Population composition

[rén kǒu gòu chéng]
Social terminology
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Population composition refers to the division of the population into various components. According to the different characteristics of the population, it can be divided into three categories of population composition: natural composition, regional composition and social composition. The natural composition is divided according to the physiological attributes of the population, mainly including gender composition and age composition. Regional composition refers to the geographical distribution of population, including the administrative, natural and economic regional distribution of population, urban and rural distribution, etc. The social composition is divided according to the social and economic attributes of the population, including the composition of the marital status of the population, family type, class or stratum, ethnic composition, religious belief, employment and non employment, industry composition, occupation composition, cultural and educational level composition, etc. [1]
According to population composition factor The characteristics and functions of the population can be classified into three categories: 1. natural population composition; 2. Regional composition of population; 3. Social composition of population.
Chinese name
Population composition
Foreign name
Natural, regional and social composition of population
Category II
Age composition, occupation composition, etc
Include content
Age, gender, occupation, culture, etc
Also called
population structure


Population structure, also known as population composition, is a result of dividing population by different standards. It reflects the various qualitative and prescriptive quantitative proportion relationships within the population in a certain region at a certain time point, mainly including gender structure and age structure. The factors constituting these standards mainly include age, gender, race, nationality, religion, education, occupation, income, family size, etc.

Population structure classification


Natural structure

According to the biological characteristics of the population, there are mainly gender structure and age structure. The natural structure of population is not only the inevitable result of population reproduction, but also the basis and starting point of population reproduction. It has an important restrictive effect on the scale and speed of population development, and thus has an important impact on social and economic development. At the same time, social and economic development also restricts the natural population structure through a series of intermediate links.

social structure

According to the social characteristics of the population, it mainly includes class structure, national structure, cultural structure, language structure, religious structure, marriage structure, family structure, occupational structure, departmental structure, etc. The development of social economy and the mode of social production determine the social structure of population and its changes; The social structure of population reacts to the development of social economy. The social structure of population has a significant impact on population reproduction. Different classes, nationalities, cultures, religions, marriages, families, occupations and departments have different birth rates, mortality rates and natural growth rates, and the average life span also has corresponding differences.

Geographical structure

According to the residential area of the population Physical geographical structure And administrative regional structure. The regional structure of population is related to the geographical environment, natural resources and economic development. A reasonable regional structure of population is conducive to the development and utilization of natural resources and the promotion of urban and rural economic development. The regional structure of population is also an important reason for the regional differences in population birth rate, mortality rate and average life span.


Population structure is the historical product of social, economic, cultural development and human development. Under the interaction of population, social and economic development, the age structure, urban and rural structure, industrial structure, occupational structure and cultural structure of the population have formed their own characteristics and changing regularity. Understanding the trend of population structure change is of great significance for population prediction, economic and social development planning, population policy and socio-economic policy formulation.
The proportional relationship between various parts of the population according to various characteristics. Population composition is the quantitative and proportional relationship of various attribute characteristics within the population. It reflects the quality (quality) of the population and the level of economic development in various regions of the country.

important factor

Among the factors of population structure, Age and Gender It is the most basic, core and important factor. Age structure and gender structure are the most influential factors in population structure. The ideal age structure should conform to the two characteristics of "low population growth and long life"; The low growth of population refers to the low growth of the annual birth population (the birth rate is between 14.0 ‰ and 16.0 ‰). The rapid growth of the annual birth population (the birth rate is higher than 16.0 ‰) and the negative growth (the birth rate is lower than 14.0 ‰) will worsen the population structure! The ideal gender structure should conform to the principle that "the number of men and women of the same age is equal or similar".

Age factor

Generally speaking, the general social and economic situation of a country can be reflected through its population structure. When it comes to this issue, age is the most important factor. When we divide the population by age, we can roughly divide it into the following three models.
The first is the growth type. That is, the birth rate is much higher than the death rate, and the proportion of adolescents in the population is very large. This type of social population will increase rapidly in a relatively short period of time, so there is no need to worry about the labor force. Broad Third World Countries , including most African countries, India, Southeast Asian countries and South American countries.
The second is the stable type, that is, the birth rate of the population is roughly equal to the death rate. Young adults account for the upper middle of the social population. The population in this type of society will remain in a relatively stable state, and will not increase or decrease significantly.
The third type is the aging type, that is, the birth rate of the population is slightly lower than or equal to the death rate, and the elderly account for a larger proportion of the population, and will become larger and larger. This type of social population tends to age and decrease. The major developed countries in the world, except the United States, are gradually developing towards an aging society. The improvement of living and medical standards, coupled with the reduction of the birth rate, have led to the lack of sufficient labor force in aging countries, which has caused a very big social problem. Such as old-age insurance, medical care for the elderly, and increased social burden. [2]

Gender factors

Gender is another important factor. According to the principle of biology, the probability of human having male offspring and female offspring is the same, that is to say, each accounts for 50%. This is true in the world as a whole. However, in a few countries, due to traditional social concepts and some special reasons Imbalance of sex ratio
In the past, it was believed that there were tens of millions more men than women in China, but the sixth population census showed that the male population accounted for 51.27% of China's population; The female population accounts for 48.73%, and the overall proportion is not unbalanced. This problem also exists in India, because the dowry of Indian women is very high, so many families choose to drown their baby girls to prevent the whole family from falling into poverty due to marriage problems. In addition, some external reasons can also lead to population imbalance. For example, after the end of World War II, the government encouraged fertility because of the excessive death of Soviet men in World War II.
Although other classification methods also exist, they are not as common and practical as the first two.

Population composition of China

As the locomotive of the world economy, China is increasingly facing ageing of population Problems.
Usually, when the proportion of people over 65 years old exceeds 7% of the total population, it is called“ Aging society ”And more than 14% is called "aging society". China reached 7.6% in 2005. In fact, China has entered an aging society since 2001.
From an aging society to an aging society, it took France 115 years, Britain 47 years, Germany 40 years, and Japan 24 years. The speed is amazing. according to the United Nations According to the demographic data of, China will enter the aging society from 2024 to 2026, with the speed roughly the same as that of Japan.
One of the reasons for this is that China has implemented Only child The policy has led to the decline of the birth rate. Of course, the decline in the birth rate will not be immediately associated with the aging of the population. The number of people of "productive age" between 15 and 65 who can participate in economic activities is still increasing. This country with a high population ratio often has growth potential. This is called“ demographic dividend ”。 From the general experience, if the population structure problem is properly addressed and the demographic dividend is fully utilized, we can catch up with the developed countries. Therefore, we need to establish a labor market that can absorb young people. Japan has almost achieved full employment during the period of rapid economic growth, and has played the role of demographic dividend to the maximum extent.
So what will happen to China? In terms of population composition, demographic bonus It started from 1965 to 1970. At that time, China was at the height of socialist construction. Due to low production efficiency, the average annual economic growth rate from 1965 to 1978 was only 3.9%. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has grown at a high speed, but the labor force population will decrease in 2015. Japan's demographic dividend ended in the 1990s, while China's GDP per capita (GDP) is less than 4000 US dollars. In other words, the demographic dividend will end before China becomes a developed country.
There are many farmers in rural China, who are actually unemployed. They swarmed into cities as migrant workers, looking for jobs. As long as China gives full play to the role of migrant workers, it can extend and enjoy the demographic dividend for a long time. Shanghai, Beijing and other cities owe their development to this.
But on the other hand, demographic bonus It may also be shortened. Most of the people who flow into cities are young people, and a large number of elderly people stay in rural areas, which has accelerated the aging of rural areas. In addition, young people generally have higher educational qualifications, while the elderly who stay in rural areas often do not have experience, knowledge and technology outside of agriculture. In the future, they cannot look for jobs like young migrant workers. In that case, the demographic dividend period may be shortened. [3]
Many people expect the prosperity of Shanghai and Beijing to spread to local areas and form a "big market of 1.3 billion people".
Shanghai per capita gross domestic product It has exceeded 10000 US dollars, but the vast rural areas are in a different way. The problem of aging is first highlighted not in cities with low birth rates, but in poor rural areas, and the rural social security system is not perfect.
China will take an unprecedented path of "aging in the low-income stage" in the world. [4]

Population composition of the United States

The United States is a superpower. People who come to this country to investigate generally pay more attention to economic development and social and political phenomena, while ignoring population development. In fact, the population development of the United States is also thought-provoking. Diversified ethnic structure The United States is a multi-ethnic country. According to the 2000 census, the single ethnic population of the United States is 275 million, accounting for 97.6%; The mixed race is 6.8 million, accounting for 2.4%. In a single ethnic group, the white population is 211 million, accounting for 76.7% of the total population; 34 million black people, accounting for 12.3%; There are 102.4 million Asians, accounting for 3.6%. The single race of the United States is composed of 68 different nationalities.
The formation of this multi-ethnic situation is mainly attributable to immigrant The United States is a typical country of immigrants. The real so-called American Indians and Alaskan natives and their descendants are only 4.1 million, accounting for only 1.5% of the total population of the country. The vast majority of immigrants and their descendants come from other ethnic groups abroad. From the end of the 15th century when the New World was discovered, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Britain and other countries began to immigrate to North America, which opened the door to American immigration. By 1773, Britain had established 13 colonies. According to statistics, from 1820 to 183 in 2002, 68.22 million foreign residents migrated to the United States, including 38.82 million from Europe, 9.42 million from Asia, 18.95 million from the Americas, 790000 from Africa, and 240000 from Oceania. Among Asian countries, the largest number of immigrants to the United States is the Philippines (1.63 million), followed by China (1.44 million), and India (0.95 million). [5]