zero Useful+1

Densely populated area

Areas such as towns, villages, busy roads or large open meeting places
Densely populated areas town village , busy roads or large open meeting places.
Chinese name
Densely populated area
Foreign name
Densely populated area
Densely populated area
High population density

brief introduction


Population density

The population density is the population density per unit area of land Population It is an indicator of population density around the world. The unit of calculation is usually the permanent population per square kilometer or per hectare. The land area of the world is 148 million square kilometers. Taking the world population of 7.057 billion as an example, the average population density is about 47 people per square kilometer.
Population density is the number of people living on a unit area of land. It is an indicator of population density around the world. The unit of calculation is usually the permanent population per square kilometer or per hectare. Formula: population density=total population/area.

Population density grade

We can see the world from the distribution of population density population distribution The situation. The population density is generally divided into several levels:
Level I densely populated area>100 people/km2
Level II middle population area 25~100 people/km2
Level III sparsely populated area 1~25 people/km2
Level IV extremely sparsely populated areas<1 person/km2

Dense population

Population density refers to the population density per unit area of a certain area.
The higher the population density, the denser the population.

National policies

Densely populated areas town village , busy roads or large open meeting places. The population density here is high, and countries have different policies on whether to allow UAVs to fly.

Relevant policies of China

In 2015, Ke Yubao, director of the UAV Office under the Mainland Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, pointed out at the Aviation Development Summit held in Beijing that the Civil Aviation Administration of the Mainland was about to update the laws and regulations to restrict the use of commercial UAVs in densely populated areas, so the scene of commercial UAVs shuttling around big cities and delivering goods for e-commerce companies might not come true. [1]

Relevant policies of the United States

Federal Aviation Administration Under consideration Micro UAV The latest proposal of the Aviation Rules Making Committee is to modify the previously issued regulations on UAV management and allow some UAVs to fly over densely populated areas.
The Micro UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) is a government supported committee, whose role is to make recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the regulation of micro UAVs (weighing less than 4.4 pounds). [2]