enterprise informationization

Create new information sources for enterprise materials, transactions, cash, etc
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Enterprise informatization, which is essentially to Production process materiel Move transaction processing , cash flow, customer interaction and other business processes information system Network processing generates new information resources for people at all levels Insight . Observe all the information in various dynamic businesses to make decisions that are conducive to the optimization of production factor combination policy decision , make Enterprise resources Reasonably configure to enable enterprises to adapt vary from minute to minute To achieve the maximum economic benefits.
The applied enterprise information management system mainly includes: ERP enterprise resource management system includes: MES manufacturing execution management system; [1] DNC production equipment and station intelligent networking management system; MDC production data and equipment status information collection, analysis and management system; PDM manufacturing process data document management system; Trcaker tooling and tool holder measuring tool intelligent database management system, etc. CRM customer relationship management system. OA collaborative office system.
Chinese name
enterprise informationization
Foreign name
Enterprises informatization
Main body
Production process and material movement of the enterprise
Processing generates new information resources

brief introduction

Enterprise informatization refers to the use of computer technology, network technology and database technology in a certain depth and breadth to control and integrate various information in the production and operation activities of enterprises based on the optimization and reconstruction of business processes, so as to realize the sharing and effective use of internal and external information of enterprises, and improve the economic benefits and market competitiveness of enterprises, This will involve the innovation of enterprise management concept, optimization of management process, reorganization of management team and innovation of management means.
From a dynamic perspective, enterprise informatization is the process of enterprise application of information technology and products, or more precisely, enterprise informatization is the full penetration of information technology from local to global, from tactical to strategic levels, and applied to enterprises Process management Support the process of enterprise operation and management. This process shows that the application of information technology in enterprises is a process from nothing to existence and from point to surface in space; It is phased and progressive in time; The core and essence of informatization is that enterprises use information technology to mine and encode hidden knowledge operation flow Management of.

Enterprise Extension


Informatization elements

enterprise informationization
1. Enterprise informatization is based on enterprise management and operation mode rather than computer network technique In itself, the computer network technology is only the means to realize enterprise informatization.
2、 Enterprise informatization construction The concept of management philosophy , means of realization and other factors.
3. Enterprise informatization is an integration technology: the key point of enterprise informatization construction lies in the integration and sharing of information, that is, to realize the timely transmission of accurate key data to the corresponding policy decision In the hands of people, it provides data support for enterprise operation decisions.
4. Enterprise informatization is a system engineering: enterprise informatization construction is a hierarchical system engineering integrating human and computer, including the informatization of enterprise leaders and employees' ideas; Enterprise decision-making Organization and management informatization; Informatization of enterprise management means; Design, processing and application informatization.

Information data integration

For many enterprises, it is also urgent to solve the problems faced by enterprise management through information tools, such as data integration and eliminating data islands. This is an unavoidable problem for enterprises on the way of expansion.
As more and more data information is generated [2] Enterprises have more demands for data integration. For them, an efficient information platform that can integrate data information is very necessary.
Obviously, compared with traditional process management, data integration can better promote the deepening application of OA office system in enterprises and create more information value.
Traditionally, enterprise informatization is divided into four stages: basic application stage, key application stage, expansion, integration, optimization and upgrading stage and strategic application stage. Each stage has its specific characteristics and judgment criteria.
Let's look at the first basic application. At this stage, the main information application contents of enterprises include basic collaborative OA, simple accounting, enterprise website, simple salary accounting and simple employee assessment.
The second is the critical application stage. At this stage, the informatization application of enterprises mainly includes comprehensive accounting, basic cost and capital management, enterprise core business systems (procurement, production, marketing, inventory, etc.) and human resource management.
In the third application stage of expansion, integration, optimization and upgrading, the informatization application solved the problem that the information system was not integrated in the key application stage. The main application contents included the integrated ERP applications of the whole supply chain application, CRM, PLM, e-commerce, etc.
The last stage is the strategic application stage, which is the highest stage of China's enterprise informatization application. Enterprises at this stage will fully reflect their benefits through business intelligence, comprehensive performance management, and on-demand architecture and mechanism after a relatively long-term informatization application.
Of course, the above process is also formed naturally along with the development path of the informatization industry. For the developing SMEs in the new era, it is also a good thing if they have not experienced the four stages of traditional informatization. Because we can learn from the latest information concept and management system, simplify the stage, manage all affairs of the company through a set of systems, break the restrictions of each business system, achieve comprehensive performance management according to the architecture that changes with demand, implement the goals and provide the basis for decision-making that can make the next goal, This is also the goal formulated by LinkedIn during product development.
The key to enterprise informatization is that the personnel in the enterprise can fully implement informatization. Without the implementation of personnel, it is impossible to talk about informatization. Therefore, the foundation of enterprise informatization is still human based informatization. The key point of enterprise informatization is the combination of people and informatization software to achieve the maximum effect. For example, many enterprises have begun to deploy ERP, but simple ERP can not bring the effect of informatization to enterprises. It requires efficient implementation to achieve the effect of informatization. Moreover, there is no communication step in ERP, so in order to achieve informatization, enterprises need to have ERP, and more importantly, they need to communicate. They can combine ERP with wetask to achieve the goal of informatization
Information purpose
The competition among enterprises should include Product competition , price competition, variety competition Service competition Market competition and reputation competition. As people complete the process of industrialization and enter the information age at the same time, these aspects of competition are inevitably marked with the brand of informatization. In order to survive and develop in the ever-changing era of science and technology, enterprises must participate in technological competition among enterprises, firmly root production and operation in the fertile soil of science and technology, and make enterprises always full of vitality in the competition of survival of the fittest. Generally speaking, technological progress will have a direct impact on enterprises from the following aspects:
1. Technological progress contributes to the improvement of product and service quality;
2. Technological progress has generally shortened the life cycle of products. As the upgrading is accelerated, enterprises have to pay attention to the re development of products;
3. Technological progress can improve production process and production process , can develop more
Overall architecture of enterprise informatization
Effective production tools are applied to production, which can greatly improve production efficiency.
The enterprise has to continue technological development , technology introduction Technical transformation Only in this way can we maintain a strong momentum in the market competition and keep the enterprise in an invincible position forever.
4. Realize the whole process management of enterprise informatization, and ensure the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises. For example, Hangxin software integrates the "tax aware ERP" product series of "tax accounting processing system", which can fully support the in-depth application of enterprises in special business links and build an enterprise informatization whole process management model with expandable functions according to the personalized needs of enterprises involved and the special requirements of industrial development goals.

Construction Practice

When studying and discussing problems such as science and technology, first of all, we should make clear the concept of the research object and determine a clear logical idea, then we should explore and think through the method of "from one to another, from the outside to the inside, from top to bottom, and layer by layer decomposition" to achieve the goal of solving practical problems. That is to say, first of all, we must solve a problem of thinking methods, so that research and discussion can go on the right track and not fall into the blind and meaningless debate. This is usually said reason Transforming thinking. Enterprise informatization and enterprise informatization construction are consistent in essence, but they are different in essence. Enterprise informatization belongs to enterprise strategy Enterprise objectives Enterprise development Such abstract categories with overall, planning and guidance are like the concepts of mechanization, industrialization and modernization. Enterprise informatization construction refers to the specific application of advanced scientific management methods and modern information technology , with information resources As the main object, the system integration method is adopted to comprehensively integrate the structure and mechanism of enterprise management, so that logistics, capital flow, information flow, human resources and other resources can be reasonably allocated, and enterprise operation (production) management operation flow Standardized and optimized to achieve improvement Enterprise core competitiveness , to improve Economic benefits of enterprises And management level.
For the manufacturing industry, the meaning of informatization construction is to integrate modern management methods, information technology Automation technology And other related technologies are combined with manufacturing technology to improve enterprise management modernization, production automation level cost reduction Enhance economic benefits and comprehensively enhance the market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry.
enterprise informationization
Enterprise informatization construction is a specific enterprise behavior and a stage of enterprise development. It complements enterprise management and accompanies the progress of enterprise management. Its most obvious feature is practicality and operability, often embodied in the form of engineering projects. Generally speaking, enterprise informatization actually refers to enterprise informatization construction, which is only enterprise informatization
A process cannot be equated with enterprise informatization. The specific content of enterprise informatization construction is not inherent, nor unchangeable. Its content is different from the different types, nature and scale of enterprises in various industries, and changes with the changes of economic system, market pattern, industrial policies, the development of management science, and the continuous progress of information technology. In terms of the commonness of its manufacturing industry, there are basically the following:
1. Production process control Information technology. The informatization of production process control is the development and sublimation of control technology automation. It is a manufacturing type enterprise, especially volume production The key link of informatization of assembly line operation mode. Its main content is to comprehensively utilize automatic control technology, simulation technology, microelectronics technology, computer and network technology to realize the monitoring and control of the whole production process, and improve product quality and production (operation) efficiency.
The key points of informatization of production process control are Product development and design , production process flow Workshop site management , quality inspection and other design and production links. For example, applying computer aided design (CAD) technology Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), complex Engineering structure design (CAE), CAPP, DCS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS) and Computer integrated production system (CIPS), etc.
2. Informatization of enterprise management. The informatization of enterprise management is a field with the largest proportion, the greatest difficulty and the most extensive application in the construction of enterprise informatization, involving all businesses and all levels of enterprise management. The informatization construction of enterprise management is to standardize the basic management work and optimize operation flow On the basis of information integration Apply the system to effectively collect, process, organize and integrate information resources, improve management efficiency, and provide real-time and dynamic information management information And decision information. For example: Transaction processing system (TPS), Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS) intelligent decision support system (IDSS)、 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)、 product data management (PDM), Electronic Commerce (EC) Security system (PPS) and Enterprise website Etc. This is a "morning glory project", which can often achieve the effect of "pulling the whole body". No matter what type of enterprise, it must select appropriate development objects according to its own reality, and make great efforts to do this work well in a down-to-earth manner.
In addition, a large number of Unstructured data Such as various documents, mails, reports, web pages, audio and video, videos, scanned images, and presentation slides. Therefore, office automation (OA) and document management are also an important part of enterprise management informatization construction.
enterprise informationization
3. Enterprise supply chain management Information technology. stay Modern market economy Under the condition of the WTO, the production of manufacturing industry is no longer a separate, isolated and closed mode of "large and complete, small and complete", and the production and management activities of enterprises have been extended forward and backward. From the purchase, transportation, storage, processing and manufacturing, sales of raw materials and spare parts to the final delivery and service to customers, the enterprise has formed an upstream supplier The chain structure composed of intermediate producers, third-party service providers and downstream sales customers is Supply chain manufacturing enterprise Of Production activities The management process is restricted and affected by this supply chain. Therefore, Enterprise supply chain management Information technology is a very important part of manufacturing enterprises. It focuses on the use of enterprise LAN, Internet, database, e-commerce, etc Technical resources Through the cooperation with suppliers, third-party service providers and customers Information management And coordination, integrate the internal management of the enterprise with the external supply, sales and services, and improve the market adaptability of manufacturing enterprises.
4. Enterprise informatization organization construction and hardware support. As mentioned above, the most obvious feature of enterprise informatization construction is practicality and operability. Therefore, we must be pragmatic and do a good job in organizing and implementing measures. To sum up, we should focus on three elements and one supporting: design ideas, development tools, personnel organization and implementation, and hardware facilities supporting. The questions about design ideas and development tools have been clarified previously, and will not be repeated.
five . The growth path of the enterprise will follow Organization size Continue to expand Business model Constantly changing market environment has led to information management The requirements of enterprise informatization have evolved from local to overall, from headquarters to grassroots, and from simple to complex. The enterprise informatization has completed the entire informatization construction from initial construction to continuous optimization, upgrading, expansion and promotion, which reflects the change in the characteristics of enterprise information management from narrow to wide, from shallow to deep, and from simple to complex. ERP software system plays an increasingly important role in promoting enterprise management reform, improving performance management, enhancing enterprise core competitiveness, etc. In the face of the needs of information technology innovation in the Internet era and the growth path of Chinese enterprises, TravelSky software "tax aware ERP" completes the application expansion of C/S mode through B/S mode, realizing that different personnel are in different places, Access and operation of common data based on different access methods of IE browser greatly reduces the cost of system maintenance and upgrading for users in different places, and creates the effect of "timely convenience+accurate security+low cost".
In the final analysis, the construction of enterprise informatization organization is completed by people. What kind of personnel to choose and what knowledge and quality such personnel should have are crucial to the construction of enterprise informatization. At the same time, the organizational form and organization adopted will also directly affect the quality and progress of enterprise informatization construction. Highly efficient and capable organization and complex organization proved by practice IT talent It is the fundamental guarantee of enterprise informatization construction. From this point of view, an important task of enterprise informatization construction is to establish a professional and complex talent team.
The construction of enterprise informatization organization should attach importance to the matching of hardware facilities. The key is to establish a reasonable Computer network topology , mainly including: Internet access and enterprise LAN. It is necessary to effectively equip the network structure and purchase hard equipment from the aspects of smooth access, anti-virus and anti attack, manageable and controllable, and system security, while establishing and improving the corresponding network management system, which are the important foundation and support for enterprise informatization construction.

Implementation conditions

1. Building enterprise informatization content. Many people believe that "purchasing some hardware equipment, connecting to the Internet, developing an application system and providing some maintenance is the realization of enterprise informatization", which is a one-sided understanding. Although enterprise informatization is to apply modern information technology and run through it, the purpose of informatization is to enable enterprises to fully develop and effectively use information resources, seize opportunities, make correct decisions, and promote enterprises operating efficiency And ultimately improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The purpose of enterprise informatization determines that enterprise informatization is to serve management. Therefore, enterprise informatization is not only a technical problem, but also related to enterprise development planning operation flow , organizational structure, management system, etc.
Therefore, according to the development requirements of construction enterprises and the characteristics of information technology, the informatization content of construction enterprises should be:
1. Establish an enterprise production and operation mode that meets the requirements of information technology, including the enterprise's business processes and Management process , improve Enterprise organization structure , management system, etc.
2. Use management model On the basis of, establish the overall database of the enterprise. The overall database is divided into two basic parts. One basic part is used to describe the actual data and their relationships in the daily production and management activities of enterprises; The other basic part is used to describe the decision-making information of the high-level decision-makers in the enterprise.
3. Establish various automation and management system , such as computer aided design (CAD) Computer Aided Production CAM )、 management information systems (MIS), these various information technologies and management systems constitute the core content of enterprise information technology, realize the collection, storage, processing, transmission, analysis and utilization of various information in enterprise production and management activities, and provide decision-making basis for enterprise executives.
4. Establish intranet, provide a common platform for enterprise internal information query, and use this network structure To re integrate various automation and management systems and databases of the enterprise in a network way, so as to achieve the best configuration of internal information of the enterprise.
5. Unicom Internet. Enterprises can obtain a large amount of information related to their production and operation activities through the Internet, enrich their own information resources, and at the same time, they can also release information about their production and operation to the outside world.
6. Implementation conditions of enterprise informatization
Experience at home and abroad shows that enterprises need to have certain conditions to carry out informatization, so what conditions should be met for enterprise informatization construction to be successfully implemented?
1. Enterprises should have the internal demand for informatization;
2. There should be a general plan for enterprise informatization;
3. Basic technical and management foundation;
4. Have their own technical and management talents;
5. Enterprise informatization should be combined with technological progress, management innovation and concept renewal;
6. Choose a good partner;
7. One Information Supervisor Come to command;
8. There should be a special department to realize it.
2. Problems needing attention in enterprise informatization in construction field
1. Raise awareness and sense of urgency. In fact, in the new form, enterprises will have no way out without informatization.
2. Overall planning and distributed implementation. Enterprise informatization is a complex system engineering, which cannot be achieved overnight. It must be implemented in a distributed manner under the overall planning and the principle of "first priority".
3. Deal with the relationship between introduction, digestion, absorption and innovation. The introduction of advanced technology and products is the means, digestion and absorption is the key, and independent innovation is the purpose. Informatization construction itself is a process of innovation. While technological innovation, attention should be paid to system innovation and management innovation. Pay attention to practical results, and never use information for information purposes.
4. Several principles must be considered in formulating enterprise informatization scheme: benefit principle, including social benefit, management and economic benefit; Principle of practicality and advancement; The principle of progressive and sustainable development; Principle of openness; Flexible adaptation principle; Principle of safety and reliability.

Financial impact

Enterprise informatization Enterprise financial management First, through the Internet Management means It can achieve all-around operation beyond time and space, and make the enterprise's internal management system and external related departments interconnected, greatly improving management efficiency and reducing administration cost Second, through the operation of the enterprise's internal management information system, the original management of overlapping layers information transfer Under certain authority control, real-time, vertical and horizontal data sharing can be realized. Because informatization can seamlessly connect all production links such as procurement, production and sales, realize centralized resource allocation and data sharing, and avoid“ Information Island ”And comprehensively monitor the financial status of the enterprise. Establish a focus on financial management
financial management
The core management concept focusing on capital flow control Financial management information system , strengthen financial management and Fund monitoring , which can not only strengthen institutional constraints, prevent capital risks and congestion assets Lost loopholes can be achieved at the same time information sharing , avoid statistics and financial information Distortion. The impact of informatization on financial management can be reflected in the following aspects.
Accurate cost accounting is the foundation and top priority of financial management. With the support of information technology, finance can not only understand the whole process of sales, procurement, warehouse and production, but also reflect and monitor each operation. effective risk-prevention Informatization improves the management level of enterprises. Through real-time monitoring of all aspects of the enterprise, it can quickly respond to the decision-makers in case of crisis, avoid decision-making errors due to poor information flow, and minimize the risks faced by enterprises.
Informatization can promote finance to play the role of pre budget, in-process control and post accurate accounting for the company's business. Because of the means provided by informatization, enterprises can accurately do a good job of budgeting for various businesses, regions, products, departments, and expense accounts on the basis of historical data. And it can be broken down and adjusted in a timely manner on a monthly basis, so that the expenses of each subject can be reported to the responsible department head in a real-time manner, and can be compared with its budget, so that early warning or prohibition information can be put forward in a timely manner. At the same time, the head of the business department can obtain the income as of that time on any day of the month Gross profit Net profit It is convenient to understand the business situation in time and make judgments and decisions.
The core of enterprise financial management is capital. The financial management of enterprises is, in the final analysis, the centralized management and control of capital flow. Strengthen financial capital management, not only post settlement Bookkeeping , statistics, settlement, and financial capital management must be the core of the entire enterprise management, so that it runs through every link of production and operation. From the beginning of the enterprise's contract negotiation, order collection, market research, and project feasibility demonstration, the enterprise's financial and profitability must be carefully considered to ensure that the enterprise can achieve maximum economic benefits.
Enterprise informatization reorganizes the process of the enterprise, reduces the shuttle between procurement and finance, and greatly improves the efficiency. Due to the "wall" between procurement and finance, finance can grasp Procurement plan All the information of, can not only do a good job in capital and payment plans, but also effectively reduce loopholes. At the same time, through the financial management information subsystem, we can know in real time what each customer's current enterprise informatization process gives to the enterprise management style Management thought Bring new changes. As the core of enterprise management, financial management must realize the centralized management of finance, so that the enterprise's finance can be fully integrated with the enterprise's production, supply and sales, and interact with each other to realize the centralized monitoring of power, the centralized allocation of resources, and the centralized sharing of information. Give full play to the due role of financial management to realize Optimal allocation of resources And improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.
(5) Tax control
The importance of enterprise informatization for tax related business management and control of enterprises is increasing. Successful enterprises not only know how to use planning to win profits, but also know how to use planning tax avoidance In the context of the Internet era, we not only know how to use information tools to plan business activities of enterprises, but also know how to plan the future of enterprise growth. Planning in different dimensions has an important impact on economic growth, financial management standards, market competitiveness and tax awareness of enterprises. Taking Hangxin software "tax aware ERP" as an example, Aisino ERP product integrating "enterprise tax accounting processing system" has been gradually popularized and applied in domestic enterprises.

Implementation mode

Zhibang International will analyze how to choose the management software suitable for you:
1. Change of management concept.
① The implementation of ERP system is not only an IT project, but also a management project. But most enterprises Senior management They didn't realize this. They just treated the application of ERP system in the enterprise as a technical work. They thought that the implementation of ERP system was a purely technical problem, a task of technicians, and had nothing to do with managers. As a result, they went into a wrong zone when selecting and implementing systems. Only the technical director is responsible for the translation selection system, lacking the participation of senior managers and business directors. The technical department is only responsible for the implementation of the system, lacking the active participation of management and business personnel. The project leader is the leader of the technical department. The senior management, especially the top leaders of the enterprise, failed to personally preside over and participate in the system implementation.
② ERP system brings not only a set of software, but also a set of new management ideas. Before preparing for the ERP system, enterprises should fully realize that the implementation of ERP system will inevitably impact the original management ideas and management modes, styles and habits, procedures and methods, as well as the relationship between responsibilities and rights and institutional structure of enterprises. Only by deeply understanding, digesting and absorbing new management ideas and applying them in combination with the actual situation of the enterprise, and realizing the comprehensive reform of enterprise management, can the benefits brought by ERP system be brought into full play.
Many enterprises want to use ERP system, but most enterprises Senior management I didn't realize that the implementation of ERP system must also realize the reform of enterprise management. When implementing the ERP system, the system is only required to simulate the operation of the enterprise, which is only the original management style This is an important reason for the unsuccessful application of ERP system. Therefore, when implementing ERP system, enterprises must promote the change of management concept at the same time. In a sense, this is the most critical factor for enterprises to successfully implement ERP systems.
2. Enterprises must clarify their own needs and implementation priorities.
① From the perspective of the whole and strategy, analyze the differences between the enterprise and the main competitors, and find out the impact Enterprise competitiveness To find out whether these influencing factors can be solved through ERP, and what kind of competitive advantage enterprises want to establish in the market through ERP system.
② We should not only consider the long-term development of the enterprise in the future, but also analyze and find out the most urgent problems that the enterprise needs to solve. For the problems that enterprises can solve through ERP system, they should also distinguish priorities, implement in stages, and formulate overall goals and stage goals.
③ Analyze existing enterprises Workflow In what aspects failed to achieve quick response What are the differences between the market demand and the overall goal of the enterprise, and what adjustments and reforms are needed.
④ When considering the specific functions of ERP software, the enterprise's production environment and Production type The organization form of the enterprise requires software, and the characteristics of the enterprise require special software functions.
An important reason for the low success rate of Chinese enterprises in implementing ERP systems is that they did not clearly define their own needs and implementation priorities in the early stage. Many enterprises misunderstand ERP systems and did not establish correct expectations, thinking that ERP systems are "panacea" that can solve all problems existing in enterprises. Therefore, they did not analyze the needs of enterprises before deciding to establish ERP systems, It is unclear about the problems existing in enterprise management and the severity of these problems, and how the enterprise solves these problems through ERP system and what the enterprise wants to achieve in management.
3. The implementation of ERP system must involve management consulting experts
The implementation of ERP system is not only an IT project, but also a management transformation project. It requires not only technical experts who are proficient in software product development, but also management consulting experts who are proficient in management theories, methods and management practices. Software developers focus on technical solutions, while management consulting experts focus on management solutions. Only the organic combination of the two can promote the successful application of ERP system in enterprises.
The implementation of ERP system must have management consulting experts to provide consultation, guidance and help for enterprises. Specifically, before preparing to implement the ERP system, enterprises need to ask management consulting experts to help them conduct research and demand analysis Enterprise development Diagnose the weak links and existing core problems in management, analyze what kind of management and management software the enterprise needs most, and carry out Management awareness Training. During the implementation of ERP system, enterprises need to ask management consulting experts to help them operation flow Redesign, adjust the organization and adopt a set of standardized implementation principles and methods to strictly organize and manage the project implementation process.
4. The selection of software should focus on management personnel
The correct selection of system type is the decisive factor for the system to be able to play an adequate role. When selecting software, enterprises should focus on the management, start from the strategic needs of the enterprise, and match their own actual needs with the software system well, so as to select their own ERP system. However, because many enterprises only regard ERP system as an IT project in concept, the result is that in the process of software selection, technicians rather than managers are the main ones, and they often pay too much attention to the advancement of software, ignoring the problems in enterprise management and whether the software is suitable for the actual needs of the enterprise, and when selecting software, The lack of clear overall selection goals and implementation expectations, the lack of prioritization of the importance of different management business needs, the lack of consideration of software selection from various user departments, and the lack of effort in how to use ERP systems to solve key business problems of enterprises, resulting in incomplete matching of the final software selection
The implementation of the system brings difficulties.
5. The organization of the implementation team must be in place
The implementation of ERP system is a huge system project involving management and technology, and the workload is very large. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, the first thing to do is to implement it organizationally, that is, to establish a project leading group (hereinafter referred to as the leading group) and a project implementation group (hereinafter referred to as the project team). The leading group is mainly responsible for formulating the priority of the plan and the overall scheme of the system, determining the enterprise management reform scheme, the rational allocation of resources, the decision-making of major problems and the formulation of policies, organizing and coordinating the relationship between various departments, and solving the problems that cannot be solved by the project team during the implementation of the system. The head of the enterprise shall personally serve as the leader of the leading group, namely the so-called“ First hand project ”。 Only when the "top leaders" personally preside over, participate in and guide the implementation of the system, and mobilize all employees to participate, can the difficulties in the implementation be overcome and success be achieved. It must be pointed out that the "First Leader Project" is not a "First Leader Project", which only relies on technical personnel to promote the implementation of the system, but requires the top decision-makers of the enterprise to actually participate in the implementation process of the system.
The project team is specifically responsible for the implementation of the system. The team is mainly composed of internal management personnel, business backbones and technical personnel of major business departments, and professional consultants outside the enterprise. The project team leader shall be the senior leader of the enterprise, and shall have sufficient authority and coordination ability, so as to facilitate the coordination of the work of various departments in the implementation of ERP projects. The project leader should not be idle. He must devote himself to the implementation of the ERP system and take real responsibility for the implementation of the project. Several of his key assistants must break away from their original work and devote 100% to ERP project implementation.
It is worth noting that many enterprises regard the implementation of ERP system as a technical work, so there is a misunderstanding in the organization of the implementation team. They think that this is the matter of the technical department, which should be fully responsible for it. The project team members are mainly technical personnel, lacking relevant management personnel and business personnel, especially Senior management The participation of is far from enough. As a result, the implementation of the project is difficult to promote.
6. Implementing ERP system requires enterprise business process reengineering at the same time
The information of ERP system realizes the minimum redundancy and maximum sharing. The traditional work that needs several steps or departments to complete may be completed at one time by using a unified database and integrated information system in EPR. Therefore, in order to successfully apply ERP system in enterprises, it is necessary to operation flow Redesign and optimize, remove redundant and invalid work links, so as to ensure that the enterprise has a scientific and standardized business process and management basis, and on this basis, adjust the enterprise organization accordingly to achieve Flat Management And improve management efficiency and quick response ability to customers.
Many enterprises must implement Business Process Reengineering The lack of clear understanding only requires the functions of the ERP system to adapt to the original manual business processing processes and working methods, rather than the original management mode management , business process and organizational structure, which makes it difficult to fully play the functions of ERP, and also makes it difficult for enterprises to achieve the goal of improving management level and overall quality through the implementation of ERP system.
At the same time, BPR will inevitably involve the re division of department functions Post responsibilities And the redistribution of power and interests management style Higher requirements for personnel quality have been put forward, which has caused job crisis for some people, and thus has resistance to project implementation. If the enterprise cannot properly handle these problems, it will bring unstable factors to the enterprise, which is the difficulty of ERP system implementation (transferred from the network).


1. Business process reengineering method. In the early 1990s, American scholars Hammer and Qianpei systematically put forward the idea of enterprise business process reengineering in their book Enterprise Restructuring. The central idea of enterprise business process reengineering is that in the era of rapid development of information technology and network technology, enterprises must re-examine their production and operation processes, use information technology and network technology Working methods Conduct a "thorough and fundamental" redesign to meet the needs of today's market development and information society.
2. Core business application methods. Any enterprise must have its own core business if it wants to survive and develop in the market competition environment, or it will inevitably be eliminated by the market.
3. Information system construction method. For most enterprises, the construction of information systems is the focus and key of enterprise informatization. Therefore, information system construction has become the most universal enterprise informatization method.
4. Thematic database method. The subject database is a database oriented to enterprise business subjects, and also Enterprise core business Database for. Some large enterprises have a huge business volume and complicated processes. It is often difficult to build an information system that covers the entire enterprise successfully. However, there are many drawbacks in the local development and application of various departments“ Information Island ”, resulting in a large number of invalid or inefficient investments. In such enterprises, the application of thematic database method to promote enterprise informatization is undoubtedly a method with less investment and good benefits.
5. Resource management methods. Resources are the fundamental guarantee for the survival and development of enterprises. Good management Enterprise resources It is probably the eternal theme of enterprise management. There are many popular enterprise informatization resource management methods, the most common of which are enterprise resource planning (ERP) supply chain management Etc.
6. Human capital investment methods. The concept of human capital is the product of the development of economic theory. The main differences between human capital and human resources are human capital theory Some excellent employees of the enterprise are regarded as a kind of capital, which can obtain investment income. The human capital investment method is particularly suitable for those enterprises that rely on intelligence and knowledge to survive, such as various consulting services, software development and other enterprises.

Development mode

How to better promote the current enterprise informatization construction, the most important thing is to clarify the scope of the enterprise informatization. Enterprise informatization is a very broad concept. In general, it is to make extensive use of information technology to make enterprises realize informatization in production, management and other aspects. It can be divided into three levels.
1. The enterprise widely uses electronic information technology in production to realize production automation. For example, production design automation (CAD), automatic control, intelligent instruments, the use of single board computers, etc., all electronic information technologies are part of enterprise informatization.
2. Automation and informatization of enterprise data. Processing production, sales, finance and other data with electronic information technology is the most basic and massive data informatization process.
3. Higher level auxiliary management and decision-making system, Intranet、Extranet、 Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII), computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) and office automation (OA) are all used to assist management and decision-making, which is a higher level of informatization.
4. Tax accounting planning Enterprise profit There are many kinds of enterprise tax accounting pay taxes In the plan, the company's financing, investment, operation Profit distribution For financial activities such as procurement, production and operation, and internal accounting, make reasonable decisions, and actively use national laws and regulations for tax planning, which not only ensures that enterprises can fulfill their profit and tax obligations, increase their "blood making" ability, reduce tax burden, but also improve their after tax profits, and achieve their sustainable and healthy development. For example, the "tax aware ERP" product of TravelSky software is carried out with the national tax related system information transfer Continue with the elements, conduct business processing on many taxes involved in the business process of the enterprise, offer suggestions for enterprise management decisions, and lay a solid foundation for profit creation.
With the deepening of informatization of Chinese enterprises, informatization of SMEs will become the focus of enterprise informatization. Improving SMEs' understanding of informatization and giving advice for informatization of SMEs will play a good role in promoting informatization of Chinese SMEs.

Development trend

In the era of cloud computing, Internet of Things and social networking, enterprise informatization will also enter a new stage. At this stage, enterprise informatization will mainly show five characteristics: [3]
1. People oriented Social ERP
Traditional management software focuses on business, focusing on resource management of "finance and material"; Based on "process+information record", the data involved is structured and predictable. But these Structured data Only 20% of the total enterprise data. More unstructured data accounts for 80%. If we ignore the huge unstructured data, we actually ignore the important role of people in enterprise operation.
With the rise of knowledge-based economy, more and more enterprises begin to change to "people-oriented". People's knowledge and skills, innovation and change, communication and other activities are the most valuable resources of knowledge-based enterprises. The people-oriented informatization construction, focusing on improving staff efficiency and team efficiency, is an urgent requirement for the transformation and upgrading of the Internet era to Enterprise 2.0. Enterprise 2.0 emphasizes the relationship between people in the enterprise as the main line, gives full play to the subjective initiative of "people", attaches importance to their key role in business operation and value realization, pays attention to the collaborative needs of different departments and organizations of the enterprise, increases the speed of information sharing, and improves the comprehensive productivity of the enterprise. Corporate social networks As a private social platform for enterprises, its information circulation has realized the transformation from "one point to multipoint" to "multipoint to multipoint" communication mode, breaking the traditional communication bottleneck. It can provide enterprises with competitive advantages in information exchange, make it more convenient and effective for employees who need cooperation to communicate and share, reduce enterprise communication costs, improve work efficiency, and gather professional knowledge workers and remote colleagues.
2. More powerful supply chain collaboration capability
The rapidly changing market makes the competition among enterprises evolve into the competition of supply chain. The key to the success of the supply chain is "collaboration". In the fierce market competition, it has become the basis for enterprises to accurately grasp customer needs, quickly launch new products, and achieve flexible and fast delivery.
The supply chain system integrated with e-commerce and social networks will create more powerful collaboration capabilities for enterprises; It makes it easier for enterprises to communicate and collaborate with customers, manufacturers, suppliers, carriers and other interested parties without boundaries. Under this new trend, enterprises can better use social networks to communicate with customers, collect customer opinions and after-sales services, and achieve information flow, logistics, capital flow Effective planning and control of business flow and value flow, so as to integrate all links of the supply chain into a complete network structure.
new Supply Chain Collaboration Trend, relying on information technology. It mainly includes automatic identification technology, electronic data interchange technology (EDI)/XML, GIS and GPS technology, electronic order system (EOS), electronic payment, etc., as well as some developed cooperative operation technologies, including virtual electronic chain (VEC) technology, multi-agent technology, and social network technology.
3. More integrated and intelligent
RFID (radio frequency), GPS (global positioning system), electronic payment and other technologies are widely used, which makes information collection more convenient. These information can be effectively integrated into the enterprise ERP system, making the integration degree higher.
In the logistics link, through the use of RFID, GPS and other technologies, the automatic collection of these information makes it easier to track materials in each link, and realize the real-time and dynamic monitoring of the entire supply chain logistics; It avoids various disadvantages of manual scanning information in the past (low efficiency, error prone, poor timeliness, etc.).
The rapid development of various electronic payment technologies and the integration of ERP systems also enable enterprises to better monitor their capital flows. Through the enterprise ERP system integration electronic payment scheme, the real-time accuracy of enterprise financial information is improved, and the financial expenses of enterprises are also reduced.
While the degree of integration is improved, business intelligence (BI) software is used to further assist business decision-making and improve its intelligence. Business intelligence includes performance management, planning, reporting, query, analysis, online analysis and processing, operation system integration, forecasting and analysis, etc. Its value chain can be divided into: original data ->data integration ->intelligence ->perspective ->decision-making. Its purpose is to manage data, understand data and make decisions based on data. Gartner's latest report shows that the BI market is growing at an annual rate of 9%, and the market value will reach $81 billion by 2014 and $136 billion by 2020. Gartner believes that the BI market has entered an explosive period. The "four" of business intelligence: SAP, Oracle, IBM and Microsoft will continue to dominate the market, accounting for 59% of the market share. Big data has become the primary development trend of BI development. More and more enterprises will benefit from their huge data, which requires BI manufacturers to provide solutions that can really handle big data, while memory analysis technology, column storage database technology and other technologies that improve BI's data processing performance become the key to deal with big data.
four Mobile informatization , making management within reach
By the end of December 2011, the number of mobile Internet users in China had reached 356 million, up 17.5% year on year; 2010 China Mobile The scale of the Internet market is 20.25 billion yuan, which doubled in 2011 and is expected to exceed 70 billion yuan in 2012.
In the field of enterprise informatization, with the help of mobile informatization module, mobile phones, etc Intelligent terminal Mobile management of many services is becoming a significant trend. The combination of cloud computing and mobile informatization enables managers to break through the restrictions of office space and Internet access in the past and make management accessible anytime and anywhere. Enterprise mobile informatization is most widely used in process approval, report query, sales support, business intelligence, inventory review and other fields; Moreover, there are more and more mobile commerce modules based on differentiated segmentation of different industries.
5. Information services for on-demand use
For many small and medium-sized enterprises, they do not have enough funds and do not all need to use a full set of ERP and other management software with complex processes. They only need to solve some scattered thorny problems to improve operational efficiency. Therefore, it is an important trend for the current informatization development of SMEs to provide fragmented but easy to expand information products so that the majority of SMEs can flexibly configure, plug and play, and meet their personalized needs according to their own needs.
Cloud computing provides a good technical foundation for enterprises to use information services on demand, and further promotes the fermentation of such needs. Cloud computing integrates Web 2.0 technologies such as collaborative work, social networks, search engines, and Virtualization technology , relying on a powerful high-performance computing infrastructure, can simultaneously meet a large number of personal and business needs. The resources in the "cloud" can be infinitely expanded, available at any time, used on demand, and paid per use.
Cloud conference in enterprise informatization
For enterprises, information is the blood and communication is the pipeline. How to quickly transmit valuable information internally at the first time has become a compulsory course for enterprise executives. The birth of telephone has effectively solved the problem of information transmission, while the appearance of teleconference has completely solved the problem of rapid information transmission. The appearance of teleconference has greatly enhanced the working efficiency of enterprises, improved the management mode of enterprises, and enhanced the competitiveness of enterprises. Today, the teleconference system has become an indispensable part of enterprises, institutions and organizational management.
The teleconference gathers people scattered in different regions and at all decision-making levels in a virtual space, shortens the distance, speeds up the exchange and dissemination of information and knowledge, promotes team cooperation, catalyzes decision-making speed, improves work efficiency, and significantly reduces costs. At the same time, many software manufacturers seized the opportunity to join the ranks of teleconferencing. At one time, domestic teleconferencing service companies were mixed, ranging from workshop enterprises to giant telecommunications companies. In this situation, some software providers began to make up the numbers, and the call effect was obviously insufficient, which also brought more trouble to users in selecting models. The emergence of timely words has played an important role in promoting the standardization of industry access standards, establishing the benchmark of product quality and service assurance, and has also explained how business people can make more efficient and valuable use of smart mobile technology. Hengxin Rainbow Timely Language, a new application mode of "meeting on demand", not only improves the comprehensive operation efficiency of enterprises, but also saves enterprises a large number of communication and travel costs. At the same time, it is more in line with the business needs of low-carbon society. [4]

Informatization value

1、 Transfer information management experience and standardize the process of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Through enterprise informatization, we can sort out the customer management process of excellent salesmen in small and medium-sized enterprises, and optimize it into the system process through the system, so that everyone can master the best sales process.
2、 Improve sales project management ability and closing rate.
Enterprise informatization can set key management points for the sales management process of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote sales managers to provide relevant support in a timely manner, help sales personnel better manage the sales process, and improve Customer satisfaction And sales closing rate.
3、 Reduce training.
Enterprise informatization has standardized all the processes related to sales management of SMEs. New employees or employees who have been transferred can quickly become familiar with the new positions as long as they follow the systematic process, thus reducing the training work of SMEs and improving the speed of employees on duty.
4、 Prevent errors.
Because the enterprise informatization has specified the process that conforms to the characteristics of SMEs in detail and controlled the key points, it can effectively prevent SMEs from making mistakes. For example, many salesmen often make the mistake of quoting customers before internal costs are accounted, which is likely to lead to the situation of company projects. Enterprise informatization can set the process that internal costs are not accounted and cannot be quoted, so as to prevent errors.
5、 Accumulate customer experience in SMEs themselves.
Through the use of enterprise informatization, it is possible to record all the contacts between the company's personnel and customers and all the transaction records with customers, so that customer related knowledge can be systematically recorded into the system, so that as long as the company's authorized personnel enter the system, they can comprehensively understand the customer's preferences and customer's past, so as to start in time.
6、 Generate more business opportunities.
Through enterprise informatization, small and medium-sized enterprises can be helped to analyze customer levels, use limited resources to important customers, and explore opportunities for secondary marketing or large orders. Through the data analysis of enterprise informatization, small and medium-sized enterprises can find customers' concerns and purchase habits, improve our service content, and enhance customer satisfaction and business opportunities for new orders.


The difficulty of enterprise informatization lies in the ability to adapt to demand. All managers know that only change can make an enterprise quickly adapt to the development of the market. If an enterprise management software cannot provide customers with this ability, or the period of change and implementation is too long, it will be eliminated naturally.
From the perspective of product technology, there are two key points to solve the problem of rapid response:
1. Rapid development tools and changes: whether customized development or workflow based products in the current industry, complex applications require a large number of codes/scripts. Once programmers are involved, the development cycle will inevitably lengthen. Products with zero code and full configuration are the direction.
2. Rapid deployment: traditional C/S architecture The product application logic is solidified in the client, so it is much worse than B/S, but the B/S architecture technology based on WEB is too old due to its modeless technical limitations, and needs a new generation of B/S technology. [5]
Enterprise informatization needs to be combined with business processes and organizational structures. Simple information technology cannot change enterprises. Only by combining process change and organizational responsibility optimization can informatization be widely supported and developed.