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Personnel selection

The process of selecting the best candidate for the organization's job requirements
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Personnel selection refers to the selection of personnel from Application Choose the most suitable organization post The required person's process, including preliminary screen written examination interview Situational simulation Psychological test physical examination , personal data verification, etc. Personnel selection can be divided into trainees and trainees. Trainees must have the conditions of necessity and trainability; Generally, relevant experts are invited to teach lessons.
Chinese name
Personnel selection
Knowledge, skills, abilities, etc
Preliminary screening, written examination, interview, etc
Internal promotion of the organization

Information basis

The information on which personnel are selected can be divided into two categories:
1、 Knowledge, skills and abilities.
2、 Personality, interests, preferences.



Internal promotion of the organization

Cultivate, select and appoint from within the organization management
(1) It is conducive to ensuring the correctness of the selection work;
(2) It is conducive to the rapid work of the employed;
(3) It is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of the organization members;
(4) It is conducive to attracting external talents;
(5) Selection costs are low.
(1) Cause dissatisfaction of competitors;
(2) It is easy to cause "inbreeding";
(3) The scope of alternatives is narrow.

Organization external recruitment

Select candidates who meet the requirements of management positions from candidates outside the organization according to certain standards and procedures management
(1) Employees have "external advantages". For example, employees have no "historical burden", and internal members (subordinates) only know about them working ability And actual achievements, but based on its history, especially Career Little is known about the failure records in;
(2) External recruitment It is beneficial to calm and ease the tension between internal competitors;
(3) External recruitment can provide organization Bring fresh air.
(1) The work adaptation period of external cadres is long;
(2) It is difficult to accurately judge the management ability of the employee;
(3) It is easy to strike internal employees.

Technical indicators

(1) Reliability of personnel selection
It refers to the degree of reliability and consistency of the evaluation results, that is, the degree of consistency of the same evaluation results for the same subject at different times, or the correlation coefficient of the results of two equivalent evaluations for the same subject.
Reliability evaluation method
Retest reliability: conduct the same test at different times
Equivalence reliability: each candidate is required to do two sets of equivalent test questions, or let different evaluators evaluate the candidate
Split half reliability: divide the test questions into two parts according to odd and even terms, and then calculate the correlation coefficient of the two equivalent evaluation results. The coefficient is 1, indicating that the evaluation tool is completely reliable, and the coefficient is - 1, indicating that the evaluation tool is completely unreliable.
(2) Validation of personnel selection
According to the characteristics of applicants before entering the enterprise, the accuracy of job performance after entering the enterprise is predicted.
Content validity: refers to the degree to which the test content is consistent with the actual work content. For example, if the actual work is English translation, the candidate's English writing and speaking skills should be examined in the evaluation. If the cashier of the retail store is selected, the math test should include the calculation problems of refund, purchase money and goods transaction.
Criterion related
Methods: Concurrent Validation and Predictive Validation