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Human responsibility

Concept proposed by Ding Yunhong in 2008
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Human Responsibility - HUMAN DUTY Officially founded on August 30, 2008, Mr. Ding Yunhong, a Chinese tourist in Canada - MR. HOWARD YH DING formally applied for the establishment in Baidu Encyclopedia·
Chinese name
Human responsibility
Foreign name
Creation time
August 30, 2008
Created by
Mr. Ding Yunhong



Human responsibility first refers to the inherent responsibility of human beings (individuals and groups) to the creator and the created (nature)
The second is the relative concept of human rights Because rights and obligations (responsibilities) coexist, change and perish together Therefore, when human beings acquire human rights, they are endowed with relative obligations (human responsibilities)
The editor hereby declares that: in fact, Human responsibility As early as the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed human rights, the word "human responsibility" has been clearly defined However, the international community has not separated, strengthened and conceptualized the term human responsibility together with human rights
Article 29 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A person has an obligation to the society, because only in the society can his personality be free and fully developed.
When exercising his rights and freedoms, everyone is subject only to the restrictions determined by law. The only purpose of determining such restrictions is to ensure due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, and to meet the legitimate needs of morality, public order and general welfare in a democratic society.
(iii) The exercise of these rights and freedoms shall not, under any circumstances, contravene the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Create reason

(1) Human responsibility exists from the beginning
(2) The necessity and urgency of strengthening human responsibility: human beings excessively pursue their rights in nature and society, while ignoring and downplaying their responsibilities to society and nature Cause the deterioration of human society and natural environment It seriously threatens the survival of mankind