Artificial leather

Artificial leather
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synonym Artificial leather (Plastic products that feel like leather and can be used instead of it) Generally refers to artificial leather
Artificial leather, which is used in textile cloth base or Non-woven fabric On the basis, it is made of foamed or coated PVC and PU with different formulas. It can be processed according to different strength, color, luster, pattern and other requirements. It is characterized by a wide variety of colors, good waterproof performance, neat edges, high utilization rate and low price compared with leather, but most of the Artificial leather Its hand feel and elasticity cannot reach the effect of leather; Its longitudinal section can see fine bubble holes, cloth base or surface film and dry man-made fiber
Chinese name
Artificial leather
Leather or rubber
Wear resistance and cold resistance

brief introduction


essential information

It is a kind of material that has been very popular in the early days and is widely used to make various kinds of Leather products , or partial leather material. Its increasingly advanced manufacturing technology is being Double skin It is widely used for processing and manufacturing. Today, the leather like Artificial leather It has been produced and put on the market, and its surface technology and basic materials fibrous tissue , almost reaching the effect of leather, its price is the same as that of domestic Cephalic cortex The price is comparable.


According to its composition:
The first is PVC( polyvinyl chloride ), the products after combustion include, water, carbon dioxide And chlorinated compounds, which may even produce chlorine
The second is PE( polyethylene )After full combustion, only water and carbon dioxide will be produced in theory;
The third and most common type is PU leather( polyurethane )The products after full combustion include: water carbon dioxide nitrogen , and a small amount of nitrogen containing compounds.
By manufacturing method:
genuine leather:
genuine leather ”It is a common term in the leather product market, and it is used by people to distinguish synthetic leather Natural leather It is a customary name of. In consumers' minds, "genuine leather" also has the meaning of non fake. Animal leather is a kind of natural Leather is what we often call leather. It is made from animal (raw hide) after tanning and processing in a leather factory feel The leather materials with colors and patterns are necessary for modern leather products.
The processing process of dermal animal leather is very complex, and the finished leather needs to go through dozens of processes: raw leather - soaking - meat removal - degreasing - unhairing - alkali dipping - swelling - liming - softening - pickling - tanning - layering - shaving - retanning - neutralization - dyeing - oiling - filling - drying - finishing - finishing - finished leather. There are also many kinds of leather, such as sheep leather, cow leather, horse leather, snake leather and pig leather crocodile Leather can be divided into two-layer leather and full grain leather according to performance, suede Decorative upper leather, film leather, composite leather, finishing split leather, etc.
Among them, cowhide, sheepskin and pigskin are the three main types of raw materials used in leather making.
Regenerated leather:
It is made by crushing the waste skins and leather scraps of various animals and blending chemical raw materials. Its surface processing technology is the same as that of trimmed leather and embossed leather of real leather. Its characteristics are that the edges of the leather sheet are neat, the utilization rate is high, and the price is cheap; However, the leather body is generally thick, and the strength is poor, so it is only suitable for making affordable briefcases, trolley bags, ball club sleeves and other stereotyped products and affordable belts fibre The uniform structure can identify the solidification effect of the mixed fiber of fluid.


In fact, when burning these artificial leather, there are some other ingredients involved, because in the production and processing of these Artificial material Organic polymer )It is necessary to add some solvents, initiators, Leveling agent Thickening agent surface active agent They will more or less remain in the artificial leather. The composition after combustion depends on the specific additives you use.
Of artificial leather materials Combustion products Such as chlorine compounds, chlorine Nitrogen containing compounds and other components are harmful to human health. Therefore, we should not be casual burn These artificial materials. [1]

Relevant information


Development history

The leather industry covers the main industries such as leather making, shoemaking, leather clothing, leather goods, fur and its products, as well as the supporting industries such as leather chemicals, leather hardware, leather machinery, and auxiliary materials. The upstream and downstream connections are high, relying on the market to pull, the products are evergreen, and the characteristics of foreign exchange earning, enriching people, and employment are integrated.
After adjusting and optimizing the structure, China's leather industry has initially formed a batch of leather production characteristic regions and specialized markets with clear professional division of labor, prominent characteristics and a decisive role in stimulating the local economy. Their formation has laid the foundation for the development of China's leather industry.
In the increasingly competitive market environment, it is not easy for China's leather industry to achieve such achievements, which also proves that China's leather industry has strong vitality. The market potential of leather and its products is great. The global total demand for leather is about 100 million square meters, which is equivalent to the output of 300 million pieces of cowhide (standard leather). China's leather output is equivalent to nearly 70 million pieces of standard leather, accounting for 23.33% of the global leather output. However, Chinese enterprises in leather shoes and related industries should also face up to our shortcomings in many aspects in the 21st century. Although China is a major leather producer in the world, it is not a strong leather country. It is still in a weak position in terms of quality and value. It needs to be honed and improved in the market environment.


Some types of leather on the market are mainly divided into cow leather, pig leather and Artificial leather And some international brands Chamois And so on.
The first kind: pig skin, which is the strongest, but has large pores and is not beautiful, and is easy to identify
The second kind: cowhide, which is only inferior to pigskin in strength and has a fine surface, but is easy to damage
The third kind: artificial leather, which has a very fine surface, can be flawless, and is durable Air permeability There are certain defects in such aspects as
Here are the specific points for differentiation:
Real leather refers to Natural leather , made from animal skin. Artificial leather refers to synthetic leather Or other leather like products, which are actually artificially synthesized from basic chemical materials. The structure of natural leather is very complex, and it is extremely difficult, even impossible, to make it manually. Sometimes artificial leather“ mix the spurious with the genuine ”, but my following method will make? You can learn to distinguish immediately!
1. Natural leather is irregular in shape and uneven in thickness. Its surface is often more or less, or light or heavy, with some natural defects. Its surface is smooth and delicate to varying degrees. Generally, the edges and abdomen are loose. Full material leather has obvious pores and patterns, and the leather generally has pile. The synthetic leather has uniform thickness, smooth surface, no natural defects, even pores and patterns, and generally no pile in the leather.
2. For finished leather, distinguish between leather and Artificial leather It is difficult, especially for leather products with small area, compact structure, and no visible inside. The method to distinguish such products is: first look at the appearance, and it may be artificial leather with uniform texture, no damage, no coarse grain, and no defect; There are some differences in the texture of leather, especially in the junction between the main parts and the secondary parts of leather products. Then carefully observe the distribution and shape of pores; Natural leather The holes are too many and too deep to see the bottom, slightly inclined; The pores that are shallow and vertical may be synthetic leather Finishing leather In addition, from the perspective of cross section, the cross section fiber of natural leather has its own characteristics, and the fiber thickness of each layer varies. The fiber layers of synthetic leather are basically uniform, with a plastic film on the surface.
3. Drip test: natural leather with strong water absorption, or artificial leather.
4. Tension and elasticity test: natural leather has good elasticity and tension, and vice versa Artificial leather
5. Blowing test: It can be aimed at the back of the leather with a mouth to blow air, and leakage occurs on the front. It is precisely because the leather has this "anti reverse performance". When you wear the leather, the cold proof effect is very obvious, and the good permeability is formed, which fully reflects the value of the leather.
6. Visual identification method: first of all, it should be identified from leather patterns, pores, etc Natural leather It can be seen that patterns and pores do exist on the surface of, and are unevenly distributed. There are animal fibers on the reverse side, side sections, and layers are clearly recognizable. There are animal fibers on the lower layer. Scratch with fingernails will show that the leather fibers stand up, feel fluffy, and a small amount of fibers can also fall down synthetic leather The fabric can be seen on the reverse side, and there is no animal fiber on the side. Generally, there are no pores on the epidermis, but some have imitation leather Artificial pores may have inconspicuous pores, and some patterns are also inconspicuous, or there are regular artificial patterns, and pores are quite consistent.
7. Hand feeling identification method: secondly, the leather feels elastic. When the front of the leather is bent down for 90 degrees, natural wrinkles will appear. When different parts are bent, the resulting creases are obviously uneven in thickness and number. It can be basically identified as genuine leather, because genuine leather has a naturally uneven fiber structure, Therefore, the wrinkle lines formed are also obviously uneven. While synthetic leather feels like plastic, with poor recovery. The thickness of the crease is similar when it is bent.
8. Odor identification method: natural leather has a strong fur smell, even after treatment, the smell is obvious, while artificial leather products have a plastic smell, no fur smell.
9. Combustion identification method: It is mainly to smell the burnt odor and see the ash state. When natural leather burns, it will give out a smell of burnt hair. The burned ash is generally fragile into powder, while the artificial leather, after burning, has a strong flame, rapid contraction, and a very unpleasant plastic smell. After burning, it will become sticky, and after cooling, it will become hard into blocks. [2]