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One of the characters in Genesis 16-21
The story is recorded in Genesis chapters 16-21 Xia Jia Is of Sarah Of Egypt Maid, thanks to Sarah Infertility She gave Hagar to her husband Abraham as a concubine and gave birth to a son, who was named Ishmael, which means "God heard", meaning that the LORD heard your grievance.
God promised Abraham, Xia Jia It is also the mother of a country; Her descendants are extremely numerous, even countless.
When Ishmael grew up, she was famous for her shooting skills Balan To live in the wilderness; His mother Hagar married him an Egyptian wife.
Ishmael also gave birth to twelve sons, who became heads of twelve families according to their villages and camps.
His descendants lived east of his brothers from Havilah to Egypt Shur , on the road of Assyria.
Arabs are widely regarded as descendants of Ishmael.
Muhammad, the originator of Islam, claims to be the descendant of Ishmael. Scholars have found that some people trace Muhammad's ancestors to Nibaiyo, and others to Quetta (《 Bible Genesis - 25:13). [6]
Ishmael's daughter Bashimar married Isaac Esau, the eldest son of Edom, gave birth to Edom's descendants.
Chinese name
Key achievements
become Arab nation Ancestors of
Genesis 16-21
"God hears"
Abraham Xia Jia
Brothers and sisters

brief introduction

because Xia Jia When he learned that he was carrying Abraham's flesh and blood, he suddenly became a hostess Sarah When she disobeyed everywhere, Sarah had to use her mother's authority. Because Sarah had treated Hagar badly, Hagar fled from Abraham's house and met an angel in the wilderness, who asked her to go back. She went back, obeyed Sarah, and gave birth to her son Ishmael.
14 years later, Sarah also gave birth Isaac When the baby was weaned, Sarah found Ishmael, 14, laughing at Isaac; So she urged Abraham to drive Hagar and her son away.
Abraham was upset, but because Isaac was promised by God and Ishmael was not, God ordered him to do so.
Early the next morning, Abraham gave Hagar and Ishmael bread and a skin of water, and sent them away. Hagar plans to return to Egypt, but on the way Don't be Ba When she lost her way in the wilderness and ran out of water in her leather bag, she left Ishmael under a small tree. She was an arrow away. The angel came to rescue them and showed her a well. She lives Balan Desert of Paran.
Ishmael has 12 children and is the head of 12 families. Ishmael's 12 sons recorded in the Bible: "The names of Ishmael's sons are listed below according to their genealogy. Ishmael's eldest son is Nebaioth, and there are Kedar, Adeber, Mibeshan, Mishmar, Duma, Massa, Hada, Tema, Ithu, Nafish, and Kedemar. These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, heads of twelve families according to their villages and camps. " (Gen 25:13-16)
Ishmael lived 137 years (Gen 25:17), and his sons lived in the east of his brothers, from Havilah to Shur before Egypt, on the way to Assyria. (Gen 25:18) According to the description of the settlement of Ishmael's descendants in the Bible and the description of the Koran, people believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of Arabs, but the Bible did not record it.
Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham as his wife
When the LORD told Abram for the first time to leave his home in Ur, Chaldea, and go to the place God had indicated, God promised, "I will make you a great nation.". This sentence implies that Abram will eventually have many descendants. Abram was 75 years old at that time, and his wife sarai At 65, they have no children.
When they arrive Canaan After the earth, God reiterated this promise. In Genesis, God said, "I will also make your descendants as many as the dust on the earth. If people can count the dust on the earth, they can count your descendants."
Ten years later, they still had no children. Sarai was 75 years old at that time. She knew it was over give birth to a child So he said to Abram, "The Lord has kept me from bearing children. Please go in with my maid, or I may have children because of her."
Hagar is arrogant because she is pregnant
Abram agreed, and soon the maid Xia Jia She became pregnant. So Hagar became arrogant and began to look down upon Sarai.
Sarah complained to Abraham about Hagar's contempt for her. Abraham said that Sarah was Hagar's mistress and could treat her according to her own wishes.
Hagar Escapes and Meets an Angel
Sarah mistreated Hagar, and Hagar fled from Abraham's house. She met an angel by the spring on the way to Shur in the desert, and asked her to go back and submit to Hagar's hand.
The angel told Hagar about her descendants and their diversity
The angel also told Hagar that she would make her descendants extremely numerous, even countless; He told her to name the child Ishmael.
Children must be like people Wild donkey
His hand is going to attack people,
And the hand of man shall smite him.
He will dwell on the east side of his brothers.
So Hagar called the LORD who spoke to her "the God who cares for people". So I said: Do I see the one who looks after me here?
So this well is called Beer Lahai.
This well is between Kagos and Bale.
She went back, obeyed Sarah, and gave birth to her son Ishmael.
Abraham was 86 years old when Ishmael was born. (Genesis 16)
Isaac was born
Thirteen years later, when Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him again and said, "I will make a covenant with you, so that your descendants will be extremely numerous." In order to emphasize this promise, God changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning "the father of many countries"; God also changed Sarai's name to Sarah , which means "the mother of many countries" [1] And said, "I will bless her, and I will give you a son from her. I will bless her, and she will be the mother of many nations, and kings of the people will come out of her."
In order to make it clear that Ishmael is not the promised son, God said to Abram in Genesis 17:21, "Sarah will bear you Isaac I will strengthen my covenant with him. "
The next year Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old. Isaac was indeed born. Therefore Sarah said, "God makes me laugh, and everyone who hears will laugh with me." (Genesis 21)
This is the background of Paul's question. Ishmael was born by a servant girl, according to the blood - that is to say, Ishmael was born in the usual way.
Hagar and Ishmael are driven away
When the baby was weaned, Sarah found Ishmael, 14, laughing at Isaac; So she urged Abraham to drive Hagar and her son away. (Genesis 21) [2]
Abraham was upset because of the child, but God and the LORD commanded him to do so, because the son of Isaac will be called your offspring. As for Hagar's son, God also promised that he would establish a nation after Ishmael, because he was born to Abraham.
Early the next morning, Abraham gave Hagar and Ishmael bread and a skin of water, and sent them away.
Hagar plans to return to Egypt, but on the way Don't be Ba When she lost her way in the wilderness and ran out of water in her leather bag, she left Ishmael under a small tree. She was an arrow away and sat opposite, saying, "Death for not recognizing the child!"! "Just sit opposite each other and cry loudly.
The angel called from heaven to Hagar not to be afraid. God had heard the voice of the child and asked her to pick up the child, and told Hagar again that the child's descendants would become a great country.
God made her see a well, and Hagar went and filled the skin with water and gave the child a drink.
God blessed the child, and he grew up, lived in the Desert of Paran, and became an archer. Hagar took him an Egyptian wife.


Ishmael gave birth to 12 sons and a daughter:
Nebaioth, Kedar, Adeber, Mibeshan, Mishmar, Duma, Massa, Hada, Tema, Itur, Naphish, Kedemar.
These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, heads of twelve families according to their villages and camps.
The daughter is Bashimar. Genesis 36:3) At Genesis 28:6-9, the daughter's name is Mahara. Bashemath was called the daughter of Elon the Hittite. [3]
Ishmael at the age of 137 years old.
His descendants lived on the east side of his brothers, from Havilah to Shur before Egypt, on the way to Assyria. [4] (Genesis 25:12-18)

Bashimar married Esau

Ishmael's daughter Bashimar married Isaac's son Esau Juxtaposition Lower flow Er.
The sons of Reuel:
Naha, Zerah, Shammah, Mizzah, these are Edom All the heads of families that came out of Reuel were the sons of Pashmash. Genesis 36:10; 13; 17)
They are all the patriarchs of Edom. [5]
On the other hand, Isaac was the son of a free woman, born according to God's promise. Galatians 4: 24 said that these are all examples. Those two women are two covenants. The first covenant comes from Mount Sinai , having children as slaves is Xia Jia Xia Jia and Sarah Separation symbol law And the covenant of grace.

In Islam

Muhammad, the originator of Islam, claims to be the descendant of Ishmael. Scholars have found that some people trace Muhammad's ancestors back to the Nibai Treaty, while others trace them back to Keda (the Old Testament of the Bible, Genesis -25:13》)。
Most Muslims regard themselves as the descendants of Ishmael, but some Christians believe that Ishmael's descendants only account for arab A small part of human lineage.

Christian view

Isaac was the son of a free woman, born according to God's promise; Ishmael was born to a servant girl, according to her blood. Galatians 4: 24 said that these are all examples. Those two women are two covenants. The first covenant comes from Mount Sinai , having children as slaves is Xia Jia One appointment is out Jerusalem It is autonomous. Xia Jia and Sarah Separation symbol law And the covenant of grace.