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Examination of appearance and image

A reference book mainly based on star tables edited by Dai Jinxian in the Qing Dynasty of China
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Yi Xiang Kaocheng was edited by Dai Jinxian in the Qing Dynasty Catalogue The main reference book.
Chinese name
Examination of appearance and image
Creation era
the Qing dynasty
reference book
Creation time
Editor in Chief
Dai Jinxian

brief introduction

from Qianlong It was started in the ninth year (AD 1744) and completed in the 17th year of Qianlong's reign. Dai Jinxian is the actual editor in chief of the catalog, with 26 people taking part in the compilation work. When the book was sent to the Wu Ying Hall for printing, it was worth making a large astronomical instrument for ten years. " Jiheng Fuchen Instrument ”It was completed in the 19th year of Qianlong's reign. Therefore, the first and second volumes of "Yi Shuo" about "Ji Heng Fu Chenyi" were added before the catalog. It is presumed that the book was published in the year of Qianlong Ding Chou (1757 AD).
The book is divided into 10 volumes and 32 volumes in total. The catalog lists 300 constellations, 3083 ecliptic coordinates and equatorial coordinates (see Celestial coordinate system )And the equator of each star precession of the equinoxes and the magnitude The winter solstice of Emperor Qianlong Jiazi (1744 AD) was used as the star catalog Epoch The content was referred to Franstide catalogue


More than 80 years later, the Imperial College again retested and revised the catalog of "Yi Xiang Kao Cheng", which was written in 32 volumes in the 24th year of Daoguang (AD 1844), called《 Continuation of the test of appearance and image 》。 The chief editor was Zhou Yuqing, the head of the Imperial College and the assistant head of the Imperial College, and 38 people participated in the calculation and compilation. It is the first catalog independently tested and compiled by the Chinese in the Qing Dynasty.
Compared with the "Yi Xiang Kao Cheng", 163 stars were added to the catalog, minus 6 stars that were not observed, and a total of 3240 stars were included; with brilliance of virtue Jiachen (AD 1844) Winter Solstice Is the epoch of the catalog. Compared with "Yi Xiang Kao Cheng"《 Continuation of the test of appearance and image 》Although the number of stars added is small and the change is not large, it provides a batch of new measured star coordinate values with reliable age, which is the main basis for the Chinese names of stars still in use today.