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quality of personnel

Basic qualities in knowledge, talent, morality, style, etc
People preparation refers to a person's basic qualities in knowledge, talent, morality, style, etc.
Chinese name
quality of personnel
Foreign name
people preparation
Necessity of improving personnel quality
(1) Relying on science and technology to revitalize enterprises must improve the quality of personnel [1]
quality of personnel
In the 1990s, the world's science and technology developed rapidly, and science and technology has become the first productive force. In this sense, the improvement of enterprise quality depends on the degree of scientific and technological progress of enterprises. With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid transformation to productivity, the competition for the survival and development of today's enterprises is increasingly manifested as the competition of technological level. If an enterprise does not have a strong sense of technological progress and a mechanism to constantly pursue technological progress, it will go into decline, and then be eliminated in the fierce market competition. Since the reform and opening up, our enterprises have fully realized this, actively carried out technological transformation, and introduced advanced science and technology and equipment at home and abroad. However, many advanced science and technology and equipment of some enterprises are not well managed, used, and played their due role. The reason is that they ignored the quality of enterprise personnel. Therefore, the development of enterprises, relying on science and technology, must improve the quality of personnel.
(2) The quality of personnel must be improved for product update
Science and technology are constantly developing. People's production and life demand more and more new products, and the requirements for quality are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, enterprises must constantly update their products and improve their product quality so that they can have strong vitality. Product renewal and improvement of product quality require employees to have high cultural knowledge and technical updating ability. If the quality of enterprise personnel is too poor, it will inevitably drag the development of the enterprise. Only by improving the quality of personnel, can the upgrading of enterprise products and the improvement of product quality become the conscious action of enterprise employees and be carried out smoothly.
(3) Management Renewal Must Improve the Quality of Enterprise Personnel
Modern enterprise is a complex of technology modernization and modern management. Without first-class management, there will be no first-class enterprises and first-class benefits. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the contradiction between experience based management and traditional management methods was not prominent, but today, the enterprise has a large scale, complex structure, huge amount of information, and advanced equipment. If the management is based on experience management and traditional management, it cannot meet the requirements of modern enterprises, and it is difficult for enterprises to play their due benefits. Therefore, the renewal management is the requirement of the objective development of enterprises. The adoption of modern and scientific management methods also depends on people to master and adapt. If the quality of personnel is not high, advanced management methods cannot be mastered, and employees cannot adapt, it is impossible to apply advanced management methods to the actual work of enterprises. Therefore, management updating also requires improving personnel quality.