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Humanistic thought

Terminology in the field of literature
Humanism is Renaissance The core of mainstream social thoughts. "Humanism", "humanistic spirit" and "humanistic thought" are not very different. "Humanism" comes from English humanism, which can also be translated into "humanism", "humanism" and "humanism" according to the needs of different contexts.
Chinese name
Humanistic thought
Foreign name
Humanistic thought
Renaissance The core of mainstream social thoughts

The Renaissance

Renaissance The core idea of humanism is to oppose the medieval times Theology elevates god and belittles man, emphasizing the value of man; Oppose theological asceticism and the concept of afterlife, and advocate people's pursuit of real life; opposition Religion The concept of bondage and feudal hierarchy, the pursuit of individual liberation and freedom and equality; Anti medieval Obscurantism , advocating human experience and rationality; We advocate that human beings should understand and conquer nature to benefit life.


1. It refers to various cultural phenomena in human society: humanistic landscape of humanities
2. It refers to the idea of emphasizing human as the main body, respecting human values and caring for human interests.
Humanity, first of all, is a kind of thought, a kind of idea, at the same time, it is also a kind of system, a kind of law. Humanistic thought is the theoretical basis of humanistic system, and humanistic system is the realization of humanistic thought, the institutionalization and legalization of humanistic thought.
Humanistic spirit: a kind of thought and behavior that advocates people first, attaches importance to human values, respects human dignity and rights, cares about people's real life, and pursues human freedom, equality and liberation.


humanities Originally, it refers to the knowledge related to human interests, which is different from theology. Later, it generally refers to the science of studying social phenomena, culture and art.


Western humanism European Renaissance The main trend of thought during the period opposed religious doctrines and scholastic philosophy in the Middle Ages, advocated academic research, advocated freedom of thought and liberation of personality, and affirmed that man was the center of the world. yes The rudiments of capitalism The advanced thought of the period, however, lacks a broad democratic foundation and has great limitations.
Oriental humanism Confucianism It is an important cornerstone of oriental humanism and the mainstream of Chinese humanism tide for more than 2000 years. It is not a religion. It has religious factors, or religious nature, so it can be called religious humanism, but not humanistic religion. It's not just about Philosophy ethic Sociology Politics Such theories are also a kind of life theory and a set of belief system, which can replace the role of religion in daily life.
Contemporary China Three cups A group of neo realist writers, represented by, are active in the literary world. Their works are mostly realistic themes, reflecting social and family ethics, and profoundly interpreting the subtle changes that are taking place in the new era, new political and economic environment social relations And social change , with thick Humanistic color , pay attention to tradition, respect human nature, reflect humanistic care, revere the heaven of righteousness and justice, and vigorously promote the positive effect of faith on construction Social order The soul function of.


humanitarianism An ideological system originating from the European Renaissance. Advocate the worldview of caring for people, respecting people and taking people as the center. French bourgeoisie During the revolutionary period, it was concretized into slogans such as "freedom", "equality" and "fraternity". It played an active role in anti feudalism during the bourgeois revolution.
That is to put people first, respect everyone's thoughts, and make thoughts diversified rather than unitary.
The birth of the concept of human rights, the legalization of human rights, the internationalization and globalization of human rights law are the signs of the true establishment of humanity and the fundamental guarantee for the realization of humanistic ideas.


First, "people-oriented concept", that is, "people-oriented". Man is the center of society, man is the yardstick to measure society, "standard" is also the yardstick to measure everything. From the monarch as the standard to the human standard, or from the "monarch standard" to the "human standard" is a great revolution in human society, a great change in human values, and the first great discovery of John Locke's pursuit of social laws. The person who changes the standard is the great person.
John "Locke used the whole first part of" On Government ", almost 100 pages of writing, with detailed facts and sharp logic, to break the traditional concept that has shackled mankind for thousands of years:" divine power ". Just as Copernicus and Newton reversed the "geocentric theory" and established the "heliocentric theory", Locke reversed the "monarchical standard" and established the great theory of "human standard". Since then, the core content of modern humanistic thought has been established.
Locke broke the "monarch standard" and established the "human standard", that is, the sharp weapon of human rights thought, is reason. Locke is ten years older than Newton, but he is Newton's good friend and sworn friend. He was deeply influenced by Newton's ideas. Newton is the epitome of modern science. The birth of modern science has provided mankind with a new concept: the meaning of law and rational thinking. Locke thought, nature is so regular and orderly, does human society have its own laws? "Humanism" is his first great discovery in studying the laws of human society.
Thus, Locke built a bridge between science and humanities. Science provides a rational weapon for humanity, while humanity provides a direction for the development of science: science always benefits human beings, rather than harming them.

Personal concept

Second, "personal concept", that is, the philosophical concept of recognizing and respecting individuals, is aimed at "monarchism" or "monarchism". Kings, whether ancient or modern, always practice absolutism in the name of "state", "the world", "organization" and "collective". Therefore, "personal concept" is also aimed at absolutism. It protects individuals and opposes autocracy, especially against the use of the name of "state", "collective" and "organization" by authoritarianism to infringe individual rights. Here, for absolutism, the individual is sacred, great and inviolable. In the eyes of John Locke, "human rights" includes three related basic ideas: first, human rights refer to the rights of individuals. Second, human rights are inseparable from the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to property. "inseparable" means that there can be no less than one of the three rights. If we only talk about the right to life and not the right to freedom, wouldn't it become an animal protection law? Third, human rights are irreplaceable and unrepresentable, belonging to individuals themselves, and also natural rights, The right born.
Human rights are innate, original and born. The rights of the government are granted by people to better protect their human rights. They are granted by people's voluntary association. If people think it is necessary, such as when human rights cannot be protected by the government, they can withdraw the power of the government at any time. "Personal concept" means that the individual is the root. The individual's right to life, freedom and property, and whether such rights can be protected, are the basis for measuring everything, including organizations, society, and especially the government. In some countries, it has been turned upside down. Therefore, individual rights are often and easily deprived, and are mistaken for "taking the overall situation into consideration", "sacrificing the individual" and "morality". As a result, the government and government officials who represent the "overall situation" and "greater self" can openly and unscrupulously "represent" the interests of others. As a result, corruption has become a common practice and people have no peace.
To put it more simply, "personal concept" means that individuals are more important than governments, and human rights are more important than sovereignty. "Personal concept" is John "Locke's second great discovery. It needs an enlightenment education.
Respect for individuals, first of all, means that the state, the government and those institutions with power should respect individuals. Institutions with power respect individuals without power, which is the basis of humanistic thought and democratic politics. At the same time, respect for individuals is respect for "everyone". As an individual, you should respect both yourself and others. Only by respecting others can you respect yourself, and only by respecting yourself can you respect others. Just because we should respect individuals, no one can harm others' personal interests. "Personal concept" is a sacred and great philosophical concept. "Personal concept" is a great weapon to fight against absolutism, so it is not allowed by absolutism. At the same time, "personal concept" is also the source of morality. Therefore, countries that advocate individual ideas have a better moral situation than countries that advocate collectivism. Because the "personal concept" tells people that they have their own interests, and they should protect their own interests in a responsible manner and not allow others to infringe upon them; Similarly, others - like themselves - also have their own personal interests, so at no time will they harm others' personal interests. As a result, "protect yourself without harming others" has formed the strength of society and the moral foundation of society.

Freedom concept

Third, "freedom concept", that is, "the only purpose of the government is to protect the freedom of individuals to create wealth and enjoy happiness". That is, first of all, for the government, for the institutions with power. Human rights are the only natural and fundamental rights. The power of the government is given by the voters. Its only purpose is to protect human freedom. When the freedom of the people is not protected, the power of the government should be canceled, so it is called "people oriented". People, people's freedom, is the standard to measure everything. "Life is precious, and love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away." Among human rights, freedom is the most precious and the most important. The "concept of freedom", first and foremost for the government, stipulates that the only purpose of the government is to protect human freedom. What kind of government can protect human freedom? John Locke and his later successors further pointed out that only the government elected by the people, the government with the separation of three powers, the government with the rotation system, and the government with the freedom of the press, that is, the democratic government composed of the "election system", the "separation of powers and checks and balances", the "rotation system", and the "freedom of the press", can become the government that protects human freedom.
The greatness of John Locke lies in that they not only put forward a great idea, but also further put forward the institutional guarantee to realize this idea. Their greatness lies in that they created a new idea of governing society: not by slogans, not by reference, but by the system, by a system that restricts each other, by a system that the people can truly restrict the government.


"Freedom concept" also refers to the freedom of "everyone". Only by respecting the freedom of others can we have our own freedom, strive for our own freedom, and never damage the freedom of others. How to identify and judge whether the freedom of others is damaged? Man has found the best way: to make rules. Make rules aimed at protecting human freedom. This is the basic concept of modern legal system, and the rules protect human freedom. Therefore, as an individual, violation of the rules is to damage the freedom of others, and you need to pay the price and be punished. As an individual, abiding by the rules is to respect the freedom of others as well as their own freedom. As a result, rule awareness has become the basic quality of citizens in free countries. Therefore, liberalism is by no means as lawless as some people distort it to be.