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Sagittarius stream

fixed star
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Sagittarius stream It is a long and complex structure composed of stars in astronomy. Its orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy is almost an orbit around the pole. It is Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy The stars that have been separated from the Milky Way by tidal force are produced during the process of merging with the Milky Way for billions of years.
Chinese name
Sagittarius stream
Donald Lynden-Bell
Discovery time



This star stream is Donald Lynden-Bell It was first reported in 1995 to analyze the Milky Way Globular cluster The actual structure found in the distribution was used by Neubeck et al. (2002) and Majewski et al. (2003) from 2MASS and SDSS Confirmation of data. In 2006, Belokurov and his partners discovered that the Sagittarius star stream has two branches.


The scattered fragmentation of stars shows that there was a large-scale invasion in the uncertain past Spiral arm It seems that there is an oscillation similar to sound waves passing through the Milky Way. Nowadays, the effect of oscillation is observed. Above and below the solar system, the distribution of spiral arms presents vertical layered stacking, and the distribution of stars is alternately dense. The Sagittarius star stream is located on the observed layer, so its parent, the most likely candidate, is Sagittarius Dwarf elliptical galaxy Its invasion left a disturbance to the spiral arm.