Value chain

Dynamic process of creating value
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The concept of value chain is first defined by Michael Porter (Michael E. Porter) in 1985. At first, Porter's value chain mainly refers to Vertical integration Corporate competitive edge along with International outsourcing In 1998, Porter further proposed value system (value system) Research perspective It extends to different companies, which is different from the later Global value chain The concept of (global value chain) has certain commonalities. Later, Kogut also put forward the concept of value chain, which can better reflect the relationship between the vertical separation of value chain and global spatial reallocation than Porter's. In 2001, Griffin analyzed international division of labor And Industrial linkages The concept of global value chain was put forward. The concept of global value chain provides a web-based analytical method for analyzing the geographical and organizational characteristics of international production, revealing Global industry Of Dynamic features. [1]
Chinese name
Value chain
Foreign name
value chain
Basic and support activities
Basic activities include
Production, marketing, transportation, etc
Source books
competitive edge

brief introduction

Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter Porter put forward the concept in 1985. He believed that "every enterprise is a collection of activities in the process of designing, producing, selling, sending and assisting its products. All these activities can be expressed by a value chain."
Corporate Value creation It is composed of a series of activities, which can be divided into Basic activities And auxiliary activities. The basic activities include internal logistics, production operations, external logistics, marketing and sales, services, etc; The auxiliary activities include procurement technological development Human Resources Management And enterprise infrastructure. These are different but interrelated Production and operation activities , which constitutes a dynamic process of creating value, namely value chain.

Content composition

To survive and develop, an enterprise must interest group Including employees, customers supplier And create value in the region and related industries. If we open the "black box" of "enterprise", we can decompose the process of enterprise value creation into a series of different but interrelated economic activity , or called“ Value added activities ”The sum of them constitutes the "value chain" of the enterprise.
Any enterprise is responsible for the design, production, sales, delivery and after-sale service The aggregate of activities carried out by the. in every particular Operation management Activity is a link in this value chain. Enterprise value chain And the way in which it carries out individual activities, reflecting the history, strategy, way of implementing the strategy of the enterprise and the main features of the activity itself Economic situation
Value chain value-added activities can be divided into basic value-added activities and auxiliary value-added activities.
Fundamentals of the enterprise Value added activities In general“ Production and operation Links, such as material supply, finished product development, production operation, finished product storage and transportation marketing management And after-sales service. These activities are directly related to the processing and circulation of commodity entities.
Auxiliary value-added activities of enterprises, including organization construction personnel management technological development and purchasing management The technology and procurement here are in a broad sense, including both productive technology and unproductive Development management of, for example, Decision making technology Information technology and planning technology; Procurement management includes not only the management of production raw materials, but also the management of other resource inputs, for example, hiring relevant consulting companies to carry out advertising planning, market forecasting legal advice Information system design And long-term strategic plan Etc.
The links of the value chain are interrelated and affect each other. The operation and management of one link can affect the costs and benefits of other links. For example, if we spend more on purchasing high-quality raw materials, Production process In this way, we can reduce processes, produce less defective products and shorten processing time.
Although each link of the value chain is related to other links, to what extent can one link affect other links Value activities , it has a lot to do with its position in the value chain. According to the flow procedures of product entities in each link of the value chain, the value activities of enterprises can be divided into "upstream link" and "downstream link". In the basic value activities of the enterprise, material supply product development Production operation can be called "upstream link"; Finished product storage and transportation, marketing and after-sales service can be called "downstream links". The center of upstream economic activities is the product, which is closely related to the technical characteristics of the product; The center of the downstream link is the customer, and the success or failure mainly depends on the customer characteristics. Whether it is a productive or a service industry, the basic activities of an enterprise can be represented by the value chain, but the specific composition of the value of different industries is not exactly the same, and the importance of the same link in different industries is also different. For example, in the agricultural product industry, because the product itself is relatively simple, the competition is mainly price competition, which is generally less needed Advertising Marketing The demand for after-sales service is not particularly strong, and correspondingly, the downstream link of the value chain enterprise operation The impact of the overall effect of is relatively minor; In many industries Machinery industry As well as other industries with high technical requirements, after-sales service is often the key to success or failure in competition.


The basic view of the "value chain" theory is that in an enterprise with many“ Value activities ”Not every link creates value. The value created by the enterprise actually comes from Enterprise value chain Some specific value activities on; Those who really create value operating activities Is the "strategic link" of the enterprise value chain. The advantages of an enterprise in the competition, especially those that can be maintained for a long time, are, in the final analysis, some specific advantages of the enterprise in the value chain Strategic value Advantages in links. The monopoly advantage of the industry comes from the monopoly advantage of certain specific links of the industry. If we grasp these key links, we will also grasp the entire value chain. These decisions enterprise operation The strategic link of success, failure and benefit can be product development process planning , or marketing management , information technology, or personnel management And so on, depending on different industries. In the high-end fashion industry, this strategic link is generally Design capability In the cigarette industry, this strategic link is mainly advertising and Public relations strategy (i.e. how to deal with various governments and Consumer organization Experience and efforts); In the catering industry, this strategic link is mainly the choice of restaurant location. Although different industries have different value chains and the same link plays different roles in different industries, enterprises with large scale, such as multinational companies, can pass the key link in the value chain, that is Core competence Spread and transplant in relevant industries, so as to improve the competitive edge Multinational companies in international marketing Activities with global cross industry marketing Scope economy effect such Economies of scope The effect is obtained by multinational companies through the best use of universal elements and resources. This universal element can be universal Production equipment Management experience Marketing Skills and Research and development Ability. Since the existence of universal elements can be found in almost every link of the value chain, when the key link in the value chain of two industries, namely, the core competence, needs the same universal elements, multinational companies will spread their core competence in one industry to another related industry, so that the scope economy effect can be transformed into scope economy advantage. Therefore, multinational companies in an industry Marketing communication The advanced knowledge, experience and skills acquired in the activities can be transferred to other related industries without much additional investment.


Value chain economic activity China is ubiquitous. There is an industry value chain between upstream and downstream related enterprises Business Unit The connection of Enterprise value chain There is also a value chain connection between business units within the enterprise. Each value activity in the value chain will have an impact on how much value the enterprise can ultimately achieve. Value chain's impact on revenue international division of labor as well as management strategy It plays an important role.
Porter's "value chain" theory reveals that the competition between enterprises is not only the competition of a certain link, but the competition of the whole value chain Comprehensive competitiveness Determine the competitiveness of enterprises. In Porter's words: "The value in consumers' minds is composed of a series of specific activities and profits in terms of material and technology within the enterprise. When you compete with other enterprises, it is actually multiple internal activities that compete, rather than one activity."


Microsoft And Windows operating system As personal computer desktop ——Many Business software They are the core of this development and are often regarded as the typical companies and products that drive a value chain. When enterprises purchase software for personal computers, they spend much more on additional software than on basic operating systems, which are the de facto standard for running these additional software. Other companies must comply with Windows standards. In this sense, Microsoft controls a value chain. according to McKinsey&Company This unique value chain was worth US $383 billion in 1998. Microsoft's share in this value chain is only 4%, or 15.3 billion dollars.
If a company passes Develop products Or services, providing a platform for other companies to create a value chain, which is more likely to increase their own market share [2]