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Dragon dance (human dragon dance)

National intangible cultural heritage dance in Foshan, Guangdong
synonym Dragon Dance (The soul of traditional dance in Leizhou Peninsula) generally refers to dragon dance (human dragon dance)
Dragon dance (human dragon dance), a traditional dance in Foshan, Guangdong Province, national level Intangible cultural heritage one of.
Dragon dance is a traditional folk square dance popular in Guanghua Village, Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. Guanghua Village, a water town in the south of the Five Ridges, is the hometown of southern martial arts with profound traditional culture. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Dragon Dance had sprung up in Guanghua Village. In the 10th year of Daoguang's reign (1830), Liang Yaoshu, a member of Guanghua Village, was the top student in the high school. The martial arts experts in the village automatically launched 180 people to perform dragon dance to welcome the top student back to his hometown, which made the whole village a sensation. Since then, Guanghua Village has always performed dragon dance on festivals, which has been passed down from generation to generation. [1]
On June 14, 2008, Dragon Dance (Human Dragon Dance) Classic State Council of the PRC Approved for inclusion The second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list , Item No. III-4 [1]
Chinese name
Dragon dance (human dragon dance)
Approval time
June 14, 2008
Heritage level
national level
Heritage category
Traditional dance
Intangible Cultural Heritage No
Declaration area
Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Protection unit
Xingtan Town Cultural Station, Shunde District, Foshan City

historical origin

Dragon Dance
The origin of Guanghua people's dragon dance is related to Liang Yaoshu, the No. 1 scholar in Guanghua Village. In order to welcome Liang Zhuangyuan back to his hometown, villagers actively planned to organize a group of martial arts lovers led by Lin Shenghui (also known as Gongzai Hui) to dance people and dragons, which was warmly responded by Guanghua villagers. Since then, the Dragon Dance has spread in Guanghua Village. Master Lin Shenghui, as the coach of the Dragon Dance in Guanghua Village, led the village experts to continue practicing the Dragon Dance, and performed in the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Queen's Day and other festivals every year. Since then, the Dragon Dance has been passed down from generation to generation in Guanghua Village [7]
In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guanghua villagers celebrated the founding of the People's Republic of China with joy, performed the Dragon Dance ceremoniously, and were invited to perform in county towns and townships many times, reflecting warmly. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Dragon Dance stopped for a time, and it was resumed after the reform and opening up. In the past 10 years, the performance level of human dragon dance has been continuously improved, and the composition and performance arrangement have been constantly enriched [7]

Dance Features

Dragon Dance Performance
During the human dragon dance performance, tens to hundreds of people formed a dragon shape of tens of meters long. The whole dragon is divided into two parts: the dragon lighter (the bottom of the dragon) and the dragon face (the body of the dragon). The dragon lighter must be strong and can support the body of the dragon with his shoulders and waist. The dragon body rider sits on the shoulder of the dragon pontoon, lies back on the shoulder of the next dragon pontoon, and waves red ribbons as dragon claws. The dragon head is composed of three people, one of whom sits on the shoulder of the dragon pontoon with dragon horns in both hands, and the other holds the waist of the dragon pontoon with both feet tightly, with his upper body hanging forward as the tongue of the dragon. The dragon tail is also composed of three people, one of whom holds his hands together as the dragon tail, or sits on the shoulder of the former dragon pontoon with the dragon tail props and leans back, and the last dragon pontoon supports his back with his head. The costumes of the Dragon Dance Team are neat, and they dance with gongs and drums, showing a masculine appearance [1]
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance is a traditional square dance. With the clang of the three star gongs and drums and the strong rhythm of the dragon boat drums, the dance was performed in 10 dance segments, namely, the whole team was ready to go, the dragon came into being, the dragon danced, leaped out of the dragon gate, crossed the river and waves, the dragon flew, the dragon went out of the sea, the dragon raised its head, knocked into the hole, and the dragon returned to the sea. During this period, a martial artist held the dragon ball in his hand, and the conductor led the transition, composition and route operation of each dance segment. At the same time, the Southern Wing Chun "Walker's Stick" cudgel performance was integrated. The whole dance formation is changeable, with time and tide, rising and falling from time to time. The composition is beautiful, the scene is spectacular, and the momentum is grand. Compared with the real prop dragon, it has a different charm [2]

Inheritance and protection


Inheritance value

Unique in China, there is no other dragon
The performance of the human dragon dance focuses on the "spirit likeness", which breaks through the performance means of the prop dragon, and is the embodiment of the "strength and beauty" of the human body. The combination of dance and martial arts, and the integration of human spirit and dragon spirit have unique cultural values [2]
The human dragon dance retains the heritage of the ancient Baiyue people's belief in dragon totem and shows the essence of the dragon culture in the southern water region. It integrates folk dance elements into southern martial arts, and is praised by the media as "a unique piece of China, no other dragon" [1]

Inheritance status

Due to the influence of various social and cultural factors, many performers' interests are becoming indifferent, the living space of the Dragon Dance is shrinking, and the development and inheritance of the Dragon Dance are facing many crises. It is urgent to strengthen efforts to protect it [1-2]

Inheriting Characters

Su Qiuying, male, was born in 1961. The fourth generation descendant of the Dragon Dance has been the conductor of the whole dance for a long time, playing the role of dragon ball dance in the dance. With solid martial arts skills, the Dragon Dance has profound basic skills and skilled skills, and is good at grasping the charm of the Dragon Dance. It has played a unique role in improving the accompaniment of gongs and drums to enhance the beat rhythm of dance segment conversion, changing the dragon head performance from five to three, and increasing the dragon ball performance. It not only keeps the traditional characteristics, but also makes the human dragon dance more vivid and exciting [3]
Lin Puxuan, male, born in 1930. Born in a martial arts family, he is the third generation successor of the human dragon dance. He learned the human dragon dance skills from his father when he was young. He has been the organizer and performer of the human dragon dance for decades. Because he has a certain martial arts foundation, the human dragon dance has a solid and steady gait, a strong waist and a powerful horse. The shape of the human dragon emphasizes "shape similarity", emphasizes the absorption of the spirit of the dragon, and integrates the spirit of people. In addition, the dragon head of the human dragon dance is designed to be composed of five people, namely, the dragon lighter, the dragon horn, the dragon mouth and the dragon beard, which shows the spirit and power of the human dragon. Over the years, we have focused on strengthening the training of basic skills and skills of dragon dancers, and actively led dragon dancers to participate in large-scale celebrations around the country, which has been highly praised by all sectors of society and contributed to the inheritance and dissemination of dragon dancers [4]
Generally, adults are the "dragon pontoons" and children are the "dragon bodies"
Lin Huixuan, male, was born in a martial arts family in 1949. His father Lin Yanbao and uncle Lin Xiangbao are important members of the dragon dance team who are familiar with southern martial arts. At the age of 7, he began to practice martial arts and practice human dragon dance with his father's generation and human dragon dancer Lin Qiu. He had a good understanding of human dragon dance steps, formations and performance skills, and learned solid martial arts skills. He was proficient in Hongquan, Wanzi Quan, and stable in horse stance, laying a solid foundation for human dragon dance performance. In 1994, the adult dragon dance council was formed with cousin Lin Puxuan, and resumed the human dragon dance that had been interrupted for decades. In the process of practice, he assisted Lin Puxuan to complete the improvement of the leader structure of the adult dragon dance, changing the leader from five people to three people, making the dragon formation more flexible and the performance longer, and laying the foundation for the diversity of the performance formation. His personal dance steps are steady and flexible, his waist horse is strong and powerful, and he has played the role of dragon pontoon and dragon ball for a long time. Since 2012, its leader dragon dance team has jointly built a training base in Guanghua Primary School and Panxiang Middle School to teach the basic martial arts of human dragon dance, Hongquan, and human dragon dance performance skills, and has participated in provincial, municipal and district performance activities and parade activities for many times to enhance the influence of human dragon dance [5]

protective measures

On November 12, 2019《 List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units 》It was announced that the Cultural Station in Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City was qualified as a protection unit for the "Dragon Dance" project [6]
On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and the evaluation of the dragon dance (human dragon dance) project protection unit, Xingtan Town Cultural Station, Shunde District, Foshan City Grid. [8]

social influence

Important activities
Dragon Dance of Guanghua Village People
In 2005, Guanghua Village People's Dragon Dance was invited to participate in the "Lingnan Folk Art Festival" of Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival, and 130 people's Dragon Dance won the gold medal [7]