human civilization

Material civilization and spiritual civilization established by human beings
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Human built material civilization and Spiritual civilization , collectively referred to as human civilization.
In anthropology and archaeology, civilization can also mean that human evolution has broken away from the barbarism inherent in animals and established a fair and regular society with wisdom, such as Chinese Civilization Indian Civilization Greek civilization and Egyptian civilization Etc. It also refers to cultural groups, such as Buddhism Civilization Taoism Civilization confucian Civilization, etc. The criteria for the emergence of civilization are mainly the emergence of morality and etiquette, the production of words, and the establishment of national fair rules and systems. Cultural changes play a great role in the production of civilization. Farming The change of methods, the differentiation of labor, the emergence of the ruling class, that is, the central government, and the emergence of social strata are all important characteristics of the emergence of civilization.
When the development of human society has established reasonable rules, completely separated from the jungle law and the beast of the jungle, civilization can really come into being. A civilized society is the antithesis of the jungle law and the law of the jungle. For example, the Chinese historian Lv Zhenyu's Lecture on Chinese History: "Here we are Youchao Our ancestors began to distinguish themselves from animals... From then on, human history began. ", This is a clear example of human beings breaking away from the animal kingdom and entering human civilization.
Chinese name
human civilization
Foreign name
human civilization
Concept of civilization
Material civilization and spiritual civilization
Stage example
Youchao Period

Basic concepts

The history of human civilization, which began with the invention of characters, is only seven or eight thousand years old, which only accounts for one percent of human history. The development of human culture, from human geography In terms of research, there are three kinds of consensus. First, the development of human culture is not sudden, but the experience that human beings have learned in the survival competition and gradually accumulated and passed down. In other words, many cultures in the historical era originated from Prehistoric era For example, China has a history of 5000 years, but we know that in the prehistoric era of China, there were many different nationalities living in scattered places, such as Beijingers Lantian people Their age is about four or five hundred thousand years ago. The culture of China's historical era is inseparable from prehistoric human activities. Second, all kinds of human cultures have different advance and retreat due to the changes of environment and times. In prehistory, there were many powerful nations, which had already perished. In human history, there was no nation that was dominant. Humanist It is recognized that human body, intelligence and morality are basically the same. If there is an ideal environment, any nation can gradually promote and create a noble culture. Third, human beings have the power of cooperation for common progress, but also have the despicable nature of killing each other. Human beings are cruel, and there is not enough killing between individuals. They will also fight with their relatives, or even establish offensive and defensive alliances between nations, resulting in large-scale wars. Human cultures should support and cooperate with each other. Why do they kill each other? A scholar once analyzed that human beings are weak animals. They need their parents to protect them when they grow up. They have no self-defense power when they grow up. They are not strong enough, their nails are not hard, and their teeth are limited by their small mouths. They can neither climb trees nor fly. But from experience, he knows that unity is strength. Only in groups can there be hope for survival. Human beings have warm loyalty to their families, rural groups, and countries, That's why. However, group defense is not safe, and more importantly, we should use our brains to make weapons, so we can develop the ability to kill cruelly. With weapons to kill, individuals can boldly rob and kill, and groups can run rampant. With the development of human history, the physical strength has become weaker and weaker, while the weapons of killing have become more and more fierce Causality More importantly, the differences in race, language and religion, as well as the development of nationalism and transportation, make human wars more and more cruel. However, both knowledgeable and enlightened people believe that only through peaceful coexistence and mutual cooperation can mankind have a bright future.
Generally, the emergence of characters is regarded as an important symbol to define civilization in the scientific community. Generally, people call the history after the appearance of characters the history of human civilization, and the history before the appearance of characters the prehistory. Since the last century, countries around the world have begun to conduct large-scale archaeological excavations of ancient cultures. Based on the archaeological achievements of the past century, people have found that characters have not appeared for a long time, at most 6000 years.
According to the degree of civilization development, the academic community will China India Egypt Babylon Four countries ranked first, known as“ Four Ancient Civilizations ". The earliest characters found in Egypt originated about 4000 BC, 6000 years ago; ancient India was about 2500 BC, 4500 years ago; Ancient Babylon Culture It was about 3500 BC, 5500 years ago.

Origin of civilization


Human origin

human civilization
The real answer to the origin of human beings is only a matter of more than 100 years. Because fossils provide a factual basis, they are part of the remains or traces of activities left by ancient creatures. Finding human skeleton fossils and stone tools can help us understand the development level of ancient human physique, intelligence and tools. From the location where the fossils were found, we can know the geographical distribution And its location Geological age And living environment. Among all kinds of fossils, skull fossils are the most important. The facial cranium of general animals is much larger than that of brain cranium; In humans, on the contrary, the brain is much larger than the face. The Humans Compared with modern people, the difference can be said to be mainly concentrated on the skull. For example, the skull of primitive people is much thicker than that of modern people. Because the study of human skull fossils can best understand the morphological characteristics and physical development level of ancient humans, anthropologists pay special attention to finding complete human skull fossils. The discovery of complete human skull fossils is considered as a major achievement in anthropological research. More than 100 years ago, scientists noticed that human fossils were used as evidence to explore Human evolution History of.
In the Quaternary period, human ancestors appeared. At first, the Asian and African continents were warm and humid. In this environment, ancient apes evolved into human beings who could make tools and work. Labor makes the limbs and bones developed, and the hands can create more things. The mouth develops language, which also promotes the development of the brain. The appearance of Homo erectus, the ancestor of human beings, is quite different from other mammals that still crawl on all fours, can't use hands or have no language, and has become the master of the world.
According to the order of human constitution and cultural development, it can be divided into "ape man", "ancient man" and "new man" stages. In recent decades, human fossils have been found repeatedly in the world, enabling human scientists to understand human physical characteristics and cultural development. However, there are still many questions, such as how did the ape man become an ancient man? What about the process of the ancients becoming new? Now it is found that there is not enough data to make a complete explanation, which needs to be supplemented by more discovered facts.
human civilization
Almost all the human fossils often found in the world are "ancients" or "new people" (also called "real people"), among which the most famous and recognized by the scientific community is that the Neanderthals discovered in Germany in 1865 belong to "ancients", and the Neanderthals in France in 1868 belong to "new people". Therefore, it is generally believed that human ancestors only had a history of more than 100000 years. It was not until 1929 that China found them in Zhoukoudian Peking Man It is believed that the ancestors of human beings existed 400000 years ago.
Earthly Crust , changing all the time. The soil and gravel eroded from the mountains are finally deposited into the ocean lake and sea, forming deep and broad rock formations. The sea rises into land, and the mountains erode into plains. The living animals and plants on the land can be buried at any time Sedimentary layer After tens of thousands of years, it became a fossil. Geologists can identify the biological evolution in different regions of the earth at different times according to the remains of these animals and plants.
Geological age , can be divided into Archaean Proterozoic the paleozoic era mesozoic and Cenozoic era 5 periods. Archaean knew the least geological historical facts, unlike the existence of life. At the beginning of the Paleozoic, biological traces were found, but they were all inferior animals and primary plants. The most inferior animals are trilobites, and there are many corals, sponges and jellyfish. The Mesozoic is the most important period for reptiles, which are tall and protected by armor. Cenozoic is an important period of biological evolution in modern geological history; The big reptiles have gone forever, leaving only crocodiles, turtles, snakes and lizards. This is an era when mammals are very active.
human civilization
In the Quaternary, Homo erectus appeared in the earth's history of about 23 million years. Therefore, some people call the Quaternary "Lingsheng Generation", because this is the era of mankind. At the same time, the Quaternary has also greatly changed natural environment , especially changed the animal and plant kingdom. Secondly, there are strong Glaciation And left many traces on the earth's surface. The advance and retreat of glaciers also affect the distribution of animals and plants. When the ice age suddenly came on the ground, the ape man who lived by taking fruits had nowhere to feed in the ice and snow, and was often forced by hunger, so he had to skin animals for clothes; Look for caves and places to live; Drill wood to make fire, which can be used for cooking or expelling wild animals. After several ice ages, human intelligence has improved. The cultural relics of ancient humans are mainly self-made tools, which are basically made of stone. Archaic Primitive human No production experience, so stone tools are simple and crude. But in the process of practice, their skills in making tools are constantly improving, so labor is the driving force for creating culture. The Stone Age can also be divided into the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. Paleolithic Age Most people are hunters and gatherers. Most of the tools they used were river bed pebbles, which were first made by hammering and then by grinding. At the end of the Ice Age, the Neolithic Age began. During this period, stone tools were made entirely by grinding, and many stone tools with holes and rings were chiseled. There were many kinds of stone tools, including big axes, stone knives, stone chisels, etc. Pottery in this period has been developed, agricultural tools have begun, and there has been a primitive animal husbandry. After the end of the Neolithic Age, about 4000~1000 BC, mankind entered the metal culture. First, the Bronze Age. By 2000 BC, it had entered the Iron Age and began to use iron as a plow. The Bronze Age and the Iron Age alternated rather than separated.
Where did ancient human beings originate? This is a controversial issue for many years. Some say it originated from central Asia, like famous archaeologists Andrews (R.C. Andrews) and geographer Griffit Taglei believed that human beings originated in central Asia and then moved to various continents. The reason is that Central Asia is a livestock raised by humans, such as camel dog , cattle, sheep, horses, etc. Since it is suitable for the survival of higher animals, human beings living on animals and plants must also originate from it. At the same time, Central Asia is located among the continents with the highest terrain. The average altitude of other continents in the world is less than 700 meters, and the average altitude of the continent of Asia alone is more than 1000 meters. The continent can be connected to other continents because of its commanding height. Therefore, it is said that human beings originated in Central Asia, scattered in various continents, and the trend is the most favorable, which is reasonable. But some people think that the origin of human beings should be Subtropical zone In the humid area, Professor Carl Sauer, who has done outstanding research on the origin of agriculture, believes that the coastal areas of Southeast Asia may be the first place where human beings started. Archaeological discoveries in Thailand and China Hangzhou Bay The discovery of Hemudu ruins can prove it. Such discussions need more underground discoveries before they can be fully explained.
human civilization
The number of primitive ancestors we know is small and scattered on a piece of land. Later, when the population increased, they moved around. According to the knowledge of geography and archaeology, there are many straits on the surface of the earth, blocking the traffic between continents. However, if the sea level drops by 90 meters, many straits can become land bridges to facilitate human exchanges. The most famous land bridge, including Bering Strait , the Dover Strait between Britain and Europe, the Dardanelles Strait between Asia and Europe, and Malaysia and Sumatra Malacca Strait Others are the Sicily Strait, which connects Africa, and the North Korea and Japan Duima Strait , connecting Sumatra and Java's Sunda Strait, and connecting New Guinea and Australia's Torres Strait And communication between southern Australia and Tasmania Bass Strait If in the Quaternary, such straits retreated in the ice age, and the sea level dropped to become a land bridge, connecting the land, it would be conducive to the migration of human ancestors. There is no doubt about that. The human ancestors moved to all directions through the land bridge and expanded their distribution. Due to the different natural environment on the ground, the difference in temperature, rainfall, sunshine, etc., and with the development of human society and human body shape, various races in the world have been differentiated. If melanin has the function of absorbing ultraviolet rays, it can protect the blood vessels, nerves and muscles under the skin from the direct invasion of ultraviolet rays. The people who have lived in the equator of Africa for a long time become black people. Their hair curls and covers their heads, which is heat insulation. The people who live in high latitude and cold areas for a long time have high and narrow noses, which makes cold air enter the trachea and lungs slowly. Their body shape is stronger than that of tropical residents, and their skin color is lighter than that of tropical people. In ancient times, the transportation was not easy, and people were bound by the natural environment. Each group of people lived in each isolated geographical area for a long time, forming different adaptability characteristics in their physique. These characteristics are inherited from generation to generation, so that human beings are divided into various races with obvious physical differences on the ground.

Source of civilization

Where does human civilization originate? For example, the Russian Pravda exclusively disclosed that the latest research found that the civilization of human beings on the earth may originate from the ice and snow covered for thousands of years Antarctic continent And this discovery was even made by great scientists Einstein Support.
human civilization
Einstein: The South Pole may exist prehistoric civilization
According to the Russian newspaper Pravda, Einstein and many scientists firmly believe that today's ice and snow lifeless Antarctica was once the birthplace of human civilization!
Einstein believed that more than 10000 years ago, the North Pole was not at the North Pole, but near the north coast; The South Pole is not at the South Pole, but in the temperate zone of Canada. At that time, the Antarctic continent with suitable temperature and climate may have bred a highly developed ancient civilization. However, the good times are not always good, because the earth's crust has moved counterclockwise, the North Pole has drifted to the position of the North Pole, and the South Pole has drifted to the South Pole of ice and snow. The climate is suddenly extremely cold, and the continent is covered with ice and snow, and the Antarctic civilization has disappeared. It is very interesting that Einstein is far from the only one who holds this view. He holds a similar view that human civilization may originate from ancient There are many scientists in Antarctica.
The ancient map is an aerial view
Not alarmist: ancient maps reveal the secrets under the Antarctic ice.
According to Pravda, Einstein and other scientists did not hold such a view as sensationalism or speculation, but rather there was considerable evidence.
In fact, since World War II, the idea that there might be a prehistoric civilization in the Antarctic continent has been repeatedly mentioned. Many historians, anthropologists and archaeologists have turned their eyes to the ice and snow, and one of the incredible ancient maps has strengthened the scientific community's thinking about Antarctica. In 1840, Khalil Eidehai, the curator of Istanbul National Museum, found a strange ancient map in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. this Zhang Gu The map was discovered at the beginning of the 18th century, which seems to be a copy. On the map, except mediterranean sea The painting of the region is very accurate, and other regions such as America and Africa are severely deformed. When scientists Ancient map When doing further research, I was surprised to find that this ancient map is actually an aerial view, which looks like“ Apollo 8 ”A reproduction of a photograph taken by a spaceship. On this map, the deformed contour lines of America and Africa completely coincide with the photos taken by the Apollo spacecraft. What is particularly surprising is that the ancient map also depicts the complex landform under the ice cover of Antarctica, which is the same as the Antarctic exploration team's exploration map of the Antarctic subglacial terrain with the echo detector in 1952. Who has mastered the space aerial photography technology in ancient times and is so familiar with the Antarctic terrain? Is it true that Antarctica was once inhabited? Later, scientists finally found the original of this map, which was created by Ottoman Empire The map drawn by Admiral Pierre Les of the fleet in 1513 marked the mysterious land nearly two hundred years before Antarctica was discovered, and the Antarctica he painted was not icebound. According to his explanation in the blank of the map, he drew it with reference to more ancient maps. In 1949, Britain and Sweden The United Antarctic Exploration Mission made a thorough investigation on the southernmost continent in the world, and traveled all over the continent covered with thick ice. Results The Antarctic continent is very consistent with the map described by Les, and the error of important landmarks is only within 0.5 longitude. This precision has been more than 200 years ahead of the technology at that time. It was not until 1735 that human civilization was able to map again with this precision. The question then arises, who on earth described the South Pole? What was the South Pole like before it was frozen? Obviously, in 1513, there was a civilization higher than that at that time, which accurately described this ice and snow land many years earlier than 1513. Who are they? Is it the ancient civilization before our civilization?
human civilization
Amazing news: there was no ice and snow in Antarctica 6000 years ago?
Les map The overall shape and outline of Antarctica on the map are very similar to the continent shown on the modern map. Antarctica is close to the center of the continent, and Map display The phase is not far away; The mountains around the coast remind people of many mountains found in Antarctica in the 21st century; The river originates from these mountains and meanders to the sea; Every river follows a drainage pattern that seems very natural and credible. This shows that when the earliest map of Antarctica was drawn, the coast of this continent was still not covered by ice and snow. However, the Antarctica inland shown in the 2018 map has completely disappeared from rivers and mountains, and is covered with ice and snow. In 1532, Orentius Fenaus drew another map based on the world map drawn by historical materials, and indicated the river beds on the South Pole on the map. In 1949, Admiral Belda Led the expedition to the South Pole Rosshai It was found that the river bed marked by Fenaus on the map was very similar to the scene on the spot and corresponded one by one. In these river beds, there are many Mid latitude Fine grained rocks and other sediments. Later, Washington Carnegie The scientists of the Institute have studied these sediments and found that they have been for more than 6000 years. That is to say, 6000 years ago, when the Antarctic was warm in the pre glacial period, hundreds of rivers were flowing, vegetation was verdant and full of vitality. The map of Fenaus obviously also confirmed a surprising idea: before the ice and snow were completely covered, Antarctica had been visited and even settled by humans. If so, then the people who first drew the map of Antarctica should be Antarctic people who lived in very ancient times.
Three guesses: the mystery of the disappearance of Antarctic prehistoric civilization
Based on this, can we imagine that the Antarctic continent was in the temperate zone more than 10000 years ago. The superior natural environment has bred a highly developed civilization, even comparable to the scientific level of the 18th century. People there have advanced navigation technology and astronomical knowledge, and they lead fleets to shuttle between the oceans and continents. They bring their civilization to every corner of the world Wilderness The backward mainland has brought wisdom and miracles, and has also become a bridge for cultural exchanges and contacts. But how could this civilization suddenly disappear from the earth without leaving any trace? According to this, scientists put forward three guesses: first, it may be that the crust suddenly changed, causing a huge disaster, and the flood flooded the whole world, as well as the kingdom and people who once spread civilization. In addition, some scientists believe that the prehistoric civilization of Antarctica has not completely disappeared, perhaps because of the changes in the earth's climate, the Antarctic continent is gradually covered with ice and snow, and the prehistoric civilization was buried forever by thick ice. The third possibility is that this civilization still exists. They may have spread their advanced knowledge to Egyptians or Semites.

Fundamental power

Learning the world history, we can clearly realize that science and technology are the progress of human civilization Fundamental power
From the third century BC to the fifteenth century BC, it was the dark years of the Middle Ages in Europe. Religion ruled mankind, and science became the servant girl of theology. It was an industrial technological revolution again and again, which made a huge leap in human understanding of the objective world and revolutionized the ability to transform the world. Occurred between 1750 and 1850 The first industrial revolution As a result, coal has become a new energy source and has been widely used. Textile machines, steam engines, wired communication and inorganic chemical materials, blast furnace steelmaking technology, etc. have been introduced one after another Scientific and technological progress And a new era of industrial innovation. From 1850 to the Second World War On the eve of the second industrial revolution, oil and electricity became new sources of energy. Engines, internal combustion engines, automobiles, aircraft, converter steelmaking, organic chemical materials, telephones and radio communications became economic development and social development The powerful driving force of. From the Second World War to the 1980s The Third Industrial Revolution New energy sources such as atomic energy have come to the fore. Computers, integrated circuits, optical fiber communications, genetic engineering, automation technology, and flexible processing systems have made the world's science and technology level leap, and the industrial structure have undergone profound changes. Since the 1980s, the new scientific and technological revolution is driving the surge and impact of the fourth wave of industrial revolution, and the frontier of contemporary science is pregnant with new major breakthroughs, Microelectronics , information technology, biotechnology New material technology New energy technology space technology , marine technology, human Life science and technology And manned space technology High tech industry The group rose rapidly. The contribution rate of science and technology to economic growth rose from 5-10% at the beginning of the 20th century to about 80%. As the locomotive of history in the new era and as a powerful lever to promote future economic growth, social development and civilization progress, high-tech has attracted the attention of the whole mankind. On October 15, 2003, China's first manned space flight was successful, marking another major step in climbing the peak of human science and technology.
Taking history as a mirror, we can clearly see that every progress in science and technology has brought people to a new height in their understanding of the world, made a new leap in their ability to transform the world, and raised the economy, society and human civilization to a new level. Every achievement of science and technology is the product of human creative labor and the crystallization of scientific exploration and technological innovation. Promoting scientific and technological progress is a great practice of liberating and developing productive forces. The application of scientific and technological achievements is the transformation from potential productivity to real productivity. Its cycle is getting shorter and shorter, and the economic and social benefits generated are getting bigger and bigger, which has played the first role in modern economic and social development.
Nowadays, the competition of world economy and comprehensive national strength is increasingly manifested in the competition of science and technology. twice Persian Gulf War It also shows the deterrence of high-tech in the modern war.
In 1988, Comrade Deng Xiaoping took a broad view of the world and put forward the idea that "science and technology are the first productive force" with the great courage and theoretical courage of the great proletarian revolutionist and Marxist scientific conclusion And laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for China to formulate the principles and policies of reform, opening up and economic development in the new period. To practice the important thought of "Three Represents" and build a well-off society in an all-round way, we must rely on scientific and technological progress.

Evolution process

human civilization
Human society has experienced more than 5000 years of Agricultural civilization The era has experienced more than 300 years industrial civilization Times. So, what will the future be New civilization What about the evolution of the times?
basis Yuluo Hongye Global civilization [1] Development perspective: the evolution of human industrial civilization has experienced Europe The Renaissance , developed into the era of colonialism and capital; Confucian culture The renaissance of, will establish should be people-oriented globalization civil rights era; Therefore, human society has evolved from Theocracy From society to capital society official rank standard From society to people-oriented society, we have experienced three times industrial revolution , will enter Earth civilization In the post industrial era.

Primitive civilization

human civilization
Primitive civilization is a development system completely controlled by nature. Human life depends entirely on the gift of nature. Hunting, hunting and gathering are the main activities of the development system, and also the most important production labor. The accumulated achievements of experience: stone tools, bows and arrows, and fire are important inventions of primitive civilization. The material production activities of primitive society directly used natural things as the means of life of human beings, and their ability to develop and dominate nature was extremely limited. Agricultural civilization is the development system of human exploration of nature. Human beings have made preliminary development of nature (about 10000 years ago). From primitive civilization to agricultural civilization, scientific and technological achievements have begun to emerge: bronzeware , ironware Pottery , words, paper making Typography Etc. The main production activities are farming and animal husbandry. By creating appropriate conditions, human beings can make the species they need grow and multiply, and no longer rely on ready-made food provided by nature. The use of natural power has expanded to a number of renewable energy sources (animal power, water power, etc.). Iron agricultural tools have changed human labor products from "giving and receiving" to "taking initiative", economic activity Start active steering productivity In the field of development, we began to explore ways and means to obtain the maximum labor achievements.

Industrial social civilization

human civilization
Industrial civilization is the development system of human conquest of nature. With the unprecedented development of science and technology and social productivity, the transformation from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization. Human beings began to consider themselves as "conquerors" of nature, and the excessive development of nature caused a profound environmental crisis. In particular, the rise of analytical and experimental methods in scientific exploration activities began to "interrogate" and "torture" nature. At this time, science and technology and education highlighted the promotion and development of economy, capitalist country Vigorously promote education, science and technology, and form unprecedented economic productivity. Industrial civilization is an era in which mankind has achieved unprecedented success by using scientific and technological weapons to control and transform nature. steam engine , electric motors, computers and nuclear reactors, every time Scientific and technological revolution Both have established a new monument of "humanized nature" and armed agriculture with industry. The sustainable development activities of industrial civilization are mainly manifested in the material activities of conquering nature. At this time, the problems of ecology, resources, population and other issues have also appeared unprecedented crises, becoming an important functional factor of the sustainable development system.

Ecological Civilization

Ecological Civilization Is that human and nature will achieve coordinated development social system Ecological civilization is the fourth stage of civilization in "social memory". It is a civilization based on highly developed knowledge, education and technology. It emphasizes that nature is the cornerstone of human survival and development. It is clear that human society must interact and develop with nature on an ecological basis in order to achieve sustainable development of human economy and society. Therefore, the relationship between human and living environment Coevolution It is ecological civilization. Ecological civilization is no longer a pure development system, but a harmonious The social system of development. As the sustainable development system is a universal complex complex system and an evolutionary open system, its evolutionary basis is to inherit all the positive factors of previous civilizations, so ecological civilization also includes all the achievements of previous civilizations, and its theoretical and practical basis is directly based on industrial civilization, It is the result of rethinking that industrial civilization gains economic benefits at the cost of sacrificing the environment, and it is a profound change from the development view of traditional industrial civilization to the development view of modern ecological civilization. To build ecological civilization, human beings are required to give full play to their rational regulation and control ability through active scientific practice activities, foresee the natural and social impacts inevitably brought by their own activities, and control and adjust their own behavior at any time. [2]

Scope of human civilization

Galaxy within Hunter arm The solar system with the fourth arm

Related quotes

Here are some famous quotes about human civilization:
It is wise to enrich leisure time human civilization Latest achievements—— Russell
For scientists, the insurmountable principle is to human civilization But work—— Joseph Needham
The growth of wealth and leisure is to promote human civilization Two elements of—— Disraeli
Both the Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world are human civilization Achievements created—— Xi Jinping
Protecting national languages is conducive to human civilization It is also conducive to national unity and social stability—— Zhou Haizhong