Human disqualification

Taizaji creates novellas
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Japanese novelist in Human Disqualification (also known as Disqualification) Taizaji The novella, published in 1948, is one and a half Autobiography 's novels.
Human Disqualification begins with "I"'s feelings after seeing Ye Zang's three photos. In the middle are three notes of Ye Zang, and the three notes correspond to the photos. They respectively introduce Ye Zang's experiences in his childhood, youth and prime, and describe how Ye Zang went step by step to lose his qualifications. [1] In the works Taizaji He cleverly hid his life and thoughts in the life experience of Ye Zang, the main character. Through Ye Zang's monologue, he spied on the inner world of Taizaizhi - "a life full of shame". In the same year when the work was published, Taizai killed himself. [2]
According to statistics, the Japanese trendy library alone has issued more than 6 million copies of Human Disqualification, which is comparable to the cumulative circulation of Natsume Soseki's representative work Heart over the past decades. In modern Japan, Human Disqualification still has a large number of readers, and has been adapted and recreated as a film and animation works, such as the film Human Disqualification, animation Literature of Youth, etc. [11]
Human disqualification
Foreign name
Human disqualification
Alias of works
literary genre
Number of words
About 50000
Date of publication

content validity

Human Disqualification Cover
The book is composed of the author's preface, epilogue, and protagonist Dating Yezang It is composed of three letters, describing the protagonist from youth to middle age, constantly sinking in order to escape from reality, experiencing self exile, alcoholism, suicide, and paralysis with drugs, and finally moving towards the tragedy of self destruction step by step. In the process of self denial, he expresses his deep depression and his desire to be loved... Through the life experience of the protagonist Ye Zang, It can be said that Taizai skillfully expressed his life experience and thoughts, and thus raised the most real pain of being a human being. From the stagnant text, we can understand his deep suffering. After completing this work, Taizaizhi finally chose the way of throwing water to draw the final end for himself. Therefore, "Human Disqualification" is a semi autobiographical work of Taizaji. [3]

Catalogue of works

First Letter
The Second Letter
Third Letter
Postscript [4]

Creation background


background of times

"Human Disqualification" is the ceiling of Japanese literary works after World War II. Taizai describes the experience of the hero Ye Zang in three stages, namely childhood, youth and manhood, so that readers can clearly see the psychological changes of Ye Zang in different stages. Ye Zang was a sensitive child in his childhood. After experiencing a series of things, he gradually became a madman and a garbage man. The creation background of Human Disqualification is just after the end of World War II in Japan. In fact, Ye Zang, the hero of Human Disqualification, is himself, and his living environment is also very similar to that of Taizai at that time. [15]

Personal background

Showa In 6 years, Taizaizhi lived with the first generation, and then began to engage in the communist movement. For this reason, he moved several times. During this period, he found that his wife, whom he had always trusted, had already had an affair with others before he knew him. His heart was greatly hit, so he went to Aomori The police station surrendered itself, ending his career of communist revolution. In the 10th year of Showa, Taizaizhi tried to hang himself in Kamakura Mountain without success.
After the hanging incident, Taizaizhi suffered from appendicitis and became addicted to a lot of analgesics during treatment. He had to be hospitalized for three months, during which he was not paid tuition on time The University of Tokyo Expulsion from school. Shortly after leaving the hospital, he became addicted to analgesics injection, and even borrowed money to buy drugs. His life fell into chaos. In October 2011, Showa moved in under the persuasion and deception of relatives and friends Mental hospital This admission experience became an unforgettable experience in his whole life, and also became the driving force for the writing of Human Disqualification. [1]


Character name
Ye Zang, the hero in the book, can not understand the shallowness of a woman's heart, but is constantly used by friends. He believes that compromise is the way to live, and even in order to blend into the world and learn about the despicability of human nature. The three pictures described in the preface can be said to be the epitome of his life. From forced smiles to frivolous affectations, and finally the expressionless "dead face", it is Ye Zang who tried to cater to the society but failed in the end. The narrator "I" made a rude comment on the three photos - odd and annoying. This is undoubtedly to evaluate Ye Zang from the perspective of ordinary people in society; It can also be said that Taizai split into a "normal" personality to berate himself. This kind of self masochistic narrative is difficult to read ironic meaning, but it is very sympathetic. The next second letter is Ye Zang's statement of his "sin". When he was young, Ye Zang's nature had the first impact on deception, one of the seven ugliest sins of mankind. At his father's speech meeting, the male servants secretly criticized the dull speech, and once turned around, they praised him to please the host. Ye Zang witnessed this "hateful and sinful thought", and was surprised by the inconsistency of human beings in life. At the same time, he thought that this must be the "wonderful truth" of living. He is an "outsider" out of tune with the common sense society, so his comments on human normality are particularly objective and powerful. [5]
Good son
In the work, the author sets Liangzi as "a person with pure trust" and "a trusted genius". After Liangzi married Ye Zang, the author still emphasizes that Liangzi is a pure and trusted genius by describing Ye Zang's feelings and feelings, without any description of Liangzi's heart and feelings. [1]
Constant son
Chang Zi is a waitress at the Ginza Bar. She is two years older than the hero. She originally worked in the barber shop in her hometown of Long Island, but later came to Tokyo with her husband. Her husband was convicted of fraud and sent to prison. In the eyes of the hero, Chang Zi has given him unexpected favors. The night he spent with Chang Zi was named "the happy night of liberation" by the hero. In the process of getting along with him, the hero can relax his mind and does not have to play a funny role of shallow ignorance and hypocrisy. [12]
Jingzi works in a magazine. Her husband died three years ago. She has a five-year-old daughter, Fanzi. After Jingzi took in the hero, the hero led a "concubine like life". He watched the house with Jingzi's daughter after Jingzi went to work, and Jingzi's daughter Fanzi would not hesitate to call the hero "father". Compared with Changzi, Jingzi has a decent job and stable income, and she is a "strong woman". [12]

Appreciation of works



The hero's confession
Human Disqualification is a confession of a bleeding soul. Ye Zang, the protagonist, is timid and sensitive, full of fear and anxiety about human life. In addition, the chaos of the world, the coldness of human relations, the hypocrisy and deception between family members, the boredom and dullness of campus life, and the coldness and cruelty of social reality all make him feel sad and become an "alien" in the world, and lose his qualification as a human being. But he did not hesitate to take his life as a gamble, and put his youth on the experimental platform to reveal the confusion and loss of modern people, so as to seek the most hidden authenticity of human beings and the most original way of life of human beings. In this sense, Taizai's literature has a universality and modernity that transcends time and space. Ye Zang is both a rogue and a "good boy as pure as God". In the face of the unpredictable human society, he chose an extreme alternative lifestyle, showing a detached attitude towards life. For today's readers, his attitude towards life and lifestyle may be difficult to understand and accept. But behind the funny and cynical "funny", we can see a real and ideal "forever young man", as well as the persistent pursuit of a happy life and the eager yearning for a better society. [6]
 Human disqualification Human disqualification Human disqualification Human disqualification Human disqualification
Human disqualification
Weak person
The root of the sorrow in Human Disqualification is mainly the weak soul. The Japanese style of behavior and the spirit that runs through life are "harmony". The weakness and Violent No matter which one is listed separately, it is extremely scary. Too slavish weakness: if you believe the law of the jungle, then it represents the injured, violated and abused; If there is compassion, then the weak soul may be what we want to protect. However, how many people are willing to protect all living beings with a compassionate heart of Bodhisattva and Sage, and then sink and become irredeemable. As far as the weak are concerned, life or survival is difficult. Those things that support life must and can only rely on what is given around them. The world is full of strange things. What you want is often not available, and what you don't want is often found at the top of your head. The weak people living in this strange circle can only suffer from helpless pain day after day. [7]
Lack of happiness
In "Human Disqualification", the author plays up the traditional Japanese cultural repression in a few words, and explains the depression and lack of happiness of the protagonist, Dating Yezang, who grew up under the absolute authority of his father. In the study of Taizai's decadent aesthetics, the noble spirit is actually the main part of his inner spirit, and the loss of noble spirit is actually the loss of the aesthetic sense of Japanese traditional culture. [13]
Facing the hopeless life, Ye Zang twice attempted suicide and eventually became a "waster". Ye Zang's first suicide was to fall in love with a tavern waitress. "My most direct pain is that I am short of money, and the work entrusted by the underground movement is becoming more intense and busy... So I choose to escape... Finally, I decide to die." Ye Zang's first death plea is not self redemption under the "sin consciousness", he just regards "death" as a means of escape. The second suicide occurred after Haozi was invaded by others. The sense of guilt and fear of human beings temporarily relieved by his peaceful marriage life revived again, tormenting the fragile Yezang. At this time, Ye Zang was already a Christian, and it is worth noting that his way of belief was different from that of ordinary Christians: "I don't believe in the love of God, I only believe in the punishment of God." When he accepted Christian ideas, Ye Zang chose to face God's punishment and abandon God's favor. Only punishment can atone for sin, Only innocent people without sin deserve the "favor" of the world. But Ye Zang did not wait for the punishment from the gods, and he still lived in this hypocritical and ugly world. Katsura Kamei commented: "God did not lower the punishment, which is the greatest punishment in a sense." In the face of the gods who did not respond, Ye Zang, struggling in the consciousness of sin, had to find another way out. "If God didn't punish himself, punish himself." So Yezang chose to commit suicide. He swallowed his wife's sleeping pills and calmly waited for death. After the acceptance of Christian thought, "suicide" has been given a new meaning, that is, self punishment is no longer a passive escape, but a way of atonement chosen by oneself. [14]

artistic characteristics

Human Disqualification first person Narration, with three main characters“ Handwriting ”This form forms the whole article, which increases the sense of reality when reading. In order to keep a distance from the narrative of the novel, Taizaizhi also deliberately added a "super narrative layer", that is, a "preface" and "afterword", and also narrated in the first person. [8]
Human Disqualification also has the feature of structural "irony", that is, the plot of the novel presents "deviation" and "mutual opposition", especially in the characterization of Dating Yezang. This kind of opposite narration is strongly subversive to each other. It requires readers to go beyond the single perspective of non ironic narration and constantly "falsify and recognize" the narrative object. The so-called recognition of falsification refers to the transformation of the perspective of the same person or thing with the help of other people or things in the different links of narration, so as to transform the plane knowledge into three-dimensional knowledge. [8]
Absurd beauty
The absurd beauty is an important part of the aesthetic field and an abstract generalization, which can be expressed from many aspects. The art of the absurd beauty in Human Disqualification can not only trigger perception, but also reflect emotion. Some people compare the hero Ye Zang to a absurdist. Ye Zang does not care about the guarantor or Horimu's calculations. When Liangzi was defiled by merchants, Ye Zang also showed powerlessness. At this time, Ye Zang did not feel angry or disgusted, but more afraid. The source of Ye Zang's fear and dissatisfaction in Human Disqualification is mainly his family and social status quo. Ye Zang doesn't understand why people have to eat three meals a day. Just like completing a ceremony, eating with his family at home will make Ye Zang feel painful, worried and absurd. The absurd beauty in Human Disqualification is more complicated, which is mainly manifested in despair, fear, anxiety, etc. [15]

Influence of works

After World War II, Human Disqualification was issued by the New Fashion Library, which has accumulated more than six million copies, exceeding the cumulative number of Natsume Soseki's Heart (こころ).
In 2007, Xiao Yanjian, the cartoonist of the DEATH NOTE, designed the cover of Taizaji's Disqualification in the World. It directly led to a sales miracle of 100000 copies of Human Disqualification within three months. [16] In 2010, on the centennial birthday of Taizai, the Kagawa Image Society of Japan put "Human Disqualification" on the screen. [8] In 2012, the work was adapted into the Mimeng comic. [9] On December 10, 2021, the original Chinese musical Human Disqualification produced and produced by Ran Space premiered in Shanghai Grand Theater · Grand Theater. [17]

Work evaluation

Japanese literary critic Keno Ono Authentic white bird Others think that Human Disqualification is "a masterpiece that shapes the characters who have to be enclosed in their own world", and Xiao Shanqing thinks that "if I want to choose one of the works of Taizai, I will choose Human Disqualification", while Liu Tian Zhichang Kenzaburo Oe Others think that this is just an "unpleasant" and "narcissistic" work. [1]

About the author

Taizaji , the representative writer of Japanese "rogue school" literature, and Kawabata Yasunari mishima yukio He was also called the peak of post-war literature. Born in a rich family, his name is Xiuji Tsushima. During middle school, he began to write novels essay Drama, quite fascinated by the works of Quan Jinghua and Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Akutagawa's suicide had a considerable impact on him. In 1930, he entered the liberal arts department of East University of France, first met the well trout, and was regarded as a lifelong teacher. In the same year, he participated in the reconstruction of the Japanese Communist Party in the form of financial assistance, and two years later, he broke away from left-wing activities. In 1935, he was shortlisted for the first Akutagawa Award with "retrograde". Many of his important works, such as《 Eight Scenes of Tokyo 》、《 Clown Flower 》, Late Years《 Oblique sun 》, "Human Disqualification", etc., are mostly portraits of self life, representing the dual depression of Japanese society and modern people's spiritual and sensory world. Taizaizhi tried to commit suicide many times, and finally at the age of 39, he made an appointment with the last lover to throw himself into the water. [10]