
[dài xiè]
Biological terminology
zero Useful+1
Metabolism is also called metabolism, which generally refers to a series of orderly chemical reaction The general name of. These reaction processes enable organisms to grow and reproduction , maintain their structure and respond to the external environment. Metabolism is generally divided into two categories: catabolism can decompose large molecules to obtain energy (e.g Cellular respiration ); Anabolism Energy can be used to synthesize various components in cells, such as proteins and nucleic acids. Metabolism can be considered as organism Continuous material and energy exchange Once the exchange of material and energy stops, the structure of organism will disintegrate [3]
The chemical reactions in the metabolic process can be summarized as metabolic pathways, that is, organisms transform one chemical substance into another through the action of enzymes. The basic metabolic pathways of all living organisms are similar, which may be the result of the high efficiency of related metabolic pathways and the emergence of these pathways early in the evolutionary history [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
General term for all chemical reactions in organisms
Enabling organisms to grow and reproduce
the new supersedes the old

Basic concepts

The general term for various chemical reactions occurring in cells, mainly including catabolism and anabolism.
Concept of metabolism
Metabolism is all orderly in the organism Chemical change The general name of. It includes material metabolism and energy metabolism.
Material metabolism It refers to the exchange of substances between organisms and the external environment and the transformation process of substances in organisms.
energy metabolism It refers to the process of energy exchange between organisms and the external environment and the transformation of energy in organisms.
In the process of metabolism assimilation , and Alienation
Assimilation: also called anabolism, refers to the process in which an organism converts nutrients obtained from the external environment into its own components and stores energy.
Alienation: also called catabolism, it refers to the change process in which an organism can decompose some of its original components, release its energy, and expel the end products of decomposition out of the body.
The relationship between assimilation, dissimilation, material metabolism and energy metabolism in metabolism can be summarized by the expression on the left:
Basic types of metabolism
In the long-term evolution process, organisms constantly interact with their environment, and gradually form different types of metabolism. According to the organism in nature assimilation and Alienation Different ways, the basic types of metabolism can be divided into the following.
Three types of assimilation
Metabolism can be divided into Autotrophic type And heterotrophic and facultative.
Autotrophic green plants absorb inorganic substances directly from the external environment, produce inorganic substances into complex organic substances through photosynthesis, and store energy to maintain their own life activities. This type of metabolism belongs to autotrophic type. A few kinds of bacteria, unable to carry out photosynthesis, can use the energy released by the oxidation of some inorganic substances in the external environment to produce organic substances, and rely on these organic substances Oxidative decomposition The energy released by the time to maintain their own life activities, this synthesis is called Chemosynthesis For example, nitrifying bacteria It can convert ammonia (NH3) in soil into Nitrite (HNO2) and nitric acid (HNO3), and use the energy released by this oxidation process to synthesize organic compounds. In short, the organism assimilation In the process of metabolism, it can transform the inorganic substances taken from the external environment into its own constituent substances and store energy. This type of metabolism is called autotrophic.
Heterotrophic people and animals can not conduct photosynthesis like green plants, nor can they conduct chemosynthesis like nitrifying bacteria. They can only rely on the ingestion of readily available organic substances in the external environment to maintain their own life activities. This type of metabolism belongs to heterotrophic type. In addition, the metabolic type of saprophytic or parasitic fungi and most kinds of bacteria also belongs to heterotrophic type. In short, the organism assimilation In the process of metabolism, the ready-made organic substances taken from the external environment are transformed into their own constituent substances and stored energy. This type of metabolism is called heterotrophic.
Facultative trophic organisms (such as rhodospirillum )It can be fixed by light without organic matter carbon dioxide And synthesize organics to meet their own growth and development needs; When there is ready organic matter, these organisms will use the ready organic matter to meet their growth and development needs.
Three types of alienation
According to the oxygen demand of organisms in the process of alienation, the basic types of metabolism can be divided into aerobic Anaerobic type And facultative anaerobic type.
Aerobic Animals and plants Both need to live in an oxygen rich environment. They are Alienation During the process of Oxidative decomposition The organic matter in the body releases its energy in order to maintain its various life activities. This type of metabolism is called aerobic, also called Aerobic respiration Type.
Anaerobic organisms include lactobacillus And parasitic in animals parasite A few animals can still oxidize organic substances in their bodies under the condition of hypoxia, and obtain the energy needed to maintain their own life activities. This type of metabolism is called Anaerobic type , also called Anaerobic respiration Type.
Facultative anaerobic organisms carry out aerobic respiration under the condition of sufficient oxygen, completely decomposing organic matter into carbon dioxide and water, and incompletely decomposing organic matter into lactic acid or alcohol and water under the condition of hypoxia. The typical facultative anaerobic organism is Yeast Now let's introduce yeast.
Facultative anaerobic organism yeast
Yeasts are single celled fungi, usually distributed in high sugar content and acidic environment, such as the surface of vegetables and fruits, and the soil of vegetable gardens and orchards. Yeast is Facultative anaerobe , in the presence of oxygen, decomposes sugars into carbon dioxide and water; Under the condition of hypoxia, the carbohydrate is decomposed into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Yeast is widely used in production. In addition to the well-known wine making and dough making, it can also be used in production Organic acid , extracting various enzymes, etc. Any living creature must constantly eat and accumulate energy; We must also constantly discharge waste and consume energy. This process of material and energy exchange between the organism and the outside world is called metabolism. Metabolism is Life phenomenon It is composed of two opposite and unified processes. One is assimilation The other is Alienation Process.
After people and animals eat the external substances (food), they can transform and synthesize the available substances into their own substances through digestion and absorption; At the same time, the energy released during food transformation is stored, which is called assimilation. Green plants use photosynthesis to convert water, carbon dioxide and other substances absorbed from the outside into starch, cellulose and other substances, and store energy, which is also assimilation. The role of alienation is assimilation At the same time, the material of the organism itself is constantly decomposed and changed, and the stored energy is released for use in life activities, while the unnecessary and unusable material is discharged from the body.
The balance between assimilation and dissimilation The metabolism of various organisms is different in the stages of growth, development and aging. In the process of growing up, infants and adolescents need more materials to build their own bodies, so metabolism is strong and assimilation plays a leading role. In old age and old age, the human body functions are gradually degraded, and the metabolism is gradually slow Alienation Both of them have declined, but they are always in balance (provided they are healthy). When Consumptive disease The alienation effect will be greater than the assimilation effect, such as: tumor, tuberculosis, severe trauma, burns, fluid drainage after major surgery, chronic suppurative infection, chronic blood loss, etc.
Although animals do not eat or drink during hibernation, their metabolism does not stop, but it becomes very slow.
Metabolism is Living body The process of continuous self renewal is also a judgment Biological and abiotic If metabolism stops, life will end [1]


The scientific research on metabolism has spanned several centuries, from the early research on the overall metabolism of animals to the exploration of the single metabolic reaction mechanism in modern biochemistry. The concept of metabolism dates back to the 13th century, Arab medicine home Ibn al-Nafis Ibn al-Nafis )"The body and its various parts are in a continuous state of decomposition and nutrition acceptance, so they are inevitably changing all the time". The first experiment on human metabolism was conducted by Italian Santorio Santorio Santorio Santorio )Completed in 1614 and published in his book《 Medical statistical methods 》(Ars de statica medecina). In the book, he described how he weighed himself before and after various activities such as eating, sleeping, working, sex life, fasting, drinking and excretion; He found that most of the food he ate was eventually consumed through what he called "unconscious sweating". In these early studies, the mechanism of metabolic process has not been revealed, and it is generally believed that there is a“ vitality ”It can activate organs. In the 19th century, the saccharomyces cerevisiae Zymolysis by alcohol French scientists louis pasteur It was concluded that the process of fermentation was catalyzed by what he called "enzyme" in yeast cells. He wrote: "Alcoholysis is a behavior related to life and yeast cell tissue, but not to cell death and decay." This discovery is related to Friedrich Wohler The chemical synthesis of urea published in 1828 proved that the chemical reactions and organic substances found in cells are no different from other chemistry and follow the basic principles of chemistry.
At the beginning of the 20th century, enzymes were first Eduard Buchner It is found that this discovery makes the research on chemical reactions in metabolism independent from the research on cell biology, and it also marks the beginning of biochemical research. Since the beginning of the 20th century, people's understanding of biochemistry has increased rapidly. Among modern biochemists, Hans Krebs He is one of the most productive researchers and has made great contributions to the study of metabolism: he discovered the urea cycle, and then Hans Kornberg Hans Kornberg )The tricarboxylic acid cycle and glyoxylic acid cycle were discovered jointly. Modern biochemical research benefits from the application of a large number of new technologies, such as chromatographic analysis X-ray crystallography nuclear magnetic resonance Electron microscopy Isotope labeling Mass Spectrometry and molecular dynamics Simulation, etc. These techniques allow researchers to discover and analyze specifically molecules related to metabolic pathways in cells.
Structure of coenzyme adenosine triphosphate
metabolize It is generated in the organism for maintenance life A series of ordered chemical reaction The general name of. These reaction processes enable organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structure and respond to the external environment. Metabolism is generally divided into two categories: Catabolism Large molecules can be decomposed to obtain energy (e.g Cellular respiration ); Anabolism Energy can be used to synthesize various components in cells, such as proteins and nucleic acids. Metabolism can be considered as the process of continuous exchange of material and energy. Once the exchange of material and energy stops, the structure and system of the organism will disintegrate.
The chemical reactions in metabolism can be summarized as Metabolic pathway Through the action of a series of enzymes, one chemical substance is transformed into another. Enzymes are crucial for metabolism, because their catalysis enables organisms to thermodynamics A reaction that is difficult to occur on. When the external environment changes or receives signals from other cells, cells also need to regulate metabolic pathways through enzymes to respond to these changes and signals.
The metabolic mechanism of an organism determines which substances are Nutritive , and which are deleterious For example, some prokaryote utilize hydrogen sulfide As a nutrient, this gas is fatal to animals. Metabolic rate, or metabolic rate It also affects the demand of an organism for food.
One of the great characteristics of metabolism is that the basic metabolic pathways between different species are similar, even though they are very different. For example, carboxylic acid , as Citric acid cycle (also known as“ Tricarboxylic acid cycle ”)The most well known intermediate products in the unicellular The bacteria are still huge multicellular Biology such as elephant Such similarity in metabolism is likely due to related metabolism channel High efficiency and the result of these pathways appearing early in the evolutionary history.

influence factor

Metabolism refers to the body activities that are carried out continuously without consciousness, including heart Keep your body temperature and breath. Metabolism is affected by the following factors:
The younger a person is, the faster his metabolism will be. This is due to the growth of the body, especially in infancy and adolescence.
Body epidermis
The larger the skin area of the body, the faster the metabolism. Two people with the same weight and different height will have a slower metabolism than a shorter one.
High people need to speed up metabolism to generate heat because of their large skin area and fast body heat dissipation.
Men usually metabolize faster than women. It is generally believed that this is due to the Muscle tissue The proportion is larger. Muscle tissue is active even when people are at rest, and adipose tissue But not active.
The metabolism of the body will be accelerated in the process of intense physical exercise and within a few hours after the activity.
Network meaning: as a neologism, metabolism expression is not a memory of innocent years, it is very yellow and violent nude picture scandal event. Chen is Edison Chen, Xie is Nicholas Tse The main line is Cecilia Cheung The word means that Chen replaces Xie and has a good time with Zhang.
Alcohol affects metabolism
Effect on glucose metabolism
Glucose is the only energy supply that can be used by the brain. Once glucose is lacking, the brain will show symptoms of different degrees, such as disturbance of consciousness, coma and even death.
Ethanol can significantly affect the metabolism of glucose. After drinking, the anaerobic degradation of glucose (called glycolysis) increases while gluconeogenesis decreases. Finally, even the synthesis of glycogen is inhibited. For alcoholics, there are two common reasons for hypoglycemia: ① poor diet quality or eating conditions lead to insufficient sugar intake, which will reduce glycogen reserves in the body over time; ② Ethanol can inhibit gluconeogenesis and reduce available glucose. Both may cause hypoglycemia, and even coma in severe cases.
The hypoglycemia after drinking mostly occurs in the case of empty stomach, usually 6 to 36 hours after drinking. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependent hypoglycemia are very important clinically. When hypoglycemia occurs, the patient may show trembling, sweating, agitation, and Abstinence syndrome Similar performance. It is easy to be misdiagnosed. Therefore, it is suggested that the blood glucose level should be routinely checked before the preparation of the treatment for each case of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence to exclude the possibility of hypoglycemia. Similarly, for anyone who has a long history of drinking and goes to the hospital with consciousness disorder, check the blood sugar level in an emergency and supplement glucose intravenously if necessary to avoid the occurrence of Hypoglycemic coma
In addition to hypoglycemia, alcoholics may also have hyperglycemia, which mostly occurs in those who still have good eating conditions when drinking. Because ethanol can block the conversion of glucose to glycogen and increase blood sugar, drinkers often have transient hyperglycemia, which generally does not need treatment. If hyperglycemia persists, the possibility of diabetes should be considered, and corresponding examination and treatment should be carried out.
Effect on water and electrolyte balance
Almost everyone with drinking experience knows that alcohol can promote diuresis.
However, this phenomenon only occurs at the beginning of drinking and when the blood alcohol concentration is on the rise. For alcohol abusers and alcohol addicts, the situation is often the opposite. Water retention often occurs in patients, and the water content in the body increases. Some patients often have edema of varying degrees.
Long term alcoholics may also appear Electrolyte disorder When monitoring the electrolyte of alcohol abusers and alcohol addicts, in addition to monitoring the conventional indicators such as sodium, potassium, chlorine and carbonate, attention should also be paid to the level of phosphorus and magnesium.

Biochemical substance

Most of the structures of animals, plants and microorganisms are composed of three basic biological molecules, which are amino acid , sugars and lipids (often referred to as fats). Since these molecules are necessary to maintain life, metabolism not only manufactures these molecules for building cells and tissues, but also digests and degrades these molecules in food after ingesting food to provide energy needed to maintain life. Many important biochemical substances can be aggregated to form POLYMER , such as DNA and proteins. these ones here Biomacromolecule It is an essential component for all organisms. The following table lists some of the most common biomacromolecules.
Molecular type
Monomer Name of form
POLYMER Name of form
Examples of polymer forms
amino acid
Protein (or polypeptide)
Fibrin and globulin
Starch, glycogen and cellulose
nucleic acid
Human resource type I Glyoxalase Structure of.

Amino acids and proteins

The proteins are arranged in a linear way amino acid It is composed of amino acids Peptide bond Interconnection. Enzymes are the most common proteins that catalyze various chemical reactions in metabolism. Some proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as participating in the formation of Cytoskeleton To maintain cell morphology. There are many proteins in Cell signal transduction immune reaction cell adhesion and cell cycle regulation Play an important role in.
Triglyceride Structure of.
Lipids are the most diverse biomolecules. Their main structural purpose is to form biological membranes, such as cell membranes; In addition, they can also serve as a source of energy for the body. Lipids are generally defined as Hydrophobicity Or amphoteric biomolecules, soluble in benzene or chloroform And other organic solvents. Fat is composed of fatty acids Group and glycerol A large class of lipid compounds composed of groups; Its structure is a glycerol molecule with ester The bond connects three fatty acid molecules to form triglyceride On the basis of this basic structure, there are also many variants, including hydrophobic skeletons of different sizes and lengths (such as Sphingolipids In Sphingosine Group) and different types of Hydrophilic Group (such as phosphate group in phospholipid). steroid (such as cholesterol) is another major lipid molecule synthesized by cells.
Glucose can exist in both linear and circular forms.
More sugar hydroxyl Of aldehyde or ketone , can exist in the form of straight chain or ring. Carbohydrates are the most abundant biological molecules, which have many functions, such as storing and transporting energy (such as starch Glycogen )And as structural components (cellulose in plants and chitin )。 The basic constituent units of sugars are monosaccharide , including Galactose fructose And very important glucose. Monosaccharides can be linked together to form polysaccharides through glycosidic bonds, and the way of linking is extremely diverse, which results in the diversity of polysaccharide types.
Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
DNA and RNA Are two main types of nucleic acids, both of which are composed of nucleotide A straight chain molecule formed by joining. Nucleic acid molecule for genetic information The storage and utilization of Transcription And translation to complete the process from genetic information to protein. This genetic information is generated by DNA repair Mechanism, and through DNA replication To amplify. Some viruses (such as HIV )Containing RNA genome , they can use Reverse transcription To synthesize DNA templates from viral RNA. ribozyme (e.g Shear body and ribosome )RNA in Characteristics of enzyme , which can catalyze chemical reactions. A single nucleotide is composed of a Ribose Molecule connected to previous Base To form. The base is nitrogenous Heterocycle , can be divided into two categories: purine and pyrimidine Nucleotides can also be used as coenzyme Participate in the transfer reaction of metabolic groups.
Acetyl CoA Structure of. Transferable Acetyl Bound to the leftmost sulfur atom.
Metabolism includes a wide range of chemical reactions, but most of them belong to several basic types that contain the transfer of functional groups Reaction type In these reactions, cells use a series of Small molecule Metabolize intermediates to carry chemical groups between different reactions. The intermediates of these group transfers are called coenzymes. Each type of group transfer reaction is performed by a specific coenzyme, which synthesizes it and consumes a series of enzymes substrate These coenzymes are constantly generated, consumed and recycled.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Yes Life form One of the most important coenzymes in the cell Energy flow The universal form of. ATP is used between different chemical reactions chemical energy Delivery of. Although there is only a small amount of ATP in cells, it is constantly synthesized, and the amount of ATP consumed by the human body in a day can be accumulated to reach its own weight. ATP is connected Anabolism and Catabolism Bridges: Catabolic reaction ATP is generated, and Anabolic reaction Consume ATP. It can also be used as phosphoric acid Group Carriers of Phosphorylation Reaction.
Vitamin is a kind of trace amount needed by life Organic compound , but the cell itself cannot synthesize. In humans Nutrition Most vitamins can play the role of coenzyme after being modified; For example, all the Water-soluble vitamin Are phosphorylated or coupling To nucleotides. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, reduced as NADH) Yes Vitamin B3 (commonly known as nicotinic acid), which is also an important coenzyme, can be used as a hydrogen receptor. Hundreds of different types of dehydrogenase Electrons can be removed from their substrates and NAD+can be reduced to NADH at the same time. Then, this reduction form can be used as any reductase A coenzyme that provides electrons for the reduction of enzyme substrates. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide exists in two different forms in cells: NADH and NADPH. NAD+/NADH Catabolic reaction While NADP+/NADPH is mostly used for Anabolic reaction Medium.
hemoglobin Structure of. Protein subunit Displayed in red and blue, combined with iron hemoglobin It is displayed in green. From PDB 1GZX

Minerals and cofactors

inorganic elements It also plays an important role in metabolism; Some of them are rich in the body (such as sodium and potassium), while others are trace elements. About 99% of mammals have carbon, nitrogen, calcium, sodium chlorine , potassium hydrogen , phosphorus oxygen And sulfur. Most of carbon and nitrogen exist in organic matter (such as protein, lipid and sugar), while hydrogen and oxygen mainly exist in water.
The abundant inorganic elements are all ions used as electrolytes. The most important ions in the body are metal ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride ions Phosphate radical Ions and Bicarbonate Ions. Maintain accurate Ionic gradient , can be maintained osmotic pressure And pH stability. Ions are also indispensable for nerve and muscle tissues, because the action potential (can cause nerve signals and Muscle contraction )Is created by Extracellular fluid And cells Protoplasm Produced by the exchange of electrolytes between them. Electrolytes enter and leave cells through the cell membrane ion channel Protein. For example, muscle contraction depends on Transverse tubule T-tubule )The ion channel on the calcium ion , potassium ion and sodium ion flow control.
transition metal It usually exists in organism as trace elements, in which zinc and iron Is the most abundant. These metal elements are used by some proteins Cofactor Or it plays a key role in the play of enzyme activity, such as oxygen carrying hemoglobin and catalase These cofactors can tightly bind to specific proteins; Although the cofactors of the enzyme will be modified during the catalytic process, these cofactors can always return to the initial state after the completion of catalysis.


Catabolism (also called dissimilation) is the general term for a series of reaction processes that break down macromolecules, including breaking down and oxidizing food molecules. Catabolic reaction The purpose of Anabolic reaction Provide the required energy and reactants. The mechanism of catabolism varies in organisms, such as Organotrophic bacteria decompose Organic molecule To gain energy, and Inorganic nutrient bacteria utilize Inorganic As a source of energy, Light energy utilization bacteria Can absorb sunlight and transform it into usable chemical energy However, all these metabolic forms require Redox The participation of the reaction is mainly to transfer electrons from Reducibility Donor molecules (such as organic molecules water ammonia hydrogen sulfide Ferrous ion Etc.) to Receptor molecule (e.g oxygen Nitrate sulfate Etc.). In animals, these reactions also involve breaking down complex organic molecules into simple molecules (such as carbon dioxide and water). stay Photosynthesis Biological (such as plants and blue-green algae )These electron transfer reactions do not release energy, but are used as a way to store absorbed light energy.
Most common among animals Catabolic reaction It can be divided into three main steps: first, macromolecule Organic compounds, such as proteins, polysaccharides or lipids, are digested and decomposed into small molecular components; These small molecules are then ingested by cells and transformed into smaller molecules, usually Acetyl CoA , some energy will be released in this process; Finally, the acetyl Group passing Citric acid cycle and Electron transfer chain It is oxidized to water and carbon dioxide and releases energy, which can Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is reduced to NADH and stored in the form of chemical energy.


Starch, protein, cellulose and other macromolecular polymers cannot be absorbed by cells quickly and need to be decomposed into small molecules first Monomer Then it can be used for cell metabolism. A variety of digestive enzymes can degrade these polymers, such as protease You can set but Protein degradation It is a polypeptide fragment or amino acid, Glycoside hydrolase Polysaccharides can be broken down into monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into the surrounding environment, while animals can only digestive system Specific cells in the cell to secrete these enzymes. Amino acids or monosaccharides obtained from the decomposition of these extracellular enzymes are then passed through Active transportation The protein is transported into the cell.

Energy from organic matter

The catabolism of sugars is to break down sugar chains into smaller units. Usually once sugar chain It can be absorbed by cells after being decomposed into monosaccharides. Sugar entering the cell, such as glucose and fructose, will pass through Glycolysis The pathway is transformed into Pyruvate And generate some ATP. Pyruvate is an intermediate of multiple metabolic pathways, but most of it will be converted into Acetyl CoA And enter the citric acid cycle. Although the citric acid cycle can produce ATP, its most important product is NADH, which is produced by NAD and provides electrons by the oxidation of acetyl coenzyme A, while releasing useless carbon dioxide. Under anaerobic conditions, glycolysis will generate Lactate , i.e lactate dehydrogenase It converts pyruvate into lactate, and oxidizes NADH into NAD+, so that NAD can be recycled for glycolysis. Another way to degrade glucose is Pentose phosphate pathway , which can convert coenzyme Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) is restored to NADPH and generated Pentose , such as Ribose (an important component of synthetic nucleotides).
Fat is produced by hydrolysis It is decomposed into fatty acids and glycerol Glycerol can enter Glycolysis pathway , via Beta oxidation It is decomposed and releases acetyl coenzyme A, which enters the citric acid cycle as described above. Fatty acids are also decomposed by oxidation; Fatty acids can release more energy than sugars in the oxidation process, which is due to the high oxygen content ratio of sugar structure.
amino acid It can not only be used to synthesize proteins or other biological molecules, but also be oxidized to urea and carbon dioxide to provide energy. The first step of oxidation is transaminase Put the amino Removal, the amino group is then fed Urea cycle And the remaining carbon skeleton with amino groups removed Keto acid Exists in the form of. There are many kinds of ketoacids (such as α - ketoglutaric acid , from deaminated glutamate ) is the intermediate of citric acid cycle. In addition, Raw sugar amino acid glucogenic amino acid )Able to pass Gluconeogenesis The action is converted to glucose (see below for details).


Anabolism (also known as assimilation) is the general term for a series of anabolic processes (that is, the synthesis of complex molecules using the energy released by catabolism). In general, it is used to form Cellular structure The complex molecules of are all constructed step by step from small and simple precursors. Anabolism consists of three basic stages: first, precursor molecules are generated, such as amino acid monosaccharide Isoprenoid and nucleotide Second, use ATP hydrolysis The energy provided by these molecules is activated to form an active form; Finally, they are assembled into complex molecules, such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and nucleic acids.
Different organisms need to synthesize different kinds of complex molecules. Autotroph For example, plants can use simple small molecules, such as carbon dioxide and water, in their cells to synthesize complex organic molecules, such as polysaccharides and proteins. Heterotroph More complex material sources, such as monosaccharides and amino acids, are needed to produce corresponding complex molecules. Organisms can also be subdivided into: those that obtain light energy Photoautotroph and Photoheterotroph , and energy obtained from inorganic oxidation process Chemoautotroph And chemoheterotrophs.

Carbon fixation

plant cell (The purple cell wall surrounding it) is full of the "factory" of photosynthesis chloroplast (green).
Photosynthesis is a process that uses sunlight, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water to synthesize sugars and release oxygen. This process uses Photosynthetic reaction center The generated ATP and NADPH convert CO2 into 3-phosphoglycerate , and continue to add 3- Phosphoglycerate This process is called Carbon fixation Carbon fixation reaction as Calvin Benson cycle Part of, by RuBisCO Enzymes to catalyze. Photosynthesis occurring in plants can be divided into three types: C3 carbon fixation C4 carbon fixation and CAM photosynthesis The difference between these photosynthetic species lies in the different ways when carbon dioxide enters the Calvin cycle: C3 type plants can directly fix CO2; C4 and CAM combine CO2 with other compounds first, which is an adaptation to strong light and arid environment.
In photosynthetic prokaryotes, the mechanism of carbon fixation is only more different. For example, carbon dioxide can pass through the Calvin Benson cycle (a Trans citric acid cycle )Or acetyl coenzyme A Carboxylation And is fixed. In addition, prokaryotic Chemoautotrophic bacteria CO2 can also be fixed through the Calvin Benson cycle, but energy from inorganic compounds is used to drive the reaction.

Saccharides and glycans

In the anabolism of sugars, simple organic acids can be converted into monosaccharide (e.g. glucose), and then monosaccharides are polymerized together to form polysaccharides (e.g. starch). Include from Pyruvate Lactate glycerol 3-phosphoglycerate and amino acid The process of producing glucose from compounds within is called Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis converts pyruvate into Glucose-6-phosphate , many of which can interact with Glycolysis Process sharing. However, gluconeogenesis is not a simple glycolysis process Reverse reaction Many of these steps are catalyzed by enzymes that do not play a role in glycolysis. In this way, the synthesis and decomposition of glucose can be regulated separately to prevent these two pathways from entering Invalid loop futile cycle )。
Although fat is a universal way to store energy vertebrate For example, in humans, stored fatty acids cannot pass through Gluconeogenesis It is converted to glucose because these organisms cannot convert acetyl coenzyme A into pyruvate (plants have the necessary enzyme, while animals do not). Therefore, after long-term hunger, vertebrates need to produce fatty acids Ketone body To replace glucose in tissues, because tissues like brain cannot metabolize fatty acids. In other organisms, such as plants and bacteria Glyoxylic acid cycle , you can skip the Decarboxylation reaction , enabling acetyl coenzyme A to be converted into Oxaloacetate , and Oxaloacetic acid Salt can be used for the production of glucose, thus solving this metabolic problem in vertebrates.
Polysaccharides and Glycan It is synthesized by adding monosaccharides step by step. The process of adding monosaccharides is Glycosyltransferase Convert the glycosyl group from an activated sugar phosphate donor (e.g Uridine diphosphate glucose )Up transferred to hydroxyl (located in the extended polysaccharide chain). Since any hydroxyl group on the sugar ring can act as a receptor, the polysaccharide chain can be a straight chain structure or contain multiple branched chains. These generated polysaccharides can have structural or metabolic functions themselves, or can be transferred to lipids and proteins under the action of oligosaccharide chain transferase (i.e Glycosylation Function).
Fatty acids Terpenoid And steroids
Simplified diagram of steroid metabolic pathway. It includes the intermediate isopentene inorganpyrophosphate (IPP), dimethyl allyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP), geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) and squalene. Some intermediates are omitted. The product is Lanosterol
Fatty acid synthesis It is a process of polymerization and reduction of acetyl coenzyme A. The acetyl chain on the fatty acid is extended through a reaction cycle, including adding acetyl Base, reducing it to ethanol and continuing to reduce it to alkane Process. Enzymes that play a role in fatty acid biosynthesis can be divided into two categories: all fatty acids in animals and fungi Synthetic reaction By a single Multifunctional enzyme , Type I Fatty acid synthase To complete; But in plants Plastid And bacteria, there are a number of different enzymes that catalyze each reaction, and these enzymes are collectively referred to as type I fatty acid synthase.
Terpene and Isoprenes Compounds (including Carotenoids (inside) is a large family of lipids, which constitute plants Natural compounds The largest category of. These compounds are based on isoprene It is a unit, polymerized and modified; Among them, isoprene is composed of reactive precursors, Isopentene pyrophosphate and Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate Provided. These two precursors can be synthesized in different ways. Animal and archaea utilization Mevalonate pathway To produce these two compounds from acetyl coenzyme A; And plants and bacteria Nonmevalonate pathway Using pyruvate and Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate They are produced as substrates. Another uses these activated isoprene donor The important response of Biosynthesis of steroids Among them, isoprene units are connected together to form Squalene , and then folded up, and obtained through a continuous ring forming reaction initiated by a proton Lanolin sterol Lanolin sterols can be further converted into other steroids, such as cholesterol and Ergosterol
Synthesis of 20 species among organisms elementary amino acids Their abilities vary. Most bacteria and plants can synthesize all 20 amino acids, while mammals can only synthesize 10 Nonessential amino acid Therefore, for mammals including humans essential amino acid The only way is to eat foods rich in these amino acids. All amino acids can be generated from intermediates in glycolysis, citric acid cycle or pentose phosphate cycle. The nitrogen required for the synthesis process is composed of glutamate and glutamine To provide. Amino acid synthesis It is necessary to form appropriate α - ketoacid first, and then pass Transamination It acts to form amino acids.
Amino acids are produced by Peptide bond They join together and further form proteins. Each different protein corresponds to its own unique amino acid sequence (also known as Primary structure )。 Just like more than 20 letters Permutation and combination Like tens of thousands of words, different amino acids can be linked together to form a large number of protein types. Amino acids are linked to the corresponding Transport RNA (tRNA) molecular formation Aminoacyl tRNA It is activated before it can be connected together. This aminoacyl tRNA precursor is synthesized through an ATP dependent reaction (linking tRNA to the correct amino acid), which is composed of Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase Catalysis. Then, use Messenger RNA Under the guidance of sequence information in, aminoacyl tRNA molecules with correct amino acids can be bound to ribosome Under the action of ribosome, amino acids are connected to the lengthening protein chain.
nucleotide It is composed of amino acid, carbon dioxide and formic acid To synthesize. Because its synthetic route requires a large amount of Metabolic energy Most organisms have effective systems to carry out Nucleotide salvage purine Yes nucleoside (i.e Base Connect Ribose )Synthetic on the basis of. adenine and Guanine It is composed of precursor nucleoside molecule Inosine Monophosphoric acid (i.e Hypoxanthic acid )And hypoxanthic acid is derived from glycine glutamine And glutamine as well as from coenzyme Tetrahydrofolate It is synthesized from the transferred formic acid group. pyrimidine It is composed of base Whey acid salt Synthetic, whey acid salt is converted from glutamine and glutamine.
Heterotypic biomass metabolism and redox metabolism
If all organisms continue to ingest non food substances without corresponding metabolic pathways, these substances will accumulate in cells and cause harm. These substances that may cause damage in the body are called Heterotypic biomass xenobiotic )。 Heterotypic biomass includes Synthetic drugs Natural poison And antibiotics, fortunately, they can Metabolic enzyme Under the action of. In the human body, Cytochrome -P450 oxidase Uridine diphosphate Glucuronic acid Transferases (UDP glucuronosyltransfers) and Glutathione transferase glutathione S-transferase )All belong to this kind of enzyme. This one Enzyme system There are three stages for the function of "": first, the heterotypic biomass is oxidized, then a water-soluble group is connected to the molecule of the material, and finally the modified heterotypic biomass with water-soluble groups is transported out of the cell (in the multicellular organism In the body, it can be further metabolized and discharged from the body). In ecology, these responses Contaminants Of Microbial degradation And contaminated soil (especially oil pollution )The bioremediation of TNF plays a very important role. Many such microbial reactions also exist in multicellular organisms, but due to the diversity of microbial species, they can metabolize more substances than multicellular organisms, and they can even degrade organic chlorine POPs
stay Aerobic organism Still exists in oxidative stress Problems. Among them, it is necessary to treat protein folding in Disulfide bond Formed active oxygen (e.g hydrogen peroxide )Processing. These oxidative active substances that can damage the body are composed of antioxidant metabolite (e.g glutathione )And related enzymes (e.g catalase and Horseradish peroxidase )To clear.
Thermodynamics of organism
Organisms must also comply Thermodynamic law (Description Work And heat). The second law of thermodynamics Point out that in any Closed system The entropy always tends to increase. Although the high complexity of organisms seems to be contrary to this rule, they are actually open system , can exchange material and energy with the surrounding environment; Therefore, Life system Not in balance In the middle, it is shown as dissipative structure To maintain their high complexity and increase the entropy of the surrounding environment. Metabolism in cells is achieved by catabolizing Spontaneous process It is coupled with the non spontaneous process of anabolism to maintain complexity. To explain with thermodynamics, metabolism is actually to keep order by creating disorder.
Regulation mechanism
Since the external environment of the organism is constantly changing, the metabolic reaction must be accurately regulated to maintain the stability of each component in the cell, that is Homeostasis Metabolic regulation also enables organisms to generate feedback on external signals and interact with their surroundings. Among them, two closely related concepts are very important for understanding the regulation mechanism of metabolic pathways: first, the regulation of an enzyme in metabolic pathways is how its enzyme activity increases or decreases according to signals; Second, the control imposed by this enzyme is the effect of its activity change on the overall rate of metabolic pathway (pathway flux )Impact. For example, an enzyme can have great changes in its activity (such as being highly regulated), but if these changes have little effect on the flux of its metabolic pathway, then the enzyme cannot control this pathway.
Metabolic regulation can be divided into multiple levels. In self regulation, metabolic pathways can self regulate to respond to changes in substrate or product levels; For example, a decrease in the amount of product can cause an increase in the pathway flux, thus compensating for the amount of product. This type of regulation involves Allosteric regulation multicellular organism In, cells respond to signals from other cells to change their metabolism, which belongs to external regulation. These signals are usually transmitted through soluble molecules ("messengers"), such as hormones and growth factor , they can specifically interact with cell surface Specific recipient Molecular binding. After binding to the receptor, the signal will pass through Second Messenger System Is transferred to the cell interior, which usually contains protein Phosphorylation
from insulin Regulated glucose metabolism is a well studied example of external regulation. The body synthesizes insulin for Blood glucose level Respond to the rise of. Insulin and cell surface insulin receptor Combine and then activate a series of protein kinase Cascade reaction , enabling cells to ingest glucose and convert it into energy storage molecules, such as fatty acids and Glycogen Glycogen metabolism is determined by phosphorylase and Glycogen synthase The former can degrade glycogen, while the latter can synthesize glycogen. These enzymes are mutually regulated: phosphorylation can inhibit the activity of glycogen synthase, but activate the activity of phosphorylase. Insulin via activation Protein phosphatase And reduce the phosphorylation of enzyme, so that glycogen can be synthesized.
The evolutionary tree shows that all organisms from the three biological domains have a common ancestor. Bacteria are blue, eukaryotes are red, and archaea are green. The relative positions of some biota are also marked around the evolutionary tree
As previously mentioned, the central pathways of metabolism, such as glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle, exist in Three fields All organisms in the“ Last common ancestor ”Medium. Common ancestor cells are prokaryote And is likely to have a wide range of amino acid, sugar and lipid metabolism Methanogen The reason why these ancient metabolic pathways have not further evolved may be that the reactions in the pathways have been an optimized solution to specific metabolic problems, which can achieve high efficiency with few steps. The first enzyme based metabolic pathway (may have become Purine nucleotide Part of metabolism) and the previous metabolic pathway is primitive RNA World Components of.
Researchers have proposed various models to describe how the new metabolic pathway evolved: for example, adding new enzymes to a shorter original pathway, or replicating and then differentiating the entire pathway, and bringing the existing enzymes and their complexes into the new reaction pathway. It is not clear which of these evolutionary mechanisms is more important, but genome research shows that enzymes in the same pathway may have a common "ancestor", which suggests that many pathways use existing reaction steps to obtain new functions through step-by-step evolution. Another more reasonable model comes from the Metabolic network in protein structure The results of the evolutionary study of the enzyme suggest that the same enzyme can be used in different metabolic pathways and play similar roles. These processes of utilization lead to evolution, where enzymes are spliced in a way similar to mosaic arrangement. The third possibility is that some parts of metabolism can exist as "modules", and modules can be used in different ways and perform similar functions on different molecules.
While evolving new metabolic pathways, evolution may also cause the reduction or loss of metabolic functions. For example, some Parasitoid Lose the metabolic process that is not critical to survival, and replace it with direct host Amino acids, nucleotides and sugars are obtained in the body. Similar phenomena of metabolic capacity degradation are found in some Endosymbiosis It is also observed in organisms.
Relevant research and analysis
Metabolic network of tricarboxylic acid cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana. Enzymes and metabolite They are represented by red squares, and their interactions are represented by black lines.
Classic of metabolism research method yes reduction method That is, to study a single metabolic pathway. Radioactive tracer It is a very useful research tool. It tracks the metabolic process by locating radiolabeled intermediates and products, so that metabolism can be studied at different levels of the whole organism, tissue or cell. Then, the enzymes that catalyze these chemical reactions purification And identify their dynamic properties and corresponding inhibitor Another research method is to identify small molecules related to metabolism in a cell or tissue. All these small molecules are called Metabolic group (Metabolome)。 To sum up, these studies have given the composition, structure and function of a single metabolic pathway; However, these methods cannot be effectively applied to more complex systems, such as all metabolism in a complete cell.
The complexity of metabolic networks (containing thousands of different enzymes) in cells is extremely high. However, genome data can be used to build a complete metabolic chemical reaction network and generate more integration It has become possible to use mathematical models to explain and predict various metabolic behaviors. In particular, the data of metabolic pathways and metabolites obtained from classical research methods and Proteomics and DNA microarray The data obtained in the research can be integrated into these mathematical models, which can greatly improve these models. Using all these technologies, a human metabolic model has been proposed, which will provide guidance for future drug and biochemical research.
A major technical application of metabolic information is metabolic engineering. In metabolic engineering, organisms such as yeast, plants and bacteria are genetic engineering Transformed into an efficient tool in biotechnology, used for drugs including antibiotics or industrial chemicals (such as 1,3-Propanediol and Shikimic acid )Production. These modifications usually help to reduce energy consumption in product synthesis, increase output and reduce waste generation [2]

energy conversion


Oxidative phosphorylation

ATP synthase Structure of. Its proton channel and Rotating shaft The display is blue, the synthase subunit is red, and the fixed subunit is yellow. During oxidative phosphorylation, through metabolic pathways such as citric acid cycle, electrons are transferred from food molecules digested and absorbed to oxygen, and the energy generated is stored in the form of ATP. stay Eukaryote This process is performed by the mitochondrion A series of Membrane protein Is called Electron transfer chain And in prokaryote The corresponding protein is located in Cell intima On. These proteins utilize electrons from Reducibility Molecules (e.g NADH )The energy generated by the reaction transferred to oxygen will proton Transmembrane transportation. Pumping protons out of mitochondria results in mitochondrial membrane The concentration difference of protons on both sides of the membrane Electrochemical gradient The driving force generated by the electrochemical gradient makes protons pass through the ATP synthase Re entering mitochondria. Such a proton flow will promote ATP synthetase Stalk of Subunit It rotates and further drives the synthetase Domain On Active site Deformation occurs and Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) phosphorylation, and ultimately ATP.

Energy from inorganic substances

Chemical energy inorganic nutrition It is a metabolic type found in some prokaryotes, which are oxidized Inorganic To gain energy. They can use hydrogen, Reducibility Of Sulfur Compounds (such as sulfides hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfate ), Ferrous compound or ammonia As a source of reducing energy; The oxidation process of these reducing substances electron acceptor Often oxygen or nitrite These processes are important for the overall Biogeochemical cycle , such as Acetic acid formation (acetagenesis) and nitrification and Denitrification Are very important, and are critical to soil fertility.

Energy from light

The energy in sunlight can be used by plants blue-green algae Purple bacterium green bacterium And some Protozoa Captured. This process of obtaining light energy is often associated with the conversion of carbon dioxide into organic matter (i.e“ Carbon fixation ”)And become part of photosynthesis. Light energy acquisition and carbon fixation systems can be operated separately in prokaryotes, because purple bacteria and green bacteria can use sunlight as energy source no matter when carbon is fixed or organic matter is fermented.
The process of capturing solar energy and Oxidative phosphorylation They are similar in nature, because both include energy and proton concentration gradient The form exists and the ATP synthesis driven by this concentration difference. The electrons used to drive the electron transfer chain come from Photosynthetic reaction center Light harvesting protein. According to the contained Photosynthetic pigment Different types of reaction centrosomes can be divided into two categories: Magnesium free chlorophyll -Quinone type and iron sulfur type; Most Photosynthetic bacteria There is only one type of reaction centrosome, while plants and cyanobacteria contain two types.
In addition, Optical system It plays a major role in photosynthesis Protein complex , including optical systems I and II. In plants, photosystem II can use light energy to obtain electrons from water and release oxygen. The electrons then flow in Cytochrome b6f complex The complex uses energy to pump out protons thylakoid (on chloroplast Medium) membrane. The pumped protons return to the capsule like body through the membrane, thus driving the synthesis of ATP (similar to the synthesis of ATP in oxidative phosphorylation). When electrons continue to flow through photosystem I, they can be used to reduce coenzyme NADP+ Calvin cycle Or it can be used to synthesize more ATP after recycling.