay more attention to publicity than execution. The construction of enterprise culture is based on Planning Communication is a kind of concept planning and communication culture-free
Chinese name
Corporate culture construction
Foreign name
enterprise cultural construction
people oriented


1. Corporate culture is formed in the process of long-term production, operation, construction and development of an enterprise Management thought , management mode management theory Group consciousness And the sum of the corresponding thinking mode and behavior norms. It is advocated by the enterprise leadership and abided by by all levels Cultural tradition And a set of constantly innovative behavior, which is reflected in Corporate Values management idea and Code of conduct , permeate all fields and all time and space of the enterprise. Its core content is the cultivation of enterprise values, enterprise spirit and enterprise management philosophy, and the improvement of the ideological and moral outlook of enterprise staff. Through the construction and implementation of enterprise culture Humanistic quality To be optimized, in the final analysis, is to promote Enterprise competitiveness To promote Economic benefits of enterprises Growth.
2. Corporate culture has an impact on the formation of internal cohesion and external compete More and more people attach importance to the positive role of force. The essence of enterprise competition is the competition of enterprise culture. face Global economic integration Enterprises should seize the opportunity to do a good job in the construction of corporate culture, proceed from reality and formulate corresponding Action planning And implementation steps, modestly learn the experience of excellent corporate culture, and strive to develop and innovate.
3. The construction of enterprise culture is a systematic project and an indispensable competitive magic weapon for the development of modern enterprises. An enterprise without enterprise culture has no future, and an enterprise without faith has no hope. In this sense, the construction of enterprise culture is not only the enterprise's market economy The internal need of survival and development under the conditions is also an important aspect of realizing management modernization. Therefore, we should set out from the reality of establishing modern enterprise development, establish a scientific outlook on development, pay attention to the way of management, and cultivate Enterprise spirit , shape the corporate image, optimize the internal and external environment of the enterprise, make every effort to create a unique corporate culture, and provide power and guarantee for the rapid development of the enterprise.


1. The corporate culture is Enterprise core competitiveness The key to.
Corporate culture, with distinctive personality and characteristics of the times, is the soul of an enterprise. It is the key to the core competitiveness of an enterprise Enterprise development The driving force of. Mao Zedong has long said that an army without culture is a stupid army, and a stupid army cannot defeat the enemy. The same is true of enterprises. Enterprises without culture are stupid enterprises, and stupid enterprises cannot win in the competition.
Corporate culture is the competitiveness of the enterprise tomorrow. To further promote the development of the enterprise and truly become a first-class enterprise, it is necessary to rely on the powerful driving force of corporate culture. Throughout the world, successful enterprises must be supported by advanced corporate culture, without outstanding corporate values, corporate spirit and Corporate philosophy Faith, no matter how brilliant Business objectives It cannot be realized. In contrast, some famous enterprises in the world suffered setbacks and even went bankrupt. Most of the problems were in the corporate culture. Either they did not establish an advanced corporate culture or they deviated from the values of the enterprise and went wrong. Facing the world integration process Under the accelerated situation, enterprises urgently need to improve their internal cohesion and external competitiveness in order to seek development in the new situation. In order to achieve this goal, enterprises must carry out systematic change, and the core of the change is to give full play to the power of corporate culture and improve the competitive power And make the enterprise in an invincible position.
2. The corporate culture can enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, and encourage employees to develop, innovate and make contributions.
The excellent corporate culture provides employees with spiritual food that is healthy, uplifting, emotional, and joyful, and can create harmonious interpersonal relationships and noble cultural environment Various kinds of enterprises Cultural and recreational activities With the development of, the spare time life of employees has been activated, and the solidarity, friendship, communication and cooperation between employees have been strengthened Team awareness Corporate excitation mechanism From material, honor and individual values The staff are encouraged from three aspects, which inspire their confidence and fighting spirit to make progress, blaze new trails and make contributions; All kinds of learning and training enable employees to enrich their knowledge and increase their talents, so that they can better realize their personal value in the enterprise. Employees work and live in an environment with a good corporate culture, do their best in their own posts, and make progress actively, so as to form a positive, popular, enterprising and lively situation. An enterprise with such a high-quality staff team can adapt to the ever-changing new economic situation So that the enterprise can develop and grow.
3. Corporate culture plays an internal role in restricting employees
"Enterprise is human" enterprise culture is the culture of enterprise people, which belongs to the ideological category Human value Concept, this value concept and ideology and morality belong to the same category. The corporate culture is social morality They are both internal values and internal constraints, that is, people's self-discipline in ideology, so they are a supplement to external constraints. The operation of an enterprise depends first on the enterprise system, but the system always lags behind the development of the enterprise. There are always places that need to be improved, and sometimes there are times of failure. So once the enterprise system fails, what can we rely on to restrain people's behavior? This needs to be constrained by corporate culture and corporate values, so that employees will make fewer or no mistakes. To a certain extent, corporate culture exerts a subtle influence on the thinking model And behavior mode, guide and guide employees to maintain a healthy attitude, pursue spiritual prosperity, cultivate integrity, prevent corruption, uphold integrity, and be upright.
In fact, it is also true that once an enterprise develops and grows, it sometimes seems powerless to manage the enterprise by power and system alone. This requires a force other than that to help manage the enterprise and guide or restrict the behavior of employees. This force should not be forced by power, nor deterred by authority, nor lured by material things. It should be able to communicate with employees spiritually Communication and guidance are consistent with employees' thoughts, so that employees can consciously restrain their own behavior from derailment at all times and everywhere. This magic power is enterprise culture.
4. Corporate culture can promote Economic benefits of enterprises Promotion of
Enterprise culture as an advanced form management functions Its final performance should be reflected in the operating performance On. After 11 years of hard research, American scholars John Kotter and James Heskett summarized more than 200 Enterprise performance Finally, we focus on the corporate culture and business relations of 10 typical companies, which proves that corporate culture is a key factor for enterprises Operating benefits Has been greatly improved Facilitation
with Matsushita Electric Corporation For example: Panasonic has more than 200000 employees, 14000 kinds of products and more than 130 factories countries and regions , which turnover Since the war, it has increased by more than 4000 times. The success of the enterprise is due to the perfect corporate culture. It is highlighted in three aspects: first, at 8 o'clock every morning, all employees of the company recite the company's "program, creed, seven spirits" and sing company songs together. Just like a Senior management As said, Panasonic seems to integrate all our employees and strengthen the enterprise Sense of mission Second, under the premise of overall corporate culture cultivation, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of people. Konosuke Matsushita There is a famous saying: Panasonic is a place for manufacturing talents, and also manufacturing electrical products. In other words, if we do not train talents, we cannot have a successful career. Large scale personnel training ensures Panasonic Our new products continue to flow all over the world. The foresight of Matsushita Konosuke is the embodiment of modern corporate culture, which provides opportunities for employees to develop and retain talents Humanism The application in business also conforms to the values of modern people. The work of employees not only means getting wages, but also hopes that the work can show the value of the workers themselves, show social differences, and keep pace with the times. Third, pay attention to the construction of a profitable and rich corporate culture to make employees feel fresh, which makes it easier for employees to consciously accept the company's culture. At the end of each year, the company mobilizes employees from top to bottom to put forward the slogan for the next year, and then gathers them together, which is selected by the slogan committee of the company's publicity department and reported to the general manager for approval and publication. The company has a general slogan, and each business division and branch factory has their own unique slogan. Once the slogan is put forward, the whole company will act under it, and the slogan itself reflects the company's values. To work according to this slogan, with the concerted efforts and support of all employees, the enterprise will naturally prosper. It can be said that it is the close combination of enterprise culture and enterprise operation that drives the enterprise to success.

Construction principle


people oriented

Culture should be carried by people, and people are the first element in the generation and carrying of culture. People in enterprise culture not only refer to entrepreneurs and managers, but also all employees of the enterprise. In the construction of enterprise culture, we should emphasize caring, respecting, understanding and trusting people. enterprise Group awareness First of all, if all members of the enterprise have the same values and the same goals, they can form centripetal force and become a whole with combat effectiveness.

make one 's appearance tally with one 's inner mind

Corporate culture belongs to the category of ideology, but it is also manifested through the behavior and external forms of enterprises or employees, which is easy to form a phenomenon of inconsistency between the table and the inside. The construction of enterprise culture must first start with the ideological concept of employees, establish correct values and Philosophical thought On this basis, the enterprise spirit and image should be formed to prevent formalism and inconsistency between words and deeds. Formalism not only fails to build a good corporate culture, but also distorts the concept of corporate culture.

Focus on personality

Personality is an important feature of corporate culture. Culture was originally formed in the historical process of its own organizational development. Every enterprise has its own historical tradition and operating characteristics. The construction of enterprise culture should make full use of this to build a culture with its own characteristics. Only when an enterprise has its own characteristics and is recognized by customers can it be unique in the enterprise forest and have competitive advantages.

Pay attention to economy

The enterprise is a economic organization , corporate culture is a Microeconomy organizational culture , should be economical. so-called Economy Means that the corporate culture must be economic activity Service should be conducive to improving the productivity and economic efficiency of enterprises, and to the survival and development of enterprises. Although there is no "economy" involved in the contents of corporate culture discussed above, the ultimate goal of building and implementing these contents will not leave the enterprise Economic objectives And seek the survival and development of the enterprise. Therefore, the construction of corporate culture is actually an enterprise Strategic issues , said Cultural strategy

Inherit tradition

Marxism believes that "people create their own history, but they do not create at will, but under the conditions that they directly encounter and inherit from the past."(《 Selected Works of Marx and Engels 》Volume 1, page 603) The same is true of the construction of Chinese corporate culture, which should be traditional culture Otherwise, the enterprise culture will lose its foundation of existence and vitality. Value added development is to learn from traditional culture, discard its dross and select its essence. In Chinese traditional culture People oriented thought The ideas of equality and pragmatism are worthy of value-added development. China's people-oriented thought has been quite strong since ancient times, and to a certain extent, it restricts autocratic behavior. Socialist enterprise In China, workers are the masters of the enterprise, so the construction of enterprise culture should naturally take the people-oriented thought as an important ideological source, and through the development and utilization of this thought, the workers and staff should have a strong sense of ownership and consciously participate in the democratic management of the enterprise. Chinese nation Adhering to the equality of people and believing that "all people are Yao and Shun" is the ideological basis of the past Chinese revolution. The value-added development of this idea and its application to the cultural construction of modern enterprises will provide equal competition opportunities for enterprise employees, and help to advocate distribution according to work and equal pay for equal work operating mechanism The pragmatic spirit requires people to seek truth from facts, be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, work hard and make progress. If this can be carried forward, the enterprise spirit of hard work and innovation will be formed. Daqing "Three old and four strict"“ the iron man spirit ”That's it National spirit Results of value-added development.

Actual operation

Rousseau in《 Social contract theory 》Culture: "Culture is customs, habits, especially public opinion". "Corporate culture is a set of values shared by all team members and passed on to new members Shared vision , mission and Mode of thinking It represents a widely accepted way of thinking Morality and Code of Conduct ”。 To build an enterprise culture is actually to re-examine the value system followed by the enterprise, and re-establish a set of values, ways of thinking and codes of conduct that can be shared and inherited according to the long-term development strategy, and can promote and maintain the normal operation and rapid development of the enterprise.

Corporate philosophy

Practical Manual of Corporate Culture Construction
To effectively establish the enterprise value system, the first step is to Proceed from reality From the enterprise's own position, environment, industry development prospects and its Operation to start. Through a lot of boring but necessary research and analysis. Combine the entrepreneur's own consideration of enterprise development. Confirm the vision of the enterprise from the numerous possibilities of its development. According to the values that must be followed in the development of enterprises, establish a value system that enterprises generally recognize and reflect their own personality characteristics, and can promote and maintain the normal operation and rapid development of enterprises. especially Enterprise strategic objectives And business philosophy must be social environment And how time changes, can be established.
such as Motorola What is most appreciated about the business strategy in the value system is its consistency in the 45 year history: Technical products We are invincible on the basis of leadership ". In the course of decades, the performance of pursuing the leading position is summarized as three obvious and related modes:
(1) Continuously develop new products and markets;
(2) Continuously strengthen, expand and update the existing product production line to develop ready market
(3) Continuous efforts and continuous improvement Product quality Shorten product cycle time;
These three modes ensure that Motorola has maintained its leading position in the field of communication in the half century of changing environment and time.
McDonald's Crocker, the founder of the company, set up the four tenets of McDonald's operation in the early days of its establishment, that is, to provide customers with high-quality products, fast, accurate and friendly services, clean and elegant environment and achieve value for money. It means "quality, service, cleanness and value". McDonald's has adhered to its principles for decades and has consistently implemented them in every job and employee behavior. It has finally become the world's largest fast-food franchise enterprise with more than 70000 branches in more than 100 countries.

Behavioral culture

We have formulated a new enterprise concept, which is not formalized, but stays at the level of slogans and slogans. We need to implement it and guide employees' pursuit of ideals. How to guide and standardize the thought and behavior of enterprise employees. We need to focus on the following aspects:
(1) Rules and regulations: The most important thing for the implementation of corporate philosophy should be reflected in the rules and regulations of the enterprise, so that the behavior of employees can reflect the requirements of corporate philosophy. as Code of Conduct of Employees , public relations norms, service behavior norms Crisis management Norms, interpersonal relationship norms, etc.
(2) Work and decision-making: The enterprise philosophy must be reflected in the daily work and decision-making of the enterprise. The enterprise leaders should set an example to enable employees to effectively follow.
(3) Ceremonies and ceremonies: indispensable Ceremonies and ceremonies It can effectively promote the enterprise concept and implement it in all aspects. Such as various conferences, exhibitions, celebrations and internal and external festivals of the enterprise.
(4) Model and hero: in order to implement and carry out the enterprise concept, it is necessary to have all departments and Employee learning Setting an example or outstanding person can make all employees feel the real impact.
(5) Route of transmission Education and training: In order to effectively spread the corporate philosophy, share the value system, and enable employees to participate in the corporate culture, it is necessary to establish smooth and diversified channels. Such as internal networks, newspapers, forums Propaganda position And use these channels to educate and train employees regularly.
The planning of behavior should be attached to the overall goal, and the knowledge and skills of relevant disciplines should be comprehensively used to give overall planning. Focus on Long term Highly operable, meticulous, standardized and even dogmatic Enterprise code of conduct Can be effectively implemented, and can be truly standardized and clearly reflect the corporate philosophy over time.

Visual image

In the 21st century, more and more companies around the world use new visual image systems. In China, enterprises that change their image recognition systems are also emerging in endlessly. Some of the reasons are due to the splitting of enterprises such as China Netcom China Telecom Some are due to enterprise strategy or Business direction In order to adapt to the new corporate strategy, the company interprets the new business philosophy with subtle visual language, so as to produce the largest visual impact Such as Lenovo, Fukuda, etc. It was once thought that enterprises were following the trend. However, many brands of current Chinese enterprises have high quality and service, but the corporate image, especially the logo, does not match their own position, corporate strategic style, and has no visual impact. Therefore, it is urgent for Chinese enterprises to establish a scientific international corporate image system.
Psychological research It shows that a person is accepting External information Visual acceptance information accounts for all information content 83% and 11% of the information comes from hearing, so we believe that Communication process Medium, Visual image It is attached to the corporate philosophy, but it is widely spread by it. It is an important carrier of corporate culture and philosophy. Therefore, Chinese enterprises must clearly understand the importance of visual image, give the society a strong visual impact with artistic, international, simple and readable design, and establish the corporate image.
stay Corporate image design The most important thing is Enterprise logo Standard word Standard color ,, and mascots. As long as the four elements are determined, the other Application design It will be easy.
The basic element design shall follow the following principles:
1. Be able to act as the symbol of the company's philosophy and spirit;
2. It can be used for a long time and adapt to the company's vision;
3. Whether it is easy to identify and has artistic beauty;
4. Whether it is different from other industries;
5. Whether there is similar;
6. Whether the feeling will change when zooming in, zooming out, and changing black and white yin and yang;
When designing, we should first consider the industry attributes, integrate the business characteristics and objectives, and reflect the enterprise spirit. Secondly, we should refer to a large number of design trends in the design industry at home and abroad as a design reference. Thirdly, we should conduct a visual preference survey based on objective data. After synthesizing various information, first make a large number of sketches from the breadth level, and select 6-7 directional The sketch is further developed, and then 3-4 kinds of expansion plans are selected for preference test, and finally the basic elements of the corporate image with artistic beauty are determined.
After the basic elements are determined, we can Enterprise demand , planning and designing the application system. The application system generally includes the following parts:
1、 Guide system (outdoor and indoor);
Including: welcome sign Enterprise sign , Guide Watertag Enterprise as a whole plan , Architecture indicator Road driving indication, door plate, etc.
2. Outdoor display, advertising and publicity system;
Including: neon lights, light boxes, light poles Sabre flag , reading column, car body display, large billboards, flags, posters, newspapers, etc.
3. Office supplies system;
Including: domestic and foreign envelopes Stationery Fax paper Note , format file file pocket folder , Notebook employee's card Etc.
4. Clothing and identification system;
Including: store unified image recognition, product packaging, staff uniforms coverall Breastplate Etc.
5. Gift system;
Including: corporate image gifts, gifts reticule T-shirt Desk calendar , wall calendar, etc.

Three practical steps

combination Haier Experience, detailed discussion of the "diagnosis, design, strengthening" three-step guide.
Diagnosis of corporate culture
The method and principle of diagnosis is to gather the cadres above the middle level of the enterprise, read out the group's ideas sentence by sentence, and ask everyone to say or write out the people and events that can represent the idea after hearing the idea. If most people can associate with the representative figures or events, and the events are relatively concentrated, it means that the corporate culture has been recognized by everyone; But if most people can't say or write Representativeness The characters or events of Corporate philosophy Without the recognition of employees, let alone the role of guiding employees' behavior.
Another diagnostic method It is to analyze the characteristics of the enterprise culture within the scope of all employees, and give the basic information according to the characteristics Enterprise positioning There are mainly three types: pathological laxity, passive defense and active construction.
Sick laxity characteristics: common Corporate Values defect; Employees don't care Enterprise growth The pioneering spirit is suppressed; Leadership image No infectivity; The enterprise departments and members cannot communicate well.
Passive defensive characteristics: play cards according to the routine, and the pace is relatively uniform; Lack of innovation awareness; Satisfied with the present achievements; Employees have strong dependence on the enterprise; Strain capacity Weak; Each department shirks responsibility from each other.
The characteristics of active construction: having clear and innovative values; Employees have a strong sense of self realization; Enterprise leaders are good at pioneering and enterprising; The internal and external relations of the enterprise are smooth; intense Sense of crisis and risk awareness Be energetic and encourage personal opinions.
Refinement and design of corporate culture
Step 1: First, let the enterprise find 10 people who have participated in the whole process from entrepreneurship to development, and let each of them tell three stories.
Step 2: sort out the stories with the highest repetition rate, and conduct preliminary processing to form a complete story;
Step 3: Find ten employees who have just come to the enterprise for about a year, preferably college and technical secondary school students, and tell them the sorted stories.
Step 4: Close experts and relevant enterprise leaders together, study and process the recorded content, and extract from it Usage The highest word representing the spirit of the story. After processing, these words are Enterprise spirit Or corporate philosophy;
Step 5: Re adapt the story according to the extracted core words that reflect the spirit or idea, conduct literary creation on the premise of respecting history, and write the enterprise's own stories that focus on reflecting the core words.
Strengthening and training of enterprise culture
First, conduct corporate culture training for all employees.
Secondly, establish and cultivate Typical characters
Again, to Corporate culture concept Guided by values, develop management system

Construction method

1、 Morning meeting , evening meeting, summary meeting
It is to spend a number of time to preach the company before going to work and after work every day sense of worth Read. The summary meeting is held monthly, quarterly, and annually by the department and the whole company Regular meetings These meetings should be fixed and become part of the company's system and corporate culture.
2. Summary of thoughts
The thought summary is to regularly ask employees to compare their own behavior according to the content of the corporate culture, to self judge whether they have met the requirements of the enterprise and how to improve.
3. Post publicity Slogan of corporate culture
The core concepts of corporate culture are written as slogans and posted in prominent positions of the enterprise.
4. Establish advanced models
It sets up a kind of visual behavior standard and concept sign for employees, and through typical employees, it can visually and concretely understand "what is active in work", "what is active in work", "what is professionalism", "what is cost concept", and "what is high efficiency", so as to improve employees' behavior. These behaviors mentioned above are difficult to describe quantitatively, and only specific images can make employees fully understand them.
Timely policies, ideas Cultural publicity The CEO of Mili Culture, an expert in enterprise website construction, pointed out that looking for professional website construction companies related to enterprise culture would be more consistent with and closer to the company's corporate culture.
6. Authoritative preaching
It is a good way to build enterprise culture to introduce external authority for propaganda.
7. Visit and study outside
Going out to visit and study is also a good way to build corporate culture, which undoubtedly implies to the staff: Enterprise management authority The requirements put forward to employees are reasonable, because others have already done this, but we haven't done it because we haven't worked hard enough. We should improve our work and learn from others.
8. Story
Stories about the enterprise circulate inside the enterprise, which will play a role in the construction of enterprise culture.
9. Enterprise entrepreneurship and development history showroom
Display everything and Enterprise development Related items.
10. Cultural and sports activities
Recreational and sports activities refer to singing, dancing, sports competitions National Day evening party New Year's party In these activities, the values of corporate culture can be permeated.
11. Introduce new people and new culture
The introduction of new employees will inevitably bring some new culture, new culture and old cultural fusion It forms another new culture.
12. Carry out mutual evaluation activities
The mutual evaluation activity is for employees to evaluate colleagues in public against the requirements of corporate culture working condition They also evaluate how they are doing in public, and their colleagues evaluate how they are doing. Through the mutual evaluation movement, they put forward contradictions, eliminate differences, correct shortcomings, carry forward advantages, distinguish right from wrong, so as to achieve the optimization of working conditions.
13. Leaders' role model
In the process of corporate culture formation, leaders' role models have a great impact.
14. Establishment of enterprise newspapers
Corporate newspapers and periodicals are an important part of corporate culture construction and an important carrier of corporate culture. The enterprise newspaper is a window to publicize the enterprise to all the public and customers related to the enterprise inside and outside the enterprise.
15. Corporate culture training
Corporate culture training is a very important link in the process of corporate culture construction, which can help all employees to understand Corporate strategy , goals, more systematic and effective implementation of corporate culture.

Construction ideas


Unit 1

Put down your posture, experience, empty cup and new economic performance meet Enterprise transformation There is less problem proving and more problem solving in the enterprise. Employees should be more tolerant, less contentious, more accepting and less friction. Go into the system and easily accomplish your career.

Unit 2

Break through the psychological misunderstanding of the team, adapt to the changing environment, and follow the rules and system bottom line. No complaint, no blame, consistent goals, let the team go beyond. The goal is clear and the culture is unified. Dare to take and pay, and learn to be responsible. transpositional consideration So that they can better understand the leadership and support the development of the enterprise.

Unit 3

Change is a normal state. Create a positive language atmosphere and dare to act to get results. Only a strong heart can be truly strong. Backwardness will always be beaten. The strong always want to change and grow. The courses help trainees understand the connotation of responsibility and establish their own conscientiousness Take responsibility Start from yourself, take better responsibility for work, and establish commitment, responsibility and commitment among teams; Understand the empathy between superiors and subordinates, so that they can better understand the leadership, know how to pay, and support the change and development of the enterprise.

Unit 4

Information Asymmetry , resulting in Decision deviation , inside the enterprise Poor implementation The communication between employees and managers is often to let the trained employees understand and establish the idea of loving the enterprise as their own home, and loving their partners as their own relatives, and understand how to start from themselves to make the enterprise full of love and warmth.

Unit 5

Thanks come from the heart, thanks to the parents' upbringing, thanks to the enterprise's weather, thanks to the colleagues' progress together, thanks to the customers' Collaborative development Love is the root and the driving force of enterprise development; Experience love, responsibility and dedication. To achieve not only filial piety, but also filial piety.

Unit 6

To be tolerant of others and treat the team with broad-minded and fraternity, the world is beautiful and active acceptance is the realm. Taking the initiative to open your heart is to broaden your stage. Help trainees to recognize the strength of the enterprise and the strength of the team in reviewing the past growth of the enterprise, so as to build and enhance their confidence in the future development of the enterprise enterprise

Strengthen cultural construction

1、 Raising awareness is an important prerequisite for building enterprise culture
2、 Strengthening learning is an important way to build enterprise culture
3、 Strengthening target education is an important means of building enterprise culture
4、 Prominent Humanistic management Is an important way to build enterprise culture
5、 Shaping enterprise values is an important part of building enterprise culture

Role of cultural construction

A successful corporate culture has a certain attraction to the outside world and a certain cohesion to the inside. In general, an excellent corporate culture should have the following six characteristics:
1、 Values that can be widely recognized by employees.
The real culture is that employees agree with the corporate culture. In the actual business management, many business owners or principals have to implement what they do not agree with.
2、 Be able to practice and verify successfully under the guidance of values.
There is an enterprise whose values are as follows: being a real person and doing things conscientiously. But in this enterprise and employees do it completely changed. Enterprises often do not pay wages on time and do not honor their promises to employees, so the boss fools employees. Employees cheat the boss and customers. Their practices are quite different from their "being a real person and doing things conscientiously".
3、 Make enterprise employees produce Sense of mission And make the enterprise produce positive factors.
Excellent corporate culture can not only make employees have a sense of mission and responsibility, but also encourage them to work actively and make them look forward to the future. On the contrary, it will make employees negative, pessimistic and even suicidal. Like recently Foxconn This is proved by the company's successive jumping events. There are three main reasons for Foxconn employees to jump: first, personal workplace Low EQ Second, the pressure of social competition is great; Third, there are problems in enterprise management, which is the most direct and main reason, that is, Foxconn's corporate culture construction is not in place. This has led to some employees' negative world weariness psychology and behavior.
4、 It is simple and convincing.
The core idea of corporate culture must be simple and clear. We can look at the famous corporate culture at home and abroad, and can simplify a sentence or a word, such as Haier's integrity culture - sincerity forever, Philips We have been working hard.
5、 It can enable enterprises to produce non replicable competitiveness.
In fact, the corporate culture has gone beyond the scope of management, which is essentially a kind of non replicable Competitive culture The competition of modern enterprises, in the final analysis, is the competition of enterprise culture, or in other words Brand culture Competition. Excellent corporate culture is the most powerful competitive weapon of an enterprise, and it cannot be copied.
6、 It can make employees have deep feelings for the enterprise.
Corporate culture can not only improve employees' sense of ownership and noble sentiments, but also enable employees to have deep feelings for the enterprise. Wherever employees go, they are always full of nostalgia for the plants and trees of the enterprise, and there is always a kind of Cordiality

basic content

The content of enterprise culture construction mainly includes four levels of culture: material level, behavior level, system level and spirit level. Learning organization The shaping of enterprise culture is the purpose and goal of enterprise culture construction, which constitutes an important part of enterprise culture construction.

material culture

It is a culture of artifacts composed of products and various materials and facilities Material form Expressive Surface culture
The products and services produced by the enterprise are Production and operation The results of material culture The first content of. Secondary enterprises production environment , enterprise appearance, enterprise building Corporate advertising Product packaging And design Enterprise material culture Important content of.

Behavioral culture

Behavioral culture refers to the activity culture generated by employees in production, operation, learning and entertainment activities. finger enterprise operation , education publicity interpersonal relationship Activities and entertainment Sports activities Generated in Cultural phenomenon include enterprise behavior Specifications Corporate interpersonal relationship Specifications and public relations Specification of. Enterprise behavior includes behavior between enterprises, between enterprises and customers, between enterprises and governments, and between enterprises and society.
1. The norm of enterprise behavior refers to the enterprise's social responsibility , protecting the interests of consumers, etc Code of conduct The norms of enterprise behavior are from structure of personnel It is divided into entrepreneur's behavior and enterprise Model Character Behavior And employee behavior.
2. Corporate interpersonal relationships are divided into Internal relations And external relations Two parts. External relations mainly refer to the different social stratum market environment State organs Cultural communication Institutions, competent authorities, consumers, distributors, shareholders, financial institutions, peers competitor And other aspects.
3. Corporate public relations planning and standardization.
4. Service code of conduct: refers to that enterprises are providing customers with Service process The code of conduct formed in. yes Enterprise services Quality of work Important guarantee of.

Institutional culture

Mainly including Enterprise leadership system Enterprise organization And enterprise management system.   Enterprise system culture It is a culture in which an enterprise restricts the behavior of its employees in order to achieve its own goals. It has commonness and strong requirements for behavioral norms. It regulates everyone in the enterprise. Enterprise process operation flow, factory discipline and regulations Economic responsibility system , assessment, reward and punishment are all contents of enterprise system culture.
1. The enterprise leadership system is the enterprise Leadership style Leadership structure The general term of leadership system.
2、 Enterprise organization structure It is for enterprises to effectively realize Enterprise objectives The internal components and their relationships of the planned enterprise. The choice of enterprise organizational structure matches the orientation of enterprise culture.
3. The management system is that the enterprise, in order to obtain the maximum benefit Production management Various provisions or regulations with mandatory obligations and guaranteeing certain rights formulated in practical activities, including personnel system , production management system, democratic management system, etc Rules and regulations
The institutional culture of the enterprise is Behavioral culture Guarantee of implementation.

Core culture

It refers to the fact that during the production and operation of an enterprise social culture Background ideology A kind of spiritual achievement and Cultural concept Including enterprise spirit and enterprise Business Philosophy Corporate ethics , Enterprise sense of worth The contents such as concept, enterprise style, etc. are Enterprise ideology The sum of.
1. The enterprise spirit of "participation, dedication and cooperation" is Modern consciousness And Enterprise personality A combination of Group consciousness Is an enterprise Business purpose , Values Enterprise creed It forms the cornerstone of corporate culture. Usually through factory songs Factory emblem , factory training, factory regulations, etc.
2. "Market oriented" business philosophy: refers to the business process of enterprises Medium lift World outlook and Methodology It is an ideological and cultural phenomenon formed by enterprises in dealing with the relationship between people and things. And national culture , specific period Social production , specific economic form , Country economic system And corporate culture background.
3. The enterprise values of "people first" are the basic beliefs and goals that the enterprise advocates in the process of pursuing business success. Reflected in handling shareholders, employees, customers, the public, etc Interest groups Including profit values, operation Management Values And social values of mutual benefit.

primary objective

1. Determine MI( Concept identification ), including:
(1) Determine the values of all employees. Enterprise values are the core of enterprise culture, which determine the lifeblood of enterprises and relate to the rise and fall of enterprises. Modern enterprises should not only realize Material value , and Cultural values We should fully understand that enterprise competition is not only economic competition, but also human competition, cultural competition, and ethical wisdom competition. The ultimate goal of the enterprise is to serve the society and realize social value Maximize.
(2) Establish enterprise spirit. Cultivating the enterprise spirit with personality is the core of strengthening the construction of enterprise culture. Cultivating the enterprise spirit with distinctive personality and rich connotation and maximizing the internal potential of employees is the primary task and main content of enterprise culture. Enterprise spirit refers to the long-term Production and operation activities The ideological achievements and Spiritual power It must be unique and distinctive Management ideology And personality style, reflecting the belief and pursuit of the enterprise, and a spirit advocated by the enterprise. To cultivate enterprise spirit, we should follow the trend of the times progressiveness , incentive Benefit And other principles should not only reflect Enterprise essence It should also reflect the characteristics of the industry and the unit, and reflect the management idea
(3) Establish the Enterprise purpose It is the main purpose and fundamental pursuit of the enterprise's survival and development, and it reflects the enterprise values with the goal, purpose and direction of enterprise development. Corporate ethics It is an ethical criterion for judging things based on the production and operation practice of enterprises and the understanding of society and life. enterprise style It is the attitude and behavior of all cadres and workers in the enterprise in terms of ideology, work and life, reflecting the overall quality and external image of the enterprise.
2. Establish VI( Visual recognition ), unified identification, clothing Product brand , packaging, etc., implement supporting management. In the development of the enterprise, we should continue to improve with a pragmatic attitude Corporate visual identity Each element shall be improved - denied - improved - determined. contain Enterprise ID , flags Advertising language , clothing, letterhead, badges, printed matter, etc. In this way, we can standardize the staff's etiquette and spirit, and establish the enterprise's height in the society trust And good reputation.
3. Establish BI (Behavior recognition), mainly reflected in two aspects, one is the propaganda, education and training of employees within the enterprise; On the other hand, foreign business social responsibility And so on. It is necessary to carry out a series of activities to integrate the business philosophy established by the enterprise into the practice of the enterprise and guide the behavior of the enterprise and employees.
4. People oriented, establish a lean and efficient team image, and create Spiritual culture. The essence of enterprise culture is "human culture". Human is the most active factor in productivity, and human is the foundation of enterprise, staff and workers of enterprise As the main body of the enterprise, the construction of enterprise culture must be based on the improvement of people's quality, focus on people, and achieve the goal of cohering people's minds and establishing Common ideal , standardized actions are well formed Behavioral habits The purpose of creating image and expanding social popularity. To this end, we should establish Learning organization Do a good job in science Cultural knowledge And specialty Skill training Cultivate outstanding business managers and drive the construction of corporate culture; Do a good job in ideological and political work and other related work.
5. Both inside and outside, shaping Superior quality product lines , creating material culture The construction of enterprise culture should be unified with the shaping of enterprise image, realize technological innovation, and achieve mass character Reasonable suggestions The activity is persistent to make it have unique technical characteristics and Product features To create a brand, we should educate our staff to cherish the brand reputation of the enterprise as well as their own eyes, so that the products and quality of the enterprise can be known, played hard, and take the lead in the society, and show the essence of the enterprise. To achieve the business philosophy and management strategy Unification of; To ensure that all employees' behaviors and Enterprise activities Standardization and coordination; Be visual information transfer In order to promote Sustainable development of enterprises Lay a solid foundation.
6、 Objective incentive , create a strict and harmonious management image, and create a system culture. The relationship between enterprise management and culture is the lifeline of enterprise development, and strategy, structure and system are rigid management; Skills, personnel, style and goal are soft management. Strengthen management We should stick to putting people at the center of the enterprise, respect people, understand people, care about people and love people in management, establish the position of workers as masters, and make them actively participate in enterprise management to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations. To strengthen management, we should do a good job with modern enterprise system The organic combination of management innovation, market development and quality service. It needs to be revised and improved professional ethics Rules, strengthening discipline restraint mechanisms , enabling enterprises to Rules and regulations Become the conscious behavior of cadres and workers. Promote team spirit and maintain good interpersonal relationship , Enhanced team cohesiveness And effectively play a team role.
7. Allegory teaching Yu Wen, creating beautiful and tidy Environmental image , creating Behavioral culture People transform the environment, and the environment also transforms people. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze the development of enterprise culture environmental factor , making tangible and intangible Favorable factors It becomes the power source of enterprise culture construction. Take strengthening measures to achieve greening, purification and beautification at the same time, divide areas, define responsibilities, and Governance and rectification And maintain a healthy environment for a long time. Various recreational and sports activities should be carried out to institutionalize large-scale activities, namely: Sports activities Fun sports )Conferences, corporate culture and art festivals, etc; Small events Regularization , that is, to enrich employees by means of factory celebrations, recreational and sports activities, etc cultural life , giving life to various activities, strengthening Visual effect

Related issues

Handle well corporate culture And ideological and political work. Ideological and political work and enterprise culture construction are Organic combination There are both connections and differences; They can promote each other, complement each other, and cannot replace each other. A correct understanding of the relationship between enterprise culture and ideological and political work plays an important role in strengthening the construction of enterprise spiritual civilization and promoting the reform and development of enterprises. The construction of enterprise culture will create a new situation of ideological and political work and better serve Production and operation The service provides the conditions, while Ideological and political work in enterprises The reform and strengthening of the enterprise culture will also play a huge role in promoting the construction of enterprise culture. We should promote Human's all-round development ”With the theme of emancipating people's minds and changing people's concepts, we should deal with the relationship between falsehood and reality, speaking and doing, spirit and interests in carrying out ideological and political work, give play to the pertinence, scientificity and effectiveness of ideological and political work Enterprise development Provide a good ideological basis and stable situation.
Strengthen the cultivation of business managers, so as to drive the construction of enterprise culture. Corporate culture construction is related to the overall survival and development of enterprises entirety For long-term and comprehensive work, enterprise managers, especially key leaders, play a very important role. As an important business manager in an enterprise, he should not only be the designer and advocate of enterprise culture organizer It should also be a model practitioner and a direct embodiment of corporate culture. Leaders should take the lead in setting an example, and provide a visible image of excellent corporate culture with their own good behavior. At the same time, enterprise leaders are particularly required to use their own new ideas New ideas , new thinking, new value orientation To advocate and configure corporate culture.
Emphasize the methods and ways of enterprise culture construction. Corporate culture is not water without a source or a tree without roots. It must pass certain Physical entity And means, which are shown in the production and operation practice, are also the carriers of enterprise culture. Corporate culture carrier It is the surface phenomenon of corporate culture. Although it is not equal to corporate culture, it plays an important role. The carrier of corporate culture plays an important role in the construction of corporate culture and is an important part of corporate culture.

Operation management

1. Corporate culture as a contemporary enterprise management theory , lies in Corporate Values Infiltrate into enterprises Operation management In all aspects, at all levels and throughout the process, to promote the overall quality, management level and economic performance Improvement. Corporate culture operation includes:
(1) excitation mechanism Corporate culture management The primary task of is to mobilize people's enthusiasm. The incentive methods are: Objective incentive Participation incentive, reinforcement incentive and leader's words and deeds incentive.
(2) Discipline restraint mechanisms There should be clear specifications, and the implementation should not be out of shape Corporate philosophy Throughout the system, discipline and Code of conduct Medium.
(3) Cohesion mechanism. Establish the corporate values recognized by the majority of employees Enterprise objectives , establish Corporate interpersonal relationship
2. In terms of corporate culture management, first, we should handle the relationship between reference and innovation, and grasp the individualization and characteristics of corporate culture; Second, cultural means should be properly handled Management culture Adhere to guiding and cultivating people with culture; Three requirements Deal with the relationship between the false and the real, the invisible and the tangible, and adhere to the combination of internal and external repair, soft and hard management.

Core achievements

Core achievements of corporate culture construction:
1、 Corporate culture system Focus on "what is our culture". In addition, the content is usually huge and seems to be "cultural", but the concepts are stacked or logical relationship blurring. For example, "Why Core values And the core concept ".
2. The strategic planning of corporate culture seems to be rich in content, but the planning details only focus on the key points, and the key points are still the platitudes of "cognition" and "action", not involving specific behavior changes and capacity improvement.
Core achievements of corporate culture management
1. Corporate culture management Research report It is the foundation of all corporate culture achievements, and also an important reference and basis for enterprises to carry out management reform and improvement.
2. The enterprise culture management manual focuses on "what should we do", which is logical, clear and concise, and is conducive to comparative implementation Operation management The core of.
3. The implementation of corporate culture is the foothold of corporate culture management Mental Models and Behavior mode To organization development And means of reform Organizational system promote.
4. Continuous change and improvement of corporate culture, more important Management effectiveness

Value of work

Corporate culture construction: because there is no real infiltration into the corporate body, corporate culture will be more and more empty, more and more far away from management. Although corporate culture department plays the leading role in culture, it is basically free from business management It is difficult to win beyond the function Company management The favor of. In order to show their own Work performance They often desperately buy national awards for corporate culture construction at the end of the year, which makes other departments of the enterprise look down upon the value of the corporate culture department even more.
Corporate culture management : Directly from the core of management leadership ranks Lead and practice (not only attach importance to) with the management team Core values Driving factors, from the organization and individuals to improve the overall state of the organization. The enterprise gains the promotion of the quality of managers due to the management of enterprise culture Key employees Retention rate Improvement Brand value Lifting competitive edge Maintain high value returns. Although corporate culture management departments and workers are only planners, organizers, mentors and supervisors Organizational change Therefore, corporate culture management will win the company's high attention and become the functional organization of enterprise management. Even if there is no special organization, the value of corporate cultural workers will be fully reflected.


Key process of corporate culture construction -- from Heyi Consulting
1. Focusing on the form of corporate culture but ignoring the connotation
The most prominent problem in the construction of Chinese corporate culture is the blind pursuit of the form of corporate culture, while ignoring the connotation of corporate culture. Corporate cultural activities And enterprises CI Image design is the expression of the surface of corporate culture. Corporate culture is a unique set of values that are instilled into all employees in the process of entrepreneurship and development through education and integration value system It is the strategy and processing enterprise that affects enterprises to adapt to the market Internal contradiction A series of conflicting norms and Behavior , which is permeated with the entrepreneur's personal Socialization process The basic assumptions, values and worldview of human nature formed in the Entrepreneurial process The business philosophy formed collectively by Chinese entrepreneurs. It is a relatively complete corporate culture to express these ideas and values through various activities and forms intrinsic value With the concept, such corporate culture is meaningless and difficult to sustain, so it cannot form a culture impetus , will not have a far-reaching impact on the development of enterprises.
2. Equate enterprise culture with enterprise spirit and separate from enterprise management practice
Some entrepreneurs believe that corporate culture is to shape the spirit of the enterprise or the Bible of the enterprise, but has little to do with enterprise management. This understanding is very one-sided. Corporate culture is to take culture as the means and management as the purpose. This understanding is reasonable because business organization And career organizations Substantiality Organizations, which are different from the belief community of the church, are based on Production and operation status And certain performance, and the spiritual factors affect the internal cohesion production efficiency And enterprise development play an important role, but this influence does not play a role alone, it is permeated in the enterprise management system excitation mechanism business strategy And work together. The business philosophy and values of the enterprise run through the enterprise operating activities And every link and whole process of enterprise management, and environmental change Therefore, it cannot be separated from enterprise management.
3. Ignoring the innovation and personalization of corporate culture
Corporate culture is a specific cultural background The unique management model It is the personalized performance of an enterprise, not a standard unified model, nor a slogan catering to fashion. Looking at the corporate culture of many enterprises, they are generally similar in all aspects, but lack distinctive personality and unique style. In fact, each enterprise has a different development history, different components, and different competitive pressures, so its strategies to respond to the environment and ways to deal with internal conflicts will have their own characteristics, which cannot be completely the same. Corporate culture refers to the integration of the enterprise itself Development stage , development objectives, business strategies, internal and external environment of the enterprise, etc Multiple factors The unique cultural management mode determined by considering, therefore, the form of corporate culture can be standardized, but its emphasis They are different, their value connotation and basic assumptions are different, and the type and intensity of corporate culture are also different, which is why they constitute the personalized characteristics of corporate culture.
4. Politicization of corporate culture
Various slogans, such as "Unity", "Realism", "Struggle" and "Dedication", can be seen everywhere in the corridors, offices and walls of various workshops of many enterprises. These misused words cannot truly reflect the value orientation, business philosophy Behavior managerial style ; Let alone resonate with all employees.
5. Sloganization of corporate culture
It equates corporate culture with empty slogans, lacks corporate personality and features, and even the decision-makers of the enterprise can't explain the concrete performance they represent, which naturally can't play a strong role in cohesion and centripetal force for employees.
6. Stylization of corporate culture
Some enterprises regard corporate culture as singing, dancing and playing ball. So they set up dance halls, music teams and teams one after another, and stipulated the number of activities per month to be completed as a rigid indicator of corporate culture construction, which is a simplification of corporate culture.
7. Corporate culture visualization
Some people believe that corporate culture is to create beautiful Enterprise environment Pay attention to the unity and coordination of the appearance and color of the enterprise, the neat and luxuriant flowers and trees, the neat and generous clothing, and the beautiful streamline of equipment placement. But this apparent prosperity cannot cover up the paleness of the core of enterprise spirit.
8. Stiffness of corporate culture
Some enterprises unilaterally emphasize orderly work discipline, and the subordinates are absolutely obedient to the superiors, and strictly enforce Militarization management It is equivalent to the construction of corporate culture, which causes the internal atmosphere of the organization to be tense and dull, lacking creativity, vitality and cohesion, which brings the corporate culture to a rigid misunderstanding.


Corporate culture is people-oriented Management Philosophy Modern enterprises are paying more and more attention to the important role of people in the development of enterprises. Therefore, building a unique corporate culture and firmly grasping the focus of corporate culture construction will enhance the centripetal force and cohesive force It is of great significance.
To achieve sustainable development, enterprises must have a long-term development goal and development plan. All employees should know as soon as possible what direction and how the enterprise will develop in the future. development strategy Only when it is recognized by all employees can it play its due guiding role and become the action program of all employees. In the enterprise Cultural construction We should make full use of the network and other carriers, adopt flexible and diverse forms Enterprise development strategy Publicity and implementation of. Through active development Enterprise Strategy Cultural construction, further clarify the work ideas, clarify the development direction of the enterprise, and stimulate the work enthusiasm of employees.
2. Construction enterprises Humanistic culture
Talents are valuable resources for enterprise development. Under the new situation, enterprises need a large number of talents of different levels and specialties. The enterprise must take the construction of talent team as a part of the enterprise culture construction, and strengthen the staff's Sense of belonging And stimulate employees' enthusiasm and creativity. With the continuous development of technology, update employees knowledge structure The topic of the enterprise is also placed in front of the enterprise. Enterprises should strive to create a good learning atmosphere, build a platform for talent growth, and strengthen all employees Sense of ownership , breathe and grow together with the enterprise. Through goal education for employees, they should make their personal goals Enterprise development objectives Closely combine with each other and consciously participate in the work of the enterprise.
3. Specifications Enterprise system culture
Corporate culture and Enterprise system They are mutually supportive and complementary, and institutional culture is an important part of corporate culture. In the construction of system culture, it is necessary to highlight innovation, be strict with implementation, and establish scientific decision-making mechanism of enterprises and human resources development Mechanism, formulate perfect enterprise operation rules and Operation management system , building lean and efficient organizational structure So that all work can be closely connected to ensure Enterprise objectives Successful implementation. The higher the degree of employees' participation in democratic management, the more conducive to mobilizing their enthusiasm. The enterprise establishes an open communication system to keep abreast of employees' ideological trends. At the same time, we should strengthen supervision, standardize management behavior, create a harmonious cultural atmosphere, and promote business management The improvement of the level.
4. Building an enterprise Team culture
The realization of enterprise development goals cannot be separated from the mutual cooperation between employees. Only by cultivating team spirit can an enterprise continuously create new achievements in the fierce market Competitive neutrality In an invincible position. The important task of corporate culture construction is to create a good atmosphere conducive to the development of the enterprise within the enterprise, so that leaders and leaders, leaders and employees, and employees can cooperate sincerely to promote the smooth realization of enterprise goals. At the same time, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between various aspects outside the enterprise, reduce friction and contradiction as far as possible, and strive for understanding and support from all aspects.
5. Enhancement Enterprise innovation consciousness
Innovation can inject vitality into corporate culture and improve the level of corporate culture construction. It is necessary to promote the continuous development of enterprises through innovation of enterprise culture. Corporate culture innovation The key is to Business Philosophy management philosophy And so on, so as to take the construction of corporate culture to a new level. Create an environment that can tolerate different thinking. If innovation only allows success without failure, then it is difficult for enterprises to maintain strong creativity and vitality. As market competition The main body, the enterprise should have Modern market economy The construction of corporate culture should also reflect the ability to adapt market economy Requirements. Market competition has formed new competition concepts and models. In the process of corporate culture construction, we must fully understand these concepts and models to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises.

Common deficiencies

abroad Management scientist It is proposed that "corporate culture is likely to become the key factor determining the rise and fall of enterprises in the next decade." More and more enterprises recognize the importance of culture and pay attention to the construction of culture. However, many enterprises failed to understand how to do cultural construction, and various problems occurred, including some very influential companies.
Large and empty. The culture of an enterprise cannot be compared with that of the society Mainstream values Contrary, but by no means social culture Just copy your slogan. One enterprise hung such slogans everywhere from the courtyard to the workshop: "Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Three Represents are the soul of enterprise culture." "Developing Marxism is the leading factor of enterprise culture." "The Scientific Outlook on Development is the magic weapon of growth." We can hardly believe the sincerity and operability of this expression, but can only think of it as a kind of make a show , is something to show others, which cannot be called enterprise culture. The culture of an enterprise must be endogenous, accumulated from the process of enterprise operation and management, and a gene and code integrating organization and practice.
Many and scattered. Beautifully printed Corporate Culture Manual Most of them are thick books, and some even have hundreds of pages. God, needless to say, it takes a long time to see it again. The contents are all inclusive, and there are messy conflicts, no overall cultural orientation, and no Structure mode , but also lack of internal logical relationship. In fact“ Less is gain, more is confusion ”。 First, there should be a design of the content framework of the corporate culture. Then, in some major aspects, find the core ideas you need to express most, and choose the most concise sentence. Only then can it be easily spread and accepted and recognized by employees.
It is universal. Another problem is the lack of individuality in the expression of corporate culture. It seems that the cultural concepts of enterprises across the country are designed by one person. Almost all of them are "innovation, progress, unity, struggle, integrity, quality, efficiency, and service". These concepts are good and there is nothing wrong with them, but they do not have the characteristics of the industry, the brand of your enterprise, or your own unique Expression It makes people feel like they are wearing masks instead of vivid faces. The reason for this problem is that there is no extensive participation of employees, and only a few experts create cars behind closed doors.
Floating but empty. Many enterprises' cultures are piled up with aphorisms, and lack of operable ones Behavioral culture Employees don't know how to do it, so "sincere service" is more practical and feasible than "three meters smile". Moreover, the culture of many enterprises, which is either hung on the wall, told on the mouth or printed on the text, is not implemented measures and methods, lack of communication, lack of publicity, no stories and cases, not to convince everyone, not to become the behavior and results of all members.


For domestic enterprises, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and they need to constantly cope with various challenges from home and abroad. To achieve effective enterprise management and maintain sustainable development, it is necessary to achieve effective integration between enterprise management system and enterprise culture, and achieve symbiosis and two-way interaction. As an enterprise manager, it has become an important way for enterprises to improve their core competitiveness to analyze the relationship between management system and enterprise culture in depth and correctly handle the relationship between the two. Corporate culture covers the material culture, behavior culture, system culture and spiritual culture of the enterprise. Whether it is the external performance or the internal spirit of the enterprise, it is a component of corporate culture. The enterprise management system itself can reflect the enterprise culture.
In fact, the process of enterprise management institutionalization is an important means to promote the development of enterprise culture. How to let employees identify with the company's culture and transform it into their own work behavior is a key part of the corporate culture construction. Boss magazine said that the enterprise system embodying the core idea of the enterprise can strengthen the enterprise culture, and become an idea recognized by employees through long-term repeated practice and improvement. Corporate culture plays a role in promoting the effective implementation and continuous innovation of enterprise systems. Before the formation of the corporate culture, the implementation of the system can only be constrained by external supervision. Once the supervision is weak, employees are likely to fail to do as required, and the cost of enterprise management is high; Once the corporate culture is formed, the actions of employees will become a voluntary behavior without strengthening supervision.
The construction of excellent corporate culture can stimulate employees'“ Self discipline awareness ”Therefore, it can reduce the management cost of the enterprise and contribute to the long-term and stable development of the enterprise.

Construction misunderstanding

everything target location Misunderstandings on
Corporate culture as economy and culture Organic combination The product of the enterprise should be the unity of the goal to be achieved and the means to achieve the goal. Some enterprises set the goal of building enterprise culture on shaping employees, including changing employees' concepts, habits and Behavior Etc. However, attention should be paid to promoting Employee development At the same time, enterprises should also shape themselves to achieve interaction and mutual promotion. Example: Some enterprises Cultural construction There is a phenomenon of "cultural ideal". The cultural construction goal set by it has exceeded the bearing range of the enterprise itself, which is large and empty, and lacks a down-to-earth orientation.
Second, the Lord object relations Misunderstandings on
Some people believe that corporate culture is advocated by leaders and is top-down. Employees are only passive in the construction of corporate culture recipient , rather than active participants and creators. In fact, corporate culture should be a model of beliefs and expectations shared by all or most members of an enterprise. Leader's Cultural literacy . Awareness of corporate culture construction plays an important role in the structure of corporate core culture, but corporate culture is not equal to“ Entrepreneur culture ”All employees should be allowed to participate in the construction of corporate culture, because employees are the main body. Only by combining the strategic thinking and leading role of enterprise leaders with the basis and main role of employees' participation can we truly create a living corporate culture and make corporate culture shared by leaders and employees Spiritual home
The third is the misunderstanding of the content
——The content of enterprise culture is simply "enterprise+culture". Decorate the enterprise with empty slogans, paved words, and gorgeous rhetoric, which makes the enterprise culture slogan;
——Corporate culture visualization. Some corporate culture construction is often "on paper", or beautify the factory appearance; The corporate culture has become empty, and the phenomenon of packaging and hype has become prominent“ Image advertisement ”Propaganda bombing.
——Corporate culture is equal to the ideological and political work of enterprises. First, we believe that corporate culture is assistance Enterprise Party Organization Do a good job in ideological and political work and spiritual civilization construction of employees; Second, the construction of corporate culture is Engage in activities , establish a model and sing praises; The third is that the construction of corporate culture is to sum up a few loud slogans; Fourth, the enterprise culture is to organize employees to carry out amateur sports activities; The fifth is that the corporate culture is the image of the packaging enterprise, which is equal to CIS ( Corporate Identity System ); Sixth, we believe that everything new and foreign is modern, or blindly superstitious about tradition, and expect to use the content of corporate culture construction to incorporate traditional management style , thinking, and trying to take corporate culture as a panacea for all ills.
Fourth, the misunderstanding of the method
Boss magazine said that there are two wrong tendencies in the way of corporate culture construction: one is lack of Theoretical judgment The naturalistic tendency of. Think that corporate culture is the long-term Production and operation activities The enterprise can not and should not carry out artificial planning, design and construction, which results in the construction of enterprise culture“ Inaction ”Phenomenon, lack of clear idea guidance; The other is lack Empirical analysis Of subjectivism Tendency. It believes that corporate culture is artificially planned and designed according to the leader's intention, which results in the construction of corporate culture formalism Or "surprise" phenomenon, blindly copying other corporate culture construction, lacking characteristics and individuality.