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Strict management

Chinese academic language of reform through labor
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Strict management refers to the hierarchical management of criminals. China Labor reform institutions Criminals who are dangerous to a certain extent shall be strictly managed from the guiding ideology to the work arrangement, from the deployment of guard forces to the implementation of prison rules and disciplines. The objects of strict management are mainly Counter revolutionary prisoner Recidivist recidivism , felons, fugitives, Violent criminals And the top reformers. [1]
Chinese name
Strict management [1]
Foreign name
Strict management [1]
Basic Requirements
  1. one
    Vigilance shall be strengthened and armed police guard forces sufficient to deal with all accidents shall be provided.
  2. two
    The discipline and education cadres should have a high level of policy, legal knowledge and professional work ability.
  3. three
    Implement the supervision and discipline system required by strict management.
  4. four
    Configure necessary modern monitoring equipment.
  5. five
    Do a good job of shift handover to ensure that prisoners are directly managed by cadres within 24 hours every day.
  6. six
    Strictly restrict the scope of activities of criminals. [1]