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Modern and Ancient Chinese

Zheng Xinong created official script
Modern and ancient Chinese, written by Liu Xin Since then, there have been four major disputes in the Han Dynasty. Zheng Xinong noted that today's ancient texts are gradually disappearing. The so-called Jinwen refers to Han dynasty Common words official script Before that, the ancient Chinese characters in the Pre Qin period were ancient Chinese characters [1] (e.g Seal script Inscriptions on bronze Oracle Etc.).
Modern and Ancient Chinese
Alias of works
Official script in Han Dynasty
literary genre
Clerical script

Definition of Modern and Ancient Chinese

modern script At the time of the great prosperity of the emperor and the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty opened up the way to offer books. Those who were dictated by Hongru elders were written in official script popular with the emperor and the Han Dynasty, which was different from the ancient prose of the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, so it was called modern prose; ancient Chinese prose week The ancient books left over from the generation (Emperor Wu, the fifth son of Emperor Jing, King Lu Gong, destroyed the wall of Confucius and obtained the Ancient Chinese History and the Book of Rites《 The Analects of Confucius 》, "The Book of Filial Piety"), written in the form of Zhou, is called ancient prose. Qian Binsi Mr. Guo Xue's "Introduction to Chinese Classics" said: "If we infer its origin, the five scriptures are all ancient texts, which have been transcribed into modern texts, and those that have not been transcribed are still ancient texts. At that time, the battle between doctoral scholars and modern ancient texts was actually a battle for profits, academic officials and doctoral students, which is not really academic.".

Modern Ancient Scripture Master

Jinwen Jingshi:
"Yi" Tian He, Shi Zhuo; Meng Xi and Jingfang; Liang Qiuhe.
Book Fusheng (Fusheng), Ouyangsheng; Xiahou Sheng, Xiahou Jian.
poetry 》Lu Shengong, Qi Yuangu, Yan Hanying.
"Rites" (rites) are dignified and backward; Dai De (big), Dai Sheng (small).
spring and autumn 》Gongyang, Hu Musheng, Dong Zhongshu, Yan Pengzu, Yan Anle; Guliang, Xiaqiujianggong, Cai Qianqiu.
Ancient Scripture Master:
Fei Zhi of Yi
book 》Kong Anguo
Poetry Mao Heng Mao Chang
Ancient text of Zhou Li; The Book of Rites 》, according to the content, both ancient and modern; According to the school, it belongs to ancient prose.
"Erya" ancient texts - such as Du Lin, Zheng Dian, Jia Kui, author of many commentaries on the Classics , all Ancient writer

Similarities and Differences between Modern and Ancient Chinese

Jinwen Jing is the Confucian classics described in official script. The Ancient Scripture is written in ancient Chinese. These books were hidden by the people when they were burned in the Qin Dynasty. In the Han Dynasty, books were encouraged to be presented, so they came out again. But although Mao's poems are called "ancient prose", they may not be recorded in ancient prose. Because of the reintroduced classic of ancient Chinese, the Records of the Historian has a description, but does not mention the Book of Songs. Mao Shi has been described in Hanshu, and it is not mentioned as an ancient classic. Therefore, some scholars believe that, Three Poets The difference with Mao's poetry is not in the ancient and modern literature, but in speaking. The characteristic of the three poetic theories is that they are attached to the miscellaneous theories of Chenwei (superstition) in the Spring and Autumn Period, so the Hanshu said that they "are not salty in their original meaning". Mao's theory of poetry interprets scriptures according to the meaning of the words, pays attention to exegesis, but also attaches importance to history (there are many copies of Zuo Zhuan), but there is less superstition.

Similarities and Differences between Modern and Ancient Literature

Modern literature
Ancient literature
Follow Kong Sheng as King of Su
Follow Kong Sheng as the most holy teacher
Confucius as a philosophy, politics and educator
Regard Confucius as history Scientist
Take Confucius as an example to reform the system
Take Confucius as a narrator but not a writer, and keep faith with the past
Confucius Six Meridians
History of Six Classics
For the school of historiography
The teaching of scriptures can be tested
There are too many classics to be tested
The Western Han Dynasty established itself as an official school
The Western Han Dynasty was popular among the people
Repel the Ancient Scripture as Forged by Liu Xin
Blame the present text for winning Qin's fire
Preserve the Rites
Mao Poetry/ Zhou Rites /Zuo Chuan/Gu Liang Chuan/Xiao Dai Li Ji/Han Shi Wai Chuan
There is something in the criticism of taboo books and the insinuation of meaning by Confucius Sage
To denounce a book as false
In the ancient system, "Mencius" and "The Book of Rites" are the ancestors
to Ancient system , focusing on the Rites of the Zhou Dynasty
Described as Exegesis Name: Di
Advocate to use the classics
Advocate to pursue scholarly pursuits
Subjective attitude
More objective attitude
Many methods deduction method
Method Multiple induction