Corporate mission

The Philosophical Orientation of Enterprise Production and Management
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The enterprise mission refers to that the enterprise social responsibility Tasks undertaken by obligations or stipulated by their own development. Corporate mission is a rather direct description of corporate image. [1] enterprise Production and operation The philosophical orientation of Management concept The mission determined by the enterprise has established a basic guiding ideology, principle, direction Business Philosophy Wait, it is not enterprise specific strategic target , or exist abstractly, not necessarily expressed in words, but affect the decision-making and thinking of operators. This includes enterprise operation The philosophy orientation, the prominence of values and the Image positioning : What is the guiding ideology of operation? How to know the cause? How to view and evaluate the market, customers, employees, partners and competitors.
Chinese name
Corporate mission
Foreign name
enterprise Production and operation The philosophical orientation of

Mission definition

It is represented as MISSION in English Corporate Vision On the basis of Scope of activities And levels, specifically expressing the identity or role of the enterprise in social and economic activities. It includes the enterprise's business philosophy, purpose and image
Mission (official goal): refers to social development The commitment made and the reason and basis for the existence of the company are the reasons for the existence of the organization. Famous American management scientist Peter Drucker It is believed that in order to clarify the mission of the enterprise from a strategic perspective, the following questions should be answered systematically.

Related issues

1. What is our business?
2. Who is our customer base?
3. What is the customer's need?
4. What special capabilities do we use to meet customer needs?
5. How to view the interests of shareholders, customers, employees and society?


The so-called enterprise mission refers to the role and responsibility that enterprises should play in social progress and socio-economic development. It refers to the fundamental nature of the enterprise and the reason for its existence Business field Management ideology , for Enterprise objectives To provide basis for the establishment of the strategy.
Before making a strategy, an enterprise must first determine its mission.


The enterprise mission should include the following meanings:
(1) In fact, the mission of an enterprise is the reason or reason for its existence, that is, the purpose of its survival. No matter whether the reason or reason is "to provide a certain product or service", "to meet a certain need" or "to assume an indispensable responsibility", if an enterprise cannot find a reasonable reason or the reason for its existence is not even clear to itself, or even can not effectively persuade itself, the enterprise's business problems will be big, It may be said that this enterprise "has no need to exist". Just like people, they often ask themselves why they are alive, and the operators of enterprises should be more aware of it.
(2) Enterprise mission is enterprise Production and operation Of Image positioning It reflects the image that enterprises try to establish for themselves, such as "we are an enterprise willing to take responsibility", "we are a healthy growing enterprise", "we are an enterprise with great achievements in technology", etc. Under the guidance of a clear image orientation operating activities This will always be made known to the public, and will not be "erratic".
The mission of an enterprise is the purpose and reason for its existence. To define the mission of an enterprise is to determine its realization long-term target Responsibilities or obligations that must be undertaken.
In the 1920s, AT&T The founder of the company proposed that "every home and office in the United States should be equipped with a telephone". 1980s, Bill Gates Do the same: "Let every family and office in the United States have one PC ”。 To AT&T and Microsoft Have basically realized their mission.
The mission is enough to affect the success or failure of an enterprise. Peter Drucker Foundation Ms. Francis, the chairman and famous leadership master, believes that a strong organization must be mission driven. The mission of an enterprise is not only to ask and answer what the enterprise does, but more importantly, why it does it. It is the ultimate goal of the enterprise. The lofty, clear and inspiring mission not only points out the direction for the enterprise, but also makes every member of the enterprise clear about the true meaning of the work and inspires the inner motivation. Just think about the number of commands to "make the world happier" Disney Our employees devote more enthusiasm and effort to the enterprise, customers and society.
When more and more enterprises are aware of and attach importance to cultural concepts Enterprise development Operation management . The indispensable positive role of guidance and incentive in the construction of corporate culture, Corporate culture concept The highest level of cultural concepts in Corporate Vision (or Enterprise purpose )However, cultural concepts such as corporate vision and corporate mission are generally contradictory, universal and mixed because of the vague concept of corporate vision and corporate mission:
1、 When many enterprises design and display their own corporate vision (or corporate purpose) and corporate mission, the corporate mission that often appears in Enterprise A is similar to the corporate vision or corporate mission in Enterprise B because of inconsistent understanding, definition and recognition of the concept; In terms of using enterprise vision and enterprise purpose, some use enterprise vision and some use enterprise purpose. In fact, these two words intension and extension They are all the same, but the word "purpose" is a common word or old word that we have used for many years, and "vision" is just a fashionable "new" word.
2、 In an enterprise, both the enterprise mission and the enterprise vision (or enterprise purpose) are expressed, but because the designers or employees who design the enterprise vision (or enterprise purpose) and enterprise mission do not understand the enterprise vision (or enterprise purpose) and enterprise mission clearly, especially the enterprise vision (or enterprise purpose) The differences between the customized scope of the enterprise mission and the questions to be answered cannot be clearly understood. Many enterprises have more overlap in the enterprise vision and enterprise mission. The enterprise vision or enterprise mission that employees could have simply and specifically understood and remembered has become somewhat vague, resulting in employees' boredom and resistance to the enterprise's cultural concepts.
Therefore, in order to truly tap, refine, apply and give full play to the role of the cultural concept of the corporate vision and mission, it is necessary to make a concrete analysis Understand the similarities and differences between enterprise vision and enterprise mission and the relationship between them.
3、 Both enterprise vision (purpose) and enterprise mission are the vision and imagination of an enterprise's future development direction and goal, and both are the vision and vision of the future. It is precisely because they are the common ground of future vision that people can easily understand as a meaning or a concept, Therefore, common or mixed use of corporate vision and mission often occurs between many different enterprises or within an enterprise.
4、 If an enterprise must express its vision (or purpose) and mission separately in order to clearly explain and design the future development direction and goals of the enterprise, and to stimulate and guide employees, it must first reach a unified understanding and identity on the concepts and differences between the vision (or purpose) and mission, In particular, it is necessary to identify the difference between the corporate vision (corporate purpose) and corporate mission.
(1) The enterprise vision refers to the long-term development direction, goal, purpose and self setting of the enterprise social responsibility And obligations to clearly define what the company will look like in the future society. The description of its "appearance" mainly refers to the influence and contribution of the enterprise to society (including specific economic fields), and its ranking in the market or industry (such as World Top 500 ). Economy with enterprise related groups (customers, shareholders, employees, environment) Relationship Representations. The enterprise vision mainly considers the input and output to the enterprise economic interest The related groups have incentive, guidance and input functions, so that the groups (shareholders) who have direct capital investment in the enterprise, the groups with employee wisdom and life investment environmental resource Invested institutions generate long-term expectations and realistic actions, so that these groups and subjects can feel realized through the fulfillment and realization of enterprise mission social value At the same time, the development of their own interests is guaranteed and realized.
(2) On the basis of defining the concept of enterprise vision, the enterprise mission should be specifically defined to answer the scope or level of the enterprise's business activities in the economic field of the whole society, that is, the enterprise mission only specifically describes the economic status or role of the enterprise in the society. In the social field, what does the enterprise do, In which economic fields do you contribute to society. The mission of the enterprise mainly considers the supply and demand relationship of the target field, specific customers or social people in a certain aspect economic behavior And behavioral effects.
(3) From the corporate vision (or Enterprise purpose )And corporate mission Theoretical concept In terms of relationship, enterprise mission is one aspect of enterprise vision. In other words, enterprise vision (or enterprise purpose) includes enterprise mission. Enterprise mission is the concept that specifically describes enterprise economic activities and behaviors in enterprise vision. If enterprise vision and enterprise mission are to be expressed separately, they should not be expressed in enterprise vision Enterprise economic behavior To avoid repetition or contradiction.


Keep the unity of the business purpose of the whole enterprise;
Provide a basis or standard for allocating enterprise resources;
Establish a unified enterprise atmosphere and environment;
Clarify the development direction and core business
Coordinate various internal and external contradictions;
Set up the thought of user orientation;
Indicate the enterprise's social policies
Provide a framework for enterprises to continue to be stable and upward.


Generally speaking, enterprise mission includes two aspects: Corporate philosophy And Enterprise purpose



Enterprise positioning

You must enterprise operation As a process of customer satisfaction, not a Product production process .
Therefore, when determining the purpose of an enterprise's survival, it should be stated that the enterprise should meet certain needs of customers, rather than that the enterprise should produce certain products.

Business Philosophy

enterprise Business Philosophy It is for enterprises operating activities A high degree of generalization of essential knowledge, including the core values of the enterprise, is unanimously recognized Code of Conduct And the common belief of the enterprise Management Philosophy
The most important condition for a great organization to survive for a long time is not its structural form or managerial skills But what we call belief Spiritual power , and the appeal of this belief to all members of the organization. I firmly believe that if any organization wants to survive and succeed, it must establish a series of firm beliefs, which is the premise of all business policies and actions. Secondly, we must always adhere to these beliefs and believe that they are correct. Finally, an organization or enterprise must be ready to change itself in order to cope with environmental change But its belief should not be changed.

Corporate image

Corporate image refers to the image of an enterprise economic performance and social results to The public And the impression left by the employees of the enterprise, or the views and evaluations of the public and employees of the enterprise on the whole.


Disney Company ——Make people happy
ABN AMRO ——Provide services for selected customers through long-term relationship Investment and Financing Aspect financial service And further make ABN Amro the object that shareholders are most willing to invest in and the best career development place for employees.
Microsoft The company is committed to providing more convenient and rich personal computer Software
Sony Company - experience the happiness of developing technology to benefit the public
HP Company - making technical contributions to human happiness and development
Nike ——Experience the feeling of competition, victory and defeat
Wal Mart ——Provide opportunities for ordinary people to buy the same things as the rich
IBM The company - whether it is a small step or a big step, should drive the progress of mankind
McKinsey&Company (Integration of vision and mission) - help outstanding companies and governments become more successful
1. For top management Comprehensively study and solve management problems and opportunities.
2. Provide comprehensive suggestions on various options faced by senior executives.
3. Predict possible new problems and opportunities in future development, and formulate timely and practical countermeasures.
Huawei ——Focus on the challenges and pressures of customers, provide competitive communication solutions and services, and continue to create maximum value for customers.
Lenovo computer The company strives to innovate for the benefit of customers.
·Create the world's best and most innovative products
·Commit to cost innovation like technological innovation
·Let more people get newer and better technology
Vanke (Purpose) - Building unlimited life


The importance of the mission is beyond doubt. But not every company really understands and practices it. Mission is the reason why the company exists. The mission is the cause of the company value orientation And career positioning. It indicates what contribution the company should make to the economy and society. Mission represents the company's purpose direction , Responsibility. It stipulates the development purpose, direction, goal, basic tasks and guiding principles of the company.
Drucker The classic definition of management is: "Management is to define the mission of an enterprise, and encourage and organize human resources to achieve this mission. Defining the mission is the task of entrepreneurs, while encouraging and organizing human resources is leadership The combination of the two is management. " Sense of mission A sense of responsibility is a powerful driving force for individuals and organizations to make achievements, and it is also a common feature of great achievements through the ages. Many companies have their own Mission Statement However, the mission of many companies has not been transformed into the conscious behavior of the company, and has not become the inspiration and motivation to unite all members of the company. There are many reasons, including two main aspects. One is the company's mission rationality The other is whether the company's mission is sincere.
The rationality of the company's mission. The mission is not written casually. Look at the mission of most companies. Most of them are subjective slogans. There are ways to establish a mission, but when it comes to the importance of a company's mission, management textbooks only talk about the importance of the mission, or take some company's mission statements as examples, without telling how to determine the correct and reasonable mission for the company.
The formation of the mission is carried out between the subject and the environment. It is to solve the contradiction between the subject's will and the environment's possibility, and solve the problem of its possibility. It includes the possibility of opportunity utilization and the possibility of opportunity realization. The possibility of opportunity utilization may involve the supply and demand of the environment, and the possibility of opportunity realization may involve the interest tolerance of the subject. Through comprehensive analysis of all kinds of information, understand the allowable scope of demand, and test whether it is available or not, so as to clarify what time, what space, which part of the population, and what is the most meaningful and consistent objective environment The core conditions of. Only available( Materiality )It can be used again( Initiative )The opportunity is real. Only the possibility of the object mission thus formed has practical significance. Mission reflects the importance that an organization should and can bear social responsibility Only the major social responsibilities that the organization is competent and can be accepted by the environment can form the mission possibility of the organization. The mission should be targeted. Mission is not unchangeable. It is a historical category and dynamic concept, with different connotations in different periods.
Whether the mission is sincere. The mission comes from the heart of the organization and is a conscious consciousness. The mission of many companies is written for customers, employees and the society, just for decoration, not the conscious consciousness and behavior of the boss or senior management. It is a false mission, so it cannot play its due role. The mission of a company must be the responsibility that the organization is competent and can be accepted by the environment. The mission must conform to the development trend of the chosen career, and the establishment of the mission itself is self-conscious and sincere, and all the behaviors of the company are carried out around the mission of the company, so that it can be recognized and accepted by customers, employees and the society, Only in this way can employees of the company be motivated to strive for their mission.

Specific examples

China Mobile "Create an unlimited communication world" information society Pillars "
The mission is Core values The carrier and reflection of "is the reason for the survival and development of an enterprise. It is a fundamental, most valuable and lofty responsibility and task of an enterprise. It answers the practical question of" what to do and why to do so ". The mission reflects the behavioral consensus of all employees of the enterprise, and is the source of motivation to guide and stimulate all employees to persevere and strive for the enterprise to constantly achieve new development and transcendence; Mission not only includes the tasks faced, but also covers China Mobile People's understanding and reflection of the past, as well as their expectations and judgments of the future, reveal Enterprise growth Of basic principle And ideas.
"Create an unlimited communication world" reflects the strong desire of China Mobile to become an industry leader through the pursuit of excellence Sense of mission "To be the pillar of the information society" reflects China Mobile's future Industrial development Will assume the responsibility of giving full play to the advantages of the industry and acting bravely social development The task of the mainstay. Creating an unlimited communication world Timely, full and effective communication is the realization of human beings resource sharing The society has achieved intensive and rapid development necessary condition Communication industry The development of, help human gradually break the space-time barrier of communication, make interpersonal communication more efficient and effective. The world of "unlimited communication" is everyone's dream paradise. In the world without any communication restrictions and obstacles, in the world that can be "anytime", "anywhere", "free" and "communication without limits", human beings can freely share all knowledge and freely convey all emotion China Mobile, relying on its outstanding technology and talent, regards the creation and realization of the common dream of mankind, "creating an unlimited communication world", as its supreme corporate mission.
"Infinity" is a relative concept Social civilization With the progress of human beings Lifestyle With the change of, people's demand for communication and understanding of "unlimited communication" are also evolving. The development of human human communication, human machine communication and machine machine communication in the future world will be beyond imagination Ideal realm ”Therefore, it is bound to continue to improve. However, no matter how the world changes, communication in the future will be beneficial, more flexible, more economical, more fashionable and more personalized, so that people can enjoy the fun brought by communication more. China Mobile We will unswervingly try our best to promote and realize this trend.
The goal of "unlimited communication" requires China Mobile to achieve "action on demand" and liberate the communication subject from the constraints of time and space. This means that it must be customer centric Seamless connection . Access at any time Intelligent terminal It supports the ability to provide customers with unconstrained, end-to-end communication services. The goal of "unlimited communication" requires China Mobile to realize "change according to demand", and liberate the communication subject from the constraints of form and media. This means that audio and video must be provided Multimedia information service To provide basic guarantee for various forms of information communication and ensure Information exchange Of Real time Fidelity , security.
China Mobile, with the boldness and courage to "create an unlimited communication world", takes the lead in the formation and development of a new world of "unlimited communication". China Mobile will always stand at technological development And the forefront of market demand changes, take the changing situation into consideration, and create new Business model And solutions in the technical progress Operation mode Evolvement, market consumption evolution and other aspects play a creative guiding role to become the industry and market development The well deserved traction in the process.
China Mobile, with the talent and spirit of "creating an unlimited communication world", plays a key role in leading the harmonious development of the ideal realm of "unlimited communication". some time personal communication In the development process of the new world, China Mobile will not only maintain its excellent performance, but also promote the healthy and harmonious development of the industry. China Mobile does not seek Industrial value chain It pursues the continuous improvement of core competitiveness, coordinates the forces of R&D, manufacturing, application, consumption, service support and other parties through efficient organizational control, and jointly promotes the progress of the industry. China Mobile With an open attitude, we will gather the strength of the whole industry to turn the dream of creating a new world into reality. Create an unlimited communication world ", create a new way of life, provide rich life content, and improve human beings Quality of life It is the eternal pursuit of China Mobile to enable busy and tired modern people to enjoy the happiness of anytime, anywhere, at will, and unlimited communication. To be the pillar of the information society
Informatization is an irreversible trend in today's economic and social development. To a certain extent, it has even become a measure of countries and regions International competitiveness , modernization and economic growth An important measure of capability. This proves that the world has entered IT industry The new economic era dominated by. From a macro perspective, the accumulation and application of knowledge based on information technology will improve the quality of resources dominated by mankind and bring new impetus to economic development; From a micro perspective, the extensive application of information technology has reduced the restrictions of time and space on social development, which will greatly improve labour productivity And become the "accelerator" of economic development. At the same time, information technology has created the basis for extensive knowledge sharing human civilization Large scale sharing is possible. By the current information technology shocking Development speed It can be predicted that informatization will become the main theme of world development for a long time in the future, and the information industry will always have social development The important influence of. "To be the pillar of the information society" is confident China Mobile Man's independent choice is also a way for man to industrial civilization Towards Information civilization This great historical turning point gives China Mobile an arduous responsibility. The information society is characterized by creating wealth through efficient transmission and application of information Physical network Resources are information transfer The infrastructure and communication services provided by the Company are also the media and means to turn information resources into wealth. Its perfect Fit It determines the location of China Mobile Value chain The core positioning also determines that China Mobile will play an important role in the process of moving towards the information society.
As the pillar of the information society, as the leader of the industry rather than the follower, we constantly carry out business and institutional innovation China Mobile In this way, we can lead and drive the society to develop towards informatization and become the vanguard and leading force to promote the progress of the information society. China Mobile's technology Business innovation and Operation mode Innovation will Social informatization In the process, a strong Demonstration effect Will be passed through the open network platform Attract information resource providers to create more and better information resources; Through the guidance and promotion of diversified businesses, consumers are encouraged to use more efficient ways of information exchange, more conveniently obtain the information resources they need, and transform information into wealth with higher efficiency.
As the pillar of the information society, as the initiator of professional technology rather than a late thinker, China Mobile Will continue to improve network technique Horizontal and network Comprehensive capability To provide society with more complete infrastructure and more effective solutions, and become an important foundation and bridge for informatization. The efficient operation will ensure the timely and smooth communication of information, and the demand development of consumption will be transmitted to Technical layer We will transfer the progress of technology to the level of consumption, so as to form a virtuous circle. Through our own progress and development, we will drive and promote the progress and development of the whole society, and constantly promote the progress of society towards the information society.
Big market Nurture large enterprises, and accomplish great undertakings with great missions. China Mobile It is destined to assume the responsibility of "creating an unlimited communication world and being the pillar of the information society" Historical mission This is the historical choice of China Mobile. China Mobile's mission is to enable all people to enjoy the pleasure of communication at any time, anywhere and at will; Let everyone enjoy a more free life than ever before; Let the human mind become increasingly broad and open; Make the increasingly large world easier to grasp; Let this land become a better country