human geography

Sub discipline of geography
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synonym human geography (Geography branch discipline) generally refers to human geography (geography branch discipline)
humanity geography with Man land relationship Based on the theory of geographical distribution , proliferation and change, and the Geographical structure The formation and development of a discipline. It's geography Discipline system An important part of geography One of the two main subdisciplines of. "Humanity" and physical geography The word "nature" in Chinese refers to various social, political, economic and Cultural phenomenon Some scholars believe that it only refers to social and cultural phenomena. [1]
Human geography is generally divided into broad sense and narrow sense. The broad sense of human geography includes socio-cultural geography Political Geography economic geography The narrow sense of human geography refers to social and cultural geography, excluding economic geography.
Chinese name
human geography
Foreign name
Human Geography
Man land relationship theory

Development History

The development of Human Geography has gone through the process of knowledge accumulation, discipline formation and theoretical evolution, discipline differentiation, and theoretical and methodological innovation. Press Development sequence It can be divided into three stages: ancient, modern and modern.
Ancient stage
human geography
This is geography Knowledge accumulation During the period of the 20th century, there were various discourses on the relationship between man and land, mainly based on fragment descriptions.
stay Geography of China Ancient books and other ancient books contain many discussions on the relationship between man and land, including the Book of Rites· Kingship 》In the article, "different systems exist in wide valleys and large rivers, and different customs exist in people's livelihood" Determinism of geographical environment He also advocated in Mencius Gongsun Chou Xia“ Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people ”The idea that man can conquer nature, and the Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Chong In the chapter of "Lun Heng · Ming Yu", "Madam can't feel the sky by walking, and the sky can't respond to people by walking" advocates that people and places have their own laws, and opposes the idea of absolutizing the relationship between people and land.
human geography
From 5th to 3rd century BC be published in book form Of《 Shang Shu, Yu Gong 》At the beginning, a large number of human geographical phenomena were recorded in many ancient geographical books, Late Ming and Early Qing Gu Yanwu Of《 Beneficial Sickness Book of the Counties under Heaven 》And Gu Zuyu Of《 Fang Yu's summary of history reading 》Then some problems of man land relationship are discussed. But in ancient China, there was no systematic work on human geography to express the thought of man land relationship.
In the West, geography has always studied the Earth as the home of mankind, ancient Greek Rome Scholars such as Herodotus Strabo All of them have discussed the phenomenon of human geography in their works.
In the Middle Ages, Western Europe formed some seclusion and seclusion of politics and religion sovereign state The economy and culture are in decline, and the development of human geography is in stagnation. meanwhile, arab countries The geography of, Idrisi In their works, scholars such as Zhang et al. described many human geography phenomena.
After the big discovery
European countries have successively published various geographical works, many of which are descriptions of human geography around the world, most of which focus on the study of race, settlement, etc., which has played a huge role in promoting the development of human geography.

Modern stage

nineteenth century First break In the 1950s, geography entered a period of different schools, theories, and disciplines. In the 19th century, geography began to form two branches of nature and humanity. A.von, the founder of modern scientific geography Humboldt And C Little Are physical geography And human geography founded the early theory. Since then, a series of theories have emerged in human geography, and various branches have been established and formed a system.
Formation and evolution
Books related to human geography
Little Empirically and comparative law , research various kinds of Geographical phenomenon Of causal relationship In his book Geography: The Relationship between Geography and Human Quality and History (1822-1859, 2nd Edition), he discussed natural phenomena The interrelationship with humanistic phenomena, taking nature as the basic reason of humanity, and emphasizing the importance of nature on Human history Impact. After his death, the theory of man land relationship developed differently in various countries.
Published by German geographer F. Lazier in 1882 and 1891《 Human Geography 》As a product of the environment, human activities, development and distribution are strictly restricted by the environment. Later his students American Geography Scholar E C. Semple And E Huntington People put more emphasis on geographical environment human civilization Their views have had a wide impact, forming a systematic Environmental determinism
Almost at the same time, French geographer P. Vidal Blanc disagreed with the view of environmental determinism and proposed another school Theory of man land relationship Later people called it possibilism or probability He believes that the special task of geography is to explain natural condition Spatial relationship with humanistic conditions. The natural environment provides a certain range of possibilities, and human beings make use of this possibility according to their own needs, wishes and abilities when creating settlements. This view of his was published by his student J. Brunner in 1910《 Principles of Human Earth Science 》(Zeng translated Human Geography), White Luna It believes that nature is fixed and humanity is uncertain, and the relationship between the two often changes with the times. The views of Vidal Blanc and Brunner had a profound influence on French geography, thus forming french school
britain University of Liverpool P M. Under the influence of the French School, Professor Rothberg coined the term "regulation" in 1930 and founded the "adaptation theory". He believes that regulation has two meanings, that is, the natural environment affects human activity Limitations of, and human society The utilization of the environment and the possibility of utilization. Rosenberg believes that human geography studies the two-way relationship between man and land, mainly discussing the impact of human social activities on the environment adaptability
American geographer H H. Barros published the article "Human Ecology" in 1923, and proposed ecology Adjustment theory He maintains that human geography is the view of studying human ecology. In the relationship between man and land, man is the central topic, and other phenomena are only when they involve people and their Reaction time , it is necessary to explain. He also believes that history studies human relations in time, while geography focuses on analyzing human relations in space.
Early 20th century
Books related to human geography
German scholar O Otto Schluter The concept of cultural landscape is put forward, and the main task of geography is to explore the process of transforming original landscape into cultural landscape. Later American geographer C O. Sol also proposed that human beings, according to their cultural standards, exert influence on the natural phenomena and biological phenomena of the natural environment and change them into cultural landscapes. Meanwhile, another American scholar D S. Whitsey put forward the theory of "successive occupation", and believed that geography should not study the adaptation of human beings to the environment, but the historical process of human society's occupation of a place. They all emphasize the role of culture in the relationship between people and the geographical environment, forming On Cultural Landscape In fact, it is also a kind of“ Cultural determinism ”。 It emphasizes that if there is any significant change in the attitude, goal or technology of residents in an area, it needs to be revalued natural resources What foundation means to them.
Geography has played a certain role in the development of human geography“ dualism ”。 Like Humboldt's claim that geography should understand unity in complexity, Little believes that unity is the characteristic of geography. However, O. Pescher of Germany and others opposed Littler's humanistic direction, and believed that geography could only be used for the earth Surface morphology The study of human activities is not within its scope of study. Thus the dualism of geography came into being. The dualism advocated by Pescher lies in Western Europe The actual number of supporters is not large.
Soviet Union Since the 1930s, the geography circle has criticized human geography, highlighted the development of economic geography, and actually replaced human geography with economic geography. At the same time, the Soviet Union regarded physical geography and economic geography as two unrelated sciences for the reason of domination Material world The laws of economic activity The laws of economic geography are completely different. It is believed that these two disciplines can not be combined into one discipline in logic or in fact. Economic geography is a pure economic discipline, and the geographical perspective should be completely abandoned.
Until 1960, Anuqin ... Anuqin criticized the dualism of dividing physical geography and economic geography in the Soviet Union since the 1930s, and advocated Regional studies We should seek the connection and balance between physical geography and economic geography, and many scholars such as Saushkin and With the enthusiastic support of Markov and others, the unity of geography was gradually emphasized in the Soviet Union (see the history of Soviet geography).
Formation of discipline system
With the development of the theory of human geography, the research content and scope are also expanding. Like physical geography, it has begun to differentiate, and some branches have emerged, forming a disciplinary system of human geography. Ethnography , population geography, settlement geography, cultural geography, political geography Business Geography , economic geography, industrial geography, agricultural geography Transportation geography And so on are formed and developed at this stage.
For a long time, European universities Geography Many of them were taught by historical scholars. Many scholars emphasized geographical research, especially the study of human geography, which is closely related to history, and the study of historical geography has long been confined to the content of historical human geography. Therefore, historical geography was once an important part of human geography. British scholar H C. Darby Since the 1930s, they began to study Historical physical geography So that historical geography not only studies the changes of human geographical phenomena in historical period, but also studies the changes of physical geographical phenomena in historical period, thus becoming an independent branch of geography.

Modern stage

Since the 1960s, due to the rapid development of social economy and science and technology, great changes have taken place in the theory, methods and research contents of human geography.
New developments
From the past Environmental determinism Possibility theory as well as Adaptation theory Turn into harmony theory. This is due to the acceleration of population expansion, industrial growth and urbanization since the 1950s ecological equilibrium Destruction, environmental pollution, lack of resources and social problem Serious phenomenon, people and land in the past Relational theory It can no longer reflect the reality and guide human beings to take reasonable actions.
human geography
stay ecology Under the influence of the development of environmental science, the scholars of human geography advocate to analyze with the theory of harmony People and environment Relationship. Since the 1970s, analyzing and harmonizing the relationship between human and environment has become a new topic of human geography.
At the end of August 1980 Tokyo The 24th session International Geographical Congress President of the General Assembly Britain University of London Professor M J. Wise is in Opening remarks "Today World Population Day Increase, environmental change Rapid, resource shortage and natural disaster How to be harmonious in frequent situations natural environment And humans cultural life It has become the main research task facing the international geography community.
In 1955, the United States University of Washington Professor W 50. Garrison opened a research class with mathematics statistical method Cultivated a batch of geography The. Among them, the British scholar R J. Jolly and P. Hagert introduced the quantitative method after 1960 University of Cambridge and University of Bristol The Department of Geography made this innovation spread quickly among geographers in various countries Geographical phenomenon The expression of distribution difference began to develop from qualitative stage to quantitative stage. aviation measuring technique The application of satellite remote sensing technology has greatly improved the data collection and mapping work of geography, and played an important role in the development of human geography Facilitation The application of electronic computers enables geographers to deal with complex calculations of various variables, adopt new statistical methods and technical means to study some spatial laws, carry out accurate measurements, and express them in digital form Man land relationship Explain regional differences and changes.
human geography
1950s system theory After its establishment, it quickly became the basic methodology of all disciplines. U.S.A geographer E. A. Ackerman proposed in 1965 that geographers should explore a systematic concept of many different but interdependent variables, and deal with the system of human and environment from a time-space perspective. Since the 1960s, many scholars have been studying ecosystem Political system economic system social system as well as Geographical system To contribute.
With the introduction of quantitative calculation and system theory, geography began to use models to describe the geographical phenomena studied. Sweden Geologist T Hagstrom Explain with inductive model new things Wave characteristics, using stochastic model To predict the diffusion probability of new things, which has attracted wide attention. The Model of Geography (1967) and D W. Harvey's Interpretation of Geography (1969) has played a great role in promoting the use of models to explore practical problems in geography.
The emergence of fields
as well as socio-cultural geography Urban geography Improvement of status. 1960s behavioral science After the rise Behavioral geography Research. In the 1970s, Behavioral research It is very popular in geography social groupings The process of reaction and behavior decision of, class and stratum to different environments makes geography Solve practical problems The decision can play a greater role.
the Second World War In the future, tourism will flourish, Tourism income about national economy The growing importance of income has made Tourism Geography It has developed rapidly and become a new branch of human geography. Human beings exist in the form of various social groups, whose different cultures are social environment It is also a factor restricting people's behavior. Therefore, since the Second World War social phenomenon and cultural difference The importance of sociocultural geography is increasing. At the same time, many countries need to rebuild cities, and new cities are rapidly increasing City size The growing trend has prompted Urbanization process Accelerate to bring a series of housing, employment, transportation, environment, etc Urban issues So that urban geography gradually occupies an important position in human geography.
Associative motion
human geography
Traditional human geography Regional studies Economic regionalization and cultural landscape The type is its main topic, and it turns to analyze and solve real social problems, involving Territorial improvement Environmental protection, poverty and hunger, racial discrimination, rational utilization of resources and improvement of people's lives. This kind of topic of human geography directional Transformation is the so-called associated movement. The traditional study of human geography is to split the combination of complex phenomena in order to study each component of the whole complex environment separately, thus leading to the division of disciplines. Since the middle of the 20th century, human geography has begun to face social problems, thus breaking the artificial boundaries of various branches in research and emerging new synthesis.
In addition, since the 1970s, there have also been two claims of human geography:
One is Humanism The school of geography that believes in quantitative movement Mechanical model Suppresses the subjectivity , proposed human centered geography, committed to observing the special Spatial concept Of social structure , study them and civil life Understand the meaning and value of life.
One is the radical geography school. Because of the recession of the American economy after the 1960s, the class National contradiction Outstanding, some geographers think that the first thing to do is capitalism System, and revolutionary character Make suggestions for changes. They founded the publication Opposite to publicize their own views and research results.
In addition, some scholars proposed to use Marxist historical materialism Armed geography proposes a new direction of synthesis and opposes the tendency of disciplinary division and specialization.

Sub discipline

After long-term development, human geography has formed a relatively complete Discipline system Generally, it can be divided into comprehensive theory part, general theory part (departmental human geography) and monograph part (regional human geography). The comprehensive theory of human geography mainly refers to the study of the theory of man land relationship. The general theory of human geography can be divided into economic, political social culture In the three major aspects, some scholars also divide it into two main aspects: social culture and economy. The monograph on human geography includes Regional geography Research.
In Human Geography edited by Ye Baoming( People's Education Press )The main sub disciplines are:
6. Tourism Geography
10. Community Geography
Division Method II
human geography
stay Wang Enyong In Human Geography (Higher Education Press) edited by Zhao Rong et al
7. Tourism Geography
8. Political Geography
Division method 3
In Human Geography (the second edition) edited by Chen Huilin, Science Press )The main sub disciplines are:
1. Economic Geography
2. Population Geography
3. Settlement Geography
4. Cultural Geography
5. Tourism Geography
6. Political Geography
Division Method 4
According to the research object of human geography and the actual situation of the current development of various branches, human geography is divided into four major parts: economic geography, political geography, socio-cultural geography and urban geography. This division method is rough and can be further subdivided.
economic geography
To explain human production and Means of subsistence Production, circulation and consumption distribution economic activity Geographical distribution and spatial organization Is the main task. modern Great Geographical Discovery Later, the commercial activities of human beings flourished unprecedentedly, resulting in the predecessor of economic geography - Business Geography In the second half of the 19th century, geographers began to physical geography Explore the economy on the basis of Production activities and geographical environment Relationship. Economic geography research is expanded to include agricultural geography, industrial geography Transportation geography And business geography. Traditional economic geography is concerned with the relationship between the distribution of various resources, production and commerce and the natural environment Production layout Location analysis is the core of the study. among location theory and Central place theory It plays an important role in the development of geography and other disciplines. Attention has been paid to the study of modern economic geography social structure , government decisions and people's behavior decisions Economic layout And there are economics of national land We should attach importance to the issue of land consolidation. Some scholars believe that tourism involved in tourism geography belongs to the category of economic activities, so tourism geography is also one of the components of economic geography.
Political Geography
Analyze by studying the relationship between nationals and territories Political phenomenon It also analyzes the role of various national groups with political, military, economic and religious backgrounds in the world and regions. The change of political boundaries and the analysis of the evolution, structure and function of political regions are also the contents of political geography. Published in 1897 Ratzel Political Geography, which regards the state as an organism attached to the earth“ living space ”The concept of. Later, H.J. Mackinder proposed in 1904 Lu Xin said Because of their and other scholars' efforts, political geography has become an important branch of human geography. In the 1930s, K House Hover hold Geopolitics Introduced to Germany nazi Of Aggressive policy The wrong way of service affected the development of political geography after the Second World War. The application of modern analytical techniques and models has enabled geographers to measure the efficiency and effect of various political regions at all levels, and began to study political behavior And the geographical background of government decision-making. For example, participate in the decision-making of land improvement, the positioning of the capital Metropolitan area Structure national park Settings vote Model geographical distribution and territorial sea boundary and coastal area fishing right And other topics. Military geography Research and military action Like political geography, the study of related geographical problems is ultimately for political purposes.
socio-cultural geography
For a long time, geographical works have paid attention to the distribution of races and nationalities and the impact of natural environment on human beings. Latzel's representative works on human geography are“ Human Geography ”Naming. stay Vidal Blanc and White Luna In his works on human geography Ethnic geography Content of. however, Ethnography And ethnic geography ethnology ethnology And geography Marginal discipline However, most researchers are ethnologists and ethnologists.
Journal of Human Geography
Local population size Distribution and migration are important geographical phenomena, which attract great attention of human geography scholars. The first chapter of Vidal Blanc's Principles of Human Geography discusses the distribution and density of human beings on the earth, as well as the population situation of each continent. the First World War After that, I. Bowman analyzed Central Europe Population of Regional differentiation Phenomenon, Swedish geographer S. De Yell studies Sweden in depth population distribution And make population Distribution map Since then, population geography has become a branch of human geography.
Settlement is an important cultural landscape, which reflects both the characteristics of the natural environment and the differences of human culture. German geographer J G. Cole was the first person to make a systematic study of settlements. In 1841, he published the Relationship between Human Transport and Residence and Terrain. Bai Luna listed the settlement phenomenon of housing as the first principle and first item of the geographical facts of life, including the type of housing, village form, urban location and its relationship with the environment. Since then, the study of settlement geography has formed its own style in some countries. For example, Germany focuses on settlement landscape, France focuses on the impact of economy on settlement, Britain focuses on the historical geography of settlement, and the United States focuses on the residence of white pioneers. After the formation of settlement geography, urban geography, which initially included it, gradually became an independent branch of human geography due to its rapid development, making settlement geography actually a study of rural settlement geography. Based on the economy, society and resources of rural areas environmental problems For the study object Rural geography It is also developed on the basis of settlement geography, but its research content has gone beyond Rural settlement geography Category.
Social geography analyzes social phenomena in space and studies various Social type And analyze and compare the relationship between them. Emphasize on exploring the relationship between man and land social factors Impact on regional cultural landscape and lifestyle. The research content includes geographical problems in population, settlement, nationality, religion, language, behavior and induction, and is committed to solving social problems. Cultural geography explains all kinds of Cultural elements How to make different regions have various regional characteristics, the research object and content have many similarities with social geography. But the former focuses on the regional characteristics of different social groups and their relationship with the environment, while the latter focuses on the cultural regions created by human beings. Some scholars collectively refer to the contents of social geography and cultural geography as sociocultural geography.
Urban geography
Modern World urban population The proportion is getting higher and higher, and the scale of cities is getting larger and larger, Urban geography Learning has also developed rapidly. The main contents include the formation and growth process of the city, the functions and characteristics of the city, and the space structure social organization And its influence scope, city Population composition , city type and planning, etc. Many quantitative methods in geography were first applied to the study of urban geography.


Although the distribution, diffusion and change of humanistic phenomena are restricted by the natural environment, social, economic, cultural and political factors, especially the society Production mode and Socio economic system It also plays a very important role. Therefore, human geography can be said to be a branch of geography humanities or social sciences The research characteristics of human geography are comprehensive Regionality and Dynamic The common characteristics of all branches of geography, such as, etc., also have the characteristics of taking human phenomena as the research subject; Although its research object is similar to that of social science, it focuses on the characteristics of geographical distribution and the relationship between human phenomena and geographical environment, which is different from social science, thus forming its unique theory and method and becoming an interdisciplinary frontier science. As a discipline close to humanities or social sciences in geography, human geography research method Both traditional methods in geography (such as field survey and map application) and modern methods (such as Aerial photograph , satellite photos Geographical model And introduce a large number of social science methods (such as sampling survey, quantitative technology, psychology Behaviors And other research methods).
Task and significance
human geography
Geography is a subject that studies the spatial distribution of natural and human phenomena on the earth's surface and the relationship between them. Human geography and physical geography are two closely related parts. Therefore, the development of human geography plays an important role in the development of geography. Human geography is the same as economics demography , political science and environmental science, ecology Regional science The combination of behavioral science can solve the problem of Resource shortage , population crisis, natural disasters, environmental pollution, ecological balance and urban problems countries and regions Our economic development plan plays an important role. Among the branches and research subjects of human geography, many are also one of the basic research contents of other disciplines. For example, economic geography for economics, population geography for population science, urban geography for urban science, political geography for political science, military geography for Military science Ethnic Geography's Impact on Ethnology Linguistic Geography For linguistics Religious geography about Religion Ethnography is an indispensable part of anthropology.
In the 1930s and 1960s in the Soviet Union, there was a one-sided practice of replacing human geography with economic geography and splitting the relationship between human geography and physical geography, which hindered the development of human geography. Soviet geography recovered Unified geography Economic geography has also involved other social factors, becoming socio-economic geography. China also abolished human geography from the 1950s to the 1970s, and began to vigorously resume human geography research in the 1980s. On the one hand, we systematically introduced foreign theories and methods of human geography; on the other hand, we carried out research on population geography, urban geography, tourism geography and other aspects on the basis of the original research on economic geography and other disciplines.
Issues and trends
Human geography still lacks macro research in large regions and small regions Microscopic research The theory and method needed for the connection between them is still a loose combination of many branches and disciplines, which needs further development. In addition, the theoretical discussion on the relationship between man and land, the application of quantitative statistical methods and models, and systems, the introduction of behavioral science, and the research on practical social problems are still in the initial stage.
Although human geography still has some problems and weak link , but in modern times social development In China, the role of human (especially human quality) and the role of science and technology have become increasingly prominent, which has strengthened the trend of human culture in geography. The improvement of the status of human geography will make the development of geography enter a new stage.
Human geography is a kind of knowledge about society, nature and human beings. Compared with other categories of geography, it is more difficult, but its content is closer to our life. Learning this knowledge well is of great help to our life.